View Full Version : NJ Fishing Reports for Oct 2011 www.stripersandanglers.com

10-01-2011, 03:08 AM
NJ fishing reports for October 2011. ..www.StripersandAnglers.com (http://www.stripersandanglers.com/)

NJ fishing reports for October 2011...www.stripersandanglers.com (http://www.stripersandanglers.com/)
Important when registering on our site -- use an active email address so you can activate your account to be able to post.

Please post fishing reports here.......as little or as much detail as you want to give.

Please note: NO SPOT BURNING! Posts burning spots will be Edited or DELETED!
Some veteran fishermen have put in years developing and learning about certain spots.Some of these spots can only handle a few guys at a time. We are losing enough access as it is, due to the unfortunate behavior of a few selfish people. No sense in making it worse.

For some areas, it would be wiser to say:
Out Front (Ocean) OR -- Out Back (Bay) -- if you feel too many people will figure out what you are talking about. "Spot burning" also could involve mentioning something specific only to that area. If you do this, your post may be edited, or deleted. Remember that thousands of people could potentially read these posts. You don't want to be fishing next to ALL of them at the same time!

IF you are fishing an area that is NOT residential, being vague is less critical. For example, it's acceptable to say (Any)Park, or (Any)Bay, or mention a specific state park that has loads of parking and can handle the crowds.

If you are unclear on this concept, ask yourself:

If I name this place on the internet, will it be too crowded for me to enjoy tomorrow when people hear I got 30 fish here today?

If the answer is "Yes", then you should probably not be so specific.
More discussion on this:
http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/...ead.php?t=3763 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/showthread.php?t=3763)

We post these reports so our community will have a sense of what is working, what is not. We want to show people how to catch fish, rather than where.Even if you struck out or got skunked, it would be helpful to hear that as well.

If you have any additional details you would like to share - weather conditions, tide (incoming, outgoing, ebb, flood) water temps, bait present, or other mention of techniques or plugs used - feel free.

Some acronyms -

SH - Sandy Hook
NoMoCo - Northern Monmouth County (below the hook to Shark River Inlet SRI)
SoMoCo - Southern Monmouth County (below SRI to Manasquan Inlet)

OC - Ocean County
IBSP - Island Beach State Park
LBI - Long Beach Island

AC - Atlantic County
AI - Absecon Inlet
CISP - Corson's Inlet State Park
CMC - Cape May County
CMR - Cape May Rips
GEI - Great Egg Inlet
TI - Townsend's Inlet

RB - Raritan Bay
BB - Barnegat Bay
CB - Chesapeake Bay
CBBT - Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel
DB - Delaware Bay

10-01-2011, 03:12 AM
you won the plug in the September random drawing!:clapping: :thumbsup:
PM me your address so I can send it out to ya!

We post these reports so our community will have a sense of what is working, what is not. We want to show people how to catch fish, rather than where.

If you struck out or got skunked, it would be helpful to hear that as well. Anyone who posts a report can win a plug even if they got skunked! :skunk::D

This month we're giving out plugs from Ace Baits, or something similar.
http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/...splay.php?f=83 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/forumdisplay.php?f=83)

Thanks for posting and helping to make this a great site! :clapping:

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6338&thumb=1&d=1238964999 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6338&d=1238964999)

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6340&thumb=1&d=1238965622 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6340&d=1238965622)

http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6339&thumb=1&d=1238965319 (http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6339&d=1238965319)

10-01-2011, 03:18 AM
Pebbles said she was dying to go fishin, so I took her tonight. Felt that we had a window as the rains were not forecast till 2am Needless to say, on the way down there we drove through heavy rain and knew the forecast was off.

We waited for the rain to minimize. When it did, we had about an hour to fish. Pebbles fished swimmers, I fished rubber. Nothing for me, she had some hits and misses.

Monty is still out there, the frikkin maniac is fishin all night in the rain....:kooky:
Hope ya did better than we did, bro...:HappyWave:

10-01-2011, 08:48 AM
Dark I see you posted that at 3am so you probably started out at 11 when the rain stopped. By then the bite was over, it was all on the incoming tide last night. Managed 8 bass in moco to 30" on fin-S and bombers. They definitely must be migrating fish because I don't think I have caught that many at one time all year! It was a lot of fun, released all. When the rains started I ran for shelter and then came back, but by 11 it was totally dead. At least you and Pebbles got out, good luck to you next time you get out. They are there!

10-01-2011, 09:02 AM
Yep he's good at shutting down bites if I were Pebbles I'd sneak out when he was not near the ocean

10-01-2011, 09:15 AM
Got some blues on mullet this morning, OC.

10-01-2011, 12:08 PM
Yep he's good at shutting down bites if I were Pebbles I'd sneak out when he was not near the ocean

Har dee har har....:2flip: it could be true, if ya wanna nail fish all night find out what county I'm fishin in and fish a different one....:bucktooth:

WTG Cowherder. You said you were going out there, followed a plan, and nailed some good numbers. :clapping: :thumbsup:
I've been getting phone calls taunting me by some grouches I know. :2flip:
Yep, shoulda been out earlier, different tide,,,etc,,,

I know where the red Xs are.....sometimes. :laugh:

I was catching fish to 20# in the summer at night when not many others wanted to put the time in or felt it was worth the effort...who cares if it took 72 hours to get one. :rolleyes: :HappyWave:

Pebbles, to her credit, doesn't want to fish in rough conditions with me anymore. Or spend time in a fishing marathon where we hit 10 places in 4 hours, losing 5lbs in the process. And respecting her wishes is important, because she puts up with me, stench and all... :heart:
She did manage some action last night in the hour that we fished. :clapping: Dropped a decent fish on her first cast because she wasn't ready for it. My fault, of course, for not coaching her better. :beatin:

She has an idea that a 50# bass is within her reach just by casting from the sand at random times.
I tried to tell her that will only happen in the middle of a hard NW if she's fishing right next to Finchaser. She doesn't believe me, I'll have to ask the grouchy basstard to set her straight. ;)

As for the grouchy phone calls, yeah I know all that, thanks for yelling at me. all. :moon: Sometimes ya gotta sacrifice your personal desires of where ya wanna fish if you fish with others. That's why I mostly fish alone, with no one to tell me where I'm fishin is too dangerous....:cool:

Don't feel bad for me, I'll gettum next time....wonder if that frikkin maniac Monty caught any fish in the rain last night....:kooky: :HappyWave:

10-01-2011, 01:01 PM
Had to much to do this weekend so had to get some sleep last night, so only fished 4:45-7:30 this morning out front. Wish I could have done the normal 8-9 hour outing as water was great and bait was all over the place (missed most of the rain....darn). Got one bass on a teaser in front of a plug Surfstix painted. Missed a few fish as usual for me, had a bass hit the plug in the pic as I brought it through some mullet, had a bass blow up on a white sluggo. Missed a few other hits too (its amazing I got the one fish). Got home by 10:00 and saw step-grandson score his first goal playing soccer, was awesome. Next Sunday can't come soon enough....

10-01-2011, 01:47 PM
Had to much to do this weekend so had to get some sleep last night, so only fished 4:45-7:30 this morning out front. Wish I could have done the normal 8-9 hour outing as water was great and bait was all over the place (missed most of the rain....darn). Got one bass on a teaser in front of a plug Surfstix painted. Missed a few fish as usual for me, had a bass hit the plug in the pic as I brought it through some mullet, had a bass blow up on a white sluggo. Missed a few other hits too (its amazing I got the one fish). Got home by 10:00 and saw step-grandson score his first goal playing soccer, was awesome. Next Sunday can't come soon enough....

Nice going Monty. looks like you had a great time...:clapping:

I have the same plug also from Surfstix. Beautiful plug, didn't get anything yet on it.

10-01-2011, 02:07 PM
Very nice action you fellows are having. I fished the park this morning. As mentioned, bluefish are all over, but they are small. I caught and released over 20 on a diamond jig with teaser.

10-01-2011, 09:07 PM
Out front. 5am - 1pm. 2 shorts. One on Fin-S teaser in the dark, one on a popper at first light. Harrassed by the teeny blues again. Plenty of steady baitfish around.

10-02-2011, 12:19 AM
Saturday night 9:30 to 11:30 last 2 hours of the incoming 1 bass 14# my friend had 2 bass 1 short and a 15 1/2 pounder plus a bluefish all on plugs all still alive and well

10-02-2011, 08:57 AM
Its something I guess bettter than nothing.

10-02-2011, 10:49 AM
Fished this morning from 12:00am to 3:30am outgoing tide. Winds was blowing from north then to east then back. I got one solid hit on a X-rap, but didn't hookup. I did bump into Darkskies last night. :HappyWave: good seeing you Bud. I was chased off the beach by a approching lighting storm that looked nasty on the weather Rader, on my phone. Decided to call it a night. :skunk:

10-02-2011, 11:57 AM
Fished the outgoing last night. Caught two blues on a popper.

10-02-2011, 12:35 PM
nomo early this morning one short bass with a teaser.

10-02-2011, 09:31 PM
Way to get out there guys. There was a lot of fishing last night and this morning and not much catchin going on.
Finchaser still has the hot poker hand, that basstard grouch. :moon: :clapping: :HappyWave:

I fished all night, 7 different stops. Nothing until first light, when there was a 5 minute window of activity where I was, managed a short bass on a mullet profile swimmer, and that was it.

At sunrise, the mullet and peanuts started moving in various locations. Nothing under them in most areas of the county I was in but tiny snappers. Comparing notes with people in different towns later, I found that most guys got nothing on the artificials, save for a handful of bass caught around sunrise over a 15 mile stretch of coast.

Meanwhile all the bait any predator could want, strategically bunched up in the usual locations, with nothing eating it but small blues. :huh:

The highlight of the night was running into Vpass, always a pleasure...:HappyWave:
He did me a favor when he left and warned of a line of storms coming my way, gee those smart phone apps are amazing.... :cool: Thanks, much! :thumbsup:

I did get wet in the drenching sheets of rain because I had one last place I wanted to fish in that area before I moved on. Eventually it became too much and I had to move. Went 5 miles away from that area and there was no rain at all, unfortunately, no fish either, till first light, which has been a somewhat consistent pattern so far...

