View Full Version : MEAT MEN of New Jersey
04-27-2013, 10:04 PM
The NOAA figures show a decline in stripers caught for the past 3 years. Somewhere on this site dark and finchaser put up a thread that talks about how the 2012 YOY chesapeake figures are the lowest ever. There are a lot of the young crowd in tune with this and starting to release bass. Personally I C&R unless family comes into town and then I keep a few.
What I don't get is how come all the private boats and charters don't see that bass are a finite resource?
There was a thread the other day where a young kid whose dad bought him a $50,000 boat (so lets call him a rich young kid, lol) is limiting out on bass every time out there. If he is so well off why does he need to kill and keep every bass he catches including bonus tag bass. He recently used the excuse that the bass he kills are all eaten and go to the poor and churches in his area. Give me a break if he is catching 8-12 bass every time out what is he doing with them all. Poor people can eat peanut butter. They can eat rice. They can eat pork and beans. Only someone who voted for Obama would use the lame excuse that you have to keep your limit every time out because you can. And then to admit that you are taking too many, and have to give the excess away to the poor?
What is wrong with society where a 17 or 18 year old kid justifies killing every single bass he gets his hands on?
What is wrong with his Dad that he condones this?
Every winter we ***** and moan about all the bass caught off carolina and virginia. We are horrified at all the slaughter.
What about what all the charters and private boats catch in NJ? I am not talking about the boats that take out patrons for their once a year striped bass, there is no reason to criticize those folks, they fish so little they SHOULD take some bass home.
What about the charter that goes out every day, AM and PM trips?
And advertises on every web site out there. Don't they have any responsibility at all as guardians of the striper population? If you or your boat are responsible for harvesting 10-20 big bass a day, shouldn't your conscience bother you just a little bit?
I am going to start posting all the pics of the meat men of NJ and their catches.
Dark you fight for access and rant about the apathy. Well I feel the same way about the dozens of private boats and charters keeping their limit with bonus tags every time.
No disrespect meant dark, but if you delete the thread I will post it again.
If you want to kick me off the site so be it.
I am sick and tired of the hypocrisy and feel something should be said. The world needs to know who the meat men are.
04-27-2013, 10:08 PM
Fisher Price, killing limits of bass including bonus tags 2 times a day
04-27-2013, 10:09 PM
Hookset :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I didn't renew my Fishermans Magazine subscription because it was depressing seeing all the dead bass.
When is enough enough?
04-27-2013, 10:14 PM
Here is that kid and his boat, killing limits of bass to give to the poor.:kooky:
In his last report he made special mention of how he made sure he got his extra bonus tags, almost did not get them in time.
04-27-2013, 10:20 PM
Thank you monty. I mean I don't begrudge a person who comes out a few times a year, to catch and eat their limits, including bonus tags. What if you only fish twice a season. Then you should take every last morsel of bass because it has to last you. These other meat men especially the ones above are putting a hammering on the bass every day. The kid takes them home for the poor? What is he trying to tell us that they are like cookies in a factory? Fishing for me this year is the worst it ever has been. I know there are less bass I don't need some scientist from the fisheries service to let me know that. Got some fish to 20 lbs already but it is like finding the pot of gold.
These dudes go out there day after day. In the case of fisher price twice a day.
Catching bass like they are a factory boat. Lots of folks blame the netters but you look at a NJ boat that goes out 2x a day and tally up those numbers during a good season.
04-27-2013, 10:42 PM
There was a thread the other day where a young kid whose dad bought him a $50,000 boat (so lets call him a rich young kid, lol) is limiting out on bass every time out there. If he is so well off why does he need to kill and keep every bass he catches including bonus tag bass. He recently used the excuse that the bass he kills are all eaten and go to the poor and churches in his area. Poor people can eat peanut butter. They can eat rice. They can eat pork and beans. Only someone who voted for Obama would use the lame excuse that you have to keep your limit every time out because you can. And then to admit that you are taking too many, and have to give the excess away to the poor?
What is wrong with society where a 17 or 18 year old kid justifies killing every single bass he gets his hands on?
What is wrong with his Dad that he condones this?
Haha quote of the week, Could not agree with you more. Just because you can keep your limit every time does that mean you should?
04-27-2013, 10:56 PM
Hookset :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I didn't renew my Fishermans Magazine subscription because it was depressing seeing all the dead bass.
When is enough enough?
I agree. Folks will complain bitterly about the fishermen in the south. I dont see how we are much better. That goes for fishing beyond the 3 mile limit for bass. This happens every season and never seems to change.
