View Full Version : End of the fall Run, is it near?

11-05-2011, 06:39 PM
There are no more bass at Montauk.
The run for me has been pretty lame-0.

I read this in another report, the schoolies are coming.
Does anyone else feel the start of a lot of small fish is the beginning of the end for the fall?

"I went out today to catch the end of the incomming and landed a schoolie at about 230 an hour prior to high tide and that was it for the day. The good news is there are fish out there. The bad news is there small. This fish was prob about 5 feet from the beach right in between the sand and where the waves were crashing. I talked to another guy on the way out while airing up and he said he had 3 small bass around 15 inch today. "

11-05-2011, 07:40 PM
Pete, I hit it hard the past three weeks for no joy. Took this week off to clean off trees felled throughout my property....no joy there either.

I suspect you'll hear that most of us read small bass as the beginning of the end. But, as you know, some big girls are caught late every season. I'll probably be making the big drive down to Mecca again next weekend. :kooky:

11-06-2011, 06:00 AM
The fat lady is around the corner, can anyone see her yet?

11-06-2011, 07:23 AM
mick2360 don't waste your time. I was there Wed and it was like the dead sea. You are better off on the western SS, jettys and inlets.

11-06-2011, 08:04 AM
I don't like to sound negative nor have I fished for a couple of years just my opinion for the M you will catch your biggest bass in late June to July on the night shift more so July and again from mid Sept. through mid Oct on the night shift maybe late Oct. if you are lucky you will catch at other times but not really the large M fish.IMO and as far as the schoolies go whatever is left of them I don't want to even put a hook in them.

11-06-2011, 12:04 PM
The fat lady is around the corner, can anyone see her yet?

She is warming up, she might as well be singing right now if you are surf fishing the SS. Heard of a few nicer pods of bass near Moriches but haven't seen any results of that yet. The fatness is clouding over us, as the fattest lady of all announces the end to this sucky fall fishing.

11-06-2011, 12:20 PM
^^Any of you guys into country music?:cool:


11-06-2011, 01:10 PM
lots of fish passing off shore through the mudhole

11-06-2011, 02:02 PM
IMO and as far as the schoolies go whatever is left of them I don't want to even put a hook in them.

Well then you guys need to fish as much as you can now because schoolies are coming down the pike. We don't have many big fish in the surf this fall like we did last year, lots of runts, if you get any at all.

11-06-2011, 02:02 PM
lots of fish passing off shore through the mudhole

What he said.

11-07-2011, 10:24 PM
Pluggin Pete, a few things....

There are tackle shops out there that claim "we're just waiting for the next big body of bass to come down from the north"....
That's a ridiculous statement, there is no "big body" of fish left up in "the north"

Montauk bass have already passed through that area...
What's left in the Sound is schooling up to come down the East River....
Whether they will make a Right turn up the Hudson, or stay in the Ambrose Channel and center around the VZ and NY Bight area, depends on whether they are Hudson or Chesapeake fish....it's anybody's guess as to what those fish will do...

As to the rest of them,....
Moriches, which seasonally (end of fall) usually holds hundreds of thousands of bass in the structure and waters near the inlet, has nowhere near the seasonal numbers of bass holding there that they did last year....

The South Shore of LI has been a dismal disappointment in the surf zone for most guys....with the exception of a few good nights for guys who are constantly out there looking for them...

The boat guys have done a little better, but there are not a lot of fish holding along the South Shore due to the lack of sand eel concentrations there...as has been mentioned by Fin and others here, many of them have passed through the Mudhole, and are hitting the Jersey shore in the Belmar to LBI areas....

While a large portion of the migration has already passed us and is in Delaware Bay and the Cape May Rips, on their way South....

I don't mean to shoot holes in anyone's balloon.....we still have some decent sized fish to be caught by the boats who may intercept these fish, and lucky surf and kayak guys who may run into a few patches...

but overall....
When you start seeing 22" bass as a good portion of the catch in the surf zone, that has historically signalled the ending weeks of the Fall surf run......

Hope that cleared things up for a few folks....:learn:

11-08-2011, 08:45 AM
YEP for the beach guys the FATLADY IS TUNING UP

11-09-2011, 06:55 AM
So, who is this so called Fat Lady? I’ve heard about her singing in the next 6 weeks for a long time, yet I’ve never actually heard her song. Why does she have to sing? Can’ t she just use a kazoo, then maybe the season could be prolonged a little longer. Is she really fat? Has anybody seen her in the water following the last migrating Bass south? Is she Kate Smith? Why does she want to spoil all our enjoyment at the wetline? I know I’ve never seen her, but my head has seen many a non-existing silhouettes on those early dark, damp, foggy, late fall mornings, maybe it was her. And if I do see her, what’s her real name or do I just say “Hey, Fat Lady”? Could she just come up to us individually and sing. That way I could stay a few miles ahead of her, and my plugging would continue. Maybe I could make her an offer that she couldn’t refuse. I don’t know, with all the stuff involved with plugging, now we all gotta worry about some Fat Lady singing,

This year I didn’t need any Fat Lady singing, I couldn’t catch anything on my own anyway.

