View Full Version : Dear Mr Finchaser....some helpful advice.... about plugs and questions about fishing
01-30-2012, 02:57 PM
[Written from the perspective of a new guy who just discovered this site, and was shocked :scared: at some of the things that go on here.... :laugh:]
"Dear Mr Finchaser - I just joined ( I must say I am quite impressed with the level of knowledge and skill you guys have here.
Some things I was puzzled by, and I had a few questions for you or anyone else who might be able to answser me -
!. You talk a lot about how the guy Darkskies smells or has smelly waders.:scared: I read one passage where you said your girlfriend was mad at you because the night before he was sitting in your truck on the way to fishing, and the next day she almost puked because she had to sit in that spot. I was wondering why you would continue to fish with a guy like that? Or, as a friend, couldn't you discreetly buy him some soap and hand it to him for his birthday?
2. There is a lot of teasing about the birds, and you call him a bird scout or something like that. Is it not true that the birds are where the food is? And at times that food consists of fish?
3. He has a lot of posts where he mentions you as being an old grouchy basstard. I read some of the posts here and you don't seem anything like what he portrays. Why do you tolerate such disrespect from the guy?:huh:
4. The posts by Darkskies I have reviewed seems like he does in fact fish a lot, but the hyperness and level of energy would be enough to give anyone a heart attack. Why would you guys put up with that? Are you afraid he will censor your posts if you disagree with him? Why doesn't someone stand up to him and voice concerns about him calming down a bit, and maybe learning to take it easy for a change, before he gets a heart attack?
5. The posts he directs at you depict you as being argmentative all the time. There is no possible way a person could be like that all the time in real life, is there?:don't know why:
6. I have also seen him declare you are a great fisherman and can out-fish any 5 guys out there. How could someone be so talented that he could do better than 5 guys? Is that really possible?
Thank you for any responses you can give to my questions Mr, Finchaser, to help me understand the dynamic here a little better, and how I can fit in."
01-30-2012, 03:14 PM
"I have some further questions for the site members here if anyone cares to answer"
1. Monty, why do you make all these googan mistakes? After awhile do you think you might stop making them?
2. Vpass why do you have such an interest in crabs? I got crabs one time in college and I never want to go through that experience again. Isn't that much interest in crabs a little unnatural?
3. Surfwalker, why do you walk the surf so much by yourself? Do you smell as bad as Darkskies or are you just anti-social?
4. Madcaster why do you make those plugs with coins when everyone else is using metal lips? Did you knock over a penny arcade or something? Enquiring minds want to know.
5. Bababooey why are you such a wet blanket? It seems you are angry at the guys catching fish if you are not to be able to be out there too. Is this just an act or is it how you really are?
6. Mick2360 when will you take Darkskies up on his offer to come and fish NJ. Is it really that he smells that bad, or does he just talk too much and is unbearable to fish with?
7. Jonthepain, did you really steal that hand puppet West Wind Wally or are you just joking? And, if you live in North Carolina, are you a redneck, do you get offended by the use of that word? Why do you like shooting crows so much? Are they really bad critters?
8. Surfstix1963, are you really a crabby old basstard? If so will you always be that way,
9. GJb. are you still fishing the dirty water, or have you given that up till 2020?
10. XtremeVisions, if there was a contest between you and Dark to see who was more "hyper" who do you think would win?
11. Speedy, where are you? And are you still making plugs or just killing all the pheasants in NJ? Will you be at the Asbury show this year?
Thanks for any answers you can provide to help this newbie out!! ;) :HappyWave:
01-30-2012, 03:28 PM
plug burner:2flip:
I field tested these when they first came out and would not buy a 6" they cast and swim like sh_t
^^ "Dear Mr Finchaser -
I was looking at the past threads and saw that you had this to say about the Daiwa SP, However I recently came acoss some info that said you bought a few Diawa SPs and were spotted by some swans, test swimming them in Ocean County water...
Is this true? If so, are you out fishing again, and would you have some time to take a newbie like me fishing? I would be most grateful and would even buy the donuts and coffee. I know you must have a busy schedule right now but please let me know when you have a window to take a new guy like me out there..." ;)
01-30-2012, 03:35 PM
More help for Mr Finchaser!
