View Full Version : The code of silence in Ocean County.....

11-02-2011, 01:22 PM
I'm lovin it.....

You're out fishin, guy comes up to you....

"Catch any?"

"You fishin?"

"what are you throwing or using?"
mmmmph, grrr, glurg......

Everyone goes home happy. :thumbsup:

The internet heroes fishin in Monmouth County could learn a lot from this. It could lead to things being a tad less crowded.....:learn:

11-02-2011, 05:58 PM
yeah like they use to be. Then again with out a cell phone call of a blitz or there beloved bunker they don't show any way.

11-02-2011, 06:55 PM
darkskies, a man of few words?
Somehow I just can't believe it. I would have to see it with my own eyes.:laugh:

11-02-2011, 07:11 PM
That's because we're serious about our fishing and really could care less to brag about it. When you brag you bring people into the mix, if you give them clues. The clues are like breadcrumbs they follow you everywhere. Every time I fish up in monmouth county I run into these newbies that go fishing in groups. Especially at the hook. Are you so scared of the dark that you need a buddy to hold your hand when you go out on the big dark beach at night? If not, then why the f*** do 3 or 4 guys feel the need to go fishing together. I see that mostly with the bait guys, they all like to buddy up.
I don't understand it. When I see that many guys fishing together I think of them as broads going to the bathroom to adjust their tampons.

11-02-2011, 07:29 PM
Loose lips sink ships.

11-03-2011, 12:53 PM
darkskies, a man of few words?

Steve, believe it. :HappyWave:
You're used to my 27 paragraph posts, so it's understandable you would think that...last night you wouldn't have heard too many words out of me, I was in the zone.

When I'm out fishin, nothing else matters.

I ain't there to socialize....I'm out there to stick a fish, and am in total concentration. I've found that when my mind wanders, that's the cast where I swing and miss.... http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png so to be in the game, I know when to shut up and fish....;)
If you ever fish with us and I tell you to shut up and keep casting, don't take it personal....:d

Hookset, simply put, and on the $$.

11-03-2011, 05:41 PM
Loose lips sink ships.:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:

11-19-2011, 06:27 PM
My friend is learning quickly, leaps and bounds....

He fished hard this week, 3x a day. He was on vacation, got somewhere around 30+ fish.....
Most were released, and he kept a few....

As he was bringing one of his nicer fish out of his truck to his Dad's house, 2 guys looked at it, said "Wow what a fish! Niiiiice! Where did you get it, dude?"

His answer....

"In Long Branch, on bombers, at 4pm"

Making me proud, bro......:clapping: :thumbsup:

11-19-2011, 07:01 PM

01-12-2012, 02:06 PM
This has been my downfall for several years now. I help a guy, and the next thing I know I can't fish when and where I want to because not only does he become better and fish more often, but he clues all of his buddies in on the action.....I end up shooting myself in the foot.....goofy googan behavior on my part, but really because I am good-hearted and enjoy helping people.

There were lots of folks who helped me when I first started out, and continued to help and advise, so I feel each time I'm helping someone I'm giving some of that mojo back...:thumbsup:

I know that running a site, people think I have all the intel at my fingertips. Without saying this the wrong way, I'm probably aware of the majority of bites that develop, and when...

Then again, in my network of people I share intel with, we're ALL aware of the best possibilities, and they are just that, possibilities,,,beacuse intel, hours later, becomes like yesterday's news, unless that is part of a pattern...and YOU, as the good fisherman, have the analytical ability to see that pattern.....

Some good-hearted members here have helped the new guys, asked them to keep things quiet, and come back the next day to have not only the guy they helped, but also 10 of his friends there to partake in the action

As I've fished with Fin, he's allowed me to see the how well-meaning advice can backfire, and I'm now helping less folks who are fishing in areas I like to fish.

Purely selfish on my part, I admit, but I have literally helped hundreds of folks become better fishermen by now and my conscience knows that....

So if ya meet me out there, and it's the first time, we're not likely to have a conversation with each other....

I don't need someone to help me find the fish, I just need to know they're there...and the hunt for them is part of my trip and the enjoyment...

If I see ya 3 or 4 times out there, THEN I might start talking to ya, and sharing limited intel...as it should be, and was the way the old-timers were, before the intnenet.....

