View Full Version : Hewey, Dewey, and Stewie.....the tale of 3 Surf Sharpies.....

04-26-2012, 03:23 PM
How many times have you come across a guy fishing the surf.
He has all the right gear...

Either a VS or ZB...
3-$400 rod....
High end tackle bag....
Orvis or other High End breathable waders....

When someone like this passes by you, do you naturally kind of assume they are a little more tuned in to a potential surf bite, because of their high end gear?

Of course you do...
I do this sometimes at well....:o

There is a saying, "Clothes make the man"...
When we see someone wearing a high end tailored suit, we tend to assume he might be a banker,, Doctor, professor, businessman, etc...in fact we assume he HAS to be successful, because at the very least, he is dressed for it.......

I mean, a guy wearing a high end suit couldn't be a crimnal, or child molester, or con man, etc, etc...the suit he has on, demands we assess him differently....he is dressed for success....

04-26-2012, 03:27 PM
I think in similar ways, when we come across surf guys dressed in all the right gear, we assume they might be just a little more competent, than the average surf fisherman....

There is no shame in this. As I explained, I've made this mistake many times, attributing characteristics to someone that they just didn't have...but that's a fault of mine, as for the most part, I try to see the good in people.

I try to give them the benefit of the doubt....
Or make excuses for why their behavior is as bad as it is....

Some friends constantly hound me for this...they claim if given the chance, I could make Atilla the Hun look like a guy who was simply misunderstood.....:laugh:

04-26-2012, 03:30 PM
What if they come across entirely different than they look?

Then, you have the material for this thread....
These 3 guys are so rich in comedic material, that I had to start documenting these stories....they will keep us entertained all through the cold winter months.....and hopefully will educate some others out there, that this is not normal thinking or behavior, and something you might want to avoid......:learn:

04-26-2012, 03:30 PM
Huey, Dewey, and Stewie....
(not your average Disney Story) :laugh:

Have been running into some fishermen lately.....the things coming out of their mouths is just incredible.....normally I try to give the new guy a break, but these guys are all sharpies...they all have the VS (almost exact same model), same rod, similar gear.....:)

So naturally, I have to assume they are sharpies.....until you hear them talk....and then the amusement begins.....
These particular 3 are so entertaining that I had to dedicate separate thread to convey some of the precious gems of thought they have while they're out there, "waiting" for the fish to turn on........

All names have been changed to protect the innocent.....
I hope you folks get as much enjoyment out of these as we have...We get to see them in real time.....:rolleyes:

04-27-2012, 10:47 AM
I'll name these stories as I post each one to help find them later if anyone refers to them....

The Double Hookup.....
Fin and I were there on the beach when Huey, Dewey and Stewie were trying to fish...they were working it hard, throwing shads....

Suddenly Huey cries out "I'm in!" and yanks his rod back to set the hook...

Curiously enough, 2 seconds later, Dewey yells out "I'm in too!", sets the hook and proceeds to fight his "cow" bass....

For about 30 secs, these 2 guys continue to fight their "separate"bass.....

Suddenly, it slowly dawns on them.....:bucktooth:
"Hey bro, I noticed our fish are close together. Do you think we have the same fish?"
"Well, I dunno, maybe we don't have a fish,,,,,,oops, we are hooked together!"
"Oh, Snap!" :scared:

Hooked into each others' lines for 30 secs until they realize they are not fighting a bass but each other.......
Ya just can't make this stuff up, folks....:kooky:

04-27-2012, 06:37 PM
This is funny chit. I see dudes like this every night. The other night everyone was fishing bunker and these dudes came along with clams. They didn't catch squat. Un-freaking believable.

04-28-2012, 10:00 AM
don't forget the next generation of Sharpies who wetsuit
they have very expensive Hendrson suits & resemble elephant seals once dressed
fearlessly they go out into the MTK surf up to their KNEES!
They toss poppers or metal lips while the rest of the world is using buck tails.

04-28-2012, 08:13 PM
got to love it the next generation of want to be's are a class act^^^^:clapping::clapping:

04-29-2012, 05:28 PM
This is funny chit. I see dudes like this every night. The other night everyone was fishing bunker and these dudes came along with clams. They didn't catch squat. Un-freaking believable.

I have seen this all too often. The clams work but when bunker are all around what do you think the fish are eating. Duh!!

04-29-2012, 08:00 PM
don't forget the next generation of Sharpies who wetsuit
fearlessly they go out into the MTK surf up to their KNEES!
They toss poppers or metal lips while the rest of the world is using buck tails.

Thanks for sharing that, Urban.....kind of reminds me of the guys I've seen, sitting on the beach with a VS, fishing clams on a bucket....nothing wrong with fishing clams on a bucket (unless you ask Finchaser :laugh: ) but to each his own.....it''s just that I know in my head there is no practical reason to use a VS to fish clams.....
99% of the time fishing clams your reel will never come close to touching the water, nor will it encounter conditions the VS or Zeebass are designed for....yet if you will look around you will see guys doing this......and I have a sense that they are doing this, because they learned it at a lecture or seminar...IMO someone told them this is the gear to use for all kinds of fishing.....

Again, to each his own....but the best analogy I can think of is a Postal Worker with a 5 mile route who petitions his town to buy the workers Lambhorghinis to deliver the mail....would be cool as hell if you were that worker,,, but a total waste of resources and tremendous overkill....not to mention possibly damaging the interior of a high end car for no reason.....:kooky:

04-29-2012, 10:25 PM
Thanks for sharing that, Urban.....kind of reminds me of the guys I've seen, sitting on the beach with a VS, fishing clams on a bucket:kooky:

I was looking for something and found this post... I knew I saw something like this before.....:d


["The skishing clam fisherman...
Another interesting thing I saw in the last 2 weeks....

A guy fishes the beach with 2 rods, clamming.
He wears a wetsuit....
Each time he re-baits, he swims out to where he wants to put the clam with the rod and reel, and then casts just a bit further, in chest deep water....
Then, he skishes back to the sand, sits on a bucket,,,,and fishes that clam hard! :kooky: :scared: ]

04-30-2012, 08:01 AM
Too cool to fish for bluefish.....

Huey, Dewey, and Stewie were standing around when Fin and I were fishing the other night...we were fishing, casting, working the water.....Fin had 3 bluefish before anyone else even got a tap...:cool:

Each time, one of the 3 idiots would come over...."Oh, only a bluefish?" :boring:
They went back to their tribe of googans on the sand..."No, nothing yet..." :bucktooth:

The second someone caught a bass, they all jumped into action.....like a gaggle of geese being fed bread from a passer-by.....

Only then, were they interested in fishing,....:kooky:

04-30-2012, 08:59 AM
Nothing wrong with catching bluefish. They are a lot of fun! Too bad for them they missed out. btw love these stories, keep em coming.

05-01-2012, 08:43 PM
Too cool to fish for bluefish.....

Huey, Dewey, and Stewie were standing around when Fin and I were fishing the other night...we were fishing, casting, working the water.....,....:kooky:

You should see it on the jetties and it is even worse. I was out there tonight. I was the only one fishiing on the jetty I was on. 4 other guys with binocs and cell phones. I didn't get anything but at least I tried. The other clowns won't put a cast out unless they see bunker flipping. Real doofuses.

05-01-2012, 11:22 PM
Nope bunker has made them bass fisherman now they worship them. Me personally can't wait for the bunker boats to get here

05-03-2012, 10:12 AM
Nope bunker has made them bass fisherman now they worship them.

I know it will anger some guys saying this, but I'm out there all the time, in all kinds of conditions, looking for fish. I have run into some nice bites at night this year and the winter.
But...with the exception of the Winter fishing when the crabs molted, and fishing the nights of April 23, and 24, where catching fish was like fishing in an aquarium...:drool: I have worked to catch fish every time.

There's a lot of work involved in catching fish at night, figuring time, tide, forage species, and moon stage into your trips, and changing presentation variations and speeds until you figure out what works best for that night.....

And then, you have to figure it out all over again the next night, as what was working then, won't even get a touch now...

In all, very frustrating at times, but rewarding when you do connect the dots and see the result of your hard work.....

In fishing bunker pods, there is no hard work other than chasing the pods from one beach to the next...and trying to be in a spot (usually a jetty or pocket) where the predators can corral the bunker and allow you as fishermen easy access. There are a select group of guys who it seems the only way they can catch a bass, is to target the bunker pods....:huh:

In the casting and dropping/ pencil popping crowd, you will usually see the same faces over and over.

I have friends who do this, and understand when you are around 40lb bass it becomes kind of like an addictive drug to want to get a big bass. As someone who has an addictive personality, I completely understand that....:headbang:

05-03-2012, 10:13 AM
However, the friends of mine who do this, also fish compulsively for bass at other times, and catch in all conditions with different types of forage in the water....they are good enough to do that.....

The thing I want to point out is that there are a select group of guys,. who for them, this is the only way they can catch a big fish....they won't put in the time required, or the lonely nights in lousy consditions, to go out and work the night tides, for the fish of a lifetime....

As mentioned, a lot of fishermen are out there because it is exciting to see these big fish, and catch one...and I may be out there one night or afternoon doing the same thing myself...the lure of a big fish is strong. so I want people to understand the meaning behind my message here.....

This applies to some of the kayakers as well.....although there are a lot of good kayakers out there, there are a certain % who the only way they will ever get a big fish...is to target the bunker pods......my sadness about this is that if you have a kayak, you automatically become more fortunate than 95% of the surf anglers out there because you have access to better water than they do....

And yet, as recently as last year, I had a conversation with another yakker who told me:
"I started kayaking just when these bunker blitzes became awesome - I don't know what I would do or how I would catch fish if these pods didn't come in like this."

To me, the above statement is a compelling agument as to how lazy a lot of the new fishermen have become.....

05-03-2012, 10:28 AM
Why should I learn the tides and best feeding windows when people on Facebook will tell me exactly when and where to go?
Why should I learn bait migration patterns when all I have to do is put myself near a giant bunker pod being harassed by cows?
Why should I bother with catching schoolie bass, one at a time, when I can catch 5 fish above 25# in the space of an hour when they are crashing bunker?
Why should I bother learning structure when all I have to do is stand on a jetty and wait for fish to get corraled into a pocket for some "EPIC" fishing? :bucktooth:

I imagine some of the questions above are being asked, and answered, by newer fishermen who get tired of being skunked at night, or who fish in the daytime and wonder why they aren't catching, or fish the wrong tide stage, and wonder why the fish aren't there....but it still saddens me that a lot of the Late Spring fishing in NJ has come to this.

I tried to explain this mentality to someone who lives North of NJ...
I told him about the bunker blitzes.
He asked:
"You mean guys really stand on jetties, waiting for the fish, and don't even bother blind casting?"

"Absolutely", I told him. :don't know why:

05-11-2012, 03:24 PM
I didn't get anything but at least I tried. The other clowns won't put a cast out unless they see bunker flipping. Real doofuses.

^^Spot on.

The latest installment of Huey, Dewey, and Stewie.....

When Fin and I were out there. we were catching bluefish....apparently not enough to interest the 3 newly minted sharpies......

They looked over with disgust, "only another bluefish..."

They then walked up to us and said:

"We heard they are getting some BIG bass here.
what time they will be showing up"

Yup...just like on a train, with a priinted schedule....H, D, and S, were showcasing their thirst for learning with each lazy question....coming soon to a town near you...the Bass Train...:plastered:...making regularly scheduled stops....:kooky: