View Full Version : Obama takes over Oceans and screws all Americans

03-30-2012, 01:06 PM
Vote against this piece of SH_T in November

Denies Congress' Request To Allow More Comment On Oceans Takeover

(03/30/2012) House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (R-WA) received official notice from the Obama Administration denying the Chairman's request for a 90-day extension of the public comment period on the draft National Ocean Policy Implementation plan.
"President Obama issued an Executive Order imposing a new bureaucracy to zone the oceans that threatens to deter new economic investment, suppress job creation, restrict even recreational fishing,block energy development, and stretch far from the shore to affect farmers and inland communities," Rep. Hastings said in an official release.

"Given the high economic stakes, the vast amounts of new red-tape set to be unrolled, and the fact that some 15 agencies spent over two years devising this scheme, it's unreasonable that the Obama Administration won't allow the American people more than just 75 days to review and comment on it," added Chairman Hastings.

The Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) has been a longtime critic of the over burdensome bureaucracy of the National Oceans Policy going back to 2003 following a report by the Pew Ocean Commission when original legislation to bureaucratize management of our nation's oceans was first presented by Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA) in the form of the Oceans 21 bill.

RFA executive director Jim Donofrio, a vocal opponent of both the Farr bill and the President's executive order to bypass legislative process, has testified numerous times in front of Congress to stop what he called a "takeover" of our U.S. oceans by radical, anti-access agenda.

"RFA has been back and forth to the House Natural Resources Committee many times over the past 10 years in an effort to stop this bureaucratic nonsense, and we've been very successful in keeping this bottled up thanks to the efforts of congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle," Donofrio said. "Then President Obama came in and essentially moved this bill out of Committee with the stroke of a pen, completely angering the legislative branch of government."

In a House Natural Resources Committee hearing on June 18, 2009 in which Donofrio was asked to testify (see www.joinrfa.org/Press/RFACongress_062309.pdf (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109659664169&s=10015&e=001FX3cvd8OEjPcG2Ug4j07nswMmko2MCdUEGCQib5zUQfRY pvQP7qBJ2OYlia-MtyDktnLqPWC8rgMGoenaxpm9_KZ-yhrqZ1m_TvNY2wybOW_HR2roarFOaK1RVKbXpdm-649O-0eLJz4gWrEKoJEfrM21sMuv5W-)), Rep. Don Young (R-AK) spoke out against the heavy influence of Pew Environment Group and their support of the Farr legislation, saying "this bill's not going to go anywhere."

"You may try to work it through the House, you may have the Speaker help you out, but I'll stop it dead in the Senate, because you're not going to mess with my waters in Alaska, you're not going to mess with my fishermen as you've done in the past," Rep. Young added, calling the Farr bill "bad legislation" and warning fellow Committee members that the bill was being pushed by an "overzealous group of people" who were opposed to fishing.

Despite the repeated failures by Rep. Farr to get his "bad legislation" out of Committee, President Obama initiated an executive order in July of 2010 (see release at www.joinrfa.org/Press/KingObama_072010.pdf (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109659664169&s=10015&e=001FX3cvd8OEjPcG2Ug4j07nv4w6ZYnym956w9dPEXE6AUrQ FbTEH9t1HdkPTGmJw5nzzxzR4okvBVMv8YBgVMF_yN3eejNB1H 4isotTzMnW0i5n76i-fee1xccVQD4gvT580FMvgYy300wMlopmjBI8Q==)) which bypassed the entire legislative process and excluded from the debate all those concerns brought up by RFA and the Committee members themselves.

RFA called yesterday's announcement by the administration the final act by a President who is clouded by his own agenda.

"This isn't just about our oceans, but everything connected to our nation's waterways will now be under federal control through this executive order," Donofrio said. "It's a complete takeover of every lake, river and stream that flows into the Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, along with all the lands within."

