View Full Version : RIP Bobby Maida

02-25-2013, 12:37 PM
Some of you may have known Bobby Maida or Bobby Waldbaums as he was known as on Noreast. He passed yesterday after a battle with bladder cancer. Darkskies hope it's ok to post here. RIP Bobby

Mojoe wrote this--"today, sunday feb 24th 2013 lost a family member and true friend robert(bobbywaldbaumbs) maida,, bobby fought to the very end but sadly the end came,he was strong though out his battle with bladder cancer, as most noreasters know he had it for a good numbers of years but yet he was so postive on life.. maureen and i had the pleasure of meeting bobby and his wife joannie though this great web site noreast,, at the time he was living in brooklyn with his wife but soon after they moved to staten island i wrote to him and said bobby lets hook up and go fishing on the MOJOE as i live on staten island too but maureen and i fish jamaica bay thats where the skiffs at.. from that day on we fished on the MOJOE together for a few years,, as the years passed the cancer kept comming back so it was hard for bobby to fish with me, but he always kepted in the loop on noreast....

bobbywaldbaumbs was a true fisherman, he lived for fishing.. he also told me all the great times he had fishing for all them years on the FLAMINGO with capt bob, walter(HEY BROTHER) and that amazing crew!,,bobby you will be truely missed, your friend always (MOJOE) maureen and joe,, rest in peace brother!!!, bobby i know theres no regulations up there in the deep blue sea (sky),,, GET THE NET!!!!,,, ><)))):> ~~~ ><)))):> ~~~~ ><)))):>

02-25-2013, 12:44 PM
Yeah I read that thread. Never met him but he seemed like a character. RIP to one of the good ones.

02-25-2013, 01:31 PM
Lost another, rip bobby waldbaums

02-25-2013, 01:37 PM
+sorry for your loss,condolences to his family may he RIP and always have calm seas and the wind at his back

02-25-2013, 01:48 PM
Thoughts and prayers

02-26-2013, 07:48 AM
I knew Bobby Waldbaums from Noreast.com. I regret that I never met him in person, but we shared PMs back and forth from time to time. I was aware that he was sick and battling disease.

The thing that impressed me the most was his positive attitude. His PMs to me were never complaining, instead he said he was doing the best he could. He had the attitude of a fighter. From what I understand at times it kept him from fishing. When he could he was at it hard, giving it everything he had to fight his illness.

My impression Bobby was of a guy who took the bad and the good in life equally, and squeezed every opportunity to have a good time and get out there, like squeezing the last drops of a fresh lemon that we put on a just cooked fish.....
He was truly a man who could make lemonade out of lemons. :thumbsup:

Each passing year, we hear of another one of us who is no longer here.
Some of us are loved dearly.
Some of us are not that well known, only in our particular corner of the world.
But all of us, meant something special, to our families, and the ones around us who called us a friend.

Please try to remember that with the friends you still have, who are older, or have health problems.
We don't know how long any of us will be around for sure.

I am sure others out there take friendships, and people being there for us for continuous amounts of time, for granted sometimes....because I know I have done this....
When I have....I have lived to regret it when a person I haven't talked to in a while...suddenly passes away and I hear the news....:(
My words here are intended to mourn a life that is no longer here...
Bring up some of the good memories.....

Also try to reach some of us (including me) who may take some friendships and family relationshops for granted...
If we have become estranged, we convince ourselves there is time to patch the broken walls...
If we have not seen them for awhile, we convince ourselves we will get to see them someday when we "have time"

Sometimes this does not happen, we don't make the time to keep these connections...We allow ourselves to get caught up in the busy-ness or our own lives...
If my words here reach anyone at all, their intention is to ask some of us to make the time, to see those in our lives who were once important, family members, or friends, who are older and we have lost touch with.....
Making a committment to do that....will feel a lot better when they are still alive...than will talking about them....at their funeral....

My deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of Bobby Maida...
He was a good man....My life was enriched, and inspired, from having known him in the brief capacity that I did.
RIP, fellow fisherman Bobby.

May the ride to Heaven be a smooth one Bobby, and God's everlasting love shine on you and the family and friends who are still on this Earth....

03-04-2013, 12:22 AM
Videos Mojoe shot ....



And the obituary

03-04-2013, 01:40 PM
That was nice. Didn't know him but RIP

03-05-2013, 08:11 PM