View Full Version : What makes a good fisherman?

01-02-2012, 11:35 AM
There are some seminars coming up. I have read some of the books of these guy who will be speaking. Without naming names, it occured to me that 1 or 2 really know what they are talking about. The others, it seems they concentrate on one area, and they are good at catching fish there. Do they really know about catching fish in all kinds of places?:huh:

What in your opinion makes a good fisherman?
I think a guy who can catch fish in a lot of different areas, for starters.

01-02-2012, 12:42 PM
I think a guy who can catch fish in a lot of different areas, for starters.

Yes I absolutely agree.

Some of the things I learned:
You need to be versatile on where you fish if you want to increase your hookup ratio.
You need to pay more attention to the specific bait and the times fish are feeding (thanks Dark)

01-05-2012, 08:57 AM
You need to be versatile on where you fish if you want to increase your hookup ratio.
You need to pay more attention to the specific bait and the times fish are feeding (thanks Dark)

Bait is key. Tide also is key.
A lot of the guys who got big fish in the spring are bunker chasers. They are not really true fishermen IMO. They are lazy. If they were so good, they would be out there now crushing it, and looking for those fish at night. They aren't because they're pu**ies. Can only catch in a bunker blitz. God forbid they would have to plug for 3 hours their hands might fall off.

01-05-2012, 10:01 AM
Willingness to learn,dedication and patience.

01-05-2012, 10:19 AM
Finding and catching fish through the entire season from knowledge and experience not cell phones and INTERNET reports

01-05-2012, 12:52 PM
not cell phones and INTERNET reports


01-05-2012, 02:10 PM
well u shud see raritan bay or the bridges in the spring as soon as crabbys or the tackle box reports they are getting fish or the internet sez they are there the guys come by the carloads. they leave trash over drink get loud and the po-po has to come and give tickets. we drink too but always bring out the garbage with us. the internet report fishing dudes cud not catch a fish if it was in front of there faces, lol.

01-05-2012, 02:50 PM
Willingness to learn,dedication and patience.


Here is something that Larry Dahlberg says:
1- I want to catch a fish
2- I want to catch a limit
3- I want to catch a big fish
4- I want to catch them the way I want to catch them

I would add some special conditions here for the darkskies of the world
5. - I want to catch them where the conditions are the most difficult or treacherous. Otherwise they are not worth catching to me.
6. - I want to catch the fish that take 22 hours per trip to pursue, that way they will feel more valuable to me.:kooky: :laugh:
7. - I want to catch fish where it is necessary for me to sleep in a por-to-john, or wear the same disgustingly foul waders for days on end. Fish caught in this manner are the most worthy of our applause.:clapping::clapping: :ROFLMAO :HappyWave:

01-05-2012, 03:11 PM
I'm guessing you don't fish from the surf very often bababooy. It's a lot harder for us to get them. We don't have boats and can't run to the middle of a school of breaking fish. I have to figure it out, and try to intercept the bait, and maybe find some large. I bet if you went out and spend one night in the surf, you would never catch as many as you do in a few hours time on your boat. I dare you to try it though, if you are man enough.

01-05-2012, 03:19 PM
I bet if you went out and spend one night in the surf, you would never catch as many as you do in a few hours time on your boat. I dare you to try it though, if you are man enough.

Why would I want to do that?:don't know why: A boat is a tool in ones arsenal to catch fish more efficiently. I will fish from the surf when the fish are there in numbers. Why would I want to fish from the surf when the fish are at location a, h, and k, and not in the rest?:huh:

01-05-2012, 03:21 PM
Why would I want to do that?:don't know why: A boat is a tool in ones arsenal to catch fish more efficiently. I will fish from the surf when the fish are there in numbers. Why would I want to fish from the surf when the fish are at location a, h, and k, and not in the rest?:huh:

Then you, sir, are a pompous A-SS!!!!!
You might as well go to the supermarket and buy the fish then.

01-05-2012, 08:18 PM

Here is something that Larry Dahlberg says:
1- I want to catch a fish
2- I want to catch a limit
3- I want to catch a big fish
4- I want to catch them the way I want to catch them

I like Dahlberg. That list is a good one, nice progression.
I also like what Finchaser said, finding and catching fish throughout a season (I'll add on artificials).

01-06-2012, 02:06 PM
I would add to that, don't give up on nights when you don't catch. Learn from it. Or find someone who knows more than you do and try to learn from them. Good thread.

01-07-2012, 08:49 PM
Hey rockhopper don't feed the trolls, they get real ornery in the winter.;)