04-27-2013, 11:24 PM
They should all get shirts made up with this
04-27-2013, 11:30 PM
Same thing happens at montauk every year when the fish are thick.Only they make 3 trips a day As for the dad buying the kid a 50k boat if he has the money why not? It does sound like a spoiled rich kid tho. Kind of hard to relate to the poor when you are a teenager and your dad buys you everything. my 2 cents
04-28-2013, 01:12 AM
Thank you monty. I mean I don't begrudge a person who comes out a few times a year, to catch and eat their limits, including bonus tags. What if you only fish twice a season. Then you should take every last morsel of bass because it has to last you. These other meat men especially the ones above are putting a hammering on the bass every day.
Good point I think it is an important distinction. It is hard to tell among a charters fares which ones fish every week and which ones only do it as a yearly trip. The private boat that fishes 5 times a week, and keeps their limit every time, is the one that is doing a lot of harm. I don't understand why you don't do away with bonus tags in NJ.
04-28-2013, 11:19 AM
Here is that kid and his boat, killing limits of bass to give to the poor.:kooky:
In his last report he made special mention of how he made sure he got his extra bonus tags, almost did not get them in time.
I read that about the bonus tags. The bonus tag system is something you have to report on your catch each time before you are allowed another bonus. How many people do that and just use the tag as an excuse to kill 3 bass every time they are out there. It is a shame that some of the younger fishermen like this kid have no respect for the striper. When there are none left who will feed the poor then?
04-28-2013, 11:20 AM
If he is so well off why does he need to kill and keep every bass he catches including bonus tag bass. He recently used the excuse that the bass he kills are all eaten and go to the poor and churches in his area. Poor people can eat peanut butter. They can eat rice. They can eat pork and beans. Only someone who voted for Obama would use the lame excuse that you have to keep your limit every time out because you can. And then to admit that you are taking too many, and have to give the excess away to the poor?
Hookset that quote cracks me up, awesome. I agree with basshunter quote of the week!
The poor don't have to eat government cheese.
Let them eat striped bass!:kooky:
04-28-2013, 12:01 PM
If the bonus tags are that much of a problem and causing abuses maybe they should be eliminated.
04-28-2013, 06:50 PM
Then there was the boat lthe renegade. He was out every day last season twice daily trips. He got busted over the 3 mile limit with illegal bass. Said it was his first time. Cmon now.:rolleyes: Nothing wrong with keeping and eating stripers. If you catch your limit every day how big is your freezer?
04-28-2013, 08:18 PM
Lets kill all the bass yee hah
04-28-2013, 10:08 PM
the tags can't be eliminated or the quota from them goes to the commercial fishery of another state . The only reason we have them is because when we became a game fish state and eliminated all commercial fishing we had to use the quota or loose it to another state so the bonus tag was born. It should have never been given to the head boat and charter boats.
04-28-2013, 10:13 PM
Hookset :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I didn't renew my Fishermans Magazine subscription because it was depressing seeing all the dead bass.
When is enough enough?
When they are gone in a few years I never expected it to happen again. It will just be another nail in the recreational fishermans' coffin. Guy's like Johnny bucktail it's all ego and he has a following of his ways, even a guy who posts here or should I say use to post here
04-29-2013, 03:09 PM
Thank you monty. I mean I don't begrudge a person who comes out a few times a year, to catch and eat their limits, including bonus tags. What if you only fish twice a season. Then you should take every last morsel of bass because it has to last you.
Glad you at least acknowledge that hookset. How would you know which fare on the boat is a one time a year fare, or a regular customer who comes every week. Judge not lest ye be judged.
04-29-2013, 03:26 PM
Bababooey that figures coming from a guy who can only catch fish from his boat. And is so lazy about catching fish you want to be put on the finchaser cell phone chain to find them. How about you find fish on your own for once in youre life? Lazy, lazy:beatin:
04-29-2013, 05:39 PM
J Barbosa
04-29-2013, 08:30 PM
Blame the guys who praise a 16 year old for posting pictures of deckloads stacked with bass.
04-30-2013, 01:46 AM
^^Those are the same guys who don't have a clue what the moratorium was about or how hard it was to catch a bass back then. Most of them have been fishing for less than 20 years and they "know" all there is to know about striped bass. I lived through the moratorium. I remember fishing right before, conditions were the same as today. Someone pointed out the difference that back then there were no limits and today there are. what those people don't realize is that there are more fishing recreationally than ever before. The bulk of the guys praising that kid are clueless and will whine the loudest when there are no bass left. "What happened, where did the bass go it was those damn netters!" No it wasn't the netters it was the clueless meat men who killed them all.
Another lame answer is "if you don't like the law change it" They don't realized the fishing laws are often changed after the damage has been done. Overall rec catches have been declining for 3 years how and there are more recs fishing. How is that possible? Do the math there are less fish. If that was not true more people would be catching more fish. But they are not. Clueless, brain dead meat men. Fill the box because I can. When there are none left I will whine. Give me another Ballantine. :2flip:
04-30-2013, 01:48 AM
fisher price dead bass limits plus bonus tags april 29
More meat pics. Lets kill em all, get those bonus tags while the getting is good.
bucktail 3 man limit april 28 fish for the poor
04-30-2013, 02:10 AM
Clueless, brain dead meat men. Fill the box because I can. When there are none left I will whine. Give me another Ballantine. :2flip:
Hookset you're a poet and don't even know it.:clapping:
Ya can't teach some folks. The ones who know it all it - isn't even worth it to try.
J Barbosa
04-30-2013, 09:08 AM
Those are some big breeders right there. It took them 10-15 years to get that size :(
04-30-2013, 09:54 AM
Blame the guys who praise a 16 year old for posting pictures of deckloads stacked with bass.
I didn't know he is 16 years old? His dad buys a 16 year old kid a 50,000 dollar boat? And they worrry about the poor? How about at 16 he gets a job and works to give the poor some money. At 16 I was working he can do it too. I don't think he has any concept about what being poor is like or what its like to fish for bass for 3 weeks in a row and only catch a small schoolie. Those were the lean years after 1982. But he wasn't even born yet how could he know that. Someone should try to educate him, like his father.
As for giving fish to the poor, if someone I know wants a bass, I tell them go out there and catch one!
If he cares so much about the poor, maybe he should only catch 2 bass every time, and give up his fish so they could eat them.
Show me a kid who does that and I will :clapping: for him. Otherwise, he gets for being a spoiled arrogant richie rich. I hate that type they think their **** dont stink and don't want to do manual labor because its beneath them.
04-30-2013, 09:57 AM
Thank you for this thread hookset. something needs to be done before it is too late.
04-30-2013, 11:11 AM
The people who only go fishing a few times a year should keep their fish. I think someone else said that too. The guys who go fishing every chance they get, keep their limit every time including the bonus are SELFISH FAT PIGS!!!!!! I don't care who likes it or not you are a greedy gavone and when there are no bass anymore you will have to find something else to stuff your fat disgusting belly.:2flip:
04-30-2013, 07:37 PM
04-30-2013, 09:28 PM
Hookset, I thought about the things you said and your reasons behind them. As you have lived and fished through the moratorium I will try to give you a little leeway, but not much.
Please - do not make any character assumptions of anyone. If they are not here to defend themselves I feel very strongly about enforcing that.
I, or you, would want the same courtesy given to me if that were the case for us.
That being said, you and the members here have a constitutionally protected right to share your opinion about what is being caught and kept, and your opinions on the state of the fishery.
I will try to protect your right to voice your opinion within reason, but will not tolerate personal attacks on someone, whether they are members here or not.
Some changes or deletions may eventually be needed in this thread. I have less time to moderate now. We will see where it leads.
As long as you folks can have adult discussions, and stick to the issues at hand, I'll try to keep this thread open, and try to allow you all to express your opinion, as guaranteed in your first Amendment rights......but please keep in mind that I am expecting you to all act like adults.
Along those lines, anything anyone can post
A. about the fishery now,
B. as compared to the moratorium years,
C. or what it was like then, and why you feel comparisons should be made to now.,
are all part of a constructive discussion, and could help to educate the folks out there who do not know....:learn:
1. Please bear in mind that when someone goes on a charter, as has been mentioned here several times, there is no way to determine if they fish once a year, once a month, or once a week.
2. We should all alllow others the same consideration that we would want in return.
3. If you feel these types of action are a problem, please be adult in stating why, or why not.
4. If you can back your opinions with data, that would be very helpful, and in line with promoting an adult discussion.
Thanks, people. :HappyWave:
04-30-2013, 10:57 PM
It's not so much the charters it's the asswipes and the followers that kill for ego that will ruin it for all. I've seen it happen before .The funny part is it's being done by a kid in a boat who sparked it all. Praised and followed by people all using a method that takes absolutely no skill what so ever.:2flip: Guess they will write books and give seminars soon.
04-30-2013, 11:35 PM
Praised and followed by people all using a method that takes absolutely no skill what so ever.:2flip: Guess they will write books and give seminars soon.
Killing Bass for Dummies..... Unfortunately there are lots of "dummies" out there....The book would sell like dead Stripers.
I believe the only hope is that the regulations get changed drastically, there is absolutely no hope that the individuals who believe that since they are allowed to kill the bass they have no responsibility in contributing to a healthy bass population. The "No Conscience Generation".
05-01-2013, 08:49 AM
So for a boatload of 6 anglers that means 5 of them got their bonus tags. I realize what you said about the bonus tags finchaser but if it is all about the bonus tags for most people who go on boats maybe it is better to give it up to another state. There is just too much abuse. Isn't 2 bass enough for the table and freezer. Why do you need 3? If the stripers are over 12 lbs, you catch 3 at 36lbs that is a lot of meat. What if there were bonus tags for tog. Tog are a slow growing fish. How long do people think it would take for the tog to be wiped out if everyone bought an extra one home?
05-01-2013, 10:30 PM
. How is that possible? Do the math there are less fish. If that was not true more people would be catching more fish. But they are not. Clueless, brain dead meat men. Fill the box because I can. When there are none left I will whine. Give me another Ballantine. :2flip:
Awesome hookset.
Haha meat men, meat men,
what ya gonna do?
what ya gonna do when they come for you!:moon:
New show meat men!
05-02-2013, 06:08 PM
Like it steve, remember that show when they chase down all the losers. Love that Bad Boys song.
Fast forward to present day they should just focus on all the losers wearing those ghetto pants with their drawers hanging out the back. Makes them real easy to catch that way lol. If you're gonna do something where you have to run from the police why do it in clothes that are falling off you as you run?
05-02-2013, 06:11 PM
The latest meat man pic seen on another site. Didn't know the guy was such a meat man till he posted today. Todays meat trip
05-02-2013, 06:46 PM
Didn't know the guy was such a meat man till he posted today.
Folks talk a good story but see how quick some of the c&r guys change their tune when the 40lb bass are here or there is tourney money involved. Greed and ego 2 of the biggest factors. Ever taste cat food? Ever taste a 40 lb bass? about the same.
Disclaimer I do not eat cat food so I can only imagine how bad it tastes.
Big bass are not good eating. Many of them get tossed in dumpsters after the photo op if the day has been hot or sunny.
05-02-2013, 07:34 PM
more meat
05-02-2013, 07:35 PM
Big bass are not good eating. Many of them get tossed in dumpsters after the photo op if the day has been hot or sunny.
amen bucket.
05-02-2013, 08:27 PM
Big bass are not good eating. Many of them get tossed in dumpsters after the photo op if the day has been hot or sunny.
It's kind of ironic that in that pic hookset just posted they are now in the garbage can. In the summer when it's hot some will be in dumpsters. Cycle of life?
05-02-2013, 10:38 PM
more. pool was 26 lbs isnt that enough fillets from one fish why do you need 3 to 26lbs for one person?
05-04-2013, 06:55 PM
fri and saturdays meat (no one said they were getting any for the poor this time, lol)
may 3 tagged fish 5 man limit with 5 bonus tags
Johnny Bucktails
05-05-2013, 03:06 PM
to Hookset- usually i dont reply to clowns. You are making a lot of statements that im sure you can't prove, and if you can, do so. You are accusing me of selling fish to restaurants Prove it, or keep your mouth shut. We only keep the limit that the law allows and nothing more. You can come by our dock every time we come in to see us give fish to those who didn't catch any. Last but not least, the boat i bought for my son and I wasn't 50,000, it was 150,000 for your information. Dont count other people money, worry about your own because it only makes you look stupid. - John Sr. life is too short to worry about what everyone else is doing
05-05-2013, 03:57 PM
Why do you need 3? If the stripers are over 12 lbs, you catch 3 at 36lbs that is a lot of meat. What if there were bonus tags for tog. Tog are a slow growing fish. How long do people think it would take for the tog to be wiped out if everyone bought an extra one home?
The NOAA figures show a decline in stripers caught for the past 3 years. Somewhere on this site dark and finchaser put up a thread that talks about how the 2012 YOY chesapeake figures are the lowest ever. There are a lot of the young crowd in tune with this and starting to release bass. Personally I C&R unless family comes into town and then I keep a few.