In an October 17, 2009 letter to the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), Donofrio brought up the RFA's critical concerns that the Administration's Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force was treading dangerously close to violating the Constitutional separation between the Legislative and Executive Branch of government. "RFA believes that enacting laws through Executive order and proclamation sets a dangerous precedence," Donofrio said.

"RFA is concerned about the relatively rapid speed at which CEQ is advancing with this initiative and the apparent lack of opportunity the average recreational angler will have when the final Policy and subsequent bureaucracy is put in place," he added. (See RFA's official comments at www.joinrfa.org/press/CEQComments_101909.pdf (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109659664169&s=10015&e=001FX3cvd8OEjOShG5akJNTcQoFy6HirFpGFz54b_ewgvRFp ihSJWCnV2Jax8eG1rlkhFJ7oxmcLROm4L8pxFxV3i77TrOJCqh 8iIFkpr9qxY-3uXi5ecsF_fbbLJjJNkb2ZdNxxLC1ZH9nrnhvfBXhKDGh95hsW W1u)).

According to Chairman Hastings, despite all the Congressional hearings and numerous requests by his Committee for more information, the Administration has refused to tell Congress what programs will be cut to provide the money to fund this new bureaucracy. "This refusal to allow a thorough and open review of the plan to carry-out the President's Executive Order is another example of the Obama Administration prioritizing their job-destroying agenda over the livelihoods of Americans from coast to coast," added Chairman Hastings.

Donofrio said while there may be partisan gridlock in Congress between democrats and republicans at times, the House Natural Resources Committee has always provided a stellar example of bipartisan unity in support of issues related to the management, conservation and utilization of our nation's resources. (Watch Committee member Rep. Steve Southerland of Florida cross-examining Pew Environment Group consultant Terry Gibson at the most recent hearing on National Oceans Policy at www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLqFgyRMzBI (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109659664169&s=10015&e=001FX3cvd8OEjNX5DiYyR2FadyVfXxJjj82yXDq3jKIqsooM 0QugFizaso1LSPl9uUgxgvOpZ5MmH8drhRNwNr_uVDStbON4zT aPhIN_fYnbAC_cj5X3Xmv-aSnw0pzMxnI38b7OwCd-OqoFKYZITxHnQ==)).

"Some folks don't want to hear it, but the fact is that President Obama and his appointees have completely disregarded the legislative process, that they have ignored the requests by Congress, while supporting the input of environmental business leaders like Pew and Environmental Defense Fund over that of the American people," Donofrio said. "The only way to stop this federal takeover of our public resources now is to have a new executive order rescinding the previous one, and that can only be done by a new president."

"That's not partisan politics, that's just simple truth," Donofrio said, adding "If you don't like the king's decree, you need to participate in an American revolution on Tuesday, November 6."

RFA encourages anglers to sit down and view testimony from the 10/26/11 House Natural Resources Committee hearing archived it its entirety at:
http://resources.edgeboss.net/wmedia/resources/112/2011_10_26_fc.wvx (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109659664169&s=10015&e=001FX3cvd8OEjNQEIcpRFeoxc9VayxYzzwdDopP49gylk1g4 ea10YgqbMZEActEstF0wz16J5IUB21HtzWS5OipYojehApGoRM xjpThHjn5AxMd786XCvlk37VA2GyBHx3H3tltt4fBJAPm-U8cqFhY2l5cjEznhUkBMhc-Qvc32CQbA6ueE3rc8A==).

For a select look at NOAA's bad day in Congress in support of the President's National Oceans Policy, use the scroll bar in the media window to fast-forward ahead to a few of the best parts.

1:15 - Committee Chairman Doc Hastings describes lack of response from Obama administration regarding National Ocean Policy bureaucracy.

40:20 - Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) provides single token letter of angler support for the executive order, that of John McMurray, an advisor for Environmental Defense Fund hand-picked by Dr. Jane Lubchenco to represent New York fishermen at the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC).

1:34:10 - Rep. Don Young (R-AK) grills Dr. Lubchenco on her comments that "quite a few fishermen" support the executive order, though she's unable to produce a name except to say the MAFMC ("same one as you put catch shares involved into," replies Young.)

1:42:00 - Rep. Steve Southerland (R-FL) questions the use of new "regulation" under the executive order, though neither Dr. Lubchenco nor Sutley seem willing or capable of appropriately answering the congressman's question about regulations and enforcement.

1:54:40 - In his opening five-minute remarks, Donofrio calls executive order "a complete government takeover of our fisheries," while criticizing NOAA for not funding scientific efforts which he calls the "administration's complete disregard of personal liberties and state's rights."

2:13:03 - In answering a question from Chairman Hastings about science, Donofrio says NOAA "couldn't run a kindergarten playground," charging the fisheries service with perjuring itself in a recent black sea bass lawsuit, saying "they lied to the judge, yet they're keeping us at the dock based on MRFSS data."

2:23:30 - Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX) calls the ocean policy "ideological" and asks Donofrio about how stakeholder input is considered by NOAA. "Dr. Lubchenco's administration has been whacking people off the councils and stacking them with their own people," Donofrio replied. "So of course she throws it back to the council now and said 'okay the councils are going to make the decision.'"

2:28:10 - In response to a follow-up question from Rep. Jon Runyan (R-NJ) about the state of the fishing industry, Donofrio said fishermen are "disgusted with federal regulations that are not allowing them to fish on rebuilt stocks and NOAA's not doing a thing about it."

03-30-2012, 02:24 PM
^ Now I know why folks sometimes skip over my 1000 word posts...:boring: :scared: too much to process at one time...yes I see the light....:HappyWave:

03-30-2012, 02:28 PM
Thought it would be helpful if I did that for ya, Fin....:HappyWave:
These are things that people need to be aware of....

Denies Congress' Request To Allow More Comment On Oceans Takeover

(03/30/2012) House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (R-WA) received official notice from the Obama Administration denying the Chairman's request for a 90-day extension of the public comment period on the draft National Ocean Policy Implementation plan.
"President Obama issued an Executive Order imposing a new bureaucracy to zone the oceans that threatens to deter new economic investment, suppress job creation, restrict even recreational fishing,block energy development, and stretch far from the shore to affect farmers and inland communities," Rep. Hastings said in an official release.

"Given the high economic stakes, the vast amounts of new red-tape set to be unrolled, and the fact that some 15 agencies spent over two years devising this scheme, it's unreasonable that the Obama Administration won't allow the American people more than just 75 days to review and comment on it," added Chairman Hastings.

The Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) has been a longtime critic of the over burdensome bureaucracy of the National Oceans Policy going back to 2003 following a report by the Pew Ocean Commission when original legislation to bureaucratize management of our nation's oceans was first presented by Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA) in the form of the Oceans 21 bill.

Do folks note the Pew Ocean Commission highlighted by Finchaser above?
Whenever you see the name "PEW" connected with any fishing or marine issue, please note that it cannot be good fioir anglers.

All you have to do is do a search at Stripers and Anglers for
"PEW Trust
and you will see quite a few threads detailing all the sneaky things they are involved in.....

03-30-2012, 02:34 PM
** The basic thrust of the article is that the generally accepted public comment period is 75 days.
By Executive Order, President Obama disregarded this.

While that may not seem significant, as you learn about these issues, you come to see that generally a lot of folks may not be aware.
We saw that in the March on Washington in 2010.
We saw it again in 2012.

It must also be realized that there is a lot of apathy and complacency among the public out there...it really does take some time to inform people on an issue, and get them interested enough to get some galvanized to take a stand....

Those in opposition to fishermens' rights know this...
By slashing the time for public comment, the intent is to have less voter awareness and participation....the pols know exactly what they are doing, when they do this....