Fishing was pretty dismal, but one thing I can tell ya's...
It was no worse than Montauk's surf bite lately, and about 120 miles closer.... :)

10-02-2011, 10:36 PM
Remember you can't catch what doesn't exist bait or no bait

10-03-2011, 11:16 AM
Fishing sucks! I fished nomoco from 4-7 this morning, saw some bait (mullet), but nothing on them in the dark. Threw small plugs, rubber, and then metal once the sun came up. I did see what looked like small bluefish bothering the bait, but I couldn't even catch one of them. So therefore they must be real small like 6" or something.
When the heck is the fall run going to begin here, in November?

10-03-2011, 02:14 PM
Don't feel bad steve, I fished somoco this AM and got some of the same.
A big plate of nothing.

10-03-2011, 02:27 PM
This afternoon during lunch (12:00 to 1:30 pm end of the incoming ) my friend and I had 9 bass 28 to 33 inches on rubber and poppers mostly popper. Forgot one lonely bluefish about 4 pounds. All still alive and well.

10-03-2011, 02:36 PM
Nice going finchaser!!!!!

10-03-2011, 03:02 PM
That is awesome ogb! And in the middle of the day no less, congrats.

10-03-2011, 05:01 PM
Nice going finchaser!!!!!

That is awesome ogb! And in the middle of the day no less, congrats.

Thanks went to another spot for it's high tide today just got in and got the:skunk:

10-04-2011, 11:35 AM
^^ Ya can't bat those home runs every time OGB, even a talent like you can only do so much with the scattered fish. If anyone says the bass are anything but scattered this time of year and is fishin artificials from the surf, either they're chumming with bait, :laugh: and fishing bunker heads :learn: or they're lyin through their teeth. :)
I did manage to find an area yesterday where bass and big blues were stacked up, a rarity for this time of year, by that only lasted for 20 minutes and was related to the thousands of adult bunker that were there. It died as I was walking down the sand to get to em, and the bunker slid offshore. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png

I realize some of ya's here have got into some good numbers, but this time of year double digit bass catches at night on artificials "were" the norm, for the guys who fish a lot.

And most of us, despite years of doing this, ain't having a banner season so far in the last 2 months..... The only way I can pull in double digits is to fish multiple locations or launch the yak.,Those nights have been very few and far between for me, and many other long-time surfcasters. So don't let anyone's hype fool ya, it ain't easy to catch fish on artificials right now....

I fished 1:30-6:30am, covered a lot of ground.
Hit most places at or near the top of the tide, made 6 stops. Managed 2 short bass on small swimmer and rubber. All the action I had was done just before sunrise where I was.
There was bait in the water moving S, but not as much as there had been. No fish of any size under it at that time.

The positive thing I can say for last night is we finally had some steady W/NW. The NE pattern is terrible for consistent fishing, unless you're throwing clams.

This NW will hopefully cool the water, push the bait down the beach, and line up everything so more predators are encouraged to come to dinner, not just when there are high bait concentrations.

10-04-2011, 03:43 PM
I had a very nice night on Thursday night hitting fish in many locations and 3 good size keepers. On Sunday, I found a nice spot with bait and was getting taps on shad, darter, bomber, but no hookups, as soon as I changed to a small rebel, I started hooking up. Decided to take a keeper for dinner! Kids were excited to see me bring home a fish!

Dark, got most of the fish on the lure you saved for me a week or so ago. Thanks!

10-04-2011, 06:09 PM
Played the tide again today took a later lunch 12:30 to 2PM and had 14 bluefish 4 to 5 pounds on a popper and 1 bass 26" on a popper

10-04-2011, 11:42 PM
Wow finchaser you are kicking butt and taking names! way to go, you seem to catch every time you are out there!
I fished nomoco tonight and got skunked. The bait was there but for some reason I couldn't hook up, using a black bomber.

10-04-2011, 11:52 PM
Cowherder, the bass seemed like they were picky tonight, fished 6-11 and got 2 around the change of the tide on a small rebel.

10-05-2011, 12:15 AM
hey dark what do u have against bait? we have bin fishin bunker in the back of rb, tonight we got 5 bass between the 3 of us but they were real small. im tired of catching small bass and cuz i think even if u r careful some of them die its not cool to catch a lot but we are looking for a keeper so we fish on. i want to come to the ocesn side and fish a bunker head i bet if we fished nomoco we cud nail a bigger one, but dont waste ur time in the back dudes cuz the bass r all small.

10-05-2011, 12:19 AM
Late report, fished OC before work this morning with metal, got a mess of blues to 4#. The three I kept had sandeels in their bellies.

10-05-2011, 08:46 AM
Wow finchaser you are kicking butt and taking names! way to go, you seem to catch every time you are out there!
I fished nomoco tonight and got skunked. The bait was there but for some reason I couldn't hook up, using a black bomber.

I don't catch every time. You have to remember I fish sometimes 2 times in a day .I only report when I do catch (if I remember to) and what I get them on to try and help out newbies. You can only catch when the fish are there and feeding no matter how much bait there is, they don't eat 24/7 except maybe for bluefish. I fish patterns and usually get them until a pattern changes right now it seems to be the last 2 hours of the incoming. I also fish different places on different winds that are known to hold fish on that wind, that is why I believe in an accurate log book. One thing I always do , is I never ever use bait don't want to smell like DS

10-05-2011, 09:08 AM
I I fish patterns and usually get them until a pattern changes right now it seems to be the last 2 hours of the incoming. I also fish different places on different winds that are known to hold fish on that wind, that is why I believe in an accurate log book. One thing I always do , is I never ever use bait don't want to smell like DS

And he keeps a detailed log and doesn't waste a lot of time fishing a Noreaster pattern, unlike some of us, :o unless it's the beginning of that pattern.....http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon3.png :learn: Some of ya's could learn a lot from the OGB :thumbsup:

Even I could learn a thing or 2. And I need to learn a few things, I really do. Such as how not to stink up your waders when you're NOT using bait....maybe not sleeping in em would be a good first step....:laugh:

Fished last night, 11-4 before and after the flood, 2 bass to 33" on small profile swimmers. The NW was strong and flattened out the ocean a lot. Swells are down to almost nothing. One thing that has still not fallen into line yet are the ocean water temps, which are approx 5 degrees different depending on where ya fish....:fishing:

10-06-2011, 09:24 AM
Fished yesterday from 4:00pm to 8:00pm. At sun down hooked 2 fish 1 that I lost when it pulled a treble hook from my Mega bait swimmer. And 1 lost in the wash. Wind was blow nnw to north. My second fish was hooked using a x-rap.

10-06-2011, 10:55 AM
Way to go guys, I fished this morning in oc, looking for bass but had to settle for some blues on metal.

10-06-2011, 09:15 PM
This morning - 1 short, first light, Fin-S teaser. Few blues on poppers.

10-07-2011, 07:29 AM
A few mad bluefirst first light on poppers, and one almost legal bass 1/2 hour before that, top of the outgoing tide today in OC.

10-07-2011, 07:34 AM
Heey nice going all you guys, I have caught kingfish and blues but no stripers for me for awhile.

10-07-2011, 11:50 AM
Got some nice blues last night in the back to 13lbs, on bunker chunks, near high tide. Most of the baitfish are gone, but for some reason the blues were back there.

10-07-2011, 12:06 PM
One runt bass today in the wash at 4am, bucktail and rubber. The wind was a little ne nasty with swells. I took off from work to find the albies and went back and forth searching and blind casting. Finally connected a little into the daylight with a small diamond jig where I clipped the tail off and put my own gami short hook on there. I think that helped with the casting distance as it was hard to get it out there. There were no albies showing but I had a feeling they might be around. That one was the only one for me. A guy a little down from me got one 5 minutes later, and that was it. Albie was around 6lbs, quick release.

10-07-2011, 06:28 PM
Fished yesterday afternoon. some interesting sights but no fish. The only thing I caught was 2 poachers in the pocket of a jetty catching short fish on clams and keeping them.

Also spotted a bikini on the beach. She was almost a perfect 10, but I have no pics to prove it....http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png Ocean was like a lake with sunny skies. Perfect day to be out....sightseeing. :drool:

10-07-2011, 09:54 PM

10-08-2011, 09:30 AM
Fished last night from 4:00pm to 11:00pm caught 2 nice size fluke on rubber. No bass or blues. I didn't even see bait:huh:. What the hell is going on?:skunk: almost no wind seas were flat, and clean.

10-08-2011, 02:51 PM
Sat.- 5am - 11am. First light - 1 short - yellow Red Fin. Some hits after that, all in the wash. Not as much bait as in previous days, small sporadic pods of mullet, saw no rainfish. On the walk back the bait guys said all they got were skates and robins. Saw no Albie action, the blind casts went untouched.

10-08-2011, 05:44 PM
Fished nomoco from 2-5pm, incoming tide. Threw metal, and plugs, got the skunk!:skunk:

10-08-2011, 05:45 PM
Fished last night from 4:00pm to 11:00pm caught 2 nice size fluke on rubber. No bass or blues. I didn't even see bait:huh:. What the hell is going on?:skunk: almost no wind seas were flat, and clean.

I don't know vpass, I didn't see a lot of bait either in the daytime. It seems like one time the fishing will be fantastic and the next time out it is like the dead sea out there, crazy stuff.

10-08-2011, 05:53 PM
Fished south of Island beach in the am, a few blues on mullet,, and one stargazer. that thing dug in like a manhole cover!

10-08-2011, 08:50 PM
Oc tonight, one short right at sunset, vision eel.

10-09-2011, 01:42 PM
Super-sized Skunkaroo this morning. Ocean side from 1:00-2:30, Bayside from 3:30-10:00.
Did not see any bait, water bay side was murky. Couple small hits. Really nice night and morning, weather was great.

10-09-2011, 07:45 PM
Skunkaroo tonight, nomoco surf on the incoming. Not even a bluefish.

10-09-2011, 08:03 PM
Fished for blues today out at the mudhole. Lots of action on blues to 12# on 2 and 3 oz diamond jigs and krocodile jigs. Not much life on the way in or out to the fishing grounds.

Mike O
10-10-2011, 10:41 AM
Fished Early Sat. Morning. SH seas flat. 1 very large skate and 1 very small fluke. All on artificials. Lots of bait in the wash.

Mike O

10-10-2011, 11:39 AM
Monday 5am-10am- out front. Dark/first light=0. 8am- one teeny 15" Bass/metal. Some baitfish seen.

10-10-2011, 01:07 PM
On one of DS's marathons he averages about a 1/4 ounce of fish an hour which equates to less than a short per day.:clapping::ROFLMAO

Now we know what finchaser does in the time between catching bass, figures out Dark’s Ounce of bass/hour fishing ratio. I would have sent the formula I use to you if you asked.

Ounce of bass per hour = (time fishing/bass/bass weight)/
((Samwhich time+ westwind wally video time)/
(∆ get back on jetty time+(watching swan time/

fantasizing about swan time))+
(getiing yak in and out of water time +√ ۗۗۗ (scouting time)+
(travel time+sleep in car time) +
(time getting in and out of really stinky waders + time trying to convince Pebbles to fish in hurricane)).

:clapping::clapping::clapping: :ROFLMAOMy last 2 nights of fishing followed that formula. Only someone with an engineering background could have come up with that. :thumbsup: You frikkin Mooks :2flip: really nailed me on that one...http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon11.png

Sat night, fished all night, got skunked in 2 counties. All of the ebb, and some of the flood. Couldn't even raise one fish. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png
Highlight of the night was meeting some folks from MD who came up to NJ to fish in the MB tournament. From what some of them told me, it was poor fishing for 2 day and nights, despite their best efforts, some of them having 50 or more years of fishin experience each.....Steve, and son, and the other guys whose names I forgot....nice to meet ya's, and glad to see ya had a blast anyway camping on the beach! Contact me the next time ya's come to NJ and are not limited to fishing just that beach,...I'll try to see if I can put ya's into some fish....:HappyWave: :fishing:

Sun night, fished the ebb from right before high slack to slack ebb tide, I was kind of optimistic because at one of the places I set up at there were thousands of large spearing. No predators, though, in the hour I was there one fish broke water to gulp a spearing. :don't know why:

Moved on, and found myself in the ocean.
Despite what people infer about water temps not being cold enough yet, the water temp where I was, in the mid 60's, was cold and clear enough to spur on some fall action, as that water has been producing some teen fish. The regulars there gave up halfway into the ebb. I played it out to the end and managed one short bass near slack, on a small swimmer. Not much bait where I was, but the water was cold and clear.

10-10-2011, 03:46 PM
Fished LBI from 6-8am today. The tide was high and there was bait activity but not many fish. There were some blues scaring the rainfish out of the water. I didn't see anything big caught other than some 3 lb blues on mullet. I fished a bomber and a teaser and got 3 shad on the teaser.

10-10-2011, 06:51 PM
nomoco last night from 7-11. Plugged and fished sluggos. Nothing.

10-11-2011, 10:35 AM
Another marathon last night. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon11.png 2 short fish.

Intended to make it a quick trip , but somehow that didn't happen....Spent 2 hours at one place, no bait visible, but the moon was covered by clouds and it looked promising. One short bass on small swimmer there.
Made a move with the tide to another location. It was kind of promising because I periodically got bumps from small fish, probably weakies or blues. Kept at it, but only one more small bass around 4am. That's all folks...

10-11-2011, 11:29 PM
Contact me the next time ya's come to NJ and are not limited to fishing just that beach,...I'll try to see if I can put ya's into some fish....:HappyWave: :fishing:

:huh: finchaser figures you average less than a short a day and you're gonna put them on fish? :kooky:

;) :laugh: :HappyWave:

10-12-2011, 07:50 AM
^^Hey Geoff, how ya been? :clapping: :laugh:
Fin was just bustin balls, that's what we do around here....:cool:

There are no guarantees in fishin, bro, you know that.....
I've been plugging away for fish up to 20# at night, average some fish about 50% of the time out there....the fishin ain't what it used to be, but anyone willing to work hard at it can catch a few.

Some people only report when they're catchin so it looks like they're heroes, or only go fishing when they get a call that the bite is on...yet feel embarassed to go out and report they didn't catch anything. :don't know why: I ain't embarassed to put it out there that I fished all night and got blanked, and make fun of myself while doing it. :bucktooth: It might allow others who live far from the surf to plan their their trips accordingly....

For some people, the saltwater fishing has become so pointless for them they have taken up golf. I don't do golf. ;)

I report every time I go out there, good or bad.....You been fishin in Jersey lately? :HappyWave:
Best of luck to ya this season....

10-12-2011, 09:32 AM
:huh: finchaser figures you average less than a short a day and you're gonna put them on fish? :kooky:

;) :laugh: :HappyWave:

so true Geofft:clapping::clapping::laugh::eek:

10-12-2011, 05:15 PM
Fished 71 hours, ate 3 day old sandwiches, slept an hour or so on the hood of my truck, released a short and kissed a swan oh! wait thats Dark not me

Fished this AM from 7 to 9 am had 3 shorts to 26" on buck tail moon tide and wind caused a really fast current. Out front was too gnarly to fish

10-12-2011, 09:49 PM
Once I found the school of fish it was an active night for me, not so much for those around me. I love catching fish when everyone else around me isn't. :d

I managed 18 bass in three hours. Smallest 24". Two biggest went 22 and 24 pounds. Big bombers, sluggos on a jighead and mega-shad were the tickets. I have a feeling they were onto big sandeels. The best part is there wasn't another soul besides me. :thumbsup:

First time out this season and broke my cherry last night. . It looked like most, if not all, pluggers struck out but I did manage to coax a couple of 15 pounders to take the white XRap after throwing everything else in the bag with not even a tap.

Hey I checked up on this guys posts and he is so full of himself the pile of horseshit around him must be 10 feet high. It seems like he delights in catching fish when everyone else isn't. That must make him better than all of us peons. Self righteous dudes like this make me sick.
Don't feed the troll, guys. He's better than we all are, but it's no good to him unless he tells everyone about it too.:kooky:

And darkskies thanks for all you do. At least you are honest when you catch and when you don't catch. No one catches all of the time, except maybe this guy. I like your reports just fine, stinky waders and all. In fact it is one of the things I look forward to at the end of the day. To see what crazy stuff you guys will come up with next. Keep up the good work. If you ever get out to LI I would be honored to fish with you.

10-12-2011, 10:03 PM
Don't feed the troll, guys. He's better than we all are, but it's no good to him unless he tells everyone about it too.:kooky:
Commonly called small penis syndrome, where a guy with not much going for him, and a small penis, has to tell the world how great he really is. fwiw I don't know if this is true about the OP, but it is a well-known internet concept.;)

10-12-2011, 10:15 PM
I like your reports just fine, stinky waders and all..
Dark and the stinky waders, it's as American as apple pie and baseball. You can't mess with the stink, or you will choke on it!:laugh: :HappyWave:
Nice catching finchaser. I don't think anyone did much fishing today, did you get a chance to see how big the waves were in the ocean?

10-13-2011, 08:06 AM
You can't mess with the stink, or you will choke on it!:laugh: :HappyWave:

Don't mess with the Zohan.:kicknuts:Dark would you ever consider cutting hair for a living?:laugh:


10-13-2011, 02:43 PM
Dark and the stinky waders, it's as American as apple pie and baseball. You can't mess with the stink, or you will choke on it!:laugh: :HappyWave:
Nice catching finchaser. I don't think anyone did much fishing today, did you get a chance to see how big the waves were in the ocean?

Ocean,river and canal all are like chocolate milk big rollers and rough surf ,some places had no beach at high tide. Talked to a guy coming off the beach who said you needed 8 to 10 to hold .
I fished inside ( :skunk:)water was bad very dirty and full of weed no bait completly viod of life. what a differnce a day makes. waves where there is no bar very large 6 to 8 foot or more. Some waves broke over the top of the north jetty at inlet into the river. Gonna take a good 3 to 4 days to clean up after front comes through tomorrow night and runoff passes.

10-13-2011, 05:57 PM
Fished 71 hours, ate 3 day old sandwiches, slept an hour or so on the hood of my truck, released a short and kissed a swan oh! wait thats Dark not me
Too funny ya old grouch! :clapping::clapping: :laugh: :moon:

When Fin gets the :skunk: after fishing the pots of gold he fishes in....you know it's bad out there. :learn:

Dogfish thank you for your career suggestions. My response would be...:moon: :HappyWave:

Guys, please realize that Geoff was busting balls, no big deal. If you have any issues with someone here please take it back channel. There are less than 60 days of opportunity to catch fish here in NJ before we're into the last of the run, the baby schoolies that I feel guilty catching. I just don't have the time to moderate petty grievances here, it takes away from fishin time....:fishing: So I thank you in advance for your cooperation and treating everyone with respect, as you would want to be treated...:thumbsup: :HappyWave:

Fished last night, the whole night again, managed some "small" fish 16 and 25#. ;) :lookhappy:

When I left the house, Pebbles told me I was crazy, how the heck could I fish in all that rain? :huh: As I was driving on the Parkway, getting pelted with sheets of rain, I almost turned back...what person in their right mind would want to go out in that?

Those of you who know me, know that hope springs eternal when I'm out there, I just don't know when to give up...I'm famous for looking at 25 mph winds and saying..."Yeah that wind is gonna lay down, I just KNOW it!!!" :ROFLMAO

Also, my log said it was a good time to be out there. Last year around Oct 6 I started catching fish in the 20's and this trip was long overdue.

Some friends have been catching big blues in the back bays. Bunker have been seeking shelter at night and the blues have been hammering them. I set out to find some of that action, and was pleasantly surprised, no bluefish, all bass action.

At first it took awhile to figure it out. The wind and rain were intense but not unbearable. Even though it is a noreast pattern, there was some inconsistency. For example, the rain wasn't that heavy constant rain, but waves with some sheets of blinding rain, mostly small drizzle patterns. The winds, at times 25mph, were not sustained. I had to time the casts with the decreasing wind gusts to get out there. It was a very inefficient way of fishing. The gusts screwed up your casts and made it difficult to maintain contact wth your offering. Frustrating at best, but at least it wasn't cold! :wheeeee:

The worst part of it was not being able to see. Those who know me know I wear glasses. After awhile it became too tiresome to just keep wiping them off, so I fished with the rain on them, clouding my vision.

