View Full Version : NJ fishing reports for September 2011.www.StripersandAnglers.com

09-01-2011, 03:59 PM
NJ fishing reports for September 2011. ..www.StripersandAnglers.com (http://www.stripersandanglers.com/)

NJ fishing reports for September 2011...www.stripersandanglers.com (http://www.stripersandanglers.com/)
Important when registering on our site -- use an active email address so you can activate your account to be able to post.

Please post fishing reports here.......as little or as much detail as you want to give.

Please note: NO SPOT BURNING! Posts burning spots will be Edited or DELETED!
Some veteran fishermen have put in years developing and learning about certain spots.Some of these spots can only handle a few guys at a time. We are losing enough access as it is, due to the unfortunate behavior of a few selfish people. No sense in making it worse.

For some areas, it would be wiser to say:
Out Front (Ocean) OR -- Out Back (Bay) -- if you feel too many people will figure out what you are talking about. "Spot burning" also could involve mentioning something specific only to that area. If you do this, your post may be edited, or deleted. Remember that thousands of people could potentially read these posts. You don't want to be fishing next to ALL of them at the same time!

IF you are fishing an area that is NOT residential, being vague is less critical. For example, it's acceptable to say (Any)Park, or (Any)Bay, or mention a specific state park that has loads of parking and can handle the crowds.

If you are unclear on this concept, ask yourself:

If I name this place on the internet, will it be too crowded for me to enjoy tomorrow when people hear I got 30 fish here today?

If the answer is "Yes", then you should probably not be so specific.
More discussion on this:
http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/...ead.php?t=3763 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/showthread.php?t=3763)

We post these reports so our community will have a sense of what is working, what is not. We want to show people how to catch fish, rather than where.Even if you struck out or got skunked, it would be helpful to hear that as well.

If you have any additional details you would like to share - weather conditions, tide (incoming, outgoing, ebb, flood) water temps, bait present, or other mention of techniques or plugs used - feel free.

Some acronyms -

SH - Sandy Hook
NoMoCo - Northern Monmouth County (below the hook to Shark River Inlet SRI)
SoMoCo - Southern Monmouth County (below SRI to Manasquan Inlet)

OC - Ocean County
IBSP - Island Beach State Park
LBI - Long Beach Island

AC - Atlantic County
AI - Absecon Inlet
CISP - Corson's Inlet State Park
CMC - Cape May County
CMR - Cape May Rips
GEI - Great Egg Inlet
TI - Townsend's Inlet

RB - Raritan Bay
BB - Barnegat Bay
CB - Chesapeake Bay
CBBT - Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel
DB - Delaware Bay

09-01-2011, 04:04 PM
you won the plug in the August random drawing!:clapping: :thumbsup:
PM me your address so I can send it out to ya!

We post these reports so our community will have a sense of what is working, what is not. We want to show people how to catch fish, rather than where.

If you struck out or got skunked, it would be helpful to hear that as well. Anyone who posts a report can win a plug even if they got skunked! :skunk::D

This month we're giving out plugs from Ace Baits, or something similar.
http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/...splay.php?f=83 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/forumdisplay.php?f=83)

Thanks for posting and helping to make this a great site! :clapping:

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6338&thumb=1&d=1238964999 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6338&d=1238964999)

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6340&thumb=1&d=1238965622 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6340&d=1238965622)

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6339&thumb=1&d=1238965319 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6339&d=1238965319)

09-01-2011, 04:25 PM
Remember people...lots of folks are asking when the fall run is going to "begin".
I'm telling ya's that there are only 90 days left in this area till the fall fishing starts to peter out....
Good luck and be safe....

Fished a few places in the ocean last night.
First few stops no fish.
Word must have gotten out about some numbers, because the first few beaches were a lot more crowded with fishermen than normal.
Lots of fishing, no catching...;)

I ended up at a place that was familiar, but the spot was new to me, some structure. I decided since things were slow to stay there. Worked that area for 2 1/2 hours.
It was a bad strategic decision to stay there...I stubbornly refused to believe fish weren't there in numbers....:beatin:

Finally redeemed the night with a short bass on a swimmer.
A little discouraged and feeling beat up and humbled, I moved to the beach where I got fish the other night.

Surely I could pull a fish or 2 from that beach, right? http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon3.png
Not a chance, not even a tap as I fished the same tide as the other night. Because I wasn't catching, went through every presentation I had, still not a touch.

Pretty discouraging.
Hey, that's fishin. :fishing:


6 bass this AM 21" to 32" all on plugs with none of DS's imaginary secret elixir and no white water all released alive and well
Yep, I did embellish that part. You catch so many fish that some might like to think you have a secret formula, when the truth, is that it's all those years of putting your time in, you could find a fish in a toilet if ya had to....

They say the grouchiest guys make the best fishermen. I'm gonna practice my grouchy posturing, are you up to giving any lessons? :kiss:
(WTG, btw.... :thumbsup:)

09-01-2011, 06:54 PM
Remember people...lots of folks are asking when the fall run is going to "begin".
I'm telling ya's that there are only 90 days left in this area till the fall fishing starts to peter out....

Ain't that the truth. All of the internet heroes will wait till they see the pics posted on the boards before they decide to suit up and go fishing. Fine with me, there are no fish in NJ anyway. Everyone please go to Montauk, that's where they are.
Got one bass 30" last night, top of the tide, in the back, concrete fishing, rubber.

09-01-2011, 06:58 PM
Hey nice going guys! The back bay is still like chocolate milk. There is still bait around but nothing like it was before Irene. We got some small blues last night, on frozen bunker. Still waiting for the weakfish and bass to show.

