View Full Version : bunker heads or chunks?

03-20-2012, 08:38 PM
Hello all - since it was said the bunker were here, I wanted to ask some body if you have a favorite way of fishing bunker when you chunk it from the surf. Do you fish the heads more then the chunks or vice versa. which in your opinion will give you a bigger bass? Thanks in advance.

03-20-2012, 11:07 PM
heads cut on a 45 leaving some of the entrails attached are # 1 choice boat or beach. Chunks attrack dog fsh,skates and bluefish. . Remember buinker makes everyone a bass fisherman

03-21-2012, 12:02 AM
try the head

03-21-2012, 08:24 AM
I hope I am not causing trouble. You guys seem to know a lot more and have more experience than me, but the guys last night said the chunks were working better. They seemed to think that heads work better in the ocean. I don't know if that is true or if it is a seasonal thing. Thats what they said had been working the past 2 days. Of course when I got there a few people said I should have been there yesterday. Like dark says, that's fishing!

03-21-2012, 09:45 AM
Keep the bunker on ice
never touch it with your hands. The skin oils are noticeable to bass
use a painters latex glove. then chunk the bunker so you get 3 pieces.
5 total with the head & tail. focus on the chunks then lastly the head.

Cast the bunker on a fish finder rig & let it sit 5 min in that spot.
reel in 5 cranks every 5 minutes for a total of 15 minutes. then replace that chunk.
this creates a chum slick. the bass might not get it the first time, but will pick up on the scent.
a bunker with no slime is useless. Keep bunker in kosher salt to preserve them from getting mushy.

Move to another spot if your chunks are not getting hit. after 30 min.
Keep your rod in your hand. never in a rod holder with a bell or light on the tip.

These tips were given to me by "Billy the Greek"
his book nite tides is all about bassin.

03-22-2012, 12:17 AM
Keep the bunker on ice
never touch it with your hands. The skin oils are noticeable to bass
use a painters latex glove. then chunk the bunker so you get 3 pieces.
5 total with the head & tail. focus on the chunks then lastly the head.

Cast the bunker on a fish finder rig & let it sit 5 min in that spot.
reel in 5 cranks every 5 minutes for a total of 15 minutes. then replace that chunk.

Someone who takes his bunker seriously.:cool:

I think it depends on where you fish. I fish bunker mostly in the ocean. For me heads are best. Bigger bass will hit em hard. The thing I see down by us in the southern part of NJ is you never know what will work, you got to figure it out by trial and error. Good thread. More big bass are caught on bunker than anything else except for live eels.

03-22-2012, 12:19 AM
heads cut on a 45 leaving some of the entrails attached are # 1 choice boat or beach. Chunks attrack dog fsh,skates and bluefish. . Remember buinker makes everyone a bass fisherman

Yes but take away the bunker and 99% of guys wouldn't fish anymore. The tackle shops would go out of business.

03-26-2012, 11:06 AM
Heads big bass love them and scrap fish usually don't bother with them.The other chunks are alright but as Fin mentioned above scrap fish hone in quick on them I very rarely fish chunks but if I do cold fresh bunker only don't leave them directly on ice use a onion sack between the ice and bunker I use the head cut the tail off and use whats left for another chunk 2 pieces per adult bunker no small crap.