View Full Version : Tribute to OLD FARTS, The GROUCHY BASSTARDS, and the CRABBY OLD BASSTARDS out there..

12-02-2011, 06:40 PM
Thur I ran into some old friends, the Old Farts Fishing Club...you've heard me talk about them on here as the OFFC....:HappyWave:

I created that name for them, just like I did for the Grouchy OLD BASSTARD Finchaser....and that other grouch, Surfstix, well he gave himself that name, CRANKY OLD BASSTARD....'

the names all fit, despite any protests ya might have....:laugh:

The point of this thread is to honor these old geezers, who have helped many along the way, and continue to set the standard of professionalism, etiquette, and old-fashioned respect, that many of today's younger anglers seem to lack....

As for fishing ability, these guys have it in spades.....

I'll put Finchaser, and the 4 current members of the OLD FARTS FISHIN CLUB against any 5 anglers out there, half their ages, and these old weathered geezers will dominate the competition and out-fish all comers....

And the coolest thing about it....is they will do it with class and honor, while honoring the time-worn standards of surfcasting, which is how things used to be....and handed down to them by the generations who came before....:clapping: :thumbsup::thumbsup:

12-02-2011, 06:47 PM
So the old FARTS, these grizzly old geezers, no longer fish the crazy hours of the night that I fish, and we don't get many chances to fish together anymore....http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/icons/icon9.png

On Thur, they came down to Island Beach, and I got to tag along in their beach buggy......
Man I was in heaven!!!!!! :drool:

Not having to walk 2 miles from one good body of fish to another....
Not having to get blisters on my feet from scouting....
Not having to carry a plug bag with me every step of the way, conveniently walking to the truck when I wanted to change something....
The convenience of the beach buggy was something that till now, I rejected....

I remember years ago being in Montauk, and Willie Young, another OLD FART :HappyWave: :thumbsup: invited me to ride along with them, to the next spot, and I sheepishly declined....what a stupid decision not to take him up on that generous offer...

So when THESE OLD FARTS made the offer, I graciously accepted....the day was one of the best surfcasting days I've had in a while, though we only found a few fish....the experience was priceless, and long overdue...I really do miss fishin with you guys...:fishing: :HappyWave:

12-06-2011, 12:24 AM
The OFFC is compulsively dedicated to scouting...we found the first fish by noticing some working birds that seemed to be moving closer...the METAL Master takes the first cast, and is instantly hooked up! :clapping:

The rest of the day was tough, as we worked over different structure, and made many stops...but these guys read structure and bird behavior for subtle nuances, and it pays off for them...

This is the group that out-fished one of the younger internet heroes out there...

the next day he reported that in an internet report.

I suggested it was because they paid attention to the structure at his home beach he fished....he replied back "There is no structure on the beach I fish at"...what an ignorant statement...there is always some type of structure, or cut, if you take the time to go at low tide and look.....

And that's what the old farts do, go over every inch of beachfront, looking for the best cuts...if they get shut out of a place they want to fish because it's too crowded, they just move on to the next hole or cut....and fish and fish, long after most of the other young folk have left the beach...this is a salute to them and other old-timers, who just won't give up....:fishing: :clapping:

12-06-2011, 07:26 AM
Any decent surfrat will look for structure it is the single most important thing to me some beaches have more than others thats why they hold more bait and more fish it saves you alot of useless time and sore body parts to just learn to recognize structure most is easy to see some is not you really have to train yourself to visulize it because the structure changes frequently do to winds storms etc. every single beach has some kind of structure learn to look at waves they will teach you alot and watch the water flow back into the ocean from the beach and how it reacts when it re-enters does it just flow in or does it create a washing machine effect my wife thinks I'm nuts but I always say look for the crazy water and you will find structure because it causes the water to do different things.I think it is Storm lures they say you have to think like a fish and in respect if you do understand the fish it will help you understand the structure they use to eat and how they use it.Then you can start putting the rest of the puzzle together winds,tides,moons and which beach holds fish at certain times. Sincerely Cranky Old Bassturd.

12-06-2011, 08:17 AM
every single beach has some kind of structure learn to look at waves they will teach you alot and watch the water flow back into the ocean from the beach and how it reacts when it re-enters does it just flow in or does it create a washing machine effect my wife thinks I'm nuts but I always say look for the crazy water and you will find structure because it causes the water to do different things.. Sincerely Cranky Old Bassturd.

Amen, well said surfstix!

12-06-2011, 01:41 PM
Crazy like me lol Thanks Steve.

12-06-2011, 06:38 PM
And that's what the old farts do, go over every inch of beachfront, looking for the best cuts...if they get shut out of a place they want to fish because it's too crowded, they just move on to the next hole or cut....and fish and fish, long after most of the other young folk have left the beach...this is a salute to them and other old-timers, who just won't give up....:fishing: :clapping:

Yes they do, because that is the way we have been taught. When I learned to fish, we didn't go home until we caught fish.

12-06-2011, 10:08 PM
Yes they do, because that is the way we have been taught. When I learned to fish, we didn't go home until we caught fish.

so true^^^:clapping:
Now they sit at home and wait for a cell phone call that hopefully pertains to bunker and a blitz:2flip:

12-07-2011, 08:06 AM

so true^^^:clapping:
Now they sit at home and wait for a cell phone call that hopefully pertains to bunker and a blitz:2flip:

Right on! Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to fish back in the 1950's when there were no cell-phones around. Must have been really peaceful.

12-07-2011, 08:13 AM
^ Ya, but there were more fish back then too.

12-08-2011, 02:43 PM
I bet they didn't mug each other back then, though.:cool:

01-21-2012, 11:12 AM
^^ Cowherder, not only did they NOT mug each other, if you went to a jetty and someone else was there first....you promptly moved up or down and found another jetty to fish from....

