View Full Version : Frustrating wind
J Barbosa
03-24-2013, 12:31 AM
I am a newbie to fly fishing and I started with a TFO BVK 8wt. I really like it and have been spending a bunch of time after work learning the basics and improving my casting.
I really liked the first TFO rod so much when I came across a good deal on a TFO 5wt I rushed into it and purchased it.
It seems like the saying March Winds held true this year. Every time I went to practice the wind was blowing. It wasn't affecting my casting so much with the 8wt as I was getting use to it but with the 5wt I can barely cast 10 ft of line in the wind. I just don't feel the rod load the same way I do with the 8wt.
anyone have some suggestions?
03-24-2013, 02:49 AM
Hi J, :HappyWave: For the surf on windy days a 9wt or 10 wt is recommended. It takes years to learn to cast great on your own. to punch thru the wind you need to learn how to double haul, and get your timing right. 8wt is better for the bay, but i learned on a 7wt. cabela special. I now have TFO 10wt, 7wt and 3wt. I love TFO. I could meet up with you and give you some pointers, I wish i had someone to show me. it took me 3 years to figure out how to catch fish on a fly. now its easy. I'm here to help.
03-24-2013, 11:51 AM
Vpass thanks for sharing that. Had no idea you knew so much about fly fishing.
03-24-2013, 01:09 PM
Hi J, :HappyWave: For the surf on windy days a 9wt or 10 wt is recommended. It takes years to learn to cast great on your own. to punch thru the wind you need to learn how to double haul, and get your timing right. 8wt is better for the bay, but i learned on a 7wt. cabela special. I now have TFO 10wt, 7wt and 3wt. I love TFO. I could meet up with you and give you some pointers, I wish i had someone to show me. it took me 3 years to figure out how to catch fish on a fly. now it easy. I'm here to help.
I like to use shooting heads. I use airflo intermediate line mostly, I have sinking, and floatinglines also. I use intermediate mostly in slower current, Sinking when current is running fast, or water is real deep, floating in back bay when fishing poppers or topwater flies. Don't use floating line on the ocean. you will never feel the take if the wave action in the surf anything other then flat, you will have to much slack due to the line riding each wave.
To cast into the wind do not back cast normal distance. you have to figure out what the right distance is for you, depending on how strong the wind is. On your foward cast you cast below the wind by aiming at the water. pick a spot where you want your fly to land. don't make it parachute down. You also need to learn how to control your casting loops. this is determind by how fast you accelerate and stop your rod, double hauling also help to control how tight you loop will be. the tighter the loop the more arrow dynamic your cast. I don't fish if the wind get over 20mph. I would find another location to use the wind to my advantage or plug fish.
I crush down all my barbs, even on my plugs. I learn this the hard way. That's a bunch of other stories to tell( when new at this make sure you wear glasses, hat, layer of clothes). When the wind is on you casting arm. This is were i get timid . I just turn around and back cast into the water. it might not be the best looking way to cast but my back cast is good enough, it might be 10 or so feet less then my foward cast.
J Barbosa
03-24-2013, 02:54 PM
thank you so much for the offer, I would like to take you up on it.
Let me know when is good for you.
On the 8wt I have a Rio outbound shooting head and the 5wt is a outbound short.
03-24-2013, 03:32 PM
thank you so much for the offer, I would like to take you up on it.
Let me know when is good for you.
On the 8wt I have a Rio outbound shooting head and the 5wt is a outbound short.
Hi J, for the 8wt. I recommand going 1 wt higher on your fly line. so that mean to use a 9wt shooting head. it will load the rod better, and you will notice a big difference in your casting. TFO is good with 1 wt line over what it is rated for. I have 11wt shooting head on my 10 wt. and 8wt shooting head on my 7 wt. there are times not lately that i could cast 90 to 100 ft, but i don't like to. usually i get tangles in the basket when i carry more then 70 feet. most fish are caught between your feet and 40 feet out.
Do you use a stripping basket? I made mine and still using it after 14 years.
03-24-2013, 03:38 PM
thank you so much for the offer, I would like to take you up on it.
Let me know when is good for you.
Your welcome. I will. Soon.:HappyWave:
J Barbosa
03-24-2013, 08:37 PM
I but the bullet and got a decent deal on the Orvis one. I did note a huge improvement with the basket.
03-25-2013, 01:20 PM
Hi J, :HappyWave: I could meet up with you and give you some pointers, I wish i had someone to show me. it took me 3 years to figure out how to catch fish on a fly. now its easy. I'm here to help.
Vpass thanks for sharing that. Had no idea you knew so much about fly fishing.
I'm gonna say a few nice words about Vpass here.....Undoubtedly he will be a little :mad: at me for saying them, because of his humbleness....