Despite all the obstacles, the fish were there....
I could hear them in the dark but I couldn't see them. not much lights where I was and there was no moon visible at all. Every once in awhile, above the sound of the whitecaps, you would hear a fish break as it got harassed.

It was difficult because the fish were scattered. Being that there was bait around (bunker or big mullet), I started with a rubber shad. The water was dirty and murky, but there was none of the debris usually associated with the noreast pattern. Shad, and the vibrating tails, are a good presentation in dirtier water because the vibrations help the fish find them...

Within 5 minutes I got whacked, so I was pumped. Many trips for me this year have resulted in hours of casting, for maybe one fish or 2 interspersed in those hours of casting. This was positive. Yet, another half hour of casting the rubber and nothing....

Switched to many other presentations that would swim down from the surface in that dirty water, as none of the surface presentations got attention. Was really hoping for some action on some of Surfstix's or Speedy's plugs, but it was not to be.

Finally I chose a darter because of the erratic action and the vibrations, theorizing that the extra vibration in the muddy water would allow the fish to key in on it. Within 5 minutes I got banged, missed the fish.

Slowed down the presentation, and about 1/2 hour after got a nice fish, 40" and about 25#. Fat healthy ocean fish, light colored and clean. :drool: About an hour later I landed a 35" bass, about 16#, also fat and light colored.
When I landed the first fish it was hooked in the eye and I blinded it getting the hook out. Felt real bad about that. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png

The 2nd fish was also hooked in the head and the gill plate. This made me realize that the fish could not see the bait where I was and were using their lateral lines to find it. The darter was the best choice because of the vibration, but they even had trouble finding that in the rough water.

Just to be clear...
I can't say it was fantastic action...with the dirty water, it was a fish or hit about every half hour...I missed quite a few in that murkiness. As the tide dropped the action diminished. I fished it through the slack, and then part of the flood, in hopes it would turn around again. No such luck.

I can't say it was epic....:rolleyes:
But it was a chance to get some quality fish. I've been putting in lots of time with not much to show for it but small fish. At least these were of a nicer class, and migratory clean ocean fish. All fish released.

I CAN say that I had a blast! :headbang:
With all the inconsistency in NJ surf fishing lately, many guys have given up. Talked to the Old Farts the other day OFFC and they have been hitting it hard with not much to talk about...if surf veterans like that aren't doing well, that's a true indication of the state of our fishery, poor to dismal. I would be remiss in my duties here if I didn't try to raise awareness of this every chance I get.....

But catching drag pulling bass in the rain, when ya can't even see 10 feet in front of ya...(BTW the finchaser rod performed flawlessly, thanks Fin!) fishing by instinct,, and nailing bass on artificials when they're keyed in on bait....that satisfied a primal urge in me so deep I felt like a caveman who discovered fire!!!

A caveman who looks like Mr Magoo....:ROFLMAO

10-13-2011, 09:28 PM
But catching drag pulling bass in the rain, when ya can't even see 10 feet in front of ya...(BTW the finchaser rod performed flawlessly, thanks Fin!) fishing by instinct,, and nailing bass on artificials when they're keyed in on bait....that satisfied a primal urge in me so deep I felt like a caveman who discovered fire!!!

A caveman who looks like Mr Magoo....:ROFLMAO

:clapping:Rocking the Magoo look, keep on trucking dark. Congrats on the 25, nice fish.
Fished last night in the rain, as you said it was a sloppy mess, got one bass mid teens, rubber.

10-14-2011, 12:41 AM
i just got in from a wet fishing nite no bass but i got more big ling than i have seen in a long time but the big eels were a pain in my backside i got two eels as long as my arm:scared:but its all goodthats why its called fishing:HappyWave:



10-14-2011, 02:25 AM
^ Hey G glad to see ya got some action, nothing wrong with catching big ling. :drool: They're good eating, and the eels, some people smoke them. Remember that eel we got fishin S Jersey that night? Didn't want to let go of my googan thumb. :laugh: :bucktooth:

Fished with Fin tonight, to try and see if there was a sustained bite from yesterday....there wasn't.
We saw some bait early on. It gradually disappeared. The rain wasn't bad but the pending lightning seemed to put the fish down. They were in the bottom half of the water column.

Realizing this, we targeted them with bucktails and rubber. Fin had the hot hand, landing one 33" bass around 12-13#, and dropped another. Nothing for me. :skunk:
It was nice to see the grouch at his best, pulling fish out of thin air... ;) :thumbsup: :fishing:
He does have some old skool skilz. :cool:

We ended the trip early because of the lightning overhead. Shortest fishin trip I ever made, only 1 1/2 hrs. I didn't realize such trips were possible....:laugh:

10-14-2011, 10:20 AM
Hey ease up, guys! Rich and I go way back. We enjoy busting each other's balls when we get the chance. That's all it is.

Good skills to you guys out there this fall season! :HappyWave:

10-14-2011, 12:04 PM
Congrats on the catches, dark, finchaser and gjb:clapping:. Dark a 25 lber is a beautiful fish, especially on artificials. You don't see too many of them caught from land this time of year. I see you put in your time and are out there a lot paying your dues. Congratulations on your persistence! Love the comment about Mr Magoo too.:laugh:
I was out in nomoco last night, the south wind was bad. I was throwing metal and bucktails, no action. I hate this kind of weather because as you said it dirties up the water. Bring on the NW, and if you get a chance please post up another West Wind Wally video, we miss him.:HappyWave:

10-14-2011, 12:21 PM
DS good job on the bass and the release. There is nothing like the thrill of catching a bass on artificials. The bait guys may get bigger, and you can always get some large slinging eels at the rips, but the artificial bite is something special. From the NJ reports I have seen on the internet, a 25lb bass is a nice size for you guys down there.

10-14-2011, 12:53 PM
Don't let him kid ya bassbuddah. The joisey surf has all small fish, a 25 pound stripah is the fish of a lifetime for that stinking smokestack what exit state.:ROFLMAO
You can only go downhill from there.;) :boring: He DID say it was a small fish though, so half of a thumbs up. I would much rather see a pic of the smelly waters. The darkskies googan bucket was internet gold. Where is that pic?

10-14-2011, 02:06 PM
The joisey surf has all small fish, a 25 pound stripah is the fish of a lifetime for that stinking smokestack what exit state.:ROFLMAO

So all the big fish are in Mass now? Aside from the Canal and Race Point, I think NJ has miles more of bettter places to fish. Are you being a MASS-hole, or is that just a Russ Bassdozer article I remember?:2flip: :kicknuts:
Fished above the park this morning. Got one short bass on metal and teaser. Fish hit the metal. The surf is big and nasty but clearing up ever so slightly. You can get out there with a 27, but a 37 or 47 is good to have with you if there is a big sweep. The area I fished was cut in a little bit so it minimizes the sweep. Also some hickory shad are around, got 2 on the teaser. Not too many other guys out there.

10-14-2011, 02:23 PM
haha masshole basshole i love it! hey dogfish u cant talk about our fish in nj in the spring we get fish to 36lbs on bunker in the back that aint too shabby dude and nj guys had some fish to 54lbs from the jetties this spring. if u ever want to have a contest come down here and well show you how we do it jersey style but dont dump on our state or we will come up there and open a can of woop azx on you.lol
i fished wit some buds last nite in the back, the water was like coffee bunker was the only thing that worked we got a mess of blue dogs to 8lbs . dark u shud stop by one nite and say whats up, we dont care if u mug us or not haha tite lines dudes and dudettes!

10-14-2011, 02:35 PM
Way to go guys. I have been trying to fish the ocean with all this foam and big waves. Lots of junk nd weeds out there. Been out there in the mornings in the LBI area, last 3 times caught the skunk.:skunk: Hoping it will get better after the stormy weather passes.

10-14-2011, 04:27 PM
I think a 25 pounder is a fantastic fish, at least to me it is. Catching a fish that big on a lure? Great going darkskies, you and the guys like finchaser here who catch a lot are an inspiration. Keep up the good work.

10-14-2011, 04:34 PM
Are you being a MASS-hole, or is that just a Russ Bassdozer article I remember?:2flip: :kicknuts:

:clapping:Hey I resemble that remark. And you will address me correctly- it's MR BASSHOLE to any of you joisey googans.:cool:

10-14-2011, 06:35 PM
. if u ever want to have a contest come down here and well show you how we do it jersey style but dont dump on our state or we will come up there and open a can of woop azx on you.lol

What w4fish said. Don't diss Jersey!:2flip: :lynchmob: :headbang: :viking: :kicknuts: :bonk:

10-14-2011, 11:35 PM
Picked up 4 shorts last night. One was very close to being a keeper. I fished in the back and saw lots of lightning. Had at least 2-3 times as many hits as fish landed. Not sure what they were looking for but my best producers were the megabaits.

Saw a bunch of other fish caught as well but no keepers. Got back home at 5am.

10-15-2011, 08:43 AM
Had at least 2-3 times as many hits as fish landed. Not sure what they were looking for but my best producers were the megabaits.
Saw a bunch of other fish caught as well but no keepers. Got back home at 5am.

Yeah, I've been having similar experiences, Charlie. Fish are feeding but not super aggressive. If ya fail to stick em in that first strike they won't come back and hit it again...it seems Finchaser got one of the few fish over 28" that night:clapping: The lightning caused us to bail on the fishing as we were carrying "lightning rods" in an open area...:scared:

Fished the night after you (last night ebb tide, and both slack tides). The weather forecast was nowhere as bad as predicted. Winds were bearable for most of the night.
Fished the back bay, decided to stick with a bigger profile as the water is still a little murky. No action for a long time.

As I was thinking about leaving, I get whacked by a nice fish on a darter, drag screams. Had her on for at least 30 secs, and then dropped her. I got to see her tail slap the water as she said good by and gave me the :2flip: :laugh:.