03-30-2012, 02:37 PM
RFA executive director Jim Donofrio, a vocal opponent of both the Farr bill and the President's executive order to bypass legislative process, has testified numerous times in front of Congress to stop what he called a "takeover" of our U.S. oceans by radical, anti-access agenda.

"RFA has been back and forth to the House Natural Resources Committee many times over the past 10 years in an effort to stop this bureaucratic nonsense, and we've been very successful in keeping this bottled up thanks to the efforts of congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle," Donofrio said. "Then President Obama came in and essentially moved this bill out of Committee with the stroke of a pen, completely angering the legislative branch of government."

03-30-2012, 02:43 PM
In a House Natural Resources Committee hearing on June 18, 2009 in which Donofrio was asked to testify (see www.joinrfa.org/Press/RFACongress_062309.pdf (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109659664169&s=10015&e=001FX3cvd8OEjPcG2Ug4j07nswMmko2MCdUEGCQib5zUQfRY pvQP7qBJ2OYlia-MtyDktnLqPWC8rgMGoenaxpm9_KZ-yhrqZ1m_TvNY2wybOW_HR2roarFOaK1RVKbXpdm-649O-0eLJz4gWrEKoJEfrM21sMuv5W-)), Rep. Don Young (R-AK) spoke out against the heavy influence of Pew Environment Group and their support of the Farr legislation, saying "this bill's not going to go anywhere."

"You may try to work it through the House, you may have the Speaker help you out, but I'll stop it dead in the Senate, because you're not going to mess with my waters in Alaska, you're not going to mess with my fishermen as you've done in the past," Rep. Young added, calling the Farr bill "bad legislation" and warning fellow Committee members that the bill was being pushed by an "overzealous group of people" who were opposed to fishing.

Folks need to realize how insidious the PEW connected groups are.
They have recently gone so far as to hire legitimate Charter Captains, and other folks connected with Recreational fishing, to ligitimize the programs they are pushing forth.

This will further their aim of resticting access to our oceans, and the fish that live in them.
This will never be minimized.
The PEW groups are well-funded, politically connected,
They have legions of folks (Enviromental Groups and Alliances) that are very willing to support any letter writing campaign they initiate....

This is in contrast to many recreational fishermen out there...'
Although there are millions of us...

We can't even muster more than 1300 to attend a rally in Washington (2012 estimates)

03-30-2012, 02:49 PM
Despite the repeated failures by Rep. Farr to get his "bad legislation" out of Committee, President Obama initiated an executive order in July of 2010 (see release at www.joinrfa.org/Press/KingObama_072010.pdf (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109659664169&s=10015&e=001FX3cvd8OEjPcG2Ug4j07nv4w6ZYnym956w9dPEXE6AUrQ FbTEH9t1HdkPTGmJw5nzzxzR4okvBVMv8YBgVMF_yN3eejNB1H 4isotTzMnW0i5n76i-fee1xccVQD4gvT580FMvgYy300wMlopmjBI8Q==)) which bypassed the entire legislative process and excluded from the debate all those concerns brought up by RFA and the Committee members themselves.

RFA called yesterday's announcement by the administration the final act by a President who is clouded by his own agenda.

"This isn't just about our oceans, but everything connected to our nation's waterways will now be under federal control through this executive order," Donofrio said. "It's a complete takeover of every lake, river and stream that flows into the Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, along with all the lands within."

In an October 17, 2009 letter to the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), Donofrio brought up the RFA's critical concerns that the Administration's Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force was treading dangerously close to violating the Constitutional separation between the Legislative and Executive Branch of government. "RFA believes that enacting laws through Executive order and proclamation sets a dangerous precedence," Donofrio said.