Nonetheless...I was a little shocked the other night when I asked a guy I had seen several times if I could give him some advice....

He looked at me and said...
"Really? You would do that for me? :scared:
I see you out here a lot, and you're the guy who never talks to anyone! :huh:
Wow, thanks so much!" :fishing:

01-13-2012, 09:57 AM
Dark, I see your point. My plea is selfish here. I wouldn't have half the knowledge today if you guys on this site didn't help me, so I am all for you helping guys out. I am sure you will use your judgement as you always do, but don't give up on helping new guys because there are a few bad apples out there. Thanks for everything.:HappyWave:

01-23-2012, 07:20 PM
Hello Everyone, I've have been reading(listening and learning) from alot of more experienced fishermen/anglers like yourselves for a while without interjecting. I consider myself to be a newbie since I have only started seriously fishing between 5-10 years. ......I truly believe newbies need to earn and really put in the work before the older guys give up all of the secerts of fishing they have worked to learn themselves through the years of fishing......in other words, newbies and people wanting to learn have to "pay their dues" before given the right to have the knowledge of the best places, best times, best bait, etc......why should anyone help me if they don't see I share the same passion for the sport as they do and don't want to put in the effort........The older guys need to pick and choose wisely before taking someone under their wings and showing them the ropes........There are alot of people from my generation who think for some reason they deserve everything without having to put in the work for it......I can go on and on......in a nut shell,....their are of newbies who are willing to put in the work and deserve a chance to keep this sport going for future generations with the help of older more experienced fishermen but there are also newbies who want everything handed to them, blow-up the best places, leave trash, not respect the locals, call ALL of their buddies then forget and turn their backs on the people who helped them fish those rocks, surf, river, etc........

01-23-2012, 07:24 PM
Best Advice a newbie can give a newbie is ........."Keep your eyes, ears, mind opened...and your mouth closed, unless asking a smart question"!

01-23-2012, 08:30 PM
There are alot of people from my generation who think for some reason they deserve everything without having to put in the work for it......I can go on and on......in a nut shell,....their are of newbies who are willing to put in the work and deserve a chance to keep this sport going for future generations with the help of older more experienced fishermen but there are also newbies who want everything handed to them, blow-up the best places, leave trash, not respect the locals, call ALL of their buddies then forget and turn their backs on the people who helped them fish those rocks, surf, river, etc........

:clapping::clapping:Wow, someone who gets it. Welcome aboard dude.

01-25-2013, 12:10 PM
.I truly believe newbies need to earn and really put in the work before the older guys give up all of the secerts of fishing they have worked to learn themselves through the years of fishing......in other words, newbies and people wanting to learn have to "pay their dues" before given the right to have the knowledge of the best places, best times, best bait, etc......why should anyone help me if they don't see I share the same passion for the sport as they do and don't want to put in the effort........The older guys need to pick and choose wisely before taking someone under their wings and showing them the ropes........There are alot of people from my generation who think for some reason they deserve everything without having to put in the work for it......I can go on and on......in a nut shell,....their are of newbies who are willing to put in the work and deserve a chance to keep this sport going for future generations with the help of older more experienced fishermen but there are also newbies who want everything handed to them, blow-up the best places, leave trash, not respect the locals, call ALL of their buddies then forget and turn their backs on the people who helped them fish those rocks, surf, river, etc........

I wish there were a code of silence in monmouth county.

:clapping: Spot on post CR Striper. Now that the fishing is over hope no one gets mad at me, but those internet guys were burning moco spots big time. Clueless. Post Sandy access was limited so if you were fishing the famous allenhurst jetty and those areas it wasn't too hard to guess that with some of the pics I seen posted on the net and facebook. Good luck in your future fishing the surf CR, you seem to have it down right.

02-01-2016, 02:27 PM
Some of you gents are way too serious. Relax and kick back a few its winter.:cool:

02-01-2016, 04:39 PM
Haha like the secret entrance to the bat cave.

03-09-2016, 09:36 PM
Not so much a code of silence anymore. Brian Donohue could have picked another topic to write about.
http://www.nj.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2016/03/why_a_nuclear_power_plant_is_new_jerseys_hottest_f .html