View Full Version : S&A loses a masterbaiter

01-08-2012, 03:02 PM
My apologies to all the bait fisherman that miss DS.

Proved to Dark when we fished last year and this year that you catch more fish year round and bigger fish in the spring on plugs. I created a monster as he is obsessed.Now if he could fish smarted and give up his marathons.
Plugging takes skill and is a challenge which appealed to him,not boring like bait fishing, But to all who miss him,remember he still stinks and will always be King of the Googans toting his black bag.

01-08-2012, 03:36 PM
Well he could be a master-baiter or masterbater, if it was me I would rather be the first one.:d

01-08-2012, 04:25 PM
That reminds me of the phrase its better to get pizzed off than pizzed on., rip mr masterbaiter!:HappyWave:

01-08-2012, 04:29 PM
It sounds like an involved process!:rolleyes:

Becoming a master baiter takes a lot of time and effort. Find someone who is already a master baiter and ask if you can join them on their next event. Be sure to take notes and pay close attention to everything they do.
Get together a bunch of friends and discuss their ideas about what master baiters do, what makes them masters and what you can do to become a master baiter.

While trying to master bait, try to focus on what you're doing. Don't have lots of distractions and loud noises going on around you.

Join a master baiter club online and ask some questions of real master baiters. They should provide you with helpful information.

When collecting and trying to master bait, use a headlamp so you can use both hands but still be able to see what you're doing.

Find a local master baiter club and attend meetings. They should be able to discuss tips and tricks with you.

Put an ad in your local paper looking for a master baiter to learn under. Hopefully they will take you under their wing and show you how to be the best master baiter you can be.

Talk to your friends and family about you wishes to become a master baiter. Tell them you will need their understanding and support, as being a master baiter takes a lot of time and energy.

Once you are a master baiter, make videos to post on youtube and share your knowledge with others so they too can become master baiters.

Do not try to master bait in front of others who find that sort of thing disturbing or offensive. Ask beforehand to avoid bad situations.

Don't be a greedy master baiter. When asked questions by other baiters, give them honest and helpful answers.

Take pictures of yourself as you try to master bait. Then you can see where you are going wrong, where you need improvement and what you're doing when things seem to turn out right.

Don't become one of those master baiters that talks about nothing else but trying to master bait. You will find that your friends and family will grow weary of hearing you talk about it and begin to shun you.


01-08-2012, 04:42 PM
Basshunter, great advice LOL

01-08-2012, 05:52 PM
LOL, Basshunter that was good

01-09-2012, 11:18 AM
But to all who miss him,remember he still stinks and will always be King of the Googans toting his black bag.

You never cease to amaze and amuse, ya basstid! :2flip: :moon:
I'll consider that as a high honor...thanks. :laugh: :HappyWave:
Funny stuff, guys. :clapping:

01-09-2012, 02:17 PM
ha ha master-baiter! Dark you should do a video with west wind wally! Classic!

01-09-2012, 02:41 PM
Don't be a greedy master baiter. When asked questions by other baiters, give them honest and helpful answers.

Once you are a master baiter, make videos to post on youtube and share your knowledge with others so they too can become master baiters.

Don't become one of those master baiters that talks about nothing else but trying to master bait. You will find that your friends and family will grow weary of hearing you talk about it and begin to shun you.


Looks like you're already halfway there! :ROFLMAO :HappyWave:

01-09-2012, 05:24 PM
Just for you Darkskies!
In case you want to review how to set the hook, and proper baiting techniques!:HappyWave:


01-09-2012, 05:38 PM
Just for you Darkskies!
In case you want to review how to set the hook, and proper baiting techniques!:HappyWave:


I like this one much better.


01-10-2012, 10:07 AM
omg this thread just gets funnier and funnier.:ROFLMAO Love that hot for words chick, And dark, it seems you are stuck with the master-baiter title for life.:HappyWave: You must really want to throw Finchaser under the bus by now, I would die of embarassment if that was me!:scared:

01-11-2012, 09:52 PM
^ x2

01-12-2012, 09:05 AM
Truthfully Dark thought it was funny as hell because it's true he was 99% a bait fisherman when our paths first crossed. His vehicle reeked worse than it does now because he alway had clams and bunker in it. Till this day he always has hooks and sinkers in his car. As for him always busting me as being the best clam fisherman around and giving seminars that's not true. I only use clams for codfish if we can't jig them.

01-12-2012, 10:46 AM
ha ha master-baiter! Dark you should do a video with west wind wally! Classic!
Thanks Cowherder. A Wally video is long overdue. Was going to shoot one last night in the noreaster. would have been appropriate. I was tired from devoting every spare moment (outside of work and family) to these Winter fish, an unprecedented phenomenon that I'm working till it's over.

