View Full Version : Should OGB be on medication?

10-07-2011, 06:19 PM
He truly is a grouchy SOB.
I ain't kidding. :scared:

I know there is a good side to the grouch :kiss: but there is also a emmeffing cranky side, grouchy, argumentative, critical. I love the ol grouch, but sometimes he's so intense I want to strangle him....:)

So yesterday he went for some tests, and had to take some valium to chill him out....
I gotta tell you it was a pleasure talking to him when he came home to let me know how it went....no screaming, ranting, raving, etc.....full of "helpful" advice....a state trooper was on my azz as I entered the Parkway because I probably wasn't driving fast enough....Fin advised me I should have waved him over to the side of the road and lectured him on safe driving....yeah, right...:kooky:

The point it, the tone of his voice, his demeanor, mellow attitude he exhibited, make me think he was a different person....no rants,. yelling, screaming that he usually does.....just a totally mellow, laid back guy......

So for those of you who know him....'
Should he be on medication like Valium, every day? :eek:
Don't be afraid to answer, he can't choke ya on the internet....:laugh:

10-07-2011, 06:28 PM
Works for me so my wife says.

10-07-2011, 06:38 PM
He fits in fine with the gang here the way he is. No offense but we all are a bunch of nut cases......each and every one........

10-07-2011, 06:59 PM
I hope people know this is basically a ball bustin thread, I agree with ya, Monty, and I'm the one could probably benefit from medication...truth be told....
He was so mellow, and agreeable, it was like I was takin to another person, in marshmallow land.....not one rant, angry statement, or attack on the way the gov't is run...it was almost as if they had zombie-ized the grouch and replaced him with someone else. I think some are intimidated by his posts here at times.......it was one of the calmest conversations, and funniest, I've had with him since I've known him...so I thought we would have a little fun with it. :)

10-07-2011, 07:55 PM
Musta been like the Twilight zone. What would be real cool is if OGB made a few posts in his "altered" state of mind. Maybe share his appreciation of swans and stuff.

10-07-2011, 09:27 PM
I hope people know this is basically a ball bustin thread, I agree with ya, Monty, and I'm the one could probably benefit from medication...truth be told....
He was so mellow, and agreeable, it was like I was takin to another person, in marshmallow land.....not one rant, angry statement, or attack on the way the gov't is run...it was almost as if they had zombie-ized the grouch and replaced him with someone else. I think some are intimidated by his posts here at times.......it was one of the calmest conversations, and funniest, I've had with him since I've known him...so I thought we would have a little fun with it. :)

I admire the guy, never having met him. From what you're saying, he managed to get a word in edgewise! :ROFLMAO

10-07-2011, 09:33 PM
:2flip: kiss my arsh googan

10-08-2011, 12:54 PM
He's back just the way we know and love him.:clapping::HappyWave:

10-08-2011, 05:38 PM
:2flip: kiss my arsh googan

Yeah dark why are you always picking on him. He helps us out a lot when we need it. As for yelling and ranting, did you ever think that he yellsat you because you might be hard to deal with? I say he is fine the way he is and maybe you should try some medication (with all due respect!):laugh: :HappyWave:

10-09-2011, 07:51 PM
Where is the option, give DS some shock therapy to mellow him the f*** out?:clapping: :HappyWave:


10-09-2011, 09:17 PM

10-10-2011, 11:39 AM
he is just fine the way he is !!

10-10-2011, 12:38 PM
It seems the OGB has developed quite a wide ranging posse here.....White knights galore, the dark knight has been crushed....:bonk: :laugh:
All in fun, people, and yes you could just as easily insert me as the focus of the thread title.

The Ramones reference was truly old skool, Hookset. :headbang:
Back at ya. :HappyWave: I think Monty said it best....

He fits in fine with the gang here the way he is. No offense but we all are a bunch of nut cases......each and every one........ :HappyWave:


Here's another one for ya's....


For the rest of ya's, effumall! :d :moon:

10-14-2011, 06:38 PM
he is just fine the way he is !!
