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01-09-2012, 05:16 PM
The Stench of Pew is nauseating here. It has their fingerprints all over it.

[Washington Post] by Juliet Eilperin - January 9, 2012

In an effort to sustain commercial and recreational fishing for the next several decades, this year the United States will become the first country to impose catch limits for every species it manages, from Alaskan pollock to Caribbean queen conch.

Although the policy has attracted scant attention outside the insular community of those who fish in America and the officials who regulate them, it marks a monumental shift in a pursuit that has defined the country since its founding. And unlike most recent environmental policy debates, which have divided neatly along party lines, it is one that was forged under President George W. Bush and finalized with President Obama’s backing.

“It’s something that’s arguably first in the world,” said Eric Schwaab, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s assistant administrator for fisheries. “It’s a huge accomplishment for the country.”

Five years ago, Bush signed a reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, which dates to the mid-1970s and governs all fishing in U.S. waters. A bipartisan coalition of lawmakers joined environmental groups, some fishing interests and scientists to insert language in the law requiring each fishery to have annual catch limits in place by the end of 2011 that would end overfishing.

Although NOAA didn’t meet the law’s Dec. 31 deadline — it has finalized 40 of the 46 fishery management plans that cover all federally managed stocks — officials said they are confident they will have annual catch limits in place by the time the 2012 fishing year begins for all species. (The timing varies depending on the fish, with some seasons starting May 1 or later.) Some fish, such as mahi-mahi and the prize game fish wahoo in the southeast Atlantic, will have catch limits for the first time.
Until recently the nation’s regional management councils, which write the rules for the 528 fish stocks under the federal government’s jurisdiction, had regularly flouted scientific advice and authorized more fishing than could could be sustained over time.

Joshua Reichert, managing director of the Pew Environment Group, said the law’s ban on overfishing forced fisheries managers to impose limits that some in the commercial and recreational fishing community had resisted for years.

“This simple but enormously powerful provision had eluded lawmakers for years and is probably the most important conservation statute ever enacted into America’s fisheries law,” Reichert said.

And unlike many environmental regulations, which are written and enforced by Washington officials, the fishing limits were established by regional councils representing a mix of local interests.

“Because the final decisions were left on the local level, you have a higher assurance of success,” said James L. Connaughton, who helped craft the reauthorization bill while chairing the White House Council on Environmental Quality. “If it had been imposed in Washington, we’d still be stuck in 10 years of litigation.”

But the changes have not come without a fight, and an array of critics is still seeking to undo them. Some commercial and recreational operators, along with their congressional allies, argue that regulators lack the scientific data to justify the restrictions they’re imposing. And they suggest the ambitious goals the law prescribes, including a mandate to rebuild any depleted fish stock within a decade, are arbitrary and rigid.

Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.), who has sponsored legislation along with Rep. Walter B. Jones (R-N.C.) to relax some of the new requirements, said his constituents are increasingly concerned that their fishing will be curtailed without sufficient justification.

“As more of these limits go into effect, they get more upset,” Pallone said in an interview. “I don’t think it’s fair to put in place a system that’s not scientific and rationally-based.”

Counting all the fish in the sea is an imperfect science to begin with, and even federal officials acknowledge that they lack the data they’d like for most species. Because of budget limitations, NOAA conducts stock assessments of commercial species only every few years, using independent trawl surveys, official landing data, ecological data and interviews with operators, among other things.

Its data on recreational fishing is even spottier. NOAA has created an expanded dockside survey and will use new methodology to analyze its results, but officials say they only this year are implementing it widely. After an annual catch limit is set for a recreational fishery, managers can adopt several measures, such as limiting the season or the size of fish that can be hauled in, to ensure anglers don’t exceed the overall threshold.

Steven D. Gaines, dean of the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at the University of California at Santa Barbara, said researchers are now developing more effective tools to estimate fish populations, by looking at the size of the fish and how fish are faring inside compared with outside marine reserves. “It’s really transforming the opportunity for us to assess where the fisheries are at the moment and take corrective action early on to correct overfishing,” he said.

Even when NOAA receives fresh data, moreover, the agency often comes under fire for finding a population is doing much better or worse than expected.

Just this year, for example, NOAA determined the amount of cod in the Gulf of Maine had declined roughly two-thirds since 2008. Local fishing interests and area lawmakers, including Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.), have blasted the assessment and warned NOAA against setting cod catch limits too low this year. The current cod catch limit is 12,000 metric tons; since the recent assessment says that only 11,400 metric tons are left, Kerry wrote that this “could require a fishing limit as low as 1,000 metric tons of cod.”

“Are the laws sustaining stocks and also the fishery, or are we just looking at what is biologically reasonable and then decimating small businesses at the same time?” asked Northeast Seafood Coalition Executive Director Jackie Odell, whose group represents groundfish vessels operating along the Atlantic seaboard from Maine to New York.

Anglers have also questioned why they need to restrict their take once a stock appears on the rebound. Summer flounder, or fluke, a popular recreational fishing target in the mid-Atlantic, had been so overfished that its 1989 population was 88 percent below healthy levels. After a series of efforts to regulate the catch, an assessment in October showed the species had been rebuilt, with an estimated 137 million pounds of mature summer flounder in the region.

But because the assessment showed the fish has not rebounded as much as scientists expected, managers are not raising the catch limit as high as they initially planned. This has angered James A. Donofrio, executive director of the Recreational Fishing Alliance.

“We’re only asking for access to stocks that are in good shape anyway,” he said, adding that federal officials have too strict a definition of the the term “overfishing.”

“When we don’t see the fish and we can’t catch them, then we know there’s overfishing,” he said.

Environmentalists and many researchers disagree. Brad Sewell, a senior attorney at the advocacy group Natural Resources Defense Council, said regulators need to take a precautionary approach because all fishing targets aim to achieve the “maximum sustainable yield” without pushing a species to collapse. “You’re fishing right on the edge,” he said.
European Union member states are debating whether to adopt a law mandating the same sort of catch limits embraced by the United States.

Stricter limits have helped several species in the Washington region rebound, including mid-Atlantic bluefish, and this fall regional managers took the unprecedented step of cutting the take of menhaden, a forage fish, for the sake of other species that consume it.

Mark Spalding, president of the Ocean Foundation, said that although people on both sides of the debate need to acknowledge that the United States is facing the same transformational moment in fishing it did a half-century ago in forestry. Until the mid-1960s, the government allowed loggers unfettered access to public lands, he said.

“We had to have this wrenching, put-the-brakes-on-and-turn-the-truck-around” process, he said, adding that when it comes to setting universal catch limits, “this is a monumental achievement.”

01-09-2012, 05:22 PM
more BS from pew a-holes!
Where was Pallone in protest of this. His response looks very weak.

01-09-2012, 05:29 PM
I wonder if they will impose rec limits on mackerel as well? Sucks

01-10-2012, 08:05 AM
Lets not forget Pew's 2 biggest puppet Obama and his appointee to NOAA Dr.Lubichenco. As for Palone been mostly all talk for over 25 years

01-10-2012, 11:59 AM
Did Obama ever fish in his whole life? What about Luberchenko?