He's a humble, quiet guy and much different in personality than the way I am, yet still a good friend. :HappyWave:
He's one of the most generous and trusting anglers out there. I used to be more like that, but learned that there are people who don't look at sharing the water the same way we do....
There have been times out there when others were catching a few, and he would be out-catching them, 3-1....
Given the nature of his personality, he tried to help them., asking them to be discreet. He had that request come back to shoot him in the foot, in some cases pushing himself out of a spot he was doing well at, just for being so kind as to help a few, who didn't know how to be discreet.
I hope that was general enough not to cast blame on anyone specific. I was also thinking of Vpass and some others here who unselfishly help follks, when I wrote these paragraphs today on page 14
I think he has since learned to balance generosity with caution. We have all had to learn that.
You probably don't know how busy his schedule is so I'll fill ya's in....
For his job he has to travel a lot and is often out of town.
He would fish every day if he could, it's just not in the cards for him with the other responsibilities he has...
He grew up near the water and fished every chance he got, in all kinds of weather......
Because of that he has a unique perspective on many types of fishing. He knows water and forage, from the deep channels in harbors to the shallow flats on the edges....
He is a good fisherman because of that acute perception and analysis. :learn:
03-25-2013, 01:34 PM
**He's so good that I had a thread in mind, just for him to help others. (I never posted it up because I felt he might be too busy to do it.) this forum...called "Finding the Seam"
In fly fishing terms, this refers to reading the water so you can imagine where and how the fish are positioned below, and targeting them based on that.
Vpass is exceptional at doing this, because of the decades of experience he has......:thumbsup:
There are many fly fishermen out there who are exceptional. I have had the fortune of meeting or fishing with only a small number of the best......Vpass is so humble that he would not agree wth my opinion he would tell you all good fishermen have to learn to read the water.......
Albeit true, with my limited experience in the fly fishing world, he's one of the better anglers at finding the seam and reading that water .
He will tell you....... that he is but a newbie when it comes to fly fishing.
The skill or length of experience is not what I am talking about here....I'm talking about natural ability, and aptitude, something you cannot learn and are born with......when it comes to reading the water, and paying attention to migrational and yearly patterns, IMO his natural aptitude/ ability are outstanding.
** JBarbosa, and others... I'm grateful for the insights Vpass is able to share in this forum. With his busy schedule he has limited time. We are lucky to have him share things as generously as he does. If he does offer to give you some pointers, jump at the chance.
Please try your best to show your appreciation, and follow any specific advice he gives you.
Thanks for reading, people.
V..... thanks as always for your insights. :HappyWave:
J Barbosa
03-27-2013, 05:13 PM
Got my first fish on a fly
03-27-2013, 06:08 PM
way to go :clapping::clapping::clapping: Barbosa
V-pass if your thinking of bringing a fly rod on the beach with us let me know so I can bring my hard hat and goggles for protection. :HappyWave:
03-27-2013, 06:50 PM
Looks like a carp? wtg, JB!
03-27-2013, 06:59 PM
Got my first fish on a fly
NIce, Going J. Carp is not that easy to catch. What fly did you use?:thumbsup::thumbsup:
V-pass if your thinking of bringing a fly rod on the beach with us let me know so I can bring my hard hat and goggles for protection. :HappyWave:
:ROFLMAO The only time you have to watch out is when I'm fishing clousers. Had many bumps on the head, even a shattered rod. :scared:I don't fish them anymore.Lol
J Barbosa
03-27-2013, 11:43 PM
I was "sight" fishing and scared away an easy two dozen fish before getting this one. I believe the fly is called a nymph or some sort of nymph. These fish are rooting in the bottom in about 1 foot of water.
i bought a fly tying vise and started tying clousers; they actually look pretty decent. They are the only saltwater fly I own so far. From what you say it sounds like they are not newbie friendly.
03-29-2013, 02:40 AM
Nice fish about how big?
03-29-2013, 05:55 PM
I was "sight" fishing and scared away an easy two dozen fish before getting this one. I believe the fly is called a nymph or some sort of nymph. These fish are rooting in the bottom in about 1 foot of water.
i bought a fly tying vise and started tying clousers; they actually look pretty decent. They are the only saltwater fly I own so far. From what you say it sounds like they are not newbie friendly.
A guy that I use to work with use to fish for them in the Delarware with nymph and willybuggers. He told me that when they are mudding there easier to catch. I never tried for them in the Delaware.
I use to catch carp in florida. I use to chum them with white bread then cast a white marabou fly, and wait till they worked their way to the fly. caught a few to 12 pounds. I have a picture that i need to scan. los of fun.
J Barbosa
03-31-2013, 03:35 PM
Im not sure exactly how big, I have never weighed a carp.
I will try tying some wollybuggers as the nymph's I bought are small for my liking.
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