View Full Version : The dangers of clam fishing.....

09-19-2011, 10:58 PM
Fin and I were talking about this today. We have been talking about the dangers of kayak and jetty fishing lately.

What about clam fishing?
Is it that safe?

Is there any danger to it?
Are there any things we should warn people about?

There are many things to think about as dangerous when yer fishin with clams.
I'll list some of them, feel free to chime in with yours....;)

1. You could fall off the bucket and hurt yourself.

2. You might have clam juice on your hands when eating your pork roll egg and cheese sandwich from the Indian Deli. That clam juice gets on the sammiches, and you get ptomaine poisoning from the bacteria in the clam juice, with explosive diarrhea and vomiting.....

3. The birds might mug you for your clams if you leave them unattended at the beach.
Let's hear some more, people! :laugh: :thumbsup:

09-20-2011, 02:11 AM
When you use the clam string to tie the clam on it could accidentlly wrap around your throat and strangle you.

09-20-2011, 07:22 AM
You hook into a 25 pound clam and can't reel it in, line snaps at the hook, 4 oz comes back at ya, ya duck, strain your neck, ya fall over, trip over bucket, chucking knife ends up in thigh, grab the sand spike to pull your self up, hand is full of slime, ya slip again, head hits bucket, knocked out.....incoming tide.......it gets ugly from here. Best to just throw plugs, rubber, jigs and metal for bass and blues, leave the clams alone, much safer.

09-25-2011, 06:42 PM
You could also be trolling a clambrella rig by running it down the beach as fast as you can and trip and fall and have the rig end up your butt like the fusilli jerry in Seinfeld.

09-26-2011, 09:00 AM
but explosive diarrhea is kinda fun

09-27-2011, 08:19 AM
^ Dude maybe you are right, disgusting and funny at the same time.
Guys watch out for the infamous NJ bearded clam, another local danger of clam fishing. She comes along and swallows guys up, especially on foggy days like this.:scared:

09-27-2011, 07:42 PM
She must be a biggun.

09-27-2011, 07:49 PM
^ Do you really want to get into bearded clam territory? Some of you guys must be stuck in the 80's, big hair and unshaved hoochies. MMM, mmmmm.:upck:

09-27-2011, 07:54 PM
^^ Love the clam fnm, would you like some diarrrhea to go with the KFC?:)


09-27-2011, 09:28 PM
Aw man that is so disgusting. Someone should:beatin: you for that!:kooky:

09-27-2011, 10:17 PM
Aw man that is so disgusting. Someone should:beatin: you for that!:kooky:


Wow, that was something....Dark, you need to be a little more careful on the threads you start.

09-30-2011, 12:07 AM
I don't know how you guys manage to do this.. :beatin:

I start a harmless thread about the dangers of clam fishing, all in fun, and we're back to the disgusting and bizarre, explosive diarrhea. That may be funny to some, I'll admit I laughed a bit. It wasn't so funny last night when it happened to me. :scared: No public toilets where I was, so fast thinking found me a wooded area to handle the paperwork...

I'll give ya's some leeway here, but please try to steer this away from being so graphic or I'll have to move it to the adults only forum, thanks. :)