09-01-2011, 10:40 PM
Yep, I did embellish that part. You catch so many fish that some might like to think you have a secret formula, when the truth, is that it's all those years of putting your time in, you could find a fish in a toilet if ya had to....

Catch a fish in a toilet, this I have to see to believe!
Or maybe we don't want to see that, I dont know why you would associate finchaser with toilet fishing, dark!:eek:

09-03-2011, 11:44 AM
Thank you darkskies I really appreciate it!!
I fished an Atlantic County beach this morning, the surf was still a little rough. Fished bloodworms on a hi lo kingfish rig. Got 2 kingfish and 3 spot for bait later on. Right at the start of incoming.

09-03-2011, 05:44 PM
Hit up Island beach today around high tide. A few blues came through, on metal. That was it, and some birds picking at small bait about 1 mile out. Didn't bring the binocs so couldn't see if it was any worthwhile action. seamonkey you're right it seems there is a building swell, maybe from that katia hurricane coming down the pike next week.

09-03-2011, 06:12 PM
Invest 94 is off Nj and heading out to sea that is where the east swell is from

09-03-2011, 07:56 PM
Finally got out for a few hours today, I fished NoMoCo from 3 to 6:30 PM. I used Fin-s and caught 1 Bass (short), 2 Fluke (shorts) and a bunch of snappers.

09-04-2011, 03:55 PM
Fished out front 1:00 to 7:30 this morning NOMOCO. Only managed a fluke accidentally on T-Hex. Was great getting out, water was still some what murky. Threw wood, Hogys, plastic, metal, buctails and poppers.

09-04-2011, 08:10 PM
Went out from 12:00 TO 4:00AM. NOMOCO. I didn't catch anything. I guess things are turning due to the storm down south.

09-04-2011, 10:00 PM
Plugged the front this morning, 5 to 9:30. Nothing in the dark, one rise at first light, birds harrassed my offerings at full light. Water off color/saw no baitfish.

09-04-2011, 11:06 PM
birds harrassed my offerings at full light. Water off color/saw no baitfish.
:HappyWave: Same here. Birds were a major pain, had to react very fast, they really wanted it. It took some skill getting the plug away from the birds :wow:

Monday morning report, Fished same ocean area 1:30 - 7:30. Did not see any bait, one bass, first one that I have caught on a Dookster (also first in 8 weeks), was in a rip. That bird in the pic ended up flying away with the Dookster, never set the hook, the bird dropped it after flying about 20 yards. Had great time out there.

09-07-2011, 12:06 PM
This AM 6 to 8 caught 2 blues both 4 to 5 pound on a bomber wind cheater and a 24" bass on a lead head with chartreuse rip tide tail all alive and well

09-07-2011, 04:05 PM
hey Monty, its nice to see that bass! thanx for the report. I haven't been out since may, i eager to start fishing again!

09-08-2011, 04:11 PM
Awesome that you are getting fish in this weather finchaser and monty, you guys must have the magic touch! Congrats, and beautiful surf shot monty.

09-08-2011, 04:23 PM
monty, that thing that you call the dookster, how do you fish it, if you don't mind my asking.

09-08-2011, 04:50 PM
This morning 7-9 AM 8 bluefish 3 to 5 pounds and a 23" bass all released. Except for 2 fish all on jig head and rip tide chartreuse mullet body

09-08-2011, 06:32 PM
monty, that thing that you call the dookster, how do you fish it, if you don't mind my asking.

Porgy, I just started fishing this plug this past weekend. I have a buddy that I bump into often who throws them a lot, I would be throwing pencils and he would throw Spooks (Dookster is After Hours plug, similar to Spook I believe). He always did very well with them. He would reel in pretty fast with a popping action. The area we fished had good current, rips and bars (bay side).
I was fishing it this weekend with short pops to the side, the plug would dart/dive side to side, not reeling very fast. Made nice commotion with its motion. Got the bass about 40-60 yards out in a real nice rip that had formed at low tide and lots of current.
Bottom line is I'm a relative rookie with this plug and I am really excited about adding the plug to the arsenal, seems versatile, an injured bait fish struggling, can walk it like a dog. Its going to take lots of casts away from pencil.

09-09-2011, 11:09 AM
Nice catches, guys. Got one short bass in the OC surf a few hours ago. The surf is still big but it's cleaning up a bit. Metal., 3 oz.

09-10-2011, 11:21 AM
Few small blues in OC right around sunrise, metal.

09-10-2011, 05:31 PM
Went fishing. This afternoon in RB got 1 microbass on kastmaster and a bunch of snappers also beginning of the of the incoming to mid tide. I watched the. Locals wipe out the mullet population.

09-10-2011, 05:56 PM
The immigrants come in and fill 5 gal bucket after bucket. There is no saving it for next year. It blows my mind how they could eat them things.

09-11-2011, 08:14 AM
Some of the guys I know are getting bass at night on the LI beaches and busting my ballz, so I had to get out there and see what I could do. :moon: :HappyWave:

Fished 3-5:45am.
Last half of the flood. Hit quite a few areas, most of them were dead. With the steady E wind of 15, I tried to avoid the ocean, but that's where the fish were.

