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View Full Version : Maine legislators poised to ban all Soft Baits

02-12-2013, 07:50 PM
Hope this doesn't go through.

On January 17, state Representative Paul Davis introduced H.P. 37/L.D.42, legislation that would prohibit the use of all “rubber” lures for recreational fishing. The legislation seeks to ban “rubber” baits with rubber being undefined. Even so, the intent of the legislation is clear – to ban the soft baits that Maine anglers – and anglers throughout the world - use every day.

Technically, there are no “rubber” baits on the market as soft baits are made from various substances, none of which are rubber. The bill would even ban biodegradable soft baits currently available. The legislation does nothing to encourage further understanding of this perceived problem or to improve angler education on the use of soft baits. There is a wide variety of types, sizes and shapes of soft baits and few cause problems, even in laboratory experiments.

On Tuesday, February 5th, Maine's Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife will hold a public hearing regarding this bill.

02-12-2013, 07:51 PM
Here is a site where you can sign a petition against it
Send your message today to the Committee urging them to oppose this bill.

02-13-2013, 06:08 AM
I think it is time to use politicians as bait, remember the hook goes in the mouth and out the eye socket for the best hold on your bait use it until it can't swim any longer if it floats remove and rebait

02-13-2013, 09:03 AM
sounds to me like it's not the legislator's baits that are soft, they've gone soft in the head.

If soft baits are outlawed, only outlaws will have soft baits.