There was a guy, let's call him J*, who fished a particular jetty. If you even tried to fish it, he would say: "Hey what the HELL are you doing here, this is MY jetty and I fish it every night!"

J was a big dude...anyone who doubted his words got thrown in the water...seems guys learned real quick that way, not to bother J when he was fishin....and they didn't go to the police or the internet to whine about it either...they just accepted that's how things were.....aah the good ole days.....:cool:

01-21-2012, 11:19 AM
Just a quick note about the OGB...what he's forgotten about fishing the salt, most guys would kill to know.....he is a frustrating Grouch at times....the name Gloom and Doom fits him well.....as he is one of the most pessimistic people I know....if ya want to hear about the worst in fishing, talk to OGB and by the time you're done you want to put your head in the oven....:eek:

Conversely, Fin is also one of the most generous, candid, (no diplomacy here), passionate, conservation-minded and honest fishermen and sportsmen out there.

I don't know if I've given him enough credit in some of the threads I put forth here, although Lord knows I try.....:fishing:

So today we're giving him a whole bunch of credit, for all he does...and all his ranting and raving.....95% based on facts....:thumbsup:

01-21-2012, 02:52 PM
J was a big dude...anyone who doubted his words got thrown in the water...seems guys learned real quick that way,

I think it would be great if a few hundred guys who show "improper fishing manors" got thrown off jettys or thrown in the drink from the beach or sand bars. or at the very least their gear thrown in. Thats one thing I am sick of reading about, how guys show no respect for others.

02-04-2012, 04:00 PM
Any of ya's here ever have to make up cheers for your favorite sports teams?

Just got word that the OGB did a good thing today..and took a new guy under his wing and gave him some pointers.....maybe someone can come up a cheer describing the old grouch....maybe I'll send the plug to the best one....ya's got till tomorrow...

Something like..

Give me an "F", give me an "I", etc, etc....put your thinking caps on...let's see some creativity...thanks people. :thumbsup: :HappyWave:

02-04-2012, 06:09 PM
F inds the fish
I ntense dude!
N ever happy :argue:
C urt responses
H ardcore fishing guy:fishing:
A ngry and grouchy
S mart as a fox!
E xtra caustic
R acks up the fish:HappyWave:

What's that spell? Finchaser, Finchaser!:laugh:
How's that, dark?

02-06-2012, 01:08 PM
^Hookset, funny stuff! :clapping::clapping:
(He might not think so when he sees it,..but so what! :laugh: )

Send me your address, and I'll send ya a plug...let me know if ya want a metal lip or something else....thanks for the laughs...:HappyWave:

02-06-2012, 03:06 PM
Classically funny hook!

02-06-2012, 09:01 PM
F inds the fish
I ntense dude!
N ever happy :argue:
C urt responses
H ardcore fishing guy:fishing:
A ngry and grouchy
S mart as a fox!
E xtra caustic
R acks up the fish:HappyWave:

What's that spell? Finchaser, Finchaser!:laugh:
How's that, dark?

Very creative :thumbsup::clapping::clapping:

02-07-2012, 01:22 PM
I wonder, do you really have all those qualities or is that just the hype that is put out there. Can any one person be that grouchy as dark makes you out to be?:HappyWave:

02-07-2012, 03:05 PM
OK only Dark says I'm grouchy ask around I'm really not, but he is a Googan:HappyWave:and has a bucket to prove it

02-11-2012, 12:02 PM
Thanks for the answer finchaser. Always thought dark was a little:kooky: if you know what I mean.;)

02-11-2012, 01:07 PM
Thanks for the answer finchaser. Always thought dark was a little:kooky: if you know what I mean.;)

Nothing to think about it has been confirmed numerous times

02-13-2012, 12:48 PM
I wonder, do you really have all those qualities or is that just the hype that is put out there. Can any one person be that grouchy as dark makes you out to be?:HappyWave:

Steve, I may be just a little :kooky: or maybe slightly more....:kooky::kooky: :scared: :laugh:....
but there was no exaggeration in giving Fin the Old Grouchy Basstard name...

he's one of the grouchiest guys I know....
If he doesn't get out of bed in the morning, ranting at one thing or another...you start to worry that something is wrong with him....:ROFLMAO

Only the Grouchiest of Grouchy Basstards, :argue: would....

* Rant on and on for almost an hour, about how bad our current president and political system is....

* Rant so much that more than once my phone battery has died in a conversation with him (and that says a lot, because it's legendary about how verbose I am on the phone...:laugh:)

* Rant so much about how the current Admins in charge of our fisheries (Lubchenko et al) can probably hear him all the way in Washington.....I really wish she could hear 1/10 of the things he and other fishermen have to say about her...but only Finchaser seems to have the stamina to keep these rants up, day after day...:kicknuts:

* Rant so much about people who take and take from our social services, without putting back....

* And God forbid if ya make a googan mistake, like "almost" falling asleep on a jetty...or putting a hook in your hand....the old ornery crusty wizened war-like grouch will yell at ya for eternity...he's got a memory like a bank vault, and never forgets the stupidity of us mere mortals out there,,,,,nor will he let us forget.....

* And rant so much about how the fishing has declined that Killie, his basstard, Step-Son,,,:HappyWave:,has named him "Gloom and Doom" :argue:

(but sadly, in this case, the OGB's rants are absolutely true)

Yup the rants are legendary...and they do go on and on and on.....:rolleyes:
And if you happen to be representing a political party or fishing platform that he opposes...I feel sorry for you...because it's a pretty sorry existence, to be on the opposinig opinion to this grouchy basstard........

The venom and ridicule that comes from him on a daily basis, as part of his rants....makes him a cross between the
Entertainment characters Archie Bunker, (All in the Family) Frank Barone (Everyone loves Raymond), Joe Pesci (Goodfellas), and Robert Deniro (the Godfather).....:laugh: :clapping:

If you get to know him, you would see he has a heart of gold....having some serious health obstacles himself, nonetheless he has donated generously to others here and on the internet forums who have been in sad shape....most recently having donated his time to build a custom rod to benefit a girl who has health problems for years and needed some financial support......:clapping:

So if this old grouch yells at ya, consider yourself one of the fortunate ones....as it is all real, none of it is staged, and his anger can be heard a block away.....