"Dear Mr Finchaser,
this is the new guy again...
I was searching on the internet and found thise videos made by the stripersandanglers guy Darkskies. In them he describes how to change the hooks on the Daiwa SM and SP. I am posting them here so you might be able to see, as a guy like you gives a lot of advice and help to others, and I wanted to give something back in return.
"I hear you catch a lot of big fish and never weigh them in in the video weigh-ins. I hear you usually catch several hundred from the surf each year, and some years have gotten over a thousand. Thats a lot of fish!
And what's more, I hear you catch and release most of your bass, can you tell me and the new guys why you do that?"
Thanks Mr Finchaser for all your responses in advance, from a newbie! "
01-30-2012, 04:10 PM
Haha totally awesome "Dear Mr Finchaser" lol.:clapping::clapping:
01-30-2012, 05:21 PM
^^ "Dear Mr Finchaser -
I field tested these when they first came out and would not buy a 6" they cast and swim like sh_t
I was looking at the past threads^^^^ and saw that you had this to say about the Daiwa SP, However I recently came acoss some info that said you bought a few Diawa SPs and were spotted by some swans, test swimming them in Ocean County water...
Checked back I made a mistake when I tested these 3 yearsago it was the Daiwa Saltiga that casted and swam like sh_t. The salltiga has a small lip that didn't dig in sorry for the confusion. The SP is the 6" version of the 5'" DS both cast and swim great.
01-30-2012, 05:35 PM
More help for Mr Finchaser!
"Dear Mr Finchaser,
this is the new guy again...
"I hear you catch a lot of big fish and never weigh them in in the video weigh-ins. I hear you usually catch several hundred from the surf each year, and some years have gotten over a thousand. Thats a lot of fish!
And what's more, I hear you catch and release most of your bass, can you tell me and the new guys why you do that?"
Thanks Mr Finchaser for all your responses in advance, from a newbie! "
Most I ever caught was in 2006 caught 579 never did a 1000 lets keep the facts true. I usually average around 300 except for the past 3 years
The main reason I release all my bass is I was around when they were almost wiped out the first time. Second reason I release all my bass because in IMO any bass over 30" gets greasy and eats just like bluefish:upck:. Think about it the bigger bass follow the bunker schools and feed on them just like bluefish.Flip over a large bass fillet and there is a ton of red meat just like a blue fish fillet.
01-30-2012, 05:40 PM
Haha totally awesome "Dear Mr Finchaser" lol.:clapping::clapping:
Yep he's totally loosing it now we have googan how to video's what next:ROFLMAO
01-31-2012, 12:21 AM
Hate to burst your bubble dark but i would def win :huh: i am just hibernating for the winter :kooky:
01-31-2012, 10:40 AM
8. Surfstix1963, are you really a crabby old basstard? If so will you always be that way,
Yes & Yes Take me or leave me my new goal in life is to make it to Grouchy Old Basstard status I know its a major step in life but I'm up to it.
01-31-2012, 11:07 AM
You go boy^^^^^^
01-31-2012, 12:12 PM
Monty, why do you make all these googan mistakes? After awhile do you think you might stop making them?
LOL, The lure lodged in my back (1x this year, 1x last), lure in the finger (throwing it by hand).....
These types, more than likely not stop, I tend to do before thinking at times.....
I am in China for work the next 2 1/2 weeks, I'll see if I can pick up some of that Zen stuff to counter act my googanism. :learn:
01-31-2012, 01:58 PM
Surfwalker, why do you walk the surf so much by yourself? Do you smell as bad as Darkskies or are you just anti-social?
Let's see- Never enjoyed picking up people to go fishing- They're never ready.
Never enjoyed meeting or waiting for people at a spot- They never get there. Always some stupid azz excuse.
Never enjoyed people right on top a me.
Never enjoyed all the hyped up fish stories they tell.
Never enjoyed people telling me that their way is the only way.
Things I do enjoy:
It's just easier to be on my own. Walk where I want (most times). Come and go as I please. Listen to the sounds that the ocean has to offer, stormy or calm. Pull in a Bass, enjoy the experience, by myself. It's about personal satisfaction, either catching or not, it's the attempt. Just enjoying the time out there, no matter what. Selfish? Anti-social? Who cares.
As far as smelling, Nah, I don't smell. But awhile ago I casted with some characters that used to carry hard boiled pickled eggs with them on the walk. They were close talkers. On those full moon nights they would take a break and talk. Nothing like smelling their breathe and looking at their goat -tees, loaded with bits and pieces of egg, made me gag. Even thinking about it on the way home made me gag. Nothing personal, I think I'll just walk alone.
02-02-2012, 07:52 AM
Don't like the close talkers SW. Most of them have bad breath. I fish alone toio.
02-02-2012, 06:45 PM
Yep he's totally loosing it now we have googan how to video's what next:ROFLMAO
Hate to burst your bubble dark but i would def win :huh: i am just hibernating for the winter :kooky:
xtreme in the past dark has challenged someone here to eat bunker. Or he said he ate bunker on a dare. I cant remember the story exactly. but it had something to do with the eating of bunker. If you are truly a wild man you should go up against dark, each eating a half of a peanut bunker. The one who gets it all down first would win! Maybe madcaster, brasilva, or surfstix can even throw in a plug for the winner! That would be awesome, what do you say?:headbang::cool:
02-03-2012, 12:02 PM
Cowherder, it wouldn't be fair to include me in a contest where a plug was given away....but I've offered before to eat peanut bunker in competition with someone else, for a good cause....and I've done it to get access to one of my fishin spots when I got hassled by a drunk Comm. fisherman one day, and had to drop him to the ground to chill him out....I'll try to find the story when I get a may be floating around here somewhere...:kooky: :)
02-03-2012, 09:01 PM
Don't like the close talkers SW. Most of them have bad breath. I fish alone toio.
I don't like those close talkers either surfwalker. You should have seen it tonight. It was like opening day of trout season, with not a fish caught. Unbelievable.
10-18-2012, 09:59 PM
"I have some further questions for the site members here if anyone cares to answer"
1. Monty, why do you make all these googan mistakes? After awhile do you think you might stop making them?
2. Vpass why do you have such an interest in crabs? I got crabs one time in college and I never want to go through that experience again. Isn't that much interest in crabs a little unnatural?
3. Surfwalker, why do you walk the surf so much by yourself? Do you smell as bad as Darkskies or are you just anti-social?
4. Madcaster why do you make those plugs with coins when everyone else is using metal lips? Did you knock over a penny arcade or something? Enquiring minds want to know.
5. Bababooey why are you such a wet blanket? It seems you are angry at the guys catching fish if you are not to be able to be out there too. Is this just an act or is it how you really are?
6. Mick2360 when will you take Darkskies up on his offer to come and fish NJ. Is it really that he smells that bad, or does he just talk too much and is unbearable to fish with?
7. Jonthepain, did you really steal that hand puppet West Wind Wally or are you just joking? And, if you live in North Carolina, are you a redneck, do you get offended by the use of that word? Why do you like shooting crows so much? Are they really bad critters?
8. Surfstix1963, are you really a crabby old basstard? If so will you always be that way,
9. GJb. are you still fishing the dirty water, or have you given that up till 2020?
10. XtremeVisions, if there was a contest between you and Dark to see who was more "hyper" who do you think would win?
11. Speedy, where are you? And are you still making plugs or just killing all the pheasants in NJ? Will you be at the Asbury show this year?
Thanks for any answers you can provide to help this newbie out!! ;) :HappyWave:
Time to revisit a funny thread.....
Does anyone have any additional questions for that Crabby basstid finchaser? :HappyWave:
10-19-2012, 12:09 AM
Yes - finchaser havent seen you post a report lately if you are not fishing why not come up to nomoco. The crowd is getting bigger every night, so one more can't hurt.:HappyWave:
10-19-2012, 08:42 PM
? Or, as a friend, couldn't you discreetly buy him some soap and hand it to him for his birthday?
Friends helping friends. I'll buy the soap. I'll buy a 10 pack. You can give it to him, finchaser.
Is that enough to get in on the cell phone chain?:HappyWave:
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