What is wrong with society where a 17 or 18 year old kid justifies killing every single bass he gets his hands on?
What is wrong with his Dad that he condones this?
Every winter we ***** and moan about all the bass caught off carolina and virginia. We are horrified at all the slaughter.
What about what all the charters and private boats catch in NJ? I am not talking about the boats that take out patrons for their once a year striped bass, there is no reason to criticize those folks, they fish so little they SHOULD take some bass home.
If you or your boat are responsible for harvesting 10-20 big bass a day, shouldn't your conscience bother you just a little bit?
To Johnny Bucktails, welcome to the site.
Perhaps you can tell us your side of the story and why you feel it is ok to keep your limit of fish with bonus tags every time. Or to teach your son that that is ok no matter how many times a week you fish. Sons look up to their fathers and try to follow in their footsteps.
You say you are Johnny Sr. Please forgive the assumption but wouldn't that put you at somewhere between 50 and 55 years old? I was curious if you fished during the moratorium and if you remember what it was like to not catch bass. Or only by accident when targeting other species because there were so few of them around.
There is a decline in the numbers which I quoted hookset's post above. The birth statistics for YOY striped bass is terrible.
Were you aware of any of that and did you fish during the moratorium? Would like to hear you share your bass experience during those lean years, if you don't mind. Thank you kindly.
Also, do you fish for blackfish? Knowing how slow-growing they are, what would you say in response to basshunters question of how many would be left if everyone bought an extra one home. Thank you.
05-05-2013, 04:21 PM
John Sr. life is too short to worry about what everyone else is doing
Welcome to the site JB.
Looks like you guys kill a lot of bass, you guys are real Meat Men, congratulations....not
Lots of pics with lots of dead Bass. Lots of Meat, lots of lost dead breeders.
Why do you feel the need to kill so many keepers just to give them away? You don't think about the pressure on the Striped Bass population?
You just have this need to give away meat? While it may be legal, it does not mean its right.
And that stupid statement "life is too short to worry about what everyone else is doing", well not being pissed off about someone killing so many keeper bass is short sighted and irresponsible. I applaud Hookset for this thread, there should be threads like this on all fishing sites, its the right thing to do. To bring to the sport fisherman the names of those killing so many Striped Bass.
05-05-2013, 04:23 PM
Dont count other people money, worry about your own because it only makes you look stupid.
Hookset, I would 2nd the comment that how much someone spent on a boat shouldn't affect how many fish it should be appropriate for them to catch. Just saying.:HappyWave:
05-05-2013, 05:06 PM
. life is too short to worry about what everyone else is doing
Welcome to stripers and anglers johnny bucktails. I would have to very strongly disagree with your statement.
I do not mean to disenfranchise a new member here but thought I would share my perspective.
I have been fishing for over 50 years. I remember when weakfish were so abundant in the Delaware bay you could catch a hundred a day. We used to launch out of fortescue and it was easy to fill a garbage bucket or large tote with weakfish because they were that plentiful.
We thought nothing of doing this and brought weakfish home for family and friends. We always had more than enough because we did not think of it as a resource. We viewed it as a never ending supply. We didn't think about breeding or the catch rates because no one paid attention to that back then.
Then all of a sudden they were gone. We would go and instead of a 100, we would catch 5 or 10. We saw the decline happen but there was no one to raise the alarm back then.
I am sorry to admit I was part of that so if any members want to take shots at me for doing it I probably deserve it. Only after we couldn't catch them any more would we see that we were part of the problem. Not the commercial fishermen but the recreational ones. There were many times when weakfish went to waste, or were fertilizer for the tomato plants. Although we should have known better we did not.
It is the same thing for the striped bass. I fished before and after the moratorium. I still fish now. At one time because I am retired I could fish 5 or 6 days a week. I fish less now because of health reasons. I can usually catch my limit every time. After 50 years of fishing it becomes quite easy. If I were to keep my limit every time I would not feel right because of all the opportunities I have to go out fishing. Because of how we decimated the weakfish, I am careful to catch and release now. I try to teach my children and grandchildren the principles of conservation.
Don't get me wrong, we still eat fish, but are more thoughtful about when and where. I love eating bass and it is very healthy for you except for the belly part which is laden with PCBs.
As bucket said you as a father are some one who your son looks up to. If you have lived through lean times when there were no bass, surely you would want to pass that knowledge on down to your son and teach him that harvesting just what you can eat today as a family, is a good way to keep the bass around for tomorrow.
