View Full Version : Stripers and Anglers Sunday "ANTI-Googan" High Hook Award......

11-14-2011, 12:19 AM
For sticking it out when most guys have left the beach.....

For hittting it hard with the big stick, cast after cast with heavy metal, to the point where the "aging" surfcaster :laugh: :HappyWave: almost ripped his shoulder out....no price too high to pay for a few hours of catchin....:thumbsup:

For overcoming his stubbornness about his home turf, and water he was comfortable in, to move just a tad to a different environment, and accept the challenges presented by that new environment.....

And beyond his mule-like stubbornness, :ROFLMAO ;) having the ability to adapt, accept new waters, and learn from it... :learn:

And depite his handicap of trying to immerse himself in WHITE WATER, up to his neck, at every possible opportunity.....:kooky: (probably just a mental glitch, nothing that shock treatment wouldn't cure....:rolleyes: )

The management here at Stripers and Anglers feel that out of thousands of surf anglers, Monty Saxitilis has done more to over-come these googanisms, than any man on the East Coast.....

We hereby award him the Stripers and Anglers Sunday ANTI-Googan High Hook Award.....

This is a prestigious award, only recently created, and is not anticipated to be bestowed on many..only an elite few are eligible to win this ......

:clapping::clapping: So congratulations to Monty Saxitilis, and may you wear your badge of skills honorably, to chase away your Googan Demons....:devil:

11-14-2011, 01:50 AM
And depite his handicap of trying to immerse himself in WHITE WATER, up to his neck, at every possible opportunity.....:kooky: (probably just a mental glitch, nothing that shock treatment wouldn't cure....:rolleyes: )

Here's some whitewater for ya, ya frikking lunatic! :scared: