View Full Version : NJ fishing trip
02-23-2013, 06:52 AM
Well I came to NJ and went fishing with Finchaser,Monty & Dark we had a slow night but we finally nailed one.Those bridges do hold fish.:laugh:
02-23-2013, 08:19 AM
Surfstix comes to NJ........ :HappyWave:
He came down from the North in a cabin 100 miles away from civilization...:viking:...many of us on the site have never met hiim.
Since he has been living in a cabin in the wilderness we didn't know what to expect....
Would he look like Grizzly Adams?
Would he look like Man Against Wild Bear Grylls?
Would he look like Survivorman?
I think he most resembles survivorman.....this is an advance picture he sent me, so we would know how to recognize him on the beach.....turns out he does look like Survivorman's twin brother, without the beard....:thumbsup:
02-23-2013, 08:44 AM
The Pre-Fishing.....
**When we first met up, we spent an hour making fun of each other, BSing about the internet heroes, and busting balls...good times.....
Honestly I think more jabs were directed my way, but as one who has a life long affliction of being a Googan, I guess I deserve it....It didn't help things much that I brought Surfstix some soda and water for his stay....all in an ice filled white bucket! :bucktooth:
Googan Bucket....
Surfstix said it was his first trip to NJ, so we really wanted to marshall all our resources to find him a fish....
Before our trip, ...we consulted the internet fishing reports..;)..and discovered that there are none, except for the geniuses who are fishing closed areas and have the compelling need to brag about it.....:don't know why:
Also some folks are adamantly claiming that the the bass are still here in the ocean, but they are "just sleeping"...:laugh:
Being the internet report chasers that we are, :rolleyes: ;) we had to go out there and wet a line to find out.....
We gathered up in the first parking lot of Sandy Hook.....
Our first mission was to fish the Hook...ocean side because we wanted to keep things legal.....
Finchaser, the old grouchy salt...has connections everywhere.....
Te plan was to go to Sandy Hook, and fish the legal ocean waters....just South of the Tip....
We got to the entrance, told the Rangers our secret code word...and they let us in......
We parked as close as possible, but the walk was long...
Along the way, Fin kept grumbling, grumbling....(I swear the old Fart lives to grumble...damn black cloud..) :argue:
02-23-2013, 09:08 AM
The actual Fishing -
We knew we would run into some possible weather....the forecast was calling for E/SE winds with building swells....
We got to the water and could only fish for 15 minutes or so before it got worse...
Fin was his usual cheerful self..uttering those encouraging phrases....
"I don't know why I let you freaking dillydocks drag me out're too stupid to know you won't catch anything...why am I always surrounded by Googans? Lord help me!"
We stuffed some chocolate cakes in his mouth to shut him up, and kept fishing.
We worked bucktails and metal with no results.
I suggested we bring out the
super secret clambrella rig (copyrighted by and courtesy of Killie :HappyWave:)
The others shouted loudly at me, and told me we were not there to fish bait..:ROFLMAO..we would get them on artificials only - or it was no deal.
02-23-2013, 10:02 AM
More fishing...and some White Water for Monty.....
We ran out of peanut butter cakes to feed the old grouchy basstard....With Fin grumbling and barking, we knew we had to find another location...
The cranky old basstard, Surfstix, started to grumble as well....
" I thought you Jersey guys were supposed to know how to catch fish! I don't see anything here but some amateurs!"
We made a location change to Monmouth Beach.....
As mentioned before, the surf had been building...
We made our way out to the water....Monty and I on the rocks, the OGB (old grouchy basstid) and COB (cranky old basstid) on the sand....cast after cast produced nothing...
There was one problem, though....when it was time to leave, Monty would not budge...
The white water was building. Monty had stopped casting and was staring at it.............:kooky:
I went over to him to tell him we had to bounce. He was in a catatonic state....
Kept mumbling "White Water..:drool:..White Water.....:drool:...over and over....
He had drool coming out of the corners of his mouth......
Looked like a rabid dog....with all that foam coming out of his mouth.....
I should also mention at this point that the waves were breaking over our heads....Monty not only had the drool foam, but the sea foam...he was a drooling mess, looking at that white water.....:rolleyes:
the tide was coming in,,,we were getting smashed by the waves....
Finchaser and Surfstix were yelling at us.....
"You dillydocks better get the hell off those rocks before you get killed!"
I went over to him and tried to smack him into was no use....he was in a trancelike he was meditating over that white water......he kept mumbling,
" fault....white water.." over and over.......
Eventually Finchaser and Surfstix took drastic measures.....
Finchaser had been throwing a bucktail.
Surfstix had been throwing a Guides Choice bunker boy....
Together, they hatched a plan....they would stand on left and right sides of Monty in the back, cast, hook him, and reel in the temporarily insane surfcaster......
The plan was successful.....
they managed to hook into him on their first cast...
He fought valiantly...but the 2 Old Salts managed to bring him in, working together......
When Monty was finally back on the sandy beach, he snapped out of his trance, and asked.."What the hell just happened?" :huh:
We told him....
"You got caught up in the noreaster white water sea nymph's charms....
she appears to guys who have read about noreaster fishing on the internet....and want to believe something is out when they are alone, she invades their brains with the sea mist....and turns them into oatmeal......
Fin said: " Good thing we got you out of there in time or you would have been a goner. That's what you get for listening to that dillydock Dark." :beatin:
02-23-2013, 10:46 AM
Fishing - the dark side....
At that point Monty was wet, but slightly less catatonic.....
Finchaser was yelling at everyone...even Monty thanking him for saving his life only managed to calm him down a little.....:laugh: :kiss:
Surfstix was saying: " I can't believe I made this trip all the way down here to fish with you Googs! The only one here who knows how to catch a fish is Finchaser."
"If you guys still want to fish, we're gonna do it old school style...we're gonna storm the Highlands bridge and fish it!"
I said:
" Not possible, Surf.. the bridge is 50 feet above the way we could fish it....
Monty said:
"I heard a lot of big fish were caught off that bridge and the other ones around here"
02-23-2013, 10:52 AM
With that, Surfstix led the troops, and took control.
He set us all up on the bridge..
I said what happens when you guys get a fish? There is a 50 foot drop to the water.
Finchaser said....."You're Capt Insaneo....we'll just get a rope, lower you into the water, and you can grab the fish. How does that sound you freaking dillydock?"...
**(Fin was exceptionally grouchy at the time....we had run out of peanut butter cakes, no fish, it was wet and windy, and he was totally disgusted by that time with us all, especially that troublemaker Darkskies. :laugh: )
We set up on the bridge, and started jigging heavy bucktails and shads....
By that tiime it was almost the top of the flood tide, and we could see herring swimming below.....:rolleyes:...there were birds on top...and big bass underneath.....following the "ice pack" :kooky: for an early race to get to the spawn in the Hudson, :ROFLMAO and stopping briefy in the river to feast on these herring.
Finchaser hooked the first fish,,,,probably 50-55 lbs...we could see her thrashing below on the water......what a beautiful fish.....
Within a minute of that Surfstix hooked a bigger fish......maybe 65-70 lbs,,,,his heavy duty conventional bridge stick was bent so much we didn't think it could handle the strain...
Monty also hooked one as well...didn't see the whole fish but by the size of the head we agree that it was over 40 lbs....
Me. being the eternal googan I am and running to get my camera to take pics of these massive thrashing fish, missed out on that 5 minutes of action....story of my life, day late and a dollar short.
Since all three of them were hooked up at the same time, and Surfstix had the biggest was graciously decided by the other 2 to put some slack into their lines, and let their fish go.....:thumbsup: ......
We wanted to get a pic of Surfstix' fish...but it was 50 feet Finchaser had a few coils of dock line handy....they yelled at me to tie it to my ankle, and all 3 of them lowered me over the bridge so I was on top of the 36 degree water to try to snap a pic of Surfstix' massive bass before we let her go....
For some reason, once they had me down over the water, they kept letting up on the rope and dunking me in....
(Can't figure out why anyone would want to do that....:don't know why:...I'm still assuming it must have been an accident....) :rolleyes:
02-23-2013, 10:54 AM
The best I was able to do was snap a pic of the fish as I held it sideways,,,it was a true trophy, over 55" long.....
and then we let her swim back with the herring......:laugh:
Surfstix managed to photoshop the pic when I sent it him last night....IMO he didn't do a good job of photoshopping the bridge, though....:rolleyes:
In all, we had a good time, worked hard, and got a few nice fish...;)
Although I wish they wouldn't have dunked me in that icy water so much....:moon:
** After that we got cleaned up and went for dinner at the famous Windmill in Long Branch.....
more on that later on....hope ya's enjoyed the story.....:HappyWave:
** Note, the above details may have been fictitious, and highly embellished....and are provided here for your entertainment purposes only....:cool:
02-23-2013, 02:02 PM
We ran out of peanut butter cakes to feed the old grouchy basstard....With Fin grumbling and barking, we knew we had to find another location...
The cranky old basstard, Surfstix, started to grumble as well....
" I thought you Jersey guys were supposed to know how to catch fish! I don't see anything here but some amateurs!"
I thought it was particularly funny when Stix and Finchaser spent 5 minutes yelling at this guy about proper surf fishing attire does not include hard hats.
"60 years ago when we walked and fished the beach no one wore hard hats...."....took them a little while to figure it out....guess in the dark it may have been difficult....:HappyWave: (Had a great time meeting you guys).
02-23-2013, 04:24 PM
Here we go with the herring crap again lmfao....
02-23-2013, 05:07 PM
^ You noticed how I snuck that in...;) ....I hope Fin doesn't go ballistic when he sees it....:HappyWave:
No malice explained it's all satire and embellished fiction.......just wanted to clear that up for any members reading and didn't get it......