I say this not to get into an argument with you but perhaps thinking you have not been fishing for that long and do not realize how bad things were for bass fishermen in the 1980s.
A lot of folks want to blame the commercial fishermen. Those videos are all over the internet and I believe I have seen some of them here, the bass laying all over after being discarded from netters.
What most folks don't realize is that even with the abuses, the recreational sector kille more striped bass than the commercial sector today. This happens all up and down the coast at every stage of the migration.
I am sure that you realze that the reason you folks are doing so well on them up there now in the raritan bay is because they are staging to go up the Hudson. If they were not doing that you would hardly be catching any at all. The southern waters have not had much consistent action for my Capt friends who have been looking for them. The Chesapeake and Delaware migrations are done and the beaches all along the coast should be filled with stripers now but they are not.
The reason for this is many have been over harvested, and many by folks who say "life is too short to worry about what everyone else is doing."
By not teaching your son a little about conservation and a little about the past you are part of the crowd that is condemning us to repeat the sins of the past. I say this not to provoke argument with you but to perhaps hope that you were not aware of how bad things were, and in reality how limited the numbers of stripers are now.
I hope these words have not tuned you off. If you are not aware of what has been going on, I was hoping to enlighten you and the others here by sharing my personal experiences. I look forward to your contributions here.
I am more looking forward to the possibility that you as a father, will teach your son something about conservation before it is too late and we find ourselves in another moratorium.
Best of luck this year on the water, Captain.
05-05-2013, 05:36 PM
^^ :clapping::clapping: :clapping: :clapping: wow clamchucker, couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for sharing that!
Johnny bucktails welcome to the site.:HappyWave: There are a lot of good guys here who know fishing. Maybe you will stick around. I know I have learned a lot here. Don't mean to dictate who can and can't keep fish, but like clamchucker said if you fish a lot and catch a lot maybe you should think a little more responsible, No hard feelings either, just my .02.
05-05-2013, 05:40 PM
^^ :clapping::clapping: :clapping: :clapping: wow clamchucker, couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for sharing that!
Agree, great post, possibly the best post I have ever read on any fishing site with putting things in perspective.
05-05-2013, 06:14 PM
Funny how I kept a couple of fish and have been called a meat man. I kept 6 fish in 3 weeks but I am a meat man. Un ****** real.oh a d by the way, I have a family of 6 that love to eat fish and I fed them and me and the wife had a great time looking up different recipes and tried themand they were delicious. Yes I am pist off as I was targeted in this thread by someone that I thought was a dear friend. Also I did not beat on my chest because I caught fish. I posted on a fishing website that I belong to like you're supposed to do when u have a great day fish
05-05-2013, 06:48 PM
I was targeted in this thread
Waah waah. I didn't read every post so excuse me if I didn't see it. Do you have to wear a tin foil hat at night so the aliens don't come and take you away? Do you have secret agents following you during the day as well? Would you like some cheese with your whine? who is this guy?:kooky: :waaah:
05-05-2013, 07:09 PM
A lot of folks want to blame the commercial fishermen. Those videos are all over the internet and I believe I have seen some of them here, the bass laying all over after being discarded from netters.
What most folks don't realize is that even with the abuses, the recreational sector kille more striped bass than the commercial sector today. This happens all up and down the coast at every stage of the migration.
Well said clamchucker. My catches are about the same but the sizes are down. Every year at the Canal some 50s would be a given. Last year we had a few good weeks, If you werent there at that time you missed it. I bring fish home for my family too but would not bring a big breeder back. They taste like ****. I like to eat fish when they're 28-32". Still trying for a 50. When I get her i'll kiss and release her. May never see one with all the greedy chest thumpers out there.
J Barbosa
05-05-2013, 11:12 PM
Welcome :HappyWave:
Let me start by saying it's great to see a father and son fishing together.
As a young angler myself I'm saddened to see the amount of big bass that you and your son are killing. I wouldn't be so upset if these were fish that you were keeping to feed the family but it seems that this is not the case.
I released a 35lb bass on Monday night that was about the same age as your son. That fish is still out there swimming for all of us to try and catch again. That fish will still make it up the Hudson to drop off a few million eggs this spring.
Best of all that 35lb fish is on its way to quickly becoming a real trophy sized fish.