I wouldn't have it any other way.....they broke the mold when they made this Old Grouch, and when he's gone, there won't be any out there quite like him....from the Old School of Grouchiness......:kiss: :thumbsup: :HappyWave:

02-13-2012, 01:03 PM
Sent in by OGB, thanks!

The following was developed as a mental age assessment by the School of Psychiatry at Harvard University .

Take your time and see if you can read each line aloud without a mistake.

The average person over 45 years of age cannot do it!

1.This is this cat.
2. This is is cat.
3. This is how cat.
4. This is to cat.
5. This is keep cat.
6. This is an cat.
7. This is old cat.
8. This is fart cat.
9. This is busy cat.
10. This is for cat.
11. This is forty cat.
12. This is seconds cat.

Now go back and read the third word in each line from the top down.
I bet you cannot resist passing it on.

02-13-2012, 05:45 PM
Thanks for all the compliments appreciate it, oh King of Googans:kicknuts::HappyWave:

04-05-2012, 02:04 PM
Whenever I can't fish how I want because of weather or conditions, I use the trip home to scout around and plan the next trip.

On my way home in the pre-dawn hours today, I scouted some old hangouts that I haven't been to in awhile...

Not many guys out at that hour....
But I did run across one old salt....

We compared notes for a bit...
I was showing him some pics on my camera, he was showing me some on his phone...

It turns out that in addition to the other fish he caught, this guy has 5 fish 20# and bigger this Spring so far...since March 1.....with the biggest weighing 33#.

Think about that people, that's 5 quality fish, in the last 35 nights.....plus several other small ones.
Some might doubt claims like this, I might too....:kooky:
but I saw the pics.... and can verify that they were some quality fish.....

04-05-2012, 02:08 PM
This is a guy you will never see on the internet...
You'll never see his weigh-ins in a tackle shop, or on a youtube video....
and I honestly believe he would never have shown me his pics, had I not shown him the pics of the bass we were catching all winter, first....

He's happy fishing alone., spends a lot of time doing it when he's not working.,...
And he told me that every time he's tried to be nice to someone just starting out, showing them some of the tricks and subtle thing he does to get bigger fish.....he regrets it....as these benevolent gestures have come back to haunt him when people don't keep their mouths shut....
:don't know why:

He said:
"I don't have problems with people fishing near me, and catching big fish when I'm catching, because they put in their time and deserve it...but that's what you have to do, you have to put in your time"

"Catching big fish from the shore is not easy. You really have to work at it"

I agree with both of those statements, and for that reason I won't go into any detail about how or where he fishes, or the extent of preparation that goes into each of his trips.....

Just wanted to let folks, who sometimes think the internet is the extent of fishing, that the internet, and the people sometimes thumping their chests on it....is only one segment of the fishing folk out there...

And there are quite a few more out there....just like this gentleman I ran into by accident.....

So don't discount the old guy you see fishing by himself out there....and seemingly unfriendly.....if you know the right way to talk to people,,,,ya just might learn something valuable....:learn:

04-05-2012, 02:35 PM
This is a guy you will never see on the internet...
You'll never see his weigh-ins in a tackle shop, or on a youtube video....
and I honestly believe he would never have shown me his pics, had I not shown him the pics of the bass we were catching all winter, first....

He's happy fishing alone., spends a lot of time doing it when he's not working.,...
And he told me that every time he's tried to be nice to someone just starting out, showing them some of the tricks and subtle thing he does to get bigger fish.....he regrets it....as these benevolent gestures have come back to haunt him when people don't keep their mouths shut....
:don't know why:

He said:
"I don't have problems with people fishing near me, and catching big fish when I'm catching, because they put in their time and deserve it...but that's what you have to do, you have to put in your time"

"Catching big fish from the shore is not easy. You really have to work at it"

I agree with both of those statements, and for that reason I won't go into any detail about how or where he fishes, or the extent of preparation that goes into each of his trips.....

Just wanted to let folks, who sometimes think the internet is the extent of fishing, that the internet, and the people sometimes thumping their chests on it....is only one segment of the fishing folk out there...

And there are quite a few more out there....just like this gentleman I ran into by accident.....

So don't discount the old guy you see fishing by himself out there....and seemingly unfriendly.....if you know the right way to talk to people,,,,ya just might learn something valuable....:learn:

Well-said, dark. People out there don't know how to be discreet, and also to say thank you. I hope all you guys here realize how much I appreciate all the help you have given me. Thanks for all.

04-06-2012, 06:29 PM
^^You're welcome Cowherder. You know how to be discreet....I've not regretted helping you one bit,,,,and if I ever do....we'll get Finchaser to send Vito and Pasquale to have a "talk" with ya......:laugh: :HappyWave:

04-06-2012, 06:41 PM
Again you forget Nunzio :beatin:

04-06-2012, 07:04 PM
True story..... (complete with ethnic characterizations....:) )

An old Italian guy walks into Castaways B&T in Point.

This happened yesterday....
Just before this, Finchaser and Joe had been talking about what the bunker meeting 4-5-12 could mean to tackle shops....if bunker get to the point where they are being sold for $5 each......what will happen to the older retired folks who like to fish with bunker.....?

He asks Joe for some bunker for crabbing (crabbing has been pretty darn good lately, BTW)

Joe only has some frozen bunker...he throws it at the guy (you know how those Eye-talians can be)....:laugh:

The old man says. "How much?"
Joe says....nah, no charge....I can't charge you for old frozen bunker!

The old man insists...
"But I wanna paya you...how mucha is it?"