If you've noticed I'm posting less and less as more posts equal less time fishing...and the grouch Finchaser convinced me that even taking all the pics I do, takes away from the quality fishing available now for those who want to work for them.
So if you want interesting content, it's up to all you folks here to continue making it happen, and thanks to those who do! :clapping:

That's what's so exciting and pumps me up every day...anyone who's talked to me lately after one of the night trips probably thiinks I need high doses of Ritalin or Adavan..:laugh:
I'm on a natural high every waking moment, even when dealiing with problem or picky customers...because I know the fish await...(for a few brief moments more....)

I will try to get motivated to shoot more videos, though...I kind of miss Wally and Ralph too, truth be told...:kooky:
I mean, after all, what grown mature adult wouldn't miss a chance to stick his hand on a rubber finger puppet and manipulate it so it appears to be talking???? :ROFLMAO

Shooting those videos reminds me of when things were simpler in my life, away from the pressures and responsibilities of running a site and bringing in dollars to pay the bills that come in every month...

And thanks for reminding me of that, Cowherder, glad you and others enjoy those videos as much as I enjoy making them....:HappyWave:

Just for you Darkskies!
In case you want to review how to set the hook, and proper baiting techniques!:HappyWave:

Thank you much Hookset! Thoroughly enjoy this thread....

... dark, it seems you are stuck with the master-baiter title for life.:HappyWave: You must really want to throw Finchaser under the bus by now, I would die of embarassment if that was me!:scared:
Steve, no shame in my game here. that's how we roll. I know you know that and the real deal between me and Fin....I'll never quite live up to his expectations of me...exactly how my Dad was...and can expect some words of actual praise about once a year....I'm good with that and wouldn't have it any other way...:thumbsup:

**for those out there who think I'm actually serious when I think up these threads about the Finchaser clam fishing seminars, they are just ball busting and for entertainment purposes only...

Those here who I talk with frequently understand the myriad reasons a little better...for you other folks out there who think we're really fighting with each other, you should spend a day in the Finchaser household. It's one of the most well-run and admirable examples of family cohesiveness and good times I've ever seen, yet ball busting and :argue: like this goes on every day....

IMO if more housholds were run like he runs his..(Iron fist, yet fair) we would have less than half of the self-indulgent sisisies you see on the internet, facebook, and twitter world today. where selfishness is King, and many can't be bothered to help others if it isn't in their own selfish self-interest....thanks for reading folks, and hope y'all continue to enjoy these battles of satire and wit that he and I engage in....:HappyWave:

^ x2

:moon: Back at ya, bro! Remember you're welcome in Jersey any time ya want to make the road trip...

01-12-2012, 12:07 PM
Very nice post Grasshopper ^^^^^ now get back to work;):HappyWave:

01-12-2012, 01:04 PM
Truthfully Dark thought it was funny as hell because it's true he was 99% a bait fisherman when our paths first crossed. His vehicle reeked worse than it does now because he alway had clams and bunker in it. Till this day he always has hooks and sinkers in his car.

:beatin:Ya forgot to tell em about how I used to snag bunker in the Shrewsbury and run it down to the Asbury jetty in the Spring....the live eels I used to carry in the eel bucket,, or the times when the bunker blood and guts would spill into the corners of that Suburban I had,,,,and maggots lived there for a week till I found the source of the stench...

And I did plug for about 15 years before I met ya, though my plugging consisted of throwing a chicken scratch bomber :ROFLMAO "remember folks, according to the internet heroes, you MUST throw a chicken scratch to get high numbers" :kooky:

or ava while I was soaking bait,,,,or running up to the tip of the Hook in the morning armed only with a rod and a few small ava 007s to catch a handful of schoolies and get the "fix I needed" before heading off to work...yep those were the days, smelly, stinky..:upck:....when I would go to Quik Chek to get some coffee and in a crowded line I would have 3' of space in front of and back of me....:d

Yer gettin senile as ya get older ya basstid! Don't pay attention to Mr Gloom and Doom here folks, he can't even remember all the ways I used to fish bait....:laugh:

As for him always busting me as being the best clam fisherman around and giving seminars that's not true. I only use clams for codfish if we can't jig them
I hope folks know that's for entertainment value only as highlighted above. You never were a bunker blitz fisherman, even back in the day when you old farts (young farts back then) used to climb the jetties every night...:fishing: :thumbsup:

And when some of ya's got washed off the jetties or inlet fronts back then..

I can't help myself for thinking these clam seminar threads up, as there are guys out there would gladly pay for any seminar like that....:don't know why: The entertainment value is priceless...:cool:

Very nice post Grasshopper ^^^^^ now get back to work;):HappyWave:
My one compliment of the year, and it's only January?.....:scared: Too much too soon,,,,now I'll be expecting the next one by Feb 2013. :laugh: :HappyWave:

01-12-2012, 02:33 PM
Read the beginnig of^^^^^^ post #17 above and you will see he admits to being a MASTERBAITER. and King of the Googans