View Full Version : Irrational things or phrases you have said to yourself while fishing...

09-20-2011, 12:20 AM
The other day I ran into Vpass while fishing. The morning bite was over, yet we still put up with building and pounding surf to give it our best shot. V will remember a day last Nov we fished nomoco, and the big surf and colder water made things a little hairy..:scared:

We both got wet that day despite our best efforts.

I kept telling him...
"Yeah, bro, the surf is going to lay down, I can definitely feel it in my bones...it if lays down just a little bit more we'll have record numbers of fish today....:kooky:

To recap, that day, within an hour after that, my lips were blue and I had the beginnings of hypothermia, and called it a day shortly after. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon11.png

I realize this is clearly delusional, :kooky: but it's one of the things I do anyway.
I can't help myself. When I'm out there I want it to be great, even when things are dismal, so I try to minimize the bad, hoping it will turn out better. :thumbsup:

Pebbles and I were at a street fair yesterday. We could feel the slight wind from the E all day, and we were inland. I kept mentioning the wind, and she repeated my words verbatim.......

"I wouldn't worry about it, Rich, I think it's going to lay down, in fact I'm SURE of it!":laugh:

Hearing your own words repeated back to you is sometimes good, sometimes bad. Depends on the context. :)
In this case, what could I say?
She had me cold!
She really does know me, enough to make fun of me and make me laugh as well. :clapping: :thumbsup: :kiss: :heart:

This brought me to the thoughts for this thread.....
What crazy or irrational stuff do you say to yourself while you are out fishin?

09-20-2011, 02:07 AM
One last cast.

09-20-2011, 07:56 AM
"These fish here are small, I'm going to leave to look for bigger ones." Then you get to the next place and get skunked.

09-20-2011, 08:05 AM
^^ Ha ha, my one last cast is like 30 last casts! Good thread!

09-20-2011, 09:53 AM
^^ Ha ha, my one last cast is like 30 last casts! Good thread!

Have made 30 minutes of last casts.

How about, "Gotta be a fish somewhere in there".
I say that way, way, way to often.

09-20-2011, 06:21 PM
How about, "Gotta be a fish somewhere in there".

that's a good one, have you ever found yourself talking to the fish at night hoping you will nail a big one?

09-20-2011, 06:32 PM
that's a good one, have you ever found yourself talking to the fish at night hoping you will nail a big one?

I do, I think we all talk to the fishes.

09-21-2011, 07:35 AM
^^ Yup, me too. Ever kissed a fish on the lips before putting it back? :laugh: :HappyWave:

09-21-2011, 09:49 AM
^^ Yup, me too. Ever kissed a fish on the lips before putting it back? :laugh: :HappyWave:

Ever have one kiss you back? :heart:

09-21-2011, 03:35 PM
Its a big ocean out there.
Where the hell are all the fish.
I gotta try that new plug that will do it.
What the hell is that flying around up there?Its moving but not going anywhere(and I wonder why I don't catch)
Should I try working it faster slower stop it reel it *** do you damn fish want
Good structure I'll pull one out of here.Yeah right
The hell with the big one where the hell is anyone.
Damn wind knots why the hell do they only happen in the dark.
Why the hell are you standing out here freezing your butt off for a damn fish your a moron.
Yeah I talk to myself alot lol
BTW no never kissed a fish or had one kiss me:huh:You guys watch too much fresh water fishing:d