I'm embarassed because once I stick a fish,, she's usually mine. ;) I never give a fish an inch of slack. Maybe a lousy hookset, or the fact that I'm really a googan pretending to be a surfcaster. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png :bucktooth:

I was mad at myself for losing that fish. Usually the way things have been so slow, you get one or 2 quality fish a night, and I blew it. :beatin:

Kept at it for awhile with some other hits and misses. Was going to pack it in but started using a bucktail to change things up. In quick succession I picked up 2 small bass, then dead water for awhile, then medium bluefish moved in. Haven't had bluefish action all year, so I played it out hoping for some drag screamers. No such luck, managed 3 medium blues. That slow pick finally died.

I was told of some nice fish to 28# caught on the SS of LI on Thur night in the rain and lightning. Figured I had to give the ocean a shot. It was big, and clouded up, but fishable near the end of the ebb.. Gave it a shot for an hour, no action at all on the darter.

(There's still a big ocean swell, and a mid-period swell of 4-5 larger 7' waves insterspersed with the regular swell. The duration was about 5 secs, and the surf was a little angry. I only try to fish the ebb in those conditions.)

Back to the original place to see if the bass came back, they didn't. Managed 2 more blues on a darter, and that action died down as it came closer to slack tide.

10-15-2011, 11:58 AM
Yeah, I've been having similar experiences, Charlie. Fish are feeding but noit super aggressiive. If ya fail to stick em in that first strike they won't come back and hit it again...it seems Finchaser got one of the few fish over 28" that night:clapping: The lightning caused us to bail on the fishing as we were carrying "lightning rods" in an open area...:scared:

I'm embarassed because once I stick a fish,, she's usually mine. ;) I never give a fish an inch of slack. Maybe a lousy hookset, or the fact that I'm really a googan pretending to be a surfcaster. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png :bucktooth:

Yes and I will get you a Pink monogrammed Googan bucket ALG to set you and-WW Ralph apart from all the other Googans:HappyWave::laugh:

10-15-2011, 04:31 PM
^^ Gee thanks so much, ya old grouchy basstard! :kiss: :moon: :kooky:

If you're getting me a pink bucket it might mean we're engaged or something like that...what would our girlfriends think :scared:.... maybe hold off on the pink..or the monogram, or even better maybe I'll land some more nice fish and shake the googan curse. :laugh:

Nah, who am I kidding, I'll always be a googan. :bucktooth: :bigeyes:
And always a member in the effumall club...until they forcibly remove me....:cool:

Never to know what it's like to be a cool surfcaster with $1000 worth of gear to catch schoolies on clams.....

never to know the joys of posting my bunker blitz fish on the tackle shop leaderboards.... :rolleyes:

there are some out there who will always believe they can find my name and pic under "googan bucket" or "darkskies googan" "darkskies googan bucket" in the dictionary...:ROFLMAO

Oh the life I live, to be branded as a googan, into all of eternity.....
The only ones who understand my creative genius are my beloved Pebbles :heart: and a rubber lizard hand puppet, yup that's a real mature thing for a grown man to be doing.,...:o

So is the fall run here yet, when should we get ready to go out and catch those striped bluefish? :d :fishing:

10-16-2011, 08:42 AM
Fished last night from 5:00pm to 11:00pm. Water was flat. I didn't see any bait, water was stainned brown. Did get a small cocktail blue on my sandeel teaser before the sun went down. Around 8:30pm did get a few bumps, but I think they might of been shad.

10-16-2011, 09:47 AM
We didn't do any better, Vpass. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png
OGB and I took Pebbles out to try to get her her first Fall bass of the year.
Went to a back bay area that had produced some bass as the bait had been schooling up in the bad weather. Gave it an extreme effort from 10-2am.

Last night was TOO calm, if that's at all possible. The gale force S/SW winds forecast never happened, that water was like a lake, and it seems most of the bait has moved elsewhere. People here know I'm limited with my skills because of my googan handicaps, :bucktooth:but even with the mighty Finchaser up at bat, the best we could manage was one bluefish that he landed. Tried all levels of the water column.

There were a few hits and misses, but as you noticed Vpass, the fish were highly scattered and just not there where we were. During that 4 hour period we casted like crazy people, over and over, just to be able to say we didn't get the :skunk:. Hundreds of casts for that one lone fish. It was like fishing had returned to it's normal dismal results. Further evidence that people are harvesting fish at a rate faster than they can reproduce, back the way it was in the late 70's and early 80's.

Lots of folks are looking to blame the poor fishing lately on the warm water. I'm telling ya's it's not the water as there is bait on its normal migration pattern, just not many fish under it. You can't catch fish that aren't there, either here or in Montauk.

As always, Pebbles and I found it a pleasure to fish with OGB.

Mostly I fish by myself, but fishing with Fin is one of the things I look forward to if given a choice of fishin with someone else. The guy actually ain't so grouchy when he's out there fishin, and is full of one-liners and comedy.
Hoping for better fishing this week, hope springs eternal in the mind of the surfcaster...:cool:

10-16-2011, 12:44 PM
Sun. - 5am - 9am. Out front. Not a tap.

10-16-2011, 01:58 PM
Fished this morning, ocean side 1:00 to 2:15, not much wind, no action. Moved bayside fished 3:00 to 1:00. Found the wind....
Got a Stargazer on the bottle-darter:huh:.:beatin::beatin:,
Then finally hooked into a larger fish around 7:00 on a Superstrike Popper (Even a blind nut finds a squirrel once in a while). And lost it after a minute or so..:beatin::beatin::beatin::beatin::beatin::beati n: at least it felt good to have some line pulled from the reel...urghh.... Had good time, liked the water, weather was great.

10-16-2011, 11:53 PM
That is a scarey looking stargazer monty.
I fished ocean city tonight, caught some fish on the incoming tide, not many. 2 blues on cut mullet, but the surprise was the weakfish. I haven't seen one in a long time. Got 3 of them to 18", put back. Kept the blues.

10-17-2011, 12:02 AM
Just finished fishing the hook, fished most of the incoming. Figured clams would be a good bet with the weather we have been having lately. No bass but I did get a giant skate around 13lbs. I cut the wings off and will try to cook it. Does anyone eat these things around here?

Mike O
10-17-2011, 06:45 AM
Fished early sat. morning from 4am to about 8am, skunkaroo. No bait no fish. Through everything in the bag at least twice. Maybe next time.

Mike O

10-17-2011, 03:06 PM
I fished in the area right above Island beach yesterday. It was a nice day but the fishing wasn't so hot. I fished all day and got 4 bluefish to 3lbs on muillet. The tackle shops say guys are catching bluefish all over the place and some keeper bass. What gives? I didn't see anyone where I was doing much better either.

10-17-2011, 03:09 PM
B&N lies

10-18-2011, 04:20 PM
fish the hook this morning with clams.nothing but skates.did manage to pull in a big ray it had to be 20 to 25 lbs.it took at least 15 minuts to get it in.

10-18-2011, 08:29 PM
Great afternoon on the bunker pods S of MI today. They were quiet for a long time and all of a sudden it was orchestrated action all over. Managed 7 bass to 29# and quite a few blues on live bunker. We kept 2 of the bass and released the rest. Let's hope this holds out for awhile.

10-18-2011, 08:37 PM
Thanks for the report, Capt. Nothing but small blues inshore and the occasional bass. Hopefully we will see some of them in closer.

10-18-2011, 08:38 PM
B&N lies

Yeah, but he does it so convincingly.;)

10-19-2011, 02:06 PM
B&N lies

I watched this one unfold today :

"There are huge bluefish in the wash right at Area 23." I am heading out there now. I will let you know what I do."

chase own your reports!?! Big mistake if fails eh....

UPDATED 1:24 PM Got on at Area 23 and the big blues were there, but I missed the push. Saw a few more hookups. It was not easy"

10-19-2011, 04:59 PM
That report is true it was called in by Bob P and he doesn't lie. Only 1 blue was weighed in so I guess it wasn't a blitz

I fished in the back last hour of incoming and had 1 5-6 pound blue on jig head and rip tide tail

10-19-2011, 08:05 PM
Shark, I as well doubt a lot of the internet claims out there.... :huh:


"Yeah we bailed fish all last night....we had them to 37lbs, and had 17 fish over 30lbs, all on eels in the surf. It was epic fishing...." :kooky:

But if Bob P sez it happened, I believe him too.

Bob P is a stand up guy who speaks the truth. Unlike so many others who hype every detail up, I don't think he even knows how to exaggerate...
I do see your point though. I think the fault lies not with Bob P, but in the way it's transmitted, after he calls it in.... http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon3.png ;)

10-19-2011, 08:08 PM
We talk here all the time about how noreasters dirty up the water and make it difficult to catch fish with any consistency.

The key window is before that happens, the hours, or night before.
I fished last night hoping for some of that mojo to rub off on a humble googan ;) but it didn't happen.

Started out in the back, last of the flood. The water was clear, colder, but no bait. Despite that, I threw artificials anyway as the area I was in sometimes turns on prior to bad weather. The problem is that there is no consistency in "sometimes". http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png

So the fish were not there. Right before I was gonna leave I nailed a small bluefish on a medium level swimmer. That kept me there for another hour, when I got another. Way too much time on a few bluefish, but you never know when the fish might turn on.

3rd stop was the ocean. I had procrastinated a bit as it was allegedly getting dicey. When I got out there it didn't look so bad. The tide was ebbing and the swell wasn't tremendously big, 2-3', and the duration not bad either, every 5-6 secs.

Made it out to a place where things were a little precarious.
Please note I was wearing a PFD, and after last night will be wearing a PFD every time I'm out in this kind of weather in big surf. I have no macho issues with wearing one, and anyone insane enough to be out there in big water at night should be wearing one as well. :learn:

Although a little hairy out there, :scared: the adrenalin levels were off the charts. I felt prepared in case I had to go swimming. Every fiber of my body was alert. :headbang:

Unfortunately, the fish, which should have been there, were not.
Gave it hell, oceanside, for 1 1/2 hours, only managing a small bass on a shad, and one other missed fish. Hey, that's fishin. :fishing:

Went back to my car and took a ride to fish another place for another part of the tide. Heavy rains kept me inside. Eventually I passed out and dreamed about the fish I could have caught, :laugh: as I had to make it to work on time this morning.

10-20-2011, 01:31 PM
Mostly true, and especially true for last night.