Joe says:
"OK, 10c!"

The old Eye-talian man puts 30c on the counter and walks away..
Joe yells at him...
"Hey I tolda you 10c...NOT 30c....now you're a making me mad!"

So the old man takes 2 of his dimes back.....:ROFLMAO

True story.....as could only be told by another Eye-talian, Finchaser, the original OGB.....:cool::cool:

04-06-2012, 07:59 PM
Funny stuff, lol dark.

05-02-2012, 07:09 PM
How Finchaser almost sold Ice to an Eskimo.....

Some of ya's have read the Huey Dewey and Stewie thread.....

The cunning of that old Fart Finchaser has to be seen to be believed....
The fishing that night had started out a little slow....

The VS sharpies were primed for fish, but like many Internet heroes in the 20 year old age range, they quickly became bored when they realized we would have to work for the fish and they wouldn't be jumping on the beach....

Finchaser was masterful, as every few minutes he threw another piece of advice at them to "bait" them to leave.....
"Gee, it looks like it will be terrible fishing tonight...."

"Boy things are slow, are they always this slow this time of night?"

"Looks like we got some weather coming in....that should kill the bite for sure"

"I heard they hammered the fish at *** today...if it doesn't turn on soon here, you guys might want to take a ride there and check it out"

Yep....the above phrases were masterful manipulations....each one of them....and laid down in a manipulative way that only the Old Grouchy Basstard could...awesome to be there and see that old fart in action.....:thumbsup: :learn:

05-03-2012, 09:55 AM
Yep....the above phrases were masterful manipulations....each one of them....and laid down in a manipulative way that only the Old Grouchy Basstard could...awesome to be there and see that old fart in action.....:thumbsup: :learn:
:laugh: Sounds like he could of probably sold them a bridge that night:thumbsup:.

05-03-2012, 12:34 PM
And....word has it that Surfstix just cut a new record....something about CrabbyOldBasstards Band, singing the blues, with OGB, Monty, DS, Pebbles, Rip, Speedy, as backup singers,,,,,:clapping: :clapping:

Check it out, here is an advance copy........:HappyWave:
(Note, you have to enlarge the pic to see who the backup singers are, on the bottom line)


07-16-2012, 06:58 PM
I have to send a link for the above pic to Surfstix the OCB.

As for the OGB, he posted an "EPIC!" fishing report yesterday,,,,,I'll C&P so it's part of this thread....

09-15-2012, 06:10 PM
Did the boat thing today with 2 newbies what a day
Spanish mackerel
False albacore
20 keeper fluke to 6#

I called the surf shop I fish out of to give a heads up to my friends and within 20 minutes all the guys who were at the shop were into everything but the fluke.

I suggested they bring kast masters and Hopkins in 1 and 1 1/2 ounce size as these in my book are tops for Albie's and Spanish when they are feeding on rain fish and small peanuts always out fishes small Ava's.

This went on for an hour or so until the weekend warriors arrived at full throttle. Fish were from 25 feet to the beach.

We are not believers in light leader and the super small metal BS, which is the main reason why most surf guys always say I couldn't reach them lures are too small and light.

** ****************
^^This is what the old farts do for their old fart friends..:thumbsup:....even though said friends have given up fishing until the reports get better......:rolleyes: :cool:

09-17-2012, 03:15 PM
I called the surf shop I fish out of to give a heads up to my friends and within 20 minutes all the guys who were at the shop were into everything but the fluke.

I suggested they bring kast masters and Hopkins in 1 and 1 1/2 ounce size as these in my book are tops for Albie's and Spanish when they are feeding on rain fish and small peanuts always out fishes small Ava's.

How old do you have to be to qualify to be on that list?:laugh:
Glad you got em good finchaser. We didn't do as well as you yesterday but still boxed some keeper fluke. Didn't see any albacore. Guys were talking about them but I saw none.

09-27-2012, 02:06 PM
How old do you have to be to qualify to be on that list?:laugh:
Glad you got em good finchaser. We didn't do as well as you yesterday but still boxed some keeper fluke. Didn't see any albacore. Guys were talking about them but I saw none.

Bababooey, he can answer that if he wants...but I think the minimum would be AARP membership....:d
And the ability to be grouchy at least 4 days a week....:HappyWave:

The truth is OGB's a fishing machine....he can outcatch most guys fishing from land...and his friends who have boats all want him on board for the tourneys they fish...

The subtle things he does, from many decades of experience, are just little things, but they pay off....:learn:

So when ya read he got 14 fish, or 22 fish, or 25 fish,,,there's a little acronym called YMMV....Your Mileage May Vary...;)

The Old Grouchy Basstid,,, and the (Less) Old Grouchy Basstid...

Fished with the OGB last night looking for some bigger bluefish.
The mullet we were looking for were few and far between, as a result there was no sustained bite.

We each managed a handful of larger blues to 9#. And he caught the only bass of the night as well.
Of course, he outfished me. :thumbsup:...as it should be......Always an education watching the Grouchy Basstid, and hearing the stories, tons of stories. :learn:

We fished small plugs, mullet and spearing profiles. It was humbling to see even the Mighty Finchaser had quite a few missed fish :( as these bigger blues do not seem to be as aggressive hitting plugs at night when the primary forage is small bait.

He also got chopped a few times fishing rubber, but no hookups.
As I mentioned, these bigger blues are very picky and fishing for them at night with artificials, for me, is more challenging than fishing for bass right now.

The fish fed for about an hour, and that was it...
Always a pleasure to have the opportunity to fish with one of NJ's best old school surf pros....:HappyWave:

just a little note from the report I posted today....

09-27-2012, 03:35 PM
Oldies but goodies. There was a corner store where I grew up. Had a table in the back. Old guys were there every day. sometimes they would tell fishing stories. A lot of what I know today came from listening to them and those stories.