"RFA is concerned about the relatively rapid speed at which CEQ is advancing with this initiative and the apparent lack of opportunity the average recreational angler will have when the final Policy and subsequent bureaucracy is put in place," he added. (See RFA's official comments at www.joinrfa.org/press/CEQComments_101909.pdf (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109659664169&s=10015&e=001FX3cvd8OEjOShG5akJNTcQoFy6HirFpGFz54b_ewgvRFp ihSJWCnV2Jax8eG1rlkhFJ7oxmcLROm4L8pxFxV3i77TrOJCqh 8iIFkpr9qxY-3uXi5ecsF_fbbLJjJNkb2ZdNxxLC1ZH9nrnhvfBXhKDGh95hsW W1u)).

Try to digest just what Donofrio's comments mean in the above paragraph, folks...
Is it acceptable to you that a presidential signature and a CEQ bureaucracy can bypass the legislative process, to have a final say on every body of water that you fish?

If you don't rally against this, that will be the end result....:learn:

03-30-2012, 03:05 PM
According to Chairman Hastings, despite all the Congressional hearings and numerous requests by his Committee for more information, the Administration has refused to tell Congress what programs will be cut to provide the money to fund this new bureaucracy. "This refusal to allow a thorough and open review of the plan to carry-out the President's Executive Order is another example of the Obama Administration prioritizing their job-destroying agenda over the livelihoods of Americans from coast to coast," added Chairman Hastings.

Donofrio said while there may be partisan gridlock in Congress between democrats and republicans at times, the House Natural Resources Committee has always provided a stellar example of bipartisan unity in support of issues related to the management, conservation and utilization of our nation's resources. (Watch Committee member Rep. Steve Southerland of Florida cross-examining Pew Environment Group consultant Terry Gibson at the most recent hearing on National Oceans Policy at www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLqFgyRMzBI (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109659664169&s=10015&e=001FX3cvd8OEjNX5DiYyR2FadyVfXxJjj82yXDq3jKIqsooM 0QugFizaso1LSPl9uUgxgvOpZ5MmH8drhRNwNr_uVDStbON4zT aPhIN_fYnbAC_cj5X3Xmv-aSnw0pzMxnI38b7OwCd-OqoFKYZITxHnQ==)).

"Some folks don't want to hear it, but the fact is that President Obama and his appointees have completely disregarded the legislative process, that they have ignored the requests by Congress, while supporting the input of environmental business leaders like Pew and Environmental Defense Fund over that of the American people," Donofrio said. "The only way to stop this federal takeover of our public resources now is to have a new executive order rescinding the previous one, and that can only be done by a new president."

"That's not partisan politics, that's just simple truth," Donofrio said, adding "If you don't like the king's decree, you need to participate in an American revolution on Tuesday, November 6."

A lot of folks tune out of these discussions because they feel the political posturing on both sides is unpleasant. Some folks feel that is just disgusting to them...the blaming, the going back and forth.

The end result is that some folks tune out of these discussions.
That's a shame.

I feel MPA's in several areas are in the future for the NJ Coast.
A few years ago, folks would have said I was crazy for even suggesting this....

Finchaser has been saying this for years....and it seemed like not many were listening....

I challenge folks out there, to come and show me how things like this, don't put us closer to having Coastal NJ MPA's.
And for those folks who don't think it's possible, when it does happen, don't say I and Finchaser didn't warn ya's....

03-30-2012, 06:39 PM
Make sure you guys remember all this in November.

03-30-2012, 07:33 PM
Thanks for breaking this down. It seems like the voting public doesnt matter once they get elected into office.

03-30-2012, 09:14 PM
O-Sama doesn't know the first thing about fishing.
The only thing he ever fished for was votes with promises of change. You can see where that got us.

03-31-2012, 10:11 AM
This is disappointing. Every year they do something else to us. The seasons get shorter and shorter. Where will it all end?

03-31-2012, 01:39 PM
Where will it all end?

they won't be happy until they have or control everything that we own or do.

03-31-2012, 08:04 PM
I thought slavery ended looks like it's coming back do the right thing in November.