It took a long time to dial in to the fish. The surf was big, so I threw big plugs. Lost the first 2 due to crappy Power Pro, will never use that again. With all the wind knots and PP breaks, I was getting kind of grouchy...:argue:

Between 5-5:45am I got 3 small bass on a magnum black bomber. Biggest was almost 28".
The wave duration prior to that was about every 3 secs, now it was every 2 secs. Some of the rollers were big and I took several sets over the head. As the wave action got worse, I knew it was time to leave, so I got the heck out of there before sunrise. :fishing:

09-11-2011, 02:11 PM
Some of the guys I know are getting bass at night on the LI beaches and busting my ballz, so I had to get out there and see what I could do. :moon: :HappyWave:

Fished 3-5:45am.
Last half of the flood. Hit quite a few areas, most of them were dead. With the steady E wind of 15, I tried to avoid the ocean, but that's where the fish were.

It took a long time to dial in to the fish. The surf was big, so I threw big plugs. Lost the first 2 due to crappy Power Pro, will never use that again. With all the wind knots and PP breaks, I was getting kind of grouchy...:argue:

Between 5-5:45am I got 3 small bass on a magnum black bomber. Biggest was almost 28".
The wave duration prior to that was about every 3 secs, now it was every 2 secs. Some of the rollers were big and I took several sets over the head. As the wave action got worse, I knew it was time to leave, so I got the heck out of there before sunrise. :fishing:

Once again you prove you are insane especially fishing alone in that sh_t but then again, anyone with half a brain knows there is no fish worth dying for and was at home not on a jetty.Hopefully you won't learn the hard way. Big differnce between the LIsound beach and Ocean with a moon tide storm surge

09-11-2011, 02:58 PM
Fished out front this morning 1:30 to 7:30. Ended up with the skunk, was a little rough out there, high frequency of waves. Lots of white water. Water was stained in close. Had fun, did not have any waves break over my head (Dark, you make me laugh, nice job catching:thumbsup:, I had problems with Power Pro a couple years ago, tried it again last year, more problems).

09-11-2011, 07:26 PM
Once again you prove you are insane especially fishing alone in that sh_t but then again, anyone with half a brain knows there is no fish worth dying for

Aah I can just feel the love in that post...I woulda called Monty but we were both on a mission scouting out super sekrit locations in case you run out of fish to catch in OC and want to come up and fish with us one night...:rolleyes:

I'm not happy with a flood tide in that area and will try not to be out there on the incoming again...Thanks for the concern, Dad, love ya...:kiss: :HappyWave:

09-11-2011, 11:08 PM
darkskies please dont take this the wrong way, but aren't you the one talking about safety all the time? I tried to go out fishing last night. Went to sandy hook and the waves were terrible so I turned around and went home. You and monty were out there, I don't know how you guys did that with all those massive waves one after the other. Then finchaser tells you you are insane and you kind of make fun at him. That doesn't seem too respectful of his opinion. Inasmuch as you talk all the time about the experience he has, maybe you and monty should be listening to his warnings. Just my2 cents.

09-12-2011, 07:18 AM
I tried to go out fishing last night. Went to sandy hook and the waves were terrible so I turned around and went home. You and monty were out there, I don't know how you guys did that with all those massive waves one after the other.
Baitstealer, I fished well south of the Hook and although there were lots of waves coming fast, I never considered it dangerous fishing the mile of beach I walked. I don't go out on rock piles, just wade out into the water when I feel the need to. Everyone has different levels of experience and what one person considers "safe fishing" another person will not. I actually enjoy fishing conditions like yesterday. Always important to have the correct gear for fishing situations (wader belt/corkers, etc). I talked with Dark after fishing, it sounded like when conditions started to get bad he stopped fishing. Its always good to bring up/discuss safety, it can be very dangerous out there.

09-12-2011, 10:26 AM
Monty was fine he was on a beach not the front of a jetty with waves breaking over his head like DS. I too would have fished the beach if there was some form of life in the wash and the water didn't look and smell like a sewer.Monty only has certain times he can fish do to his lenght of travel. Me on the other hand I can be fishing with in 10 minutes. One must be careful on the beach for the occasional rogue wave never turning your back to the sea is #1 in beach safety in that kind of weather.

09-12-2011, 11:31 AM
There was some good cloud cover last night. Caught a couple short bass last night that are feeding well. They really didn't like my lures too much. A lot of little taps but not too many commits. I even saw one fish dancing near and around the lure in the shallows. Didn't fish too long as the ocean was stained and tide was dropping quick.

09-12-2011, 03:59 PM
There was some good cloud cover last night. Caught a couple short bass last night that are feeding well. They really didn't like my lures too much. A lot of little taps but not too many commits. I even saw one fish dancing near and around the lure in the shallows. Didn't fish too long as the ocean was stained and tide was dropping quick.

What songs do you play to get them to dance:HappyWave:

09-12-2011, 04:29 PM
Glad ya got fish, C4. :thumbsup: I got totally blanked last night. Can't report I had any action at all, because there was none in previously productive areas.
Fished the last of the ebb, ocean side.

The wind and tide conditions as opposed to the night before were perfect. The swells were still there, but the E wind was non-existent and the ocean laid down a bit.

Decided to stick around to redeem my dismal results and see if I could muster any sunrise action. There were various schools of mullet and small pods of rainfish in several surf locations, slightly out of reach of casters. Fly and bait fishermens' dream, but surfcasters' disappointment. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png This was at 6am, and I had to leave shortly after that.

The water in close was dirty. Further out seemed a tad clearer, but there was still a lot of brown foam and crap (plastic, bulkeads, timbers, etc) floating out there. There was nothing but tiny bluefish under all those schools of bait. Switched to small profile metal and one of Monty's tube teasers, but no interest.