09-28-2012, 07:18 AM
He is not Grouchy, that is how an Italian shows their love for you,I know I can still hear my Grandfather yelling(teaching)me and it works you tend to remember things that way rather then just blow them off and forget.Those agressive words with CK in them (can't type them all here)just seem to make you remember.

12-20-2012, 02:45 PM
An unusual number of low to mid teen fish have been weighed in at Castaways in the last 48 hours.......

Go see Joe....buy something from him.....and ask him for advice.....that old Fart :kiss: :HappyWave: knows more than any 10 surf guys put together......
And as I saw today, tackle shops are a great source of real time info as the most senior guys from all clubs tend to congregate in the ones run by old Farts (salts) ;) These guys know where 95% of the big fish caught in NJ are actually caught,,,,either land based or boat based......

(Or maybe they just come in for the free coffee......:laugh: :thumbsup: :fishing:)

Just an update on this,,,,within the last 10 days, just about everyone on the "Who's Who List" of NJ top surfcasters, guys, club Presidents, VPs, and top surf guides has passed through the doors of Joe's shop.......and sat at the table where the old farts BS and drink coffee.....:laugh:
It's incredible to me the amount of fishing intel that is shared in that shop....there are no club boundaries, as rivalries that are publicized on the internet do not exist at that table..........these old farts seem to know about 90% of the larger bass that are caught in a 50 mile stretch of shoreline.....

But ya can't get that intel without going to the shop and talking to the old farts.....

How do you find that table?
Just go in there, ask them where the old farts table is.....:laugh:
And tell em that crazy DarkSkies sent ya.....(If they don't recognize my name, just tell em ya know the guy who fishes for 2 days at a time and smells like a dumpster.....guaranteed to get you some immediate laughs......) :cool:

**Also, Joe just got a limited supply of Daiwa SPs in the regular colors, for anyone who needs to pick one up.....:thumbsup:
These tackle shops that are still open really do need your business.....and if you can spare it, spending a couple extra dollars today could make a difference for them to open next year........:learn:

12-20-2012, 02:49 PM
He is not Grouchy, that is how an Italian shows their love for you,I know I can still hear my Grandfather yelling(teaching)me and it works you tend to remember things that way rather then just blow them off and forget.

Those agressive words with CK in them (can't type them all here)just seem to make you remember.

I hear ya, Surf....those are the words I most clearly remember from my childhood.....
There was no coddling or much sympathy....more of the attitude of "I told ya not to be stupid, ya moron! (or other obscenity)....:kooky:
that's how the kids from my generation learned...there was no sugar coating, special sympathetic understanding of someone's feelings....learning experiences, if any, were raw, rough, and harsh.....but those are the among the best lessons I have learned in life.....as they weren't handed to me,,,,,I had to learn them basically on my own.,...with a seldom uttered "Hey good job" uttered maybe once a year.......

IMO the best lessons we learn in life, are some of the harshest.....:thumbsup:

02-15-2013, 12:03 PM
When you consider all the opinions that go out on different internet websites, half of them being inaccurate and misleading......the opinions and characterizations of Fin and the Old Farts at Castaways really are worth listening to, and in many cases are spot-on explanations for what is happening, at that moment.....:fishing:

02-15-2013, 10:03 PM
^^I am glad that you 2 guys kissed and made up - some times its entertaining to watch the back and forth, tho!:HappyWave:

03-03-2013, 05:23 PM
Storminsteve, I think Fin is happier when he's grouchy.....:laugh:..it's very unusual for him to be quiet and not ranting about something....but I wouldn't have it any other way....:) :HappyWave:

03-03-2013, 05:32 PM
The Spring Shows and the Old Fart fisherman.......

Spring brings to mind some of the oldest fishing flea markets in NJ history.....
The 2 that most quickly come to mind are the Berkeley and Asbury shows/flea markets......

There's a reason I bring this up here...
I go to these markets to buy bargains, the things that are not in favor much with most fishermen....While many concentrate on grabbing up custom wood, I look to fill holes in my tackle and plug inventory, the things I will use and many times lose in a night of fishing....and buy at unbelievably low prices.

But that's not the only reason I focus on these 2 venues...
The Berkeley flea market was today....I had some great conversations today with total strangers ... all guys over 60...about fishing the old ways, and some of the things they have seen....As I get older, their perspectives and fishing stories become more interesting to me....I could listen to these guys for hours.

They have seen in all, the good years and the bad years.......I never tire of listening to these guys and their stories....

For all the younger anglers out there, the ones that are always in a hurry to get in and out of somewhere... If you don't go to many of these...I say:
It's the tradition....and the history....IMO you will see more of the old salts, crusty barnacles, and old time sharpies at Asbury than anywhere else....

not to take away from Berkeley, which is a great show for plugs as well....:thumbsup:...but Asbury is a place where guys come each year just to see who's still alive and who isn't....and touch base with others who they haven't seen in awhile......

If the Asbury show could be compared to a Biker convention...with all the other shows being regular poker runs and parties....http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/smilies/cool.gif
The Asbury show would be at the top level, comparable to Sturgis or Daytona......

** Do yourself a favor, go early to these shows...get what you want to buy...bring it back to your vehicle...and then go back inside, linger, wander around the tables, and slow your roll. Engage some of the old timers in conversations, and you will be amazed at what you didn't know, and how much there is to learn, just from a few minutes of friendly conversations......with the old timers....:learn:

03-04-2013, 01:57 PM
That's right you would be surprised what us old farts know.:HappyWave:

08-30-2013, 04:48 PM
He is not Grouchy, that is how an Italian shows their love for you,I know I can still hear my Grandfather yelling(teaching)me and it works you tend to remember things that way rather then just blow them off and forget.Those agressive words with CK in them (can't type them all here)just seem to make you remember.

That's right you would be surprised what us old farts know.:HappyWave:

Awesome, 2 thumbs up for the old farts!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

08-30-2013, 10:29 PM
Move your mouse around !