Happy Trails

11-09-2011, 08:34 AM
Surfwalker, that was funny as hell! Really enjoyed that, thanks. :clapping: :thumbsup: :fishing: :HappyWave:

11-19-2011, 05:38 PM
YEP for the beach guys the FATLADY IS TUNING UP

Here she comes! storminsteve wrote this last year, it was so funny!

Dear Santa, a lot of guys where I fish are talking about the fat lady. They say she sings or something like that. I wonder if you have any pull about bringing people gifts like this?

First of all, I don't like fat chicks. They roll down the street when they walk, and they smell.
They are also very big, and I'm afraid they might beat me up.:scared:
Most of all, if you bring any fat ladies to where I am fishing, the singing will scare the fish and they will go away.
So please don't bring me or any of the guys I fish with any fat ladys for Christmas.
Please bring us some hot bikini chicks to we can walk on the beach and pretend it's summer, back when the stripers were jumping out of the water after the bunker and mullet.
I want to catch one more striper before the end of the year, and I don't want any fat lady running in the water and scaring the little bass.

Your pal,
Steve :HappyWave:

PS. please bring my wife some chocolate with Valium for when she has PMS, 1 or 2 boxes should do the trick.
Your pal, Steve



:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:surfwalker , that was hilarious!

11-19-2011, 05:43 PM
Not if your're on a boat, it's not over. We still have another few weeks of these fish in 50' of water.

11-22-2012, 02:16 PM
So, who is this so called Fat Lady? I’ve heard about her singing in the next 6 weeks for a long time, yet I’ve never actually heard her song. Why does she have to sing? Can’ t she just use a kazoo, then maybe the season could be prolonged a little longer. Is she really fat? Has anybody seen her in the water following the last migrating Bass south? Is she Kate Smith? Why does she want to spoil all our enjoyment at the wetline? I know I’ve never seen her, but my head has seen many a non-existing silhouettes on those early dark, damp, foggy, late fall mornings, maybe it was her. And if I do see her, what’s her real name or do I just say “Hey, Fat Lady”? Could she just come up to us individually and sing. That way I could stay a few miles ahead of her, and my plugging would continue. Maybe I could make her an offer that she couldn’t refuse. I don’t know, with all the stuff involved with plugging, now we all gotta worry about some Fat Lady singing,

This year I didn’t need any Fat Lady singing, I couldn’t catch anything on my own anyway.

Happy Trails

Offer that she couldn' refuse, surfwalker are you by any chance Italian?:viking:

11-22-2012, 02:46 PM
This year is different from any we have had in recent memory. The biomass is down. I think folks need to focus on that. A lot of fish will also be offshore this winter, either travelling from LI or off of north carolina and virginia. I read a forecast for a harsher winter. Don't know if that will come to pass but if it does most of the bass will be 5-20 miles off. As for the run up here I think with the exception of the December rats it is pretty much over.

11-22-2012, 04:59 PM
Well said bb. Still hoping for a repeat of last winter in NJ though. Fingers crossed.

11-24-2012, 08:11 AM
:waaah:Fat lady gonna sing soon

I think she's definitely warming up for her finale!

11-24-2012, 08:11 AM
So, who is this so called Fat Lady? I’ve heard about her singing in the next 6 weeks for a long time, yet I’ve never actually heard her song. Why does she have to sing? Can’ t she just use a kazoo, then maybe the season could be prolonged a little longer. Is she really fat? Has anybody seen her in the water following the last migrating Bass south? Is she Kate Smith? Why does she want to spoil all our enjoyment at the wetline? I know I’ve never seen her, but my head has seen many a non-existing silhouettes on those early dark, damp, foggy, late fall mornings, maybe it was her. And if I do see her, what’s her real name or do I just say “Hey, Fat Lady”? Could she just come up to us individually and sing. That way I could stay a few miles ahead of her, and my plugging would continue. Maybe I could make her an offer that she couldn’t refuse. I don’t know, with all the stuff involved with plugging, now we all gotta worry about some Fat Lady singing,

This year I didn’t need any Fat Lady singing, I couldn’t catch anything on my own anyway.

Happy Trails

:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:surfwalker , that was hilarious!


11-24-2012, 08:22 AM
Won't be long

12-25-2012, 08:20 PM
Won't be long agreed