First met up with Fin to work the last 2 hours of the flood.
The wind was tough and effed up the presentation. The best choice was bucktails to punch it out there. At times fishing the storm pattern of the last few days has been productive for where we were, but not last night. The fish were very scattered. No bait visible, and as mentioned the wind was an issue.

It was tough, but the OGB held his own, casting with the ferocity of guys half his age...;)

Always a pleasure to fish with the old grouch. :HappyWave:As we were working hard to find fish, there wasn't much conversation, probably one of his favorite parts of the evening....:laugh:

Or, maybe he was glad that we fished apart, and I was downwind. :don't know why: As we were gearing up to fish, I got a whiff of a stench coming from inside my car....:upck: I had been carrying around some rigged eels that got old and stinky. That, coupled with wet feet and socks, created an overpowering aroma of dead and decaying organic matter. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon11.png :ROFLMAO

Gotta clean up that car before I ask Pebbles to come fishin with us next time. Lord, I don't know how that poor girl puts up with me! :cool: :heart:

And cast and cast we did, trying to find a pattern or body of fish. There were none for that place, save for a few isolated short bass we managed on the bucktails. (Actually, we might have missed the pattern, as "AL G" the always late Googan aka DarkSkies, http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon11.pngwas 26 minutes late to meet the old grouch. We calculated in that span of time, prime time for where we were, that 1,926 migrating striped bass had passed the spot where we were casting from, leaving us with the few remaining, scattered ones. :rolleyes: )

We averaged one hit or miss per half hour, dismal fishing in the S wind coupled with the unfavorable NE/SE pattern in effect for the past 2 days. We narrowly avoided the skunk and had limited action, working hard for every hit. The fish were just not there.

After leaving him, I couldn't leave it at that, had to give it one more try elsewhere. The wind up till the tide change was a steady 20, with gusts to 30, not very favorable...

As I fished the slack and the whole ebb, the wind started up again to its previous velocity. Despite compensating for it in my casts, the best I could do was get in the strike zone about 2 out of every 5 casts, only being in that zone for 10-15 secs when I could land it right. It was hard to maintain contact with my offering, and made presentation extremely challenging. Still, I managed a few fish and had some good action.

Managed a mid teens bass, 34", about 15#, on a bomber windcheater. When the action slowed, I worked a bucktail for awhile and managed a low teens fish, 32" about 13#, on the bucktail. These were fat fish. I don't know exactly what they have been fattening up on but these migratory fish have been feeding well. The 34" bass measured 19" around. Both fish released.

I fished till the morning because with how dismal fishing has been lately, when given action and fish activity, I play it out until I drop. You never know when those extra 500 casts or so will bring you just one more fish. :kooky: :d

Most activity was at the top of the tide. Halfway through, everything died. There was some bluefish action after the bass disappeared. Had fun with them, landed one small one, dropped a few more on bucktail.

I tried to move up and down the beach to find more bass, but was not successful. I was shot, so I gave it 2 hours sleep in my car before I had to get back to civilization to get to work.

South wind, coupled with a NE/SE pattern, doesn't help the NJ surf guys at all.

10-20-2011, 04:46 PM
South wind, coupled with a NE/SE pattern, doesn't help the NJ surf guys at all.

Sure doesn't. That wind sucked last night. Found a place in the nomoco ocean where it was less intense and got 4 short bass. Bucktails and pork was the ticket. BTW nice catches dark, still looking for a 20lb bass this year.

10-20-2011, 05:51 PM
I figured with the weather the fishing would be too crazy and you guys are catching. Nice going, I will try to be out sometime this weekend and have something to contribute.

10-20-2011, 06:23 PM
Or, maybe he was glad that we fished apart, and I was downwind. :don't know why: As we were gearing up to fish, I got a whiff of a stench coming from inside my car....:upck: I had been carrying around some rigged eels that got old and stinky. That, coupled with wet feet and socks, created an overpowering aroma of dead and decaying organic matter. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon11.png :ROFLMAO

Gotta clean up that car before I ask Pebbles to come fishin with us next time. Lord, I don't know how that poor girl puts up with me! :cool: :heart:

Is it possible she has no sense of smell? Because the way you describe that stench, I am thinking it is a cross between a men's room and the dumpster behind a fish market - and you appear to be proud of this, like a badge of honor?
I have a great idea for a relatively new product that might help you out, I hear it's fantastic. It's called SOAP!:beatin:

10-20-2011, 06:34 PM
^I think he takes a shower once a week, whether he needs one or not. Nice catches guys. Fished the incoming in the back last night, skunkola.

10-20-2011, 07:59 PM
^I think he takes a shower once a week, whether he needs one or not. Nice catches guys. Fished the incoming in the back last night, skunkola.

He can skip this week it rained,and the stench is more like the dump on a 100 degree day forget the dumpster.

10-20-2011, 08:11 PM
:kicknuts:Ouch that was cold dark. Are you going to take that?

Late report, we fished the back bay Mon night, got some nice bass around 1am, 39 inches and 44 inches. All on clam. The guys using bunker got blues. When I opened one up at home, they had adult bunker in their bellies. So strange I can't figure it out.:huh:

Then we fished last night in the rain. I thought for sure it was on but we only got some small bass. None were bigger than 23". Go figure.

10-20-2011, 08:22 PM
Managed a mid teens bass, 34", about 15#, on a bomber windcheater. When the action slowed, I worked a bucktail for awhile and managed a low teens fish, 32" about 13#, on the bucktail. These were fat fish. I don't know exactly what they have been fattening up on but these migratory fish have been feeding well. The 34" bass measured 19" around. Both fish released.

Dark the bass we got had 9" bunker in there bellies.


10-21-2011, 02:39 PM
Friday. 5am-12pm. Out front-plugs/metal/rubber, with/without teasers. Water off color/constant rollers. Plugged three different locations in my area, plenty of walking. Not a tap. Bait people that I passed complained of constant skate hookups.

10-21-2011, 11:19 PM
I Fished from 4:30pm to 10pm. I hooked into 3 bass landed 1 about 30 inches on sluggos. Had many hits and 2 sluggos pulled off the hook. I did see 1 other fish caught. I also caught nice size fluke about 18 inches, and a stargazer, all on sluggos. The bass is still swimming so it could make more babies.;)

10-22-2011, 08:34 AM
Nice efforts guys. :thumbsup:
I bet the top of the ebb this AM would be the one to hold some bigger bass. I was completely off on my assumption, and got blanked.
No bait visible at all, water a little murky.

Fished the slack and 2 hours after, all levels of the water column, not a tap.
Hey, that's fishin. :fishing:

10-22-2011, 10:55 AM
I decided to head to SNJ where i suspected some resident small fish would be active. Half dozen small fish on outgoing before it went flat , high tide looked like low. For weeks i been plotting to mess with some friends on face book :). I was accused of writting after i landed the fish :( here is the proof i did not. ;) The first lure with a message went flying back into the drink as a bass thrashed in the shallows, Anyone who thinks Bass are line shy get a load of this. More to follow this fall :) lotssss of peanuts in the bay

10-22-2011, 12:24 PM
5am-9am. Out front. Threw the regulars, didn't matter. Water still a little off color, didn't matter. Changed arty's so much, broke my snap off, didn't matter. So no bait, didn't matter. Passed bait guys pulling in skate after skate, who cares. Not a tap, walked off. Oh, did see birds working on the ride home... at a MacDonalds dumpster, threw a few casts there, didn't matter.

10-22-2011, 02:05 PM
Way to go SW was allot of bird action in the Walmart /Wendy's lot yesterday and today I was surprised I didn't run into dark taking pictures of them

10-22-2011, 04:20 PM
Hey ya grouchy basstard I don't always shoot the swans.... despite all the jabs you mooks and dillydocks (Copyright Russ Wilson) been taking at me! :2flip: :laugh: :HappyWave:

As for seagulls, yeah I have saved or helped save a dozen or 2 wrapped up in anglers' line here and there, but let me tell ya's, one crapped on Pebbles' car the other day...if I had one of Speedy or Jonthepain's rifles I woulda had target practice...:bonk:

Gotta find some of the cool hawk and owl pics I took last week at Chatsworth before one of ya jokers signs me up for PETA. :moon: ;)

Nice efforts guys, it ain't easy out there to get fish with any consistency this year.. Vpass's new thread should provide some interesting results.

Shark, I wouldn't worry about the facebook jabs. There are some people out there who would have no life if it weren't for facebook. I honestly don't know where people have that kind of time to spend hours putting others down on facebook. :don't know why:

10-22-2011, 04:28 PM
Nah these are my good friends, im one of those losers! It makes talking to everyone easier

10-22-2011, 07:50 PM
I don't think you are a loser sharkhart, you have some awewome videos on youtube, how many other guys have talent like that?
I fished nomoco tonight, vpass I tried sluggos first when it was calmer. The bass hit it hard! But I only pulled in one short bass. I will have to learn how to rig the double hooks, those sluggos are great. Then I switched over to a bucktail and got another short bass, just finished a few minutes ago, beautiful night. Thanks vpass.

10-23-2011, 02:24 AM
Fished tonight. Didn't want to pull an all nighter so I just fished a few hours of the ebb.
There was way too much traffic out there ...
(and some really bad behavior...more on that at a later date:kicknuts::viking:) to suit my tastes. Hey, it was Saturday night, waddya expect? :don't know why:

Got mugged at one of my stops by a newbie fisherman. I was irritated that he didn't know enough to put more space between us on the beach. The beach was very crowded.

By the end of the night the dude grew on me. I ended up gifting him some plugs as he didn't have much to fish with, yet gave it his all anyway...:thumbsup:

He managed one short bass on rubber, dropped a few. I managed 2 and also dropped a few. It was a very slow pick. Most of the activity happened mid-tide, for about an hour.

10-23-2011, 09:40 AM
So when is he going to sign on oh gabby one,did you teach him how to talk to birds????????????????????