How To Amuse Older People - FOR HOURS ! ! ! ! !


08-31-2013, 11:43 AM
Good one finchaser. Thats a bad *** shark.

08-31-2013, 12:50 PM
haha that was funny! If you take your mouse and move rapidly in a tight circle it looks like he does a crazy dance!

08-31-2013, 01:09 PM
Awesome. If you right click on your mouse and hit the zoom in button you can keep making it larger till it covers the whole screen. As it gets bigger it's almost like in 3d. Thanks for posting that finchaser.

09-15-2013, 12:33 PM
It gives me great pleasure, to officially induct Surfstix into the Old Farts Club....:ROFLMAO :HappyWave:
Happy Birthday today, bro.
Crabby Old Basstids, are welcome too....:)

09-15-2013, 03:48 PM
Congrats on making the club surfstix. How old do you have to be to join?

09-15-2013, 05:08 PM
Congrats on making the club surfstix. How old do you have to be to join?
I think its 65 and older......

09-15-2013, 05:27 PM
Surfstix the other thread said you were 50. So which is it 60 or 65?

09-15-2013, 05:40 PM
Oofah you're going to give the dude a complex isn't 50 old enough?:huh:

09-15-2013, 05:41 PM
Surfstix the other thread said you were 50. So which is it 60 or 65?

I didn't see the ofher thread.....was kinda hoping 50 wasn't old....

09-16-2013, 05:13 AM
I guess it is 50 to be inducted that's my real age.Still is an honor to be inducted being from NY and all.I do feel like 65 Monty and there is no way in hell I could keep up with you that's for sure you would be done by the time I caught up to you.Thanks to all.

09-17-2013, 07:54 AM
It gives me great pleasure, to officially induct Surfstix into the Old Farts Club....:ROFLMAO :HappyWave:
Happy Birthday today, bro.
Crabby Old Basstids, are welcome too....:)

Congrats on making the club surfstix. How old do you have to be to join?

I think its 65 and older......

The old farts club OFFC inducted me when I turned 50....So I extended the invitation to Surfstix.....
I don't think just any 50 year old would qualify....I think to get in at that young age, ya have to be notably Crabby, Cranky, Cantankerous, Grouchy, etc....
I think Rich qualifies.....:laugh:

Monty could qualify as he's old enough...but not that Crabby......I'm sure we could get him in, though.....;)...or....we could wait till he's 60 and full of more **** and vinegar....a few sesssions fishing with Finchaser could speed that process up real quickly....
Hope that clears things up.......:HappyWave:

12-03-2013, 07:23 AM
Two of us fished OC from 2pm to 6pm and only caught a fish each at dark to avoid the skunk. Only saw two other fish caught.

The OFFC is some of the best of the best, :HappyWave: and those were your results......:(

She's going to sing soon

Fished a 4 club 5 day surf tournament only 4 weigh ins total for 5 days.

Charter boats are giving up and switching to blackfish

Head boats are fishing 5 miles off a big no no also the 3 boats had no pool winners

water down to 43

Kind of sobering, to realize that with all those veteran anglers fishing...that's the top tier of the anglers out there....those were the best results...it's been stated over and over by Fin and others on here...ya can't catch what ain't there.....

Finchaser is so modest.:cool:..he forgot to mention that he came in first in that tourney......
Congrats, pal.....great job.....for an old grouchy basstid......:laugh: :kiss: :thumbsup: :clapping:

12-03-2013, 11:41 AM
Congrats Finchaser on the tourney.That's right you can't catch what isn't here and don't expect it to get better it just will not happen unless it is closed down it's too late for regulation changes at this point IMO.

12-16-2013, 12:15 PM
Finchaser is so modest.:cool:..he forgot to mention that he came in first in that tourney......
Congrats, pal.....great job.....for an old grouchy basstid......:laugh: :kiss: :thumbsup: :clapping:

Paying it forward.....old School.....setting the Example....
Fin won't mention this, he's too modest, so I'll say a few words......
In winning that recent tourney....4 clubs, with the 16 1/2 # winning fish.....Not sure but I think the prize for that was a reel worth somewhere around $300

As I understand it.......He donated it back to the club for the recent kid's auction this weekend.

The kid who won it, came up to him, thanked him profusely, and said:
"Thank you Sir! Every time I fish with this reel I will think of you!"

His reponse:
"Thinking of me? Gee that's a scary thought...." :laugh: :scared:

**Congrats for your day in, and day out, example of sportsmanship and trying to educate the newer anglers out there about how precious and important this resource really is.....I'm proud to know ya..:clapping: :clapping: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:..although you're still a grouchy basstid....;) :kiss: :HappyWave:

12-16-2013, 12:33 PM
In winning that recent tourney....4 clubs, with the 16 1/2 # winning fish.....the prize for that was a reel worth somewhere around $300

As I understand it.......He donated it back to the club for the recent kid's auction this weekend.

The kid who won it, came up to him, thanked him profusely, and said:
"Thank you Sir! Every time I fish with this reel I will think of you!"

His reponse:
"Thinking of me? Gee that's a scary thought...." :laugh: :scared:

That's great, awesome Finchaser!!:thumbsup:

12-16-2013, 02:09 PM
x2!:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clappi ng:

12-16-2013, 02:45 PM
Paying it forward.....old School.....setting the Example....

Thank you sir!

12-16-2013, 03:54 PM
very nice gesture there finchaser.

12-16-2013, 06:57 PM
thanks guy's and for the record it was a 2013 Penn 706 valued at $200.00 not $300

09-15-2014, 08:43 AM
Something I wrote the other day......

Take an active role in meeting those who have more experience than you...the Old Salts....they are everywhere the fish are.....they know stuff!......(I'm talking about anyone who has been fishing for 50 years or more)...ask THEM what they think of the fishery today, and what it was like during the moratorium...try to learn from those with more experience than you....and get your info from more than one source...That's what I did, and am grateful for those who have shared their experiences with me....

