View Full Version : Beach junk collections

04-10-2012, 04:32 PM
Here is my toy wheel collection that I found while walking the beaches fishing over the years

Any one else collect stuff like this :kooky:
:huh:I have sea glass collection as well and other stuff

04-10-2012, 08:24 PM
:cool:I collect bored housewives.

04-11-2012, 12:30 PM
ledhead, :beatin:Although I have to say I could like to collect some of the lonely MILFs I have seen in wally world lately.:cool:
I started a collection of sea glass with an old girlfriend. After we broke up she got the glass. I got nothing. Sometimes after a big storm i look for plugs washed up near the debris of the dunes. Got some good ones that way.

05-31-2012, 06:17 PM
I found something you might be interested in madcaster. You might need a crane to bring it home. lol. It is about 3 feet around.:kooky:


06-03-2012, 06:14 PM
it's got to fit in my pocket LOL....I do like the one in the middle:drool:. I have a few differnt collection going on . one week I found 5 soft balls all in different locations. I just gave them away

06-03-2012, 10:19 PM
Hey madcaster did you ever find any hot wheels cars on the beach?

06-05-2012, 08:00 PM
nope I never found a hot wheels before . I did find a pair of chop sticks before .I was walking and I saw one in the sand (very weatherd) about firty yards down the beach I saw the other same condition , walk back a picked up the other . they were a pair same design on them. whats the odds of that? The location was very far from any entrance to the area ...they must of floaded together then washed up on the beach.

06-23-2012, 08:55 PM
I did come across this one night:drool: but it was a bit to big to carry

06-24-2012, 12:31 AM
Dude yer nutz.What would you do with a wheel like that? I could see 2 of the same wheel, but I have to ask, what good is 1?:plastered:

06-24-2012, 10:39 PM
madcaster I am wondering if you have a girlfriend or wife, and what she thinks of your beach junk you are bringing home. Mine is very picky and if I bring home anything extra I am in the doghouse!

06-27-2012, 12:47 PM
she as no problem with it ....I only collect small toy wheels:kooky:

06-29-2012, 04:18 PM
^ she sounds like a keeper!

04-08-2013, 05:22 PM
You are like the king of the wheels madcaster. Do you still have them?

04-08-2013, 07:31 PM
yep and I just found a new one yesterday 16807

02-18-2014, 11:50 AM
How big is your collection now?

02-21-2014, 01:17 PM
There is a guy who every year makes junk sculptures in Staten Island, Anyone ever hear of him? this was published in the NY Times.

November 23, 2011, 10:23 am A Cease-and-Desist for a Sculptor on the Shore

By ANDY NEWMAN (http://stripersandanglers.com/author/andy-newman/) http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2011/11/24/nyregion/23Cityroom-Rocks3/23Cityroom-Rocks3-blog480.jpg

Robert Stolarik for The New York Times
In exile from the land of stone: Doug Schwartz, banned from building rock cairns on one Staten Island beach, making a branch-and-bottle sculpture at another.
Four Fridays ago, Doug Schwartz spent the morning as he has most Fridays for more than a decade: stacking rocks and bits of ruin into pillar-like sculptures on a desolate stretch of the South Shore of Staten Island.
That afternoon, he got a phone call from a regional supervisor of natural resources for the State Department of Environmental Conservation (http://www.dec.ny.gov/). The official, Steve Zahn, had a somewhat tortured message to relay, Mr. Schwartz said, but it boiled down to a single word: stop.
The state says that Mr. Schwartz, a local legend whose rockwork has been featured in documentaries (http://www.thirteen.org/thecityconcealed/2009/01/12/staten-island-rock-sculptures/#more-213) and travel guides (?New York?s little Stonehenge (https://slapphappe.wordpress.com/2011/01/04/staten-island-rock-sculptures/)?), may be damaging the fragile coastal bluffs at Mount Loretto Unique Area (http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8291.html), a 194-acre preserve along Raritan Bay on the grounds of a former orphanage and resort (http://www.nytimes.com/1998/10/01/nyregion/albany-to-buy-145-staten-island-acres.html).
?We have concerns with the impact of his activities,? the state said in a statement, ?and asked him to stop until we can properly assess them.?
The cease-and-desist order has Mr. Schwartz, 58, a groundhog trainer (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/12/nyregion/12groundhog.html) and zookeeper at the Staten Island Zoo (http://www.statenislandzoo.org/) who dabbles in poetry and philosophy, contemplating mysteries of nature, culture, ownership, permanence and bureaucracy. He said he was puzzled by the state?s focus on him, given that once or twice a year, the same weather and tide that carve and re-carve the beach and cliffs wipe out the sculptures built by him and a couple of assistants who have joined him lately. Tropical Storm Irene leveled about 75 of them.
?Blaming the ocean isn?t going to get anything solved,? he said. ?But getting rid of the artists ? we were the problem, and now they?ve solved it.?

Robert Stolarik for The New York Times
Doug Schwartz?s earthworks at Mount Loretto Unique Area in Staten Island, abandoned but intact.
Mount Loretto has no shortage of posted rules (http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8272.html), forbidding things like the use of remote-controlled airplanes and the overnight storage of kayaks. On the subject of rearranging the scenery, though, the rules are, if not quite silent, at least muffled. The most relevant-seeming prohibition covers ?collection of plants, wildlife, and/or cultural material.?
Since getting the call from Mr. Zahn, Mr. Schwartz and his friends have plied their avocation at city-owned beaches. On Veterans Day, they were at Conference House Park (http://www.nycgovparks.org/parks/conferencehousepark), two miles south of Mount Loretto, building a mandala-like installation out of plastic bottles, old shoes and tires, and other bits of coastal trash.
As the early morning sun threw long shadows and a bitter wind whipped grains of sand across the beach, the three men stood up driftwood branches and hung bottles at the twig-ends like surreal blossoms.
http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2011/11/23/nyregion/23schwartz1-cityroom/23schwartz1-cityroom-articleInline.jpg (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/13/nyregion/13staten.html)

Erik Jacobs for The New York TimesMr.
Schwartz at another site at Mount Loretto in 2006 that has since been buried in sand. Click to read original article (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/13/nyregion/13staten.html).
It was fun, and meditative, Mr. Schwartz said, but not quite the same as lifting heavy rocks into orderly formation. ?You try so many things in your life to give it meaning,? he lamented, ?and we had found our intent, we found our direction, that all is not chaos.?
The call from Mr. Zahn, Mr. Schwartz and his confederates say, capped months of fraught communication.
In June, Mr. Schwartz said, a conservation department official on a tractor rode up and scolded him. ?He thought we were tearing rocks out of the cliff, making the cliff fall down.? In July, he said, he was summoned to a meeting at the ranger station and invited to join the state?s Adopt-a-Natural-Resource Stewardship Program (http://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/2568.html) and go legit, as it were. He filled out the application and paid his $25.
The permit never arrived. There were several more run-ins with the man on the tractor.
?It seemed like every time we complied, they came up with a different rule,? said Eric Alter, 24, who has assisted Mr. Schwartz since last year. ?We made them smaller, we stayed away from the fragile part, we applied for the permit. Then they stopped communicating.?
Mr. Schwartz said that Mr. Zahn had been supportive of his work in the past but seemed to be struggling with forces beyond his control. ?You have a sensation that people are saying things to you but they can?t tell you what?s really happening,? he said.
The state declined a reporter?s request to speak to Mr. Zahn but said in its statement that Mr. Schwartz?s sculptures used ?natural rocks that have been left on the beach as the bluff erodes and retreats? and that ?his movement of this material may be impacting the rate and location of erosion of the bluff (which has increased recently and required us to abandon one of the roads on the property).?
Moreover, the state said, ?Some of the rock cairns are over five feet tall and some of the other ?artists? have stood large driftwood on end (some more than 10 feet tall). These create a hazard to site visitors and to staff should these ?exhibits? topple over.? The state continued: ?We are concerned that by allowing others to manipulate the site for their own purposes, we have encouraged other types of manipulations, and that has had real costs to us.?
Mr. Schwartz said that when Mr. Zahn called on Oct. 28: ?He said, ?I still have your check. Do you want me to mail it back to you or just tear it up?? I said just tear it up.?

Robert Stolarik for The New York TimesDoug Schwartz at Conference House Park in Staten Island.
For now, the stretch of beach at Mount Loretto is as Mr. Schwartz left it ? a sparse, abandoned village of perhaps a dozen or two shoulder-high cairns he and his friends had built since Tropical Storm Irene hit, assembled from chunks of chimney and brick wall and rock and concrete, all of which are strewn along the water line in profusion.
Mr. Schwartz said that in the phone call, Mr. Zahn had hinted that the ban might not be permanent. ?I said to him: ?Is this forever? Maybe the spring?? He said, ?Perhaps before that.??
Until then, Mr. Schwartz said: ?The great forces of government and technocracy have forced us out of our natural home. We?re just trying to adapt.?

02-23-2014, 08:29 PM
these are my beach collection ...stuff I found walking the beaches of NJ....I also grab wood ....big 4 x 10's ...stumps anything ...well not everything ..just what I can use

02-23-2014, 10:39 PM
Nice collection. The 2nd pic down looks like trilobites those ancient fossils? And wondering what you do with the 4x10s they must be heavy as hell.

02-24-2014, 12:00 AM
there horse shoe crabs ...they molt there shells ....the beach will be covered with them in the spring ...most of the time they get crushed ...I'll but a few in my pocket and by the time I get back to the truck ....a few will be broken ...really fragile....tiny ones are the best

02-24-2014, 12:34 PM
^^^You found knives like that awesome! Some of them look old are you sure they're not antiques? What is that other thing at the bottom of the knives it looks like a small whiskey flask.

02-24-2014, 02:21 PM
it's a small flask ...first thing I did was open it and smell it ...it was empty ...no sent of any thing ???

11-06-2015, 10:16 PM
Anyone remember beanie babies? A while back I was walking with the kids on the back side of lbi. There is a bay beach there. We found a trove of about 10 beanie babies. They were wet and full of sand. Must have been some child's play toys for a day at the beach and they forgot them. I thought back to the time when they were as precious as gold. Folks really got snookered on those little dolls.