View Full Version : now that Irene has passed, are you happy with the level or preparedness by officials?

08-29-2011, 10:10 AM
Or do you think it was a lot of hype?
I think it was for the best, because it could have gone either way, razor's edge. One of the coolest sound bites was from Gov Christie
"I saw some videos of people still on the beach at Asbury Park. Get the hell off the beach and get out!! No more working on your tan lines, you're done!":clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:

08-29-2011, 12:39 PM
I think they did a good job with the evacuations. If they didn't do that and more people died they would be blamed for it. I saw a picture of 2 little kids playing in the surf near the seaside pier during the hurricane. It was in the star ledger. Most people probably thought this was cute, but if they got washed in then it would have been a tragedy. I don't know what kind of parent lets their kids think it is ok to walk around in the surf in conditions like that.

08-29-2011, 12:53 PM
Yes, some people would never be happy no matter whether you warn them or not. They all did and said the right thing. Kudos to Christie!