There are no NJ bass right now...**(in legal areas)
Even fishing with clams, in the ocean, will not give you any bass in 36 degree waters....despite what some are saying..If the water pushes up to 40-42...maybe....So I hope any folks reading this were able to understand that.......
The water is so cold, as Fin mentioned....there haven't even been herring in the inlets or under the bridges...(which are closed to bass BTW.... **colregs demarcation line)
The chances of catching a trophy bass right now in NJ, or ANY bass, feeding on herring.....
Is about as likely as Fin voting for Obama.......
Thought some of ya's could use some laughs as we are climbing the walls waiting for NJ bass season to start...:)
02-24-2013, 12:07 AM
Dark you got me again you sob!:HappyWave: Almost was believing this was true. You laid out all the details, finchaser and surfstix on the sand you and monty on the rocks. Was swallowing this bs tale hook line and sinker until you talked about the bridge and the herring. Everyone knows it wouldn't be herring it would be bunker.:ROFLMAO Great story enjoyed it. Monty the bear with the hard had was a fantastic touch. Still laughing.
02-24-2013, 03:11 AM
Glad ya liked it Steve. :HappyWave: Got a few PMs from folks who didn't understand the satire and reminded me that fishing in the back was closed....I thought the bolded "Entertainment purposes only" covered that....
Anything for a laugh...a lot of us are at our wit's end until bass season opens....glad to provide whatever entertainment we could...Still not finished with the thread..more posts to come..stay tuned,...
02-24-2013, 11:23 AM
I must be stupid because you got me too. Great story teller,lol. The part about lowering you over the bridge with a rope was when I said this guy is out of his mind they have to be joking. Plus some of those pics were in the day and I can't remember you posting about fishing in the day light for a long time. It was funny. Enjoyed it. Surfstix whether you went fishing or not hope you liked NJ.
02-24-2013, 11:28 AM
No fishing for me not with my back Cowherder, just dropped in for the show and to meet some of the guys.
02-24-2013, 11:32 AM
^^^^ Oh thanks for the dose of reality surfstix. I should have also paid attention when he saiid this. Seems like you all had a good time anyways. Hope some day you can go fishing again.
** Note, the above details may have been fictitious, and highly embellished....and are provided here for your entertainment purposes only....:cool:
02-24-2013, 05:37 PM
Remember dark April fools day is not far away. I'm planning something diabolical. Get ready.:HappyWave: Surfstix I really liked that bridge photo with the tractor trailer. You have a knack for finding some cool pics.
02-24-2013, 11:23 PM
SS glad you got to come into NJ when the crowds weren't out fishing. It gets a little intense here at times. When you are physically able to fish please come back and sample our state. It may not be as beautiful as Montauk but we do have some nice beaches.
02-24-2013, 11:59 PM
You surf guys know nothing about the clambrella. It is best when trolled from a boat. Any googan knows that one.:beatin: Had you been out there on the bridge you could have used the clambrella but you would have had to use the special glow in the dark clambrella. Makes a world of difference.
02-25-2013, 01:18 PM
Bababooey, thanks for the heads up on catching....I am open to any and all advice of that caliber. :laugh: ;) :HappyWave:
Remember dark April fools day is not far away. I'm planning something diabolical. Get ready.:HappyWave:
Look forward to it Steve...Always enjoy your posts.:)
02-25-2013, 02:41 PM
Well I came to NJ and went fishing with Finchaser,Monty & Dark we had a slow night but we finally nailed one.Those bridges do hold fish.:laugh:
Long haul stripahs lol, Hope you get a chance to fish someday surfstix. Must be real aggravating not being able to
03-03-2013, 10:56 PM
This was the ending part of the night....hotdogs and cheese fries at the Windmill in Long Branch....the girl behind the counter wanted to get in on the insane vibe we were putting out there....all good, and she was a good sport......:HappyWave:
03-04-2013, 12:19 AM
This was the ending part of the night....hotdogs and cheese fries at the Windmill in Long Branch....the girl behind the counter wanted to get in on the insane vibe we were putting out there....all good, and she was a good sport......:HappyWave:
I had the "veggie burger", which was ok, but man the fries and burgers looked great....
Under normal conditions I would have eaten what You and Stix ate myself.
Was lots of fun....they closed and had to "kick" us out.
Amazing how fast time goes by when having a good time.
03-04-2013, 02:34 PM
Love those cheesy fries. Monty none for you?
03-04-2013, 03:09 PM
Funny stuff. Looks like y'all had a blast
03-04-2013, 03:18 PM
You dudes missed out the chile and cheese fries are much better.:moon: :HappyWave:
03-04-2013, 03:41 PM
Love those cheesy fries. Monty none for you?
I just started the 9th week of a 12 week weight loss contest at work.
So I had the veggie burger deluxe (cardboard, tomato and lettuce).
Surfstix probably thinks I am a bit "off" cause I think I was drooling at the cheesy fries,real burgers and the 3 dogs Finchaser ate.
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