View Full Version : raritan bay cow!

04-01-2012, 06:27 PM
Guys I just bagged the biggest cow I have ever nailed in the bay. :bigeyes:
Short report, the tide was coming in, and the winds were from the east. It was about 1/2 hour before the top of the tide. not too many guys out there, which I thought was strange. It is Sunday and I thought more would be trying.

I had clams and bunker out there. and was real close to both rods. She hit the clam rod, but it really wasn't a hard hit, more like a nibble.
I picked up the rod, and felt a slight weight, like it was a schoolie. I let her eat a little bit more. I went back to set the hook, and the rod doubled over in half. I couldn't believe it! It was like I was snagged on a tire or cinderblock. Then the snag started moving. I am glad I had the drag set loose because she was pealing drag. Once she realized she was hooked, she really took off. I was so nervous because I knew this would be my biggest cow ever. I carefully player her, and got her into the shoreline, slowly looking at her girth.
Finally, I got her in, and my friend took a photo. She was huge!
I wanted to weigh it in at a tackle shop but my wife called me to come home and said she needed my help. I threw her in my trunk. I will try to put up the photo as soon as I download it from my phone.
There are some big cows out there, after all! Who's fishing this week, hit me up!:fishing:

04-01-2012, 06:30 PM
Here she is guys. What do you think of my cow?


04-01-2012, 06:32 PM
Wow steve., that there is trophy size for sure!:scared:

04-01-2012, 07:46 PM
Got me stormingsteve - good one.

04-01-2012, 07:50 PM
:headbang:ha ha got me too!

04-01-2012, 08:29 PM
Guess you netted her as I don't see any gaff holes

04-02-2012, 11:43 AM
s. She hit the clam rod, but it really wasn't a hard hit, more like a nibble.

:eek:Your lucky it was a nibble a cow like that could eat you out of house and home.

04-02-2012, 03:27 PM
Clever stuff, Steve.....you never cease to amaze me.....:HappyWave:Truth...some large cows out there now....one of them could be yours, Steve....more on this after the spawn....:fishing:

04-03-2012, 10:09 AM
Got me too. Funny.