Let me put it into perspective, that fish took 15 years to grow to 35lbs. It's passed the hardest points in its lifetime and it now has the large mouth to easily inhale a few bunker/sea robins/shad/herring/flounder/blackfish/porgies/sea bass per day without expanding a lot of energy. That fish can pack on the pounds and weigh over 50lbs in just another 5 years.
I think it would be great to see the both of you releasing these fish over 20lbs and catching that on film. It's certainly more impressive than having six dead breeders laying on a dock.
05-06-2013, 12:20 AM
That little Justin Bieber of bass fishing thinks he has it all figured out but he doesn't know know what he doesn't know he managed in allienate him self from nearly all veterran avid fisherman and he thinks THEY are all the wrong and the crazy ones
05-06-2013, 11:12 AM
to Hookset- usually i dont reply to clowns. You are making a lot of statements that im sure you can't prove, and if you can, do so. You are accusing me of selling fish to restaurants Prove it, or keep your mouth shut. We only keep the limit that the law allows and nothing more. You can come by our dock every time we come in to see us give fish to those who didn't catch any. Last but not least, the boat i bought for my son and I wasn't 50,000, it was 150,000 for your information. Dont count other people money, worry about your own because it only makes you look stupid. - John Sr. life is too short to worry about what everyone else is doing
I'm a clown you say. Glad you think I am here for your amusement.
How long have you been fishing have you fished during the moratorium
Does any of this stuff that has been said in this post make any sense to you or are you going to tow the party line and say "Well as long as its legal you can't tell me what to do I deserve to take my 3 fish if you dont like it change the law"
Changing the law is not that simple bud, especially when there are meatmen like you and your son that kill every bass they are legally allowed to.
Now that you admit you spent 150k on a toy for your kid that proves my point even more. Its guys with money and selfish attitudes who will kill this fishery. Guys like you sit there and are outraged at the netters throwing back fluke or dead bass well you all are no better than them.
The striped bass are a shared resource. We all have to take from the dish of meat at the table. In my opinion every year the total amount of meat gets less because of arrogant elite guys like you. If you're buying a $150k boat for your kid you are not part of the working class or the middle class. No one I know has given their kid a $150k birthday present. Cars, computers, even paying for college, yes, but to go out and spend that much money on your kid, and then say it is no ones business - is total bs.
In my opinion you are no more a representative of the middle class, than Obama is a representative of black people. Elitist, arrogant attitude.
No response to any of the comments I made about the moratorium? Not one at all. This says you either haven't been fishing for that long, or you really are a meat man who doesn't care. There is definitely ego and chest beating involved as I have seen your sons posts on several web sites out there.
For your comment about giving fish away how about giving all of your catch away.
There are so many poor people in this world, they are all starving. Poverty will make you sad if you look for it because you don't have to look too hard. Go to any big city and see the soup lines. If you were so magnanimous as you claim why not give your whole catch away every time to the poor? Do you really care about the poor or is it just a lame excuse to take get rid of the excess fish that you cant fit in your freezer and beat your chest about it at the same time.
05-06-2013, 11:48 AM
I'm a clown you say. Glad you think I am here for your amusement.
How long have you been fishing have you fished during the moratorium or did you just start 5 years ago like so many goombas?
Sorry hookset I couldn't help myself thought this thread needed some lightening up lol. You are funny some times. Not funny like a clown though. Please don't shoot me.:laugh: :HappyWave:
05-06-2013, 12:01 PM
Theres nothing here that hasn't been said about the kid on 2 other sites by people who don't want to see the bass wiped out by people who keep every fish following poorly run fishery services laws. Then again the country is going in the ****_er due to more government BS by the Obama/Pew government
05-06-2013, 08:07 PM
Welcome :HappyWave:
Let me start by saying it's great to see a father and son fishing together.
As a young angler myself I'm saddened to see the amount of big bass that you and your son are killing. I wouldn't be so upset if these were fish that you were keeping to feed the family but it seems that this is not the case.
I released a 35lb bass on Monday night that was about the same age as your son. That fish is still out there swimming for all of us to try and catch again. That fish will still make it up the Hudson to drop off a few million eggs this spring.
Best of all that 35lb fish is on its way to quickly becoming a real trophy sized fish.
Let me put it into perspective, that fish took 15 years to grow to 35lbs. It's passed the hardest points in its lifetime and it now has the large mouth to easily inhale a few bunker/sea robins/shad/herring/flounder/blackfish/porgies/sea bass per day without expanding a lot of energy. That fish can pack on the pounds and weigh over 50lbs in just another 5 years.
I think it would be great to see the both of you releasing these fish over 20lbs and catching that on film. It's certainly more impressive than having six dead breeders laying on a dock.
I second what jbarbosa said. Welcome Jcontello and look forward to your posts.
We had a good trip trolling bunker spoons outside sandy hook this weekend. The action was incredible. I can certainly appreciate you fishing with your son and the good times you are having together. Enjoy them while they last as the young ones grow up fast. The thing I have seen in this thread that is most remarkable is that you are not being crucified for eating fish.
I have been a member here for years and no one has ever questioned the fish I take.
I think it is the manner in which you folks deal with the bonus tags. We had great action and caught over 11 bass. We could have each kept 3 fish if we had bonus tags. My question to you, if you don't mind me asking, is why the need for bonus tags? I am perfectly happy to take what I can eat each time. Some of our bass were over 20lbs. If we were to take 3 each that is a lot of meat for the freezer. Filling the freezer on a trip you make only a few times a season is a good goal and I applaud the folks who do so. Some live several hours from the water and cannot get out that often.
This is the way I look at things. When I and my fishing partner can get out, we generally can fish 1-2 times a week. If we were to take our limits with bonus tags every time we would soon run out of space to store the fillets.
There is only so much you can give away. At some point when you keep takng big bass each time just because you can - there will inevitably be wasted bass or bass that has freezer burn. I have no knowledge of your time on the water, Caot, so please excuse my lack of knowledge here. Nor did I read this whole thread so I am at a disadvantage as to the whole dynamics.
I will say that you as a father have a great opportunity to teach your son about thinking about others and how limited the striped bass stocks are. I would think you want the fishing to last for not only your children but grandchildren as well. The folks who fish more often than others and concentrate on filling their limits with bonus tags have a greater degree of responsibility as shepherds of this declining resource.
Those are my thoughts, Welcome aboard and would love to hear your thoughts Capt.
05-07-2013, 09:41 PM
^^^^ :thumbsup:Very well said capt.
05-07-2013, 09:42 PM
Theres nothing here that hasn't been said about the kid on 2 other sites by people who don't want to see the bass wiped out by people who keep every fish following poorly run fishery services laws. Then again the country is going in the ****_er due to more government BS by the Obama/Pew government
Agree with you 100% finchaser
05-07-2013, 09:45 PM
more meat
05-08-2013, 02:48 PM
The law also says people over 21 can drink but most don't get drunk every time they drink
05-10-2013, 01:58 AM
17025more meat it seems each member of the party felt the need for a bonus fish
MEAT-Tastic :rolleyes:
05-10-2013, 01:59 AM
The law also says people over 21 can drink but most don't get drunk every time they drink
like your logic finchaser
05-10-2013, 12:09 PM
That little Justin Bieber of bass fishing thinks he has it all figured out but he doesn't know know what he doesn't know he managed in allienate him self from nearly all veterran avid fisherman and he thinks THEY are all the wrong and the crazy ones
Funny your should say that. Yesterday I was at a car wash getting my car detailed. One of the guys who works there and was detailing the car was talking about fishing for stripers and in the convo this kids name came up. DS I know you said not to attack someone so I wont say the details. The gist of the convo was that when you go all over the internet and post about the meat on your dock and then try to be humble and say you are helping those less fortunate it doesn't look too good. Thats all I will say and apoligies if any feathers are ruffled by my saying that. i do agree with it though
05-11-2013, 12:35 AM
17026more meat
05-11-2013, 12:38 AM
. The gist of the convo was that when you go all over the internet and post about the meat on your dock and then try to be humble and say you are helping those less fortunate it doesn't look too good. Thats all I will say and apoligies if any feathers are ruffled by my saying that. i do agree with it though
When you are 17 you know it all. The question I have is if you want to be known for making bucktails it makes sense to get out there and get some fish on the famous bucktails. Why no fish on those homemade primo bucktails? Because it is too much work to bucktail them lot easier to anchor up and pull up the meat. Ride em cowboy.:bucktooth:
05-11-2013, 01:24 AM
Something to lighten it up a bit
Mikey the Meat Man - sung to Popeye the sailor man
I'm Mikey the Meat Man. I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
I'm an internet hero, the bass I throw back are zero.
I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
If about saving the bass you squeak, you must be a peta freak
Or like mens derrierres.
I hooks 'em and fillets 'em and always out weighs 'em
And none of 'em gets away nowhere.
If anyone hates my bonus tag, well your nothing but a ***
So keep your