10-23-2011, 11:42 AM
I fished from 7:00pm to 11pm last night. I was hoping for a pattern to develop, but it didn’t. :skunk: Many fishermen were out. I didn’t see anyone catching. I didn’t see any bait, but I did smell bunker around. That smell kept me there.:huh: In the past it paid off, not this time. It should happen any day now, I hope!!!:kooky:

vpass I tried sluggos first when it was calmer. The bass hit it hard! But I only pulled in one short bass. I will have to learn how to rig the double hooks, those sluggos are great. Then I switched over to a bucktail and got another short bass, just finished a few minutes ago, beautiful night. Thanks vpass.

Your welcome storminsteve,:HappyWave: I like using the 7 inch dark gray over silver, or Black.:drool: I caught 90% of my bass last year on them. I never really gave the 9 inch a chance, but did get a few fish on them also. good luck!!!

10-23-2011, 01:49 PM
Fished this morning from 1:00 to 8:00 out front, finally got a little lucky and had some fish find me.
6 bass (3 on rubber teaser, 2 on darters and 1 on 10" black Hogy). Lost a couple and missed a bunch of hits. Largest was around 32 inches, all released.
Had action until false dawn and beach to self till then too (fish were spread out, fished ~1/2 mile of beach).
Fish were in mostly open water rips, not in tight to rocks.
Was great fishing in the cool weather, fun time.

10-23-2011, 02:10 PM
way to go on all the fish now if the rest of us get some of that luck some of us mite feel a lot better:HappyWave:

10-23-2011, 10:11 PM
Monty had the hot hand last night! :clapping::clapping: You only fished 7 hours for 6 fish, that's 6/7 of a fish per hour...as opposed to the 72 hours it usually takes me for one fish...:laugh:
Proud of ya, either you're dedicated or crazy, but one thing about ya you don't give up...wtg on the persistence. :thumbsup:

Pebbles and I fished the 1st hour of the ebb tonight. As Vpass mentioned there is no real pattern, or when one does develop, it only lasts for a few days at most and then changes to something else.

We fished swimmers and rubber, nothing for either of us. :skunk:

10-24-2011, 12:15 AM
Did the boat today after a very slow start, we found heavy blue concentrations about 3-4 miles out, stretched from Asbury to Long branch, hours of blitzing and run and gunning ,hundreds would pop every few mins for a minute or too then go down and repeat, spraying rain fish everywhere in the boat, left them still blitzing. Managed one Bass out of the mix.

Mike O
10-24-2011, 10:04 AM
Covered a lot of beach from 3:30 to 8:00 am sat nothing. Sprung a leak in my spring/fall waders. Made for an uncomfortable outing. Time to break out the neoprene's.

Mike O

10-24-2011, 03:32 PM
It's a good bet this time of year to have an extra pair of waders handy in case of leaks, Mike, or some urethane cement. Sorry to hear about the leaky waders, it is definitely getting colder. Fished the park this morning, top of the tide, nothing.

10-24-2011, 03:43 PM
Hey guys late report, I fished moco from 3-7pm yesterday, got one bass 30", and a few other shorts on clam. Kept the bass as my in-laws are coming over for dinner tonight. There was one other guy fishing clams and he got a few short stripers as well. There were a lot of guys fishing and casting, not much else caught but a few skates.

10-25-2011, 08:41 AM
Fished last night from 6:00pm to 1am. Caught 10 bass, 2 shorts about 25inch, and 8 keepers from 13 to 18 pounds on the boga grip. Had alot of bumps, and I dropped alot of fish, All on 9 inch sluggos Also 2 fluke on the teaser. alot of guys fishing last night. I did threw the bag before figuring out what they wanted.:)

10-25-2011, 09:53 AM
All on 9 inch sluggos Also 2 fluke. alot of guys fishing last night. I did threw the bag before figuring out what they wanted.:)
Nice report Vpass, those sluggos seem to really be hot now.

10-25-2011, 04:57 PM
Fished last night from 6:00pm to 1am. Caught 10 bass, 2 shorts about 25inch, and 8 keepers from 13 to 18 pounds on the boga grip. Had alot of bumps, and I dropped alot of fish, All on 9 inch sluggos Also 2 fluke on the teaser. alot of guys fishing last night. I did threw the bag before figuring out what they wanted.:)

To eighteen pounds, basstastic! congrats! I fished nomoco from 3-7 am today, the skunk was in town.

10-25-2011, 05:17 PM
way to go vpass, nice catching.:clapping: Not many people got numbers like that last night, definitely not me.

10-26-2011, 08:40 AM
VPass, great numbers!

You really shined through. And I want people to understand that it ain't easy, he found a pattern and stuck with it. Finding that pattern this Fall is like hitting a moving target. It changes every week, and doesn't fit the classic patterns talked about by the surf gurus. Crack that code, and you have fish for that night. The night after, you may have to figure it out all over again....that's fishin. :fishing:
Outstanding report! :clapping: :thumbsup:

Mon night -
As mentioned, it's been tough to find a pattern this Fall. Usually, for me, that involves fishing for a whole tide or more.
Mon night I found some feeding fish, 4 to 14# on rubber and small swimmers. The last 1 I managed after the bite had died, rubber, 2 additional hours of casting for that lone fish. Released.

Tues night -
Met up with a StripersandAnglers site member for a few hours of fishin. He has to do a detail with his Precinct to pick up a Fallen Soldier, also a member of their Precinct, at the AFB today. Bringing him back for burial. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png

Therefore, he couldn't stay out and fish with me all night. The pressure was intense to find him a fish or 2. We made 5 separate stops looking...no action or bait activity in any place we tried.

At the last stop we gave it our best shot anyway. The fish started feeding and we had a solid hour of good activity. He had the hot hand, managing 4 bass to 13#. I managed one bass, around 36" and 17#. All on rubber, all released.

He wisely left after things slowed down. I continued to cast for another hour and managed one more small bass. My legs felt like rubber from fishing all night 2 nights in a row. I ran out of steam and called it a night early. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon11.png

10-26-2011, 09:51 AM
Last night was rough. Either I’m not conditioned for the type of fishing or I’m getting old.
I started the night with 2 quick bass, a short around 23 inches and a 14 pounder on the Boga using sluggos.:)

Then a crowd came down on me and there was a fisherman every 6 feet literally. I was not able drift due the amount of people. :burn:Later on I found out that the guys where there the night before and brought some more friends. They did manage 2 bass amongst them. They were also using sluggos. After conversation with them they told me they will be at that same spot tomorrow. :burn:

It was a beautiful night but hard to enjoy it. should of walked away sooner. wish it was finger numbing cold.

10-26-2011, 07:57 PM
Last night was rough. Either I’m not conditioned for the type of fishing or I’m getting old.
I started the night with 2 quick bass, a short around 23 inches and a 14 pounder on the Boga using sluggos.:)

Then a crowd came down on me and there was a fisherman every 6 feet literally. I was not able drift due the amount of people. :burn:Later on I found out that the guys where there the night before and brought some more friends. They did manage 2 bass amongst them. They were also using sluggos. After conversation with them they told me they will be at that same spot tomorrow. :burn:

It was a beautiful night but hard to enjoy it. should of walked away sooner. wish it was finger numbing cold.

You know your getting old when you can't combat fish.:huh:
:2flip: to the cell phone/internet fisherman.

10-27-2011, 10:58 AM
last night fished a different spot and was alone. I got 1 bass 17 pounds on the boga, and 2 shorts about 23 inches. on needles. worked hard for them, but the bass are spreading out.

10-27-2011, 11:27 AM
^^ Good for you, V. :clapping: :thumbsup:
Some people think fish are only on the red X. :ROFLMAO
Fish the spot(s) all the tackle shops, internet reports, internet spot burners, and "noted surf guides" send you to. That's the only place where the fish are...:kooky:

Actually, there is a bit of truth to the highlighted statement above...with the fishing being as down as it is, there are many spots that don't hold fish. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon8.png

Striped bass are not as abundant as they were 10 years ago, and many of us, who know how to find and catch them, are still getting blanked..despite our experience....:huh:

There are also countless spots that don't hold fish, but still hold them when conditions line up....a good surf fisherman has these in his head and is constantly doing the run down....thinking about the next spot if his assumptions for where he is don't pan out...

This is what separates the casual fisherman from the guys who go out and won't give up till they find them...there are several of those guys here.....
(the old farts fishing club, OFFC were out and about yesterday afternoon. One of them nailed a bass, out of the many that were trying and failed.

The Old Farts http://www.thebassbarn.com/forum/images/smilies/wave.gif school most of the young pups out there, fishing harder and longer than many guys have the stamina for. Fall fishing has been so dismal lately that they only make a rare apprearance now and then. Yesterday they hit it hard in the PM, managing that one lone bass
When they post they may not give ya much info, but even a little sliver can help your technique or presentatio.

Taste every one of those morsels like it is your last meal, and ya just might learn something....:learn: )

It's great to catch fish in a blitz, but more impressive to me to be able to catch, when not many others are...Congrats, all. :thumbsup:

Fished with a sitemember last night, as was mentioned above conditions were tough. The water temp dropped and it was pretty cold on the ebb. After casting rubber for hours I managed a short bass. Called it a night halfway through the tide as it was pretty dismal.

I have seen at least 5 threads this morning on the internet hyping up the Northeast pattern as blowing the fishing wide open. All a Noreast pattern does for NJ is bring us dirty water in the aftermath. It also affects any good feeding patterns that might have developed. Yes it does sometimes bring a bonanza for guys who fish clams, but generally speaking most other fishermen will not have great success in the days directly after a noreast pattern. The better times to fish, as has been mentioned here many times, are in the nights leading up to that. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon3.png

And a West/Northwest pattern! Just ask West wind Wally!

Whether you catch fish or not, the opportunity is still better.

10-27-2011, 03:31 PM
Fished the last of the outgoing last night, OC. Finally some good fish, big sandeels are around, and big sizes. 6 bass to 21lbs, rubber.

10-27-2011, 10:29 PM
Fished Nomoco tonight from 430-730pm
N Ne wind with some occasional gusts , perfect bass water
No fish to show

10-28-2011, 05:22 PM
^ Lenny, try a different tide the next time...:HappyWave:


NJ[/B] is bring us dirty water in the aftermath. It also affects any good feeding patterns that might have developed. Yes it does sometimes bring a bonanza for guys who fish clams, but generally speaking most other fishermen will not have great success in the days directly after a noreast pattern. The better times to fish, as has been mentioned here many times, are in the nights leading up to that. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon3.png

And a West/Northwest pattern! Just ask West wind Wally!

