View Full Version : Can you take this Purple Heart Veteran Fishing?

11-14-2011, 01:07 AM
We met him today at the Columbus Flea Market. He loves to fish!

He is a decorated Purple Heart Vet of the Korean and Vietnam Wars, his name is Bob.

In talking with him, I found out he is a double amputee, from the Agent Orange they used in Vietnam, and some other complications.

I showed him some pics of the bass we have been getting this Fall. His eyes popped out of his head...

Bob: "You mean there are fish that big in NJ waters? I have never caught a striper, but would love to....."

Me: "You never caught a striped bass in your life, Bob?" :don't know why:

Bob: "Yessir, I have caught croakers and bluefish, but NEVER caught a striped bass. "

That killed me to hear this.
Here is a combat decorated Vet, survivor of 2 wars, double amputee, and he has never got even one striped bass in his whole life.....http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png

I'm involved in the Take a Soldier Fishing Program, and have the offer out there to take soldiers who are mobile, out for a night of surf fishing....

But I don't have the resources to help someone who is not mobile and in a wheelchair.

In talking with his wife Tina, I found out that they tried to get him out fishing, as he loves it so much....but most Capts out there are not prepared to accomodate someone who is a double amputee.

I understand that, and feel for the Capts as well...but I wondered if there wasn't someone in the fishing world who could help Bob.

Just one Capt, is all we need...to make this man's dream of catching a striped bass come true.....

11-14-2011, 02:00 AM



11-14-2011, 02:02 AM


His Purple Heart Hat


11-14-2011, 11:19 AM
God Bless you Bob, Thank you Bob, for serving our country. I wish I had boat to take you out on and get you a few nice Bass.

11-15-2011, 12:25 PM
Thanks Vpass. I will be posting this one every site I belong to where I think there might be a chance of helping him...and if anyone here knows of another site where he might be helped, feel free to post this information there to get him out there and into bass. Thanks all...

11-15-2011, 12:41 PM
Thanks to Bob for his service. Wish I knew someone. You should post this on the Bass Barn as well. Good luck.

11-15-2011, 07:10 PM
Wish I had boat too, I would try to take him out. Thank you very much for your service to the US, Bob.

11-15-2011, 07:24 PM
Good job to Bob and his family, dark you should post it on the barn, good chance of finding someone to help him.

11-15-2011, 08:24 PM
Thank You Bob and I hope you get that bass really wish I had a boat also

11-15-2011, 09:15 PM
I’m an amputee as well.I ran across this web page www.hotwheelsfishing.com (http://www.hotwheelsfishing.com/) awhile back. I ask to join …got a response that they would be in touch. Haven’t heard a word since and that was many months ago. I never pursued it, I thought I would just help out. But Bob might have better luck then I did. :HappyWave:

11-16-2011, 08:01 PM
I’m an amputee as well.I ran across this web page www.hotwheelsfishing.com (http://www.hotwheelsfishing.com/) awhile back. I ask to join …got a response that they would be in touch. Haven’t heard a word since and that was many months ago. I never pursued it, I thought I would just help out. But Bob might have better luck then I did. :HappyWave:

Madcaster, I am really disappointed to hear that.
I met Chris of Hot Wheels at a 2010 Fishing Flea Market, and tried to talk them up a bit here....

Please do me a favor and contact them again, and see if they can take you out and if you can get them to commit to do something for you....if not, please let me know that as well....if you need me to, I'll contact Chris myself and try to see what the reason is they are not getting back to you.....

And check your PMs, you have mail....:HappyWave:

11-19-2011, 04:52 PM
Wow, giving up his legs to serve this country, that is a tough sacrifice. Thanks Bob and hope you get a trip to get some bass.

11-21-2011, 07:19 PM
Dark I cannot accomodate Bob, but if you do find someone who will and need money to pay for part of the trip, let me know and I will send a check. Thanks to all the Vets out there, and thank you darkskies.

11-21-2011, 11:35 PM
God bless you guys for doing this. Hope you are successful. Thanks to Bob for his service.

11-22-2011, 01:15 PM
I will send a check too if you need one, ds, just let me know. Good luck.

10-28-2013, 03:07 PM
What ever happened with this double amputee did he get to go out?
Madcaster any luck with the hot wheels group?

11-10-2013, 02:36 PM
Nitestrikes, as a follow up....some did reach out to Bob...to offer to take him fishing....
Thanks so much to the private Capts who generously offerred to take him out....

Unfortunately, he did not get back in touch with those who reached out to him...
And as of the last time I met up with him at the Columbus Flea Market this year, he had not gone out as of yet.......

Still, a very nice gesture on the part of those who tried to help...
Thanks for your efforts, people.....:thumbsup:

Madcaster any luck with the hot wheels group?

Sorry I don't have the answer to this. Maybe madcaster can answer when he gets a chance. :HappyWave:

11-10-2013, 03:09 PM
Here there web sight http://www.hotwheelsfishing.com
I just checked there face book page ....last comment was from 2011 ...so not sure if anything is still going on with this
lucky for me I can still make it out there to fish ...I was just going to volunteer with the group
never heard a word from them ...it's been a few years now