View Full Version : Weather conditions poll

10-10-2012, 10:48 AM
So its early fall, overcast, drizzly 10-20 MPH winds out of the North east in Jersey (mostly a stiff 20 MPH). What are your opinions on fishing an area like this?


10-10-2012, 11:49 AM
I always fish on the exact beginning of a northeaster preferable at first light or during the day as fish are more active during the day in the fall. Then unless fishing the back I wouldn't fish until the wind went strong NW at the end of the blow and then again during the day preferrably dusk and dawn. Proof of this in the past 2 days under these conditions I have had 25 bass in the back, late afternoon to dusk, the bite died at dark ( so have 5 others in our little crew ). Been doing this for 50 years never fish in the middle of an all out NE if you want numbers, and yes they do get a few on bait. This is how I learned to fish NE storms, the new generation and there macho-ism some how think the harder it blows and being out in it the better, they pray for a NE storm and most just get wet. Just my 2 cents to each his own.

Recap this PM same time and place but the NE front gone, wind switched, barometer on the rise, released fish 2 bass had about a 1/2 dozen follow jig but wouldn't take it they were definitely off the feed

10-10-2012, 10:12 PM
I always fish on the exact beginning of a northeaster preferable at first light or during the day as fish are more active during the day in the fall. Then unless fishing the back I wouldn't fish until the wind went strong NW at the end of the blow and then again during the day preferrably dusk and dawn. Proof of this in the past 2 days under these conditions I have had 25 bass in the back, late afternoon to dusk, the bite died at dark ( so have 5 others in our little crew ). Been doing this for 50 years never fish in the middle of an all out NE if you want numbers, and yes they do get a few on bait. This is how I learned to fish NE storms, the new generation and there macho-ism some how think the harder it blows and being out in it the better, they pray for a NE storm and most just get wet. Just my 2 cents to each his own.

Recap this PM same time and place but the NE front gone, wind switched, barometer on the rise, released fish 2 bass had about a 1/2 dozen follow jig but wouldn't take it they were definitely off the feed

I would definitely go to a finchaser seminar. Just saying. You nailed it, Sir, thanks!

10-10-2012, 10:20 PM
I would rather fish the bay. The northeast makes the ocean look like crap and it is hard to hold with sinkers. Hard to find the fish, hard to see anything. Why fish in a noreaster. doesn't make sense. Like finchaser said at the beginning it can be good but not always. I did well in the spring at the start of the noreasters, first 2-3 hours the bass were pretty active, than it goes downhill from there.

10-10-2012, 10:28 PM
Would not fish these conditions!!!!!!!!
Stay home and get comfortably drunk. Try to get wife comfortably drunk. Try to get a little nookie. 2 1/2 minutes later try to watch the sports channel.:laugh:
Wait 2 days for things to clear up. The fish will still be there.

10-10-2012, 11:36 PM
I would fish it in the dark with bucktails. Find a pool of deeper water somewhere or a cut in the surf where the water is going out. If no fish keep moving to the next one. They key would be right at the start as some others said, Aftee it gets all nasty it's not really worth it. I don't know if i would stay home and drink, but to each his own.

10-10-2012, 11:56 PM
Got 3 bass on a bucktaill tonight. West wind is definitely better though. the northeast turns everything into diarrhea.

10-11-2012, 05:02 AM
I agree with Fin 100% on this when the water is crappy so is the fishing especially with plugs.

10-11-2012, 11:50 AM
I would fish the begining of the noreater just before the surf gets bad, then when it get unfishable I would go fish the Back. Most cases stay home when the surf kicks up.

10-11-2012, 04:07 PM
I would fish the begining of the noreater just before the surf gets bad, then when it get unfishable I would go fish the Back. Most cases stay home when the surf kicks up.


10-11-2012, 05:17 PM
I would think it is better in the false dawn or early morning. With the sky looking gray like that it might be cool. I haven't done real well when the water is big and unfishable though.

10-12-2012, 07:56 PM
I like the challenge of catching fish in the rough surf. I prefer more "normal" conditions, but if its fishable like in that pic (or worse) I'll make the best out of the trip. Some of my most memorable/rewarding trips have been in strong east winds and a rough surf (I'm not wishing for a Noreaster). Catching in the tough conditions is a bit more of an adrenalin rush for me too. My go to in these conditions has been the rubber teaser and an Ava 27, 37 or 47.

10-12-2012, 08:23 PM
Hey the adrenalin rush must be nice but the water gets too nasty for me, Would rather wait till it calms down and you have a hard west. Just my opinion.