The amount of bait was unusual for this early. It must have all gotten pushed out of the bay and inlets already in front of this full moon. If it continues to happen this way before the predators are here in real numbers, it could prove disasterous for fall NJ surf fishing.

I hope this turns around... might be time to hit the Sound or Jbay in the yak.
Still hoping for better action here, but it's apparent for surf guys throwing artificials, that fish so far are few and far between. We also need some big bluefish :viking:to kick things up a notch, not the small snappers that most are running into.

Baitstealer, your comments and concern are appreciated.
Do you wear a PFD when out fishing rough water at night? When it's at it's roughest, you will see me put one on. I don't care what people think about how it looks.
If I get knocked off my feet out there and washed in I want to make sure I will survive, as most places lately I'm the only one out there,....there's no one else to depend on for a rescue if needed....but me.. :HappyWave: Of course, I don't want to encourage people to be out there fishing in rough water or weather, if you are not comfortable with this, the safest place to be is home. :learn:

There's nothing wrong with what you did either. If you get to where you want to fish and it's too rough, there's nothing wimpy about turning around and going home. :thumbsup:

And I suppose I could be more respectful to the Old Grouchy Basstard Finchaser, but what fun would that be??? :ROFLMAO :rolleyes:

Seriously, he's right 95% of the time. He has been there and fished every "secret spot" that each new generation of fishermen thinks they have all to themselves....

So it makes it entertaining when we bust ballz here.... :kooky:
It's all in good fun, and I in turn don't mind when they criticize my smelly waders or bird watching/ GOOGAN reputation...:)

But I do thank you for your concern.....and for Monty's fishing being risky, I think when he was born they dropped him on his head, :HappyWave: and he has been searching for that same level of turmoil ever since....:laugh: I think when he fishes in his "white water" he's as close to that turmoil as he can get....besides, he claims it gives him inner peace :kooky: so who am I to judge? :cool: :HappyWave:

(Or....it could be that since he only has a chance to get out so infrequently, that he has to take whatever he finds when he gets there, as Fin suggested. Sometimes you have to be able to turn lemons into lemonade...)

09-12-2011, 05:37 PM
I even saw one fish dancing near and around the lure in the shallows.

Did he look like this?:d


09-12-2011, 05:40 PM
It's all in good fun, and I in turn don't mind when they criticize my smelly waders or bird watching/ GOOGAN reputation...:)

Especially if it's the truth!:laugh:

09-12-2011, 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by DarkSkies http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/showthread.php?p=52814#post52814)
It's all in good fun, and I in turn don't mind when they criticize my smelly waders or bird watching/ GOOGAN reputation...:)

Especially if it's the truth!:laugh:

Truer words were never spoken his waders could gag a maggot and Googan Extraordinarie

DS was president of the college Googan debate team for fishing and birds

09-12-2011, 08:00 PM
:clapping:You guys are nuts. But at least you have fun with it. What else to do besides poking fun at each other when there are no fish around. Can't wait till this water cleans up.

09-12-2011, 08:40 PM
Same dance except mine had stripes on it and a lot bigger in comparison.

Finchaser, Regarding the music... I think it was dancing to the rattles inside the SP Minnow.

09-12-2011, 09:37 PM
A true band of jesters here, lol. Fished the SH surf today before work and got 2 small bluefish on a small kastmaster. Where the heck are the bigger ones. Dark you are right we need some choppers!

09-12-2011, 10:58 PM
A true band of jesters here, lol. Fished the SH surf today before work and got 2 small bluefish on a small kastmaster. Where the heck are the bigger ones. Dark you are right we need some choppers!

15 to 22 miles off shore

09-13-2011, 09:13 PM
I woulda called Monty but we were both on a mission scouting out super sekrit locations in case you run out of fish to catch in OC and want to come up and fish with us one night...:rolleyes:

Maybe you guys instead of scouting locations for finchaser, you should scout where he is and mug him. I think he catches more fish than any reports I have ever seen and have never seen him mention waves crashing over his head when doing it!

Originally Posted by DarkSkies http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/showthread.php?p=52814#post52814)
It's all in good fun, and I in turn don't mind when they criticize my smelly waders or bird watching/ GOOGAN reputation...:)

Truer words were never spoken his waders could gag a maggot and Googan Extraordinarie

DS was president of the college Googan debate team for fishing and birds

:clapping::clapping:Ha ha that is hilarious I bet it was true,, Dark did they have a googan fraternity in the school you went to?
And do your waders really smell that bad?

09-13-2011, 09:16 PM
Fished nomoco tonight before dark and one hour after. The wind was funny and at first it was rough, but in about a half hour it died down, not too bad. Got 2 bass, 21" and 25", on a hopkins metal. The fish were caught right near sunset.

09-14-2011, 12:54 AM
Nice going cowherder. I fished occo tonight, up to slack tide. I was throwing metal and it was windy as hell. Big old skunkola

09-14-2011, 09:22 AM
Way to make the effort guys.
I was out there too, but the long sessions are taking a toll on me and my life. Going to try to get out more and limit the time spent.

You have to realize the fishing is either "on" or "off" for the night. If it's dismal, there ain't no sense in sticking around for more punishment unless you have another location you can quickly get to where conditions are different. All this talk of "when" the fall run will be starting....it already started people, but we are still plagued with inconsistency, even the bait guys are not hooking up every single day.

Because I mostly fish artificials, it's even more challenging...oh but the thrill when the plan all comes together and you find fish that are feeding....ain't nothing like it. pure adrenaline...:drool: :fishing:

So I had a 2 hour window to fish.
Last of the ebb.
There was a medium period swell, more on that in another thread.

No bait around where I was, worked all levels of the water column.
Water was still a little cloudy but is gradually clearing up. The debris I saw the other day has been minimized.
Nothing for me, not even a tap. :skunk:

09-14-2011, 01:26 PM
fished the hook this morning. 2small blue fish 1 small fluke 3 big sea robbins.flys still biting

09-14-2011, 09:03 PM
Fished Island Beach after work. It was windy with a rip, 6oz to hold. Not completely holding, I kind of like it when the clam rolls a bit anyway. Toward the end of the incoming. Had mullet that I netted, fresh as hell. And clams. stinky. 12lb bass took the clams, go figure. Dinner tonight.

09-14-2011, 09:30 PM
:clapping::clapping: Nice going fnm!

09-15-2011, 06:22 PM
:clapping: to the guys getting out there and putting in their time. Lots of interesting things going on out there right now. ;)

Fished last night near the top of the tide. The wind had calmed down a bit and the duration of the swells was a lot better (longer duration). Managed 2 small bass on swimmers. Short trip. I did see bait, which hadn't been apparent in previous trips. Things are lining up.

09-15-2011, 06:30 PM
Raritan bay stripers - we fished the bay today with clams and clam belly chum. 7 bass to 19#, Most of them were over 28". Kept 2.

09-16-2011, 11:14 AM
Worked the outgoing suds in LBI last night, 3 bass on needlefish. 20", 23", 26". They are here!

09-16-2011, 01:00 PM
Thats great seamonkey. I fished moco this morining with bombers first, and then diamond jigs after the sun came up. Got 1 stargazer, that was it.

09-16-2011, 02:12 PM
Fished the park today, small blues in the surf up to 5lbs, diamond jig with green tail was the ticket for a baker's dozen. The surf zone was filled with mullet and some spearing as well. Lots of bait.

09-17-2011, 08:45 PM
I got home not too long ago from fishing many hours in the am and pm. NOMO caught a 10lb bass on clams and one short. The water was real rough today.

09-17-2011, 11:06 PM
Wtg, buckethead. :thumbsup:You will rarely hear me say this here, but right now clamming for bass is almost a lock during certain times of the day, if you can keep them in the strike zone.

Unfortunately, using clams is against my religion... :rolleyes:
Seriously, for those who have the patience, God bless...

There isn't anything wrong with it, just that I won't sit still long enough to deal with clam fishing.

And you're right, the surf was rough as hell today, the NE winds diminished the fishing potential.

Another marathon session, musical chair fishing...
Some nice fish were caught last night into this morning, and some smaller fish. Unfortunately, we ended up choosing areas where the small fish were. :bucktooth::don't know why:

Started at 12midnight, worked though a lot of areas. Many of them were unproductive. The wind started bulding until it was 15-20, steady N. Definitely not the best wind for surf fishing. Gradual shift to NE, and a big medium period swell to go along with it. I had planned to fish for albies in the AM and brought the yak along.

At one of my sekrit spots, I get out to gear up and get mugged by C4Charlie. :scared:
(I can't hide when the kayak is on the car. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png :))

All good bro, had a great time fishin with ya! :thumbsup: :HappyWave:

3rd cast on a SS needle, I land a schoolie. C4 had also landed some fish, but found them scattered at different places for the artificial bite, as did I. The surf was quite rough and we took a few waves over our heads.

He went home. I managed 1 more at that location.

Slow pick till sunrise, few more stops, 2 more fish on SS needle.

Then, as I was on an empty beach at 6am, lamenting the fact I wouldn't be able to launch the yak for ablies today, I started catching bass in the wash on a Hopkins shorty. 5 bass around 20", the smallest I've seen all year. Some hit right at my feet. Not really noteworthy, except for the fact it's good news the 1 and 2 year old bass are around. 5 bass from 6-7:30 AM.

Also noteworthy were the waves and waves of mullet in the surf, and the small bass chasing peanut bunker. For the amount of bait around, there were relatively few predators on it.

Moved some more, ran into Vpass. :HappyWave: We fished a few areas but the surf was building and it seems the bulk of the morning's activity was between those hours of 6 and 7:30..

He left, I went scouting.
Found the ablies, as mentioned in the albie report, but the frikking NE made it almost impossible to present.

Drooled at them, took a nap.
Met Will and his Dad, and a few other folks. Nice to meet ya's! :HappyWave:

Back out there in the afternoon, where a few other guys and I tried to get it going with the albies, but nothing other than 2 small blues was caught at that location.

Hey, that's fishin...

9 short bass.

09-18-2011, 08:51 AM
Nice numbers Dark, you put in lots of time for those fish. Sorry to hear no hookup on the albies, I would love to have a chance at them.
Fished last night, outgoing tide, moco. As the others said the waves were big. The wind wasn't that bad at first but then got more intense. I was using clams and the fish were hungry. 6 bass to 35". Kept the largest, last one of the night. It had crabs in its belly. Nothing else, and strangely no mullet. I wonder why that was with all the mullet around?

09-18-2011, 08:55 AM
I fished near Island Beach this morning from 5 to 8. Rough surf, fish in and out. A bunch of small blues on metal and one short bass.

