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View Full Version : Enough is Enough

03-21-2013, 02:36 PM
Varified by Snopes

Malia on break in MexicoAfter driving the U.S. more deeply into debt than any other President,

this should make you shake your head. If George Bush's daughters or
Bill Clinton's daughter had done this, it would have been all over the
news and the voter's would have been calling for heads to roll 24/7.
But with the chosen one, you hear nothing on the major media.

Want to know where Obama's 13 year-old daughter went with 12 friends?
On "spring break" in Oaxaca Mexico , on your dime.
She took two jets, 12 friends and 25 secret service men.
A thirteen year-old? What the?
Why haven't you heard about it? All English-speaking media were 'requested' to kill all stories/copy of this costly trip to Mexico.


The Obama Administration has had the Secret Service scouring the web
ordering that any website mentioning this be taken down because letting
the travel plans out could have endangered the president's daughter's

Nonsense, the "royal couple" just want to hide the way they are ripping
off the U.S. taxpayer. Only a few Canadian Web-sites still have it up.

This trip Probably cost more than most Americans make in their entire lifetimes

03-21-2013, 03:39 PM
There's no way to do anything about it. We are rapidly becoming a socialist nation. Look at the recent push by mayor Bloomberg to ban large soft drinks. Now he wants vendors to hide their cigarettes from plain view. Whatever happened to personal and family responsibility? There is none.