View Full Version : State seeking aid for Commercial and Recreational Fisihing Industries

11-17-2012, 04:31 PM
From nj.com

Gov. Chris Christie has written to Acting Secretary of Commerce Rebecca Blank, seeking a federal disaster declaration in New Jersey for both the recreational and commercial fishing industries. In that letter, Christie notes the commercial fishery here produces 175 million pounds valued at $1.3 billion in economic activity, while the state’s recreational fishery involves 8,500 jobs and $1.4 billion in sales. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) has also written in support of Christie’s request.

Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council member Chris Zeman has been pushing for the federal disaster declaration for recreational interests since the Garden State Seafood Association immediately made such a request for its members. Zeman is gathering documentation of the damage to marinas, tackle shops, public access etc. for use in this effort, and would appreciate receiving any such photos and videos at chrisze@optonline.net.
BoatsUS has estimated that Sandy damaged over 65,000 boats, with costs likely to exceed $650 million – making it the single largest recreational boating disaster it’s ever recorded. Its estimate for the state is 25,000 boats and $242 million. It noted that boats tied up to protected floating docks with tall pilings did best in the super storm, where most damage resulted from storm surge rather than wind and rain.

11-17-2012, 04:34 PM
Christie got it done. follow up

Gov. Chris Christie has received the federal disaster declaration for both the N.J. commercial and recreational fishing industries that he requested from Acting Secretary of Commerce Rebecca Blank. She also provided the same declaration for New York as a result of damage from Hurricane Sandy.
Chris Zeman, N.J. rep on the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, continues to ducument damage to marinas and public access. He took a tour of northern areas today. Those with damage info can call Zeman at 617 461-3212.