09-18-2011, 01:48 PM
I fished yesterday, and today. It was great running into DS. it's always a pleasure. I did strike out yesterday for the big:skunk:. The wind made it almost impossiable to fish they way i like to fish. Today was the same as yesterday, I found sheltered area that looked promising on the ocean side, but no dice. there was alot of bait( mullet, and rainfish). The mullet were staging for there next big move south so get ready, did see some fish busting on them most likely cocktails.

09-18-2011, 04:22 PM
Fished pretty much from 1:15 to 10:30 this morning (ocean side). Tried a new area till 8:30, then moved. Caught my smallest Striper ever around 1:45 on a rubber teaser. Had a few solid hits that I missed. There were large amounts of white water in booth places :drool: Was great being out in the cooler weather.



09-18-2011, 06:41 PM
there was alot of bait( mullet, and rainfish). The mullet were staging for there next big move south so get ready, did see some fish busting on them most likely cocktails.

Bluefish blitz in nomoco! I think those fish finally woke up vpass. I saw the bait all over, and around 1pm today the blues were all over. They were small, biggest 2lbs, but I got 24 of them on metal, ava17 with green tail.
Monty I am convinced you are crazy! That white water seems awesome to look at but looks impossible to fish. I saw a few beaches like that today but kept going until it was a little calmer. The blues were on the calm side of the current.

09-18-2011, 08:22 PM
Out front - 5am - 9am. Small blues on metal, spittin up mullet. 'an that's that.

09-18-2011, 08:40 PM
Fished Island beach 5 -11:30a, incoming, more mullet than I've seen in years. Acres of them, wave after wave. Many small blues on mullet rigs, no bass for me.

09-18-2011, 08:54 PM
Bluefish blitz in nomoco! They were small, biggest 2lbs, but I got 24 of them on metal, ava17 with green tail.
Monty I am convinced you are crazy! That white water seems awesome to look at but looks impossible to fish.
That white water was very challenging for me...pretty much failed, but was fun. Congrats on the blue action.

09-19-2011, 12:30 PM
fished the hook this morning.water was to rough,5 once sinker did't stand a chance.3 other people on the whole beach.

09-19-2011, 11:12 PM
Dark was going to take me early Sunday morning but with the wind being so strong I decided to stay home. I guess that was a mistake :waaah:because I heard some fish were caught.

Anyhow I was talking to a guy at work who lives in NOMO. He was out early this morning and caught about 7 blues.

09-19-2011, 11:41 PM
Fished different areas last night. The surf was pounding and I was looking for excuses NOT to fish there. Unfortunately, I could find no decent fish in the back, only mullet and lots of small bluefish.

Part 1
Moved to the ocean, and instead of hearing that pounding surf, I was in the middle of it.
"Monty's wet dream" white water all over, getting pounded over the head by monster waves even though the tide was more than halfway out, glorious, awesome, spectacular, and "invigorating" (to use some of Monty's terminology......:HappyWave:

Yeah, right.....:kooky:
It was almost impossible to present or find water that wasn't churned up like a washing machine.

Who are those internet knuckleheads that keep bragging about how good the northeast pattern for NJ fishing is? :huh: Where are all the trophy weigh ins at the tackle shops? :don't know why:

After getting pounded for an hour, called it a night, went to another location for the sunrise bite....that bite never materialized, even for the clam guys, how could it? , the surf was one big mix-master http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon8.png

Part 2
Tried to find an afternoon bite somewhere. Went down to visit Finchaser. The NE wind and offshore hurricane swell was still churning up the ocean. Fished some calmer areas, nothing but tiny bluefish to harass the rubber I was throwing.

Was about to give up, but stopped at one more area there and found a beach with bass to the mid teens crashing mullet. They were pretty far out, furthest end of the cast past the last breaker, but the guys were getting them steadily as I walked on. Within 1 minute of me getting on the beach and casting the bite shut down. Last fish I saw landed was a mid-teens fish, some of the guys had some impressive numbers in that short while.
Moral of the story, I may be worse than Killie at shutting the bite down. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon11.png
If you want to get into some bass action, make sure you are in a different county than me, and you will hammer em! :laugh:

(Actually, the scientific explanation is that the bite died as the tide slacked out, but the explanation above is a lot funnier...:) )

09-20-2011, 08:00 AM
One keeper 30" near IBSP this morning, outgoing, past the bar. 2 oz t hex.

09-20-2011, 08:04 AM
Nice Fnm! I fished clams in somoco from 4-6am. One small bass about 22". What a difference a day makes. The tide was bad too, I had to cast out far as it was getting close to low tide.

09-20-2011, 05:55 PM
No mo co today 12-4, outgoing. The bass were hammering the mullet and some other small fish. Got 4 bass to 17lbs and a bunch of 8-10lb blues.

09-20-2011, 05:56 PM
3 to 5:00 PM 2 blues 6-7 pounds on jig head and rip tide mullet tail

09-20-2011, 06:17 PM
Wow great catches guys!

09-21-2011, 10:35 AM
Haven't caught a keeper yet but caught a lot of small bass and have seen lots of bait. Fished 3 of the last 5 days lots of hours and I can't find a keeper. Fished from 2:30am to 7:30 and it was real nice being out during the sunrise. I am usually a nighttime or nothing type of person. Finding out that sunrise is not bad at all! It was also beach weather, lots of fog and short bass inhaling my soft plastics.

09-21-2011, 07:12 PM
Went this AM nada went back this afternoon in the rain from 4-6 PM 2 blues around 4 pound and a 29" bass around 10# all on jig head and salt and pepper rip tide 5" mullet all still alive and swimming.

09-22-2011, 12:28 AM
Nice finchaser and charlie. I worked the incoming tide in moco tonight. 4 bass to 13lbs on needlefish with purple siwash tail. Looked like the wind was heading northwest for a bit, but then shifted back to south. Damn wind can't make up it's mind.

09-22-2011, 07:01 AM
Great catches guys! Fished from almost dark to 10pm in nomoco. Got one fat bass 27" on a bomber. The rain wasn't that bad and there was a lot of bait in the water.

09-22-2011, 08:51 AM
Nice finchaser and charlie. I worked the incoming tide in moco tonight. 4 bass to 13lbs on needlefish with purple siwash tail. Looked like the wind was heading northwest for a bit, but then shifted back to south. Damn wind can't make up it's mind.

Good job,yeah were stuck with this south wind with some east thrown in for the next week

09-22-2011, 07:04 PM
It looks like you folks up north are getting more bass. I got one short at first light this morning in the park on a redfin. A few small blues after that on metal. The bass fishing is slow for this time of year. These South winds are not the best.

09-22-2011, 09:50 PM
4:30 to 6:30PM 4 blues 4-6 pounds all on buck tail and chartreuse twister tail south wind shut them off no bass today

09-23-2011, 07:44 AM
^ When Fin breaks out the bucktails that means it's crunch time. ;) When can we expect the fall run to begin, o Grouchy One? And when will the cows get here, I think I want to wait for that exact moment to start fishing again....:kooky: :laugh:

09-23-2011, 09:02 AM
Fall run doesn't begin till Dec 15, everyone can stay home until then.
Fished last night, ugly water, darters, needlefish, and jigs, skunk city.

09-23-2011, 09:08 AM
^ When Fin breaks out the bucktails that means it's crunch time. ;) When can we expect the fall run to begin, o Grouchy One? And when will the cows get here, I think I want to wait for that exact moment to start fishing again....:kooky: :laugh:

Everyone knows that it's today 9/23/11 the official start of fall. So happy fall to everyone:HappyWave:

Fished this AM Nada the south winds have pretty much shut everything down water was dirty and void of life where I've had them the past 3 days

09-23-2011, 07:51 PM
3:30 to 6 pm 2 bass 9 & 11 pounds 1 on metal and 1 on a hydro pencil both still alive and well

09-24-2011, 01:01 AM
fished from 6:00pm to 10:30pm caught 2 short bass, 1 blue, and a fluke, all on redfins. lot of bait around. My waders stunk:embarassed:, and has a leak. dam wader:burn:

09-24-2011, 08:28 PM
My waders stunk:embarassed:, and has a leak. dam wader:burn:

Rut-Row...Another Stripers and Angler's member roaming the shore line in stinking waders......this can't be good for the site's reputation.
Nice that you caught some fish with stripes Vpass.

09-25-2011, 12:02 PM
When I was fishing every single pair of neoprene waders leaked all Hodgemen waders I have another that has a leak now I'm just throwing them out I've had a pair of breathable Cabelas waders no problems whatsoever they just held up and they back their products you need to put an extra layer to stay warmer or a better solution is a good breathable shirt & bottom such as under armor the key to warmth isn't heavy clothes but not to sweat thats where the stench comes from besides a leak that don't help keep your head covered and a good surf jacket I'm dumping the neoprene and getting up with the times its not cheap but it will work and last and you should be pretty comfy gloves IDK I think Ive had most of them my last pair my wife bought for me was aquaskinz but I never got a chance to try them.

09-25-2011, 12:42 PM
Out front. 5am-9:30am. Threw the regulars, with, w/o teasers, just harassed by small blues. Loaded with baitfish. Remain Bassless for the past few months. I know they can't always be there when my trips are limited, but, geez, gimme a stragler. The walk still felt great.

PS- Please PM picture of Bass so I can remember what I'm after.

09-25-2011, 01:06 PM
Rut-Row...Another Stripers and Angler's member roaming the shore line in stinking waders......this can't be good for the site's reputation.
Nice that you caught some fish with stripes Vpass.

I turned my wader inside out and soaped up real good, and rinsed. after it dryed I gooped all the pin holes and the big hole in the footie of my waders. I found a hole in the boot in the same location as the footie. I must of stepped on a nail or someting, i'm luck it didn't go further.

Those stripers we're caught by drifting the Red fin in the current just keeping the line tight. at the end of the swing is when I'll get the bumps. there was a half hour window that I had bumps on every other cast, only had 2 takers.

09-25-2011, 05:27 PM
Out front. 5am-9:30am. Threw the regulars, with, w/o teasers, just harassed by small blues. Loaded with baitfish. Remain Bassless for the past few months. I know they can't always be there when my trips are limited, but, geez, gimme a stragler. The walk still felt great.

PS- Please PM picture of Bass so I can remember what I'm after.


Fished bayside from 1:45 - 10:00 this morning, had great time out there, lots of walking and large quantity of casts.
I displayed my "how not to catch a fish skills" to the utmost level.
Was lots and lots of bait around.
- Early on had a fish blow up on a red fin at the very end of retrieve...scared the daylights out of me.
- Hooked two fish and lost them early in fight.
- Had one Hogy pulled almost apart, another bit in half.
- At one point got water in face as I believe bait splashed me.
- Had many, many hits (rod bent), and blow ups on/around plugs, just could not catch a fish....except the one below which I have no idea what it is...or for that matter what it was thinking....fish had teeth,

Vpass, did the goop to the pin holes earlier this year, worked great. I need to do the soap thing soon........ Thanks for the Red fin info


09-25-2011, 06:29 PM
I turned my wader inside out and soaped up real good, and rinsed.