09-17-2014, 09:24 PM
I wrote this about the OGB in the ASMFC 2014 Striper Reg thread......
I'm trying to keep my posts to 500 words or less....:moon: :laugh:...so I'll post it here instead......

**Finchaser/Bob has been involved in fisheries management since the 80's and was part of the original groups of anglers that marshalled together and got the bunker boats pushed out to where they are today.
As I understand it.....He and the old timers also assisted the gov't with Striped bass data and scale samples when they were trying to figure out the best strategy before and during the moratorium years
..and also helped immensely with the SSFFF movement.

10-04-2014, 09:08 PM
I was fortunate enough to be around when some of the old farts from Castaways B&T were going for breakfast this morning....
I was out fishing before that...but managed not to get too dirty, and made sure I took a soapy shower before I left for the trip....so I don't think I smelled that bad......:laugh:

Any fish caught in NJ to MA in the last 24 hours, high teen or bigger sized....they knew about it and were discussing it....
Along with some other crazy tales of things fishermen do when they ain't fishing.....:kooky:

It really is impressive the level of intel these old farts are dealing with.....
It was a privilege and honor to sit with some of the best of the best.......and just listen to some great stories for once.....afterwards going back to Castaways to gaze over the biggest surf caught fish pics of some of NJ's legendary surf fishermen......

It was an interesting step back in a time machine...when men were men, and gear was much simpler than it is today...
While some modern surfcasters feel the need to outfit themselves with $3000 worth of gear and surf apparel before they set foot in saltwater...
These old farts......
Got it done with Penn Squidders, dacron line and bombers, redfins, or bucktails......

Was a pleasure to spend the time with ya's today......:HappyWave:

10-05-2014, 03:28 PM
Just a thought Rich that finchaser intel hotline would prob be a winner.:D

10-05-2014, 06:41 PM
He really didn't smell bad:don't know why: I even let him sit next to me at breakfast:HappyWave:

And lets not forget our tin squids and rigged eels. RIP Billy your stuff still puts them on the beach for us

10-30-2014, 09:42 PM
^The OGB had a great time bass fishing today....Smallest fish was 29#...details to follow....
Or he can fill it in if he wants....:HappyWave:

10-31-2014, 02:45 PM
Nice going fellas. Sometimes it rains and sometimes it pours. I was in the right place at the right time today. Started a little later than I usually do. After sunrise and the tide started coming back in the action got better as mostly blues and big bass were among the thousands of bunker. There were bunker, butterfish on the beach, rainfish and even some squid spit up by the bluefish. Throwing only large pencil poppers I managed 8 bass to 26#. over a dozen large blues to 13#. All bass were legal size. There was not one short among them which was disturbing. All fish still swimming. As hookset said the fish activity was not always showing and some were enticed with blind casting. Good day overall among the overcast skies.

10-31-2014, 03:02 PM
did the boat thing

yesterday I had 6 fish 29 to 45 pounds 2 on jigs and 4 live lining bunker on circle hook not snag and drop

today I had 3 bass 22 to 33 pounds live lining bunker on circle hook not snag and drop
all but one were released

10-31-2014, 03:08 PM
Nice going finchaser and on the releases as well. I did not see any short fish today, they were all larger sized bass. How about you?

10-31-2014, 03:15 PM
Same here no shorts either but my fish don't count as much as the great job you did bucket head mine were boat fish

10-31-2014, 03:53 PM
Awesome reports way to find the fish guys! and even better that they were released way to go!

10-31-2014, 05:30 PM
Some of the younger guys saw us catching fish and came running down like the calvary soldiers from WWII. I am too old to play games with those folks and just moved on. I kept walking looking for large concentrations of bait while many of the others were looking for blitzes with binoculars. After moving a bit I found some more fish and kept doing that so I was on the periphery. A lot of my fish were taken by blind casting. I did just as well or better than some of the younger folks literally running up and down the beach to follow the bunker. There was other bait under the surface. Ended up fishing next to 2 young Spanish or Mexican gentlemen. What impressed me is with all the good fishing going on they only left with 3 nice fish between them. Some of the club members I saw had a few fish laying around on the beach, possibly more than their limit. I feel there is some culling going on by some fishing club members and it should be addressed by their Presidents. I try to walk away as it sickens me to see it. I am too old to fight these young Vikings. I would rather catch fish on the edge than be in the midst of the mayhem.

Congratulations on your fish as well. I am impressed with your 45lb bass and have enjoyed your reports here for years. My 26, not so much although it was a good fish to me. I remember the old days at Giglios when a 26 would rarely cause a raised eyebrow because many of the "nice" fish weighed in were much bigger. Those were the days.

10-31-2014, 07:52 PM
^^^Great job I must know you I use to go to giglio's when Art was there.

Yes the younger generation are all about blitz and cell phone fishing . I am not into that commando fishing either. It's amazing how us old folks still show respect for the sport, people and the fish. Many of them don't realize we taught them what they know not what we know. Anyway great catching the 26 from the beach is a greater achievement to me then a 45 from a boat:thumbsup:

11-01-2014, 08:39 AM
I so enjoy reading the stuff you guys post up about the old days. Congrats on your catches and releases and thanks for sharing!

11-13-2014, 12:41 PM
maybe this winter we can all get together for a beer or coffee at a mutually agreed upon place always good to put faces to screen names and make new friends

11-13-2014, 03:28 PM
Haven't posted in a while, but I would enjoy a time out and meet up with you people. The winter is long and this would break it up a little.

Happy Trails

J Barbosa
11-13-2014, 04:38 PM
maybe this winter we can all get together for a beer or coffee at a mutually agreed upon place always good to put faces to screen names and make new friends


11-13-2014, 07:43 PM
maybe this winter we can all get together for a beer or coffee at a mutually agreed upon place always good to put faces to screen names and make new friends

I would enjoy that.