Whether you catch fish or not, the opportunity is still better.

Went to Ocean County last night to prove to some people that the bass are pretty spread out. Fished with Fin. That old grouchy basstard has some incredible stamina, slogging through rain, wind, and cold, better than guys half his age. :viking:

Try as we might, we struck out in a few places. We narrowly avoided the skunk when he managed a medium bluefish on rubber, properly christening a new rod he just built. Throwing rubber, we each had a few more hits and misses, nothing landed.

He went home, and I couldn't...didn't want to give up. Made a slight location change to compensate for the tide..

The wind was howling, 20mph sustained, gusts higher, in the deep night hours. No letup in velocity except for an occasional break to 10mph, which is how I timed my casts....
The cold and wind chill reminded me of late Nov. I made a mental note not to get my fingers too wet in the 41 degree temps

First cast a 13# bass 34" on a heavy bottle plug. Praying I wouldn't be subject to "first cast curse" I was back at it within seconds...managed 4 more teen size bass in that 15 minute period.....

Think about it....5 keeper bass within 15 minutes....:drool:
all cookie cutter bass within 1" of 34"... it was like they all came from the same family...I think their names could have been

Finchaser saxatillis
Speedy saxatillis
Surfstix saxatillis
Vpass saxatillis
Pebbles saxatillis....
:cool: :HappyWave:

Things slowed down a bit after that, but they were still whacking that plug with ferocity, the harder it blew the harder they whacked it. :headbang:

Fish fed for 2 hours, longer than usual..
Total 11 bass,

10 were keepers between 31-34"
1 was short.

All small bass, but I've been waiting for action like that all year, deep in the night, on artificials. :bigeyes:

Usually I'm into numbers like that in NJ by mid-April, but this year has been the toughest it's ever been...I was so grateful for that action in the darkness, I knelt down and thanked King Neptune when I was done...:fishing: :wheeeee:

10-28-2011, 06:07 PM
Things slowed down a bit after that, but they were still whacking that plug with ferocity, the harder it blew the harder they whacked it. :headbang:

Fish fed for 2 hours, longer than usual..
Total 11 bass,

10 were keepers between 31-34"
1 was short.

All small bass, but I've been waiting for action like that all year, deep in the night, on artificials. :bigeyes:

Usually I'm into numbers like that in NJ by mid-April, but this year has been the toughest it's ever been...I was so grateful for that action in the darkness, I knelt down and thanked King Neptune when I was done...:fishing: :wheeeee:

Nice going. Awsome:thumbsup:

10-28-2011, 07:30 PM
Usually I'm into numbers like that in NJ by mid-April, but this year has been the toughest it's ever been...I was so grateful for that action in the darkness, I knelt down and thanked King Neptune when I was done...:fishing: :wheeeee:

Hey maybe I should try that, my fishing has been pretty poor lately. Congrats on those fish dark you fish hard and deserve them! I will be out tonight and hopefully have some good news to report. Good luck guys!

10-28-2011, 07:32 PM
Fished the bay last night at the beginning of the outgoing. Got 5 shorty bass, all on clams.

10-28-2011, 08:04 PM
Great reports guys. as cowherder said I didn't think anyone would be crazy enough to be out fishing in that weather. Congrats and be safe.

10-28-2011, 08:07 PM
Nice going. Awsome:thumbsup:

Ditto Dark, :thumbsup:Banging Bass:thumbsup::headbang:

10-28-2011, 08:46 PM
^ Lenny, try a different tide the next time...:HappyWave:

That's the only time I had. I usually like to fish the end of incoming and the beginning of outgoing tide
I'm glad u got fish. I know you put a lot of time in

10-28-2011, 10:36 PM
I finally got out, started out in the rb at 6:30 hit up my local spots on the incoming tide , zip o …end up at the ocean around 10:00 with a:skunk: Weather was nice. At least I got to watch the fireworks.

10-29-2011, 09:44 AM
Lightning failed to strike twice last night.....

Met up with the old grouchy basstard, to try to see if we could find the action from the night before...

Conditions were tough, windy, building after midnight...I had the old grouch :HappyWave: out till 3am. We hit it hard with rubber and plugs, despite presentation being difficult.

The fish were just not there in any size or numbers where we were. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png

We managed a few bigger bluefish, one short bass, and some hits and misses.
The best thing I can say about the night is the bluefish were the biggest I've seen all year, 8-10lbs, sizes I haven't seen inshore since April.....They were very skinny, and if feeding well could easily have been gators.

These bluefish were full of fight, :headbang:and jogged my memory back to every August, when I've abandoned fishing for schoolie bass in pursuit of 15# blues. That didn't happen this year and I'm damn crabby about it....

Also a little crabby at the ball busting the old grouch did last night, but it comes with the territory...:laugh: since the action was so fantastic Thu night, once I started throwing the bottle plug Fri night, Fin would ask (as it was still in the air and did not yet hit the water..) -
"Did ya catch one yet?" :don't know why:
Fishing with Finchaser, type A all the way! :scared: :moon: What a frikking experience...:kooky:

It looks like the window for the good pre-noreaster fishing might have closed for now...

10-29-2011, 10:02 AM
...I think their names could have been

Finchaser saxatillis
Speedy saxatillis
Surfstix saxatillis
Vpass saxatillis
Pebbles saxatillis....
:cool: :HappyWave:

Monty, apologies, I wanted to include Monty Saxatillis in the family above, but my mind was on how you and your cats cornered the frikking albie market
Post #34
....http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon8.pngand I'm still a little crabby at ya about that... :laugh: :HappyWave:

10-29-2011, 10:12 AM
It looks like the window for the good pre-noreaster fishing might have closed for now...

Def agree with that one. The ocean looks like a washing machine today.

You guys did great compared to how I did last night, fished moco, skunk city.

10-29-2011, 11:18 AM
Fished n of IBSP last night, 2 bass to 33" on a needlefish. Dark you are right about the window being closed. Just came from Island Beach, the wind is 25mph and the rollers are big. You don't have a chance at catching a fish unless using clams, and even those guys are suffering, not worth it.

10-29-2011, 11:38 AM
I was not the only one trying out there yesterday. There were a lot of people out in moco. I got one very short bass on a vision surf eel before the winds started. Congrats dark and finchaser I haven't seen big bluefish in a very long time.

Mike O
10-29-2011, 02:14 PM
I put in a lot of time last night and early this morning in somoco and sh. Got 1 small skate on a white bucktail. Winds really started to pick-up in the am hours. I don't know about everyone else here, but the fishing has been bad for me so far this season. As I always say, maybe next time.

Mike O

10-29-2011, 04:57 PM
found a few pretty small fish later in the night, the big ones are eluding me so far. Have off all week but this weather is crap and looks crappy for a bit.

10-29-2011, 05:47 PM
glad someone got somefish good for u dark and fin no shame in the blue fish better than the skunk:fishing:

10-29-2011, 06:26 PM
Window is still open for the nut jobs out there. I went back and fished near the park this afternoon, 4 blues to 10 lbs, and one bass 32". ava 47s.

10-30-2011, 02:04 AM
So far so good before the storm as long as you put in the time to catch them. Too many mornings getting back at 3-6am but have found fish on all nights except for two so far this fall. Hope this storm doesn't mess things up too much because the table was definitely set for an incredible weekend and November.

My latest couple fish were memorable because I caught them on a fly I tied used as a teaser. Saw some spearing and put it on, first cast 19lb fish, third cast a 15lb. Fish were still there but it was after 3am and I was out since 8pm and had to get home for work.


10-30-2011, 10:29 AM
C4, Nice going, awesome to catch on self made fly.:thumbsup::thumbsup: I was supposed to make a few last night, but got caught up with stuff with the wife. Hoping like you that nothing changed. It definitely was setting up to be a good November. The good thing about sandeels they don’t move that far, they may go out, but they do come back.

10-30-2011, 12:40 PM
way to go on the fish:clapping::HappyWave:

10-30-2011, 03:31 PM
Nice fish C4.

10-30-2011, 07:52 PM
Nice fish Charlie!

10-30-2011, 10:02 PM
Fished nomoco 3-6pm today. Got one short striped bass on a megabait, 2 on the teaser. There were clams all overthe beach but I didn't see any caught with clams. Crazy.

10-31-2011, 02:05 PM
Fished ocean side from 5:00 to 10:00 this morning, 1 short bass on a 10" Black Hogy, nice morning, weather was to nice.


10-31-2011, 05:17 PM
Fished with friends in snj and worked up to ocean county 1 22" and lost another over 7 hours, so far this is the worst fall ever, i found 8 billion peanuts in lbi bay. Whirlpooling the water so thick, not a bass there. So sad!

10-31-2011, 06:29 PM
I fished the park today with bait. Nothing but one large skate.

10-31-2011, 07:54 PM
Tomorrow's NE should bring back the action

Mike O
10-31-2011, 09:11 PM
Got the skunk again this morning, but the weather was beautiful.

Mike O

11-01-2011, 12:47 PM
Fished many spots again last night and took the skunk with one fish on for a second only. This was in SNJ where my friends had a solid bit all last week. The NE storm had a devastating effect on the first wave of fish. If you hear anyone cheering on the NE patterns next time just smack them in the back of the head and tell them to shop listening to tackle shop propaganda.

11-01-2011, 02:02 PM
. The NE storm had a devastating effect on the first wave of fish. If you hear anyone cheering on the NE patterns next time just smack them in the back of the head and tell them to shop listening to tackle shop propaganda.

What he said^^^^ IMO tackle shops give it hype to sell clams

11-01-2011, 05:28 PM
Fished bayside this morning from 5:00 to 11:00, Skunked, had a fish come unbuttoned early on and missed another hit, otherwise zilch. Was to nice out again.

11-01-2011, 06:35 PM
Last night I fished from 6pm to about 11pm. Seen 2 bass caught. I had a few bumps, on plugs but could not connect.:skunk: Around mid incoming I had a bass crashing sandeels in front of me, but could not connect with any of it. :huh:Had sandeels at my feet to about 9 inches or more. Sandeel in picture is about 7 to 8 inches.