Note to the exalted ds, this guy uses soap in his waders. Soap is a good thing because it gets rid of the urine smell and any remnants of bait you may have accidentally rubbed against you. This is also good because when we wash things with soap they tend to have less of a foul smell. Just some friendly advice, fyi.:HappyWave:
I was out this afternoon plugging in moco with bombers and metal. saw lots of bait but I couldn't even catch one stinking bluefish. Like you guys say, that's fishing.

09-25-2011, 06:34 PM

Fished bayside from 1:45 - 10:00 this morning, had great time out there, lots of walking and large quantity of casts.
I displayed my "how not to catch a fish skills" to the utmost level.

Hey Monty at least you got something. It sounds like you had some decent action anyway, for me today I got the skunk. Does anyone have any idea why these fish are acting this way. Last year at this time we had some good activity by the bluefish, this year they are picky all of a sudden? What's up with that?
btw, that is a lizardfish Monty, next time kiss it on the lips for good luck!:HappyWave:

09-25-2011, 06:59 PM
Wormed the incoming in the twin rivers and RB area today, a few short bass, not one keeper.

09-26-2011, 02:39 PM
They get finicky sometimes when alot of bait is around I don't like to match the hatch when alot is around throw em something different and I also have my $5 creek chub striper strike sinking popper white and if you just toss it and let it sink sometimes they just cream a sinking popper I've caught more bass on that cheapo plug when they are following but not taking just stop and let it drop.:HappyWave:

09-26-2011, 02:43 PM
Out front. 5am-9:30am. Threw the regulars, with, w/o teasers, just harassed by small blues. Loaded with baitfish. Remain Bassless for the past few months. I know they can't always be there when my trips are limited, but, geez, gimme a stragler. The walk still felt great.

PS- Please PM picture of Bass so I can remember what I'm after.
Just for you Vince hope all is well

09-26-2011, 03:39 PM
I've caught more bass on that cheapo plug:

Ditto, it's one of my go to Popper. I just lost one that had no paint left on it. It must of seen 50 or more bass and huge number of blues. Got to buy more.

09-27-2011, 08:17 AM
Got some small blues this morning in Oc on the incoming using a small 3" popper around daybreak. Very foggy out there, I feel sorry for the guys in boats today.

09-27-2011, 09:52 AM
this morning from 6:30 to 8 AM had 3 bass to 24" and a bluefish all on lead head with chartreuse rip tide mullet tail

09-27-2011, 07:40 PM
Nice going finchaser all I have been nailing lately is small bluefish. Got a bakers dozen today at IBSP, fished for about 2 hours,just stopped now, all on mullet.

09-27-2011, 09:46 PM
Fished nomoco from 8-9:30 tonight, I am the skunkmeister.

09-28-2011, 09:57 AM
fished the hook monday an tuesday. small blues and sea robbins on mollet.nothing on clams.

09-28-2011, 10:35 PM
Tonight 7:30 to 10 PM 26" bass 4# bluefish and a micro mirco bluefish the bass was on a bomber wind cheater chartreuse

09-30-2011, 12:28 AM
Fin has the winning poker hand. :clapping: He's at the top of his game, a grouchy fishin machine....

Don't feel so bad, Steve,
I fished 4 times in the last 2 days, night bite.... (none, except if you find highly concentrated schools of bait, or fish with clams.)

I got skunked in 2 counties, even for the morning bite, when fish appeared for 7 1/2 minutes. I'm so dark I brought the black clouds with me, singlehandedly killing a 6 day bite.....http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png

Scanned about 20 miles of shoreline in the early afternoon as well. The only action I could catch was a ticket for a lazy parking violation, some snapper blues nipping at my T&W this morning in the yak, and a decent bluefish blitz taking place about 1 mile offshore, unreachable in the swell except by boat. I'm better at shutting down the bite than killie. :laugh:

It's even money that Monty will rack up 10 bass and bluefish before my next trip,,,,maybe even nail an albie or 2... so don't bet on me if ya want to keep your $$. :o :bucktooth:

09-30-2011, 07:19 AM
Fished nomoco from 8-9:30 tonight, I am the skunkmeister.

It's even money that Monty will rack up 10 bass and bluefish before my next trip,,,,maybe even nail an albie or 2... so don't bet on me if ya want to keep your $$. :o :bucktooth:

LOL, Oh I would put the $$ on me wrestling the Skunkmeister trophy from storminsteve. (Dark did you just jinx me?) Doing a Saturday morning outing this weekend 4:30-8:00 as I have a full weekend with the family lined up (got the grand kids all day Sunday, should be lots of fun),. Can't wait to get out there for the few hours, some cooler weather will feel great.
Finchaser is the Fincatcher.

09-30-2011, 05:53 PM
Late Report: fished Wednesday from 4pm to 8:30pm Ran in to blues feeding on mullet. Caught a few small blues and a few snappers. I did have a pod of albies pass me heading south. I did get a cast in but did not connect. I did chase them even though i know there was no chance of catching up to the school of albies.

09-30-2011, 06:51 PM
I fished the park this morning, lots of small blues on mullet, and one short bass.

09-30-2011, 08:05 PM
Crushed the kingfish in LBI this afternoon, caught 20 of them and some small blues on the incoming, small pieces of real bloodworm mixed with gulp bloods.

09-30-2011, 08:06 PM
I did chase them even though i know there was no chance of catching up to the school of albies.

Hey but at least you tried, how fast can you run, 40mph?:)