11-13-2014, 11:16 PM
maybe this winter we can all get together for a beer or coffee at a mutually agreed upon place always good to put faces to screen names and make new friends

Oh Mr Finchaser ya grouchy basstid!
If I take a shower, use some soap, and promise not to try to start any epic battles or get arrested.....could I possibly be invited to this shindig? :drool: :HappyWave:

11-14-2014, 02:50 AM
Let me know Bob God willing I'll be there.

11-10-2015, 02:36 PM
I wanted to mention that it's nice to see the OFFC and the OGB out there getting into some decent fish lately. :HappyWave:
I don't know too many younger guys who fish as hard as the old farts do.

11-23-2015, 08:55 AM
Put a group of Old Salts in a room with others....

you can tell they are fishermen just by looking at them....as mentioned, craggy faces........weather worn expressions....some of them with battered and old looking hands.....not manicured and perfect....but craggy, blistered.....some with crooked fingers or grips...from all the years spent out there, holding rod and reel, waiting at attention for the strike of the big one.......
- Some have said these old time fishermen are a dying breed....the rules and courtesies they extended to each other....30-50 years ago.....seem to have been forgotten on (some) of the younger generation......
- It was said that once these old salts are gone...there won't be many like them....left to reminisce and talk about the way things used to be.....

11-23-2015, 08:56 AM
I feel that way ...sometimes wish I could turn the clock back 30 or 40 years...the times I remember back then, people were much nicer and considerate of each other, than some are now....It was a time where manners were important....gruffness and tough talk had its place as well....if someone insulted the new guy who was learning to fish...he took it in stride...and made an effort to learn more...on his own....so he didn't receive the insults a 2nd time.....

Back then, people learned things through trial and error...sweat and blood......I learned a lot of my fishing knowledge through failing over and over...before I succeeded.....

I suppose a lot of others around my age, and older...learned the same way as I did.....hard work and effort.....

I do hope that some of the new people growing up today....feel that they can learn something from the Old Salts....
In my experience....some of the best lessons in life, not just fishing but overall...came to me from interactions with older folks...soaking up their Wisdom and advice......I'm most grateful for that.....and hope every generation....has something positive to offer to the one coming up behind them........

I hope folks remember the words here....not only for Jerry Riedenger....

but for all the older folks...old Salts.....Crabby or not.....:)..who have a lot to teach us....if we would take the time to listen.....Food for thought....:learn:

12-07-2015, 05:02 PM
I do hope that some of the new people growing up today....feel that they can learn something from the Old Salts....
In my experience....some of the best lessons in life, not just fishing but overall...came to me from interactions with older folks...soaking up their Wisdom and advice......I'm most grateful for that.....and hope every generation....has something positive to offer to the one coming up behind them........

all the older folks...old Salts.....Crabby or not.....:)..who have a lot to teach us....if we would take the time to listen.....Food for thought....:learn:

We also owe them a debt of gratitude for knowing the right things to say or send us when we are feeling down...no sympathy or kindness, just rough-around-the-edges ball busting.
Just got this from Fin the other night......made me feel special just reading it. http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/smilies/kiss.gifhttp://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/smilies/HappyWave.gifhttp://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/images/smilies/2flip.gif:moon:

"Not every flower can say love, but a rose can. Not every plant survives a thirst, but a cactus can. Not every ****** can read, but look at you go, little buddy! Today, you should take a moment and send an encouraging message to a ****** up friend, just as I have done. I don't care if you lick windows, or screw farm animals. You hang in there cup cake, because you're ******* special to me, and you're my friend. Look at you smiling at your phone, you crayon eating ************! Lol! "

12-07-2015, 06:51 PM
"Not every flower can say love, but a rose can. Not every plant survives a thirst, but a cactus can. Not every person can read, but look at you go, little buddy! Today, you should take a moment and send an encouraging message to a fu__ked* up friend, just as I have done. I don't care if you lick windows, or screw farm animals. You hang in there cup cake, because you're F__king special to me, and you're my friend. Look at you smiling at your phone, you crayon eating Mother f__ker! Lol!

12-07-2015, 06:51 PM
LOL that's a true friend and what guys do. Pat you on the back while giving you a kick in the butt at the same time.

12-09-2015, 07:11 AM
That was effing hilarious Bob,I would have loved to see that one in person not many things make me laugh but that was great.
"Not every flower can say love, but a rose can. Not every plant survives a thirst, but a cactus can. Not every person can read, but look at you go, little buddy! Today, you should take a moment and send an encouraging message to a fu__ked* up friend, just as I have done. I don't care if you lick windows, or screw farm animals. You hang in there cup cake, because you're F__king special to me, and you're my friend. Look at you smiling at your phone, you crayon eating Mother f__ker! Lol!

05-10-2016, 07:01 AM
Got to eat with some of the old Farts for breakfast yesterday morning. Had to sit at a separate table because I'm not old enough to join the cranky basstid club just yet. Still, always a pleasure to spend time with ya's.:HappyWave:

05-10-2016, 07:04 AM
Also had the pleasure chatting with the OFFC from Hamilton yesterday afternoon, who were out up and down the coast targeting blue fish.
I hope I wasn't too harsh with you guys. The blue fish bite has been inconsistent at times, and I really wanted to see you get into fish.:HappyWave:

05-10-2016, 05:55 PM
Got to eat with some of the old Farts for breakfast yesterday morning. Had to sit at a separate table because I'm not old enough to join the cranky basstid club just yet. Still, always a pleasure to spend time with ya's.:HappyWave:


05-25-2016, 10:29 PM
I might be a little busy tomorrow, shot from fishing the night tides. So I'm just mentioning the old farts in general and maybe talking about one of them specifically.

Who knows .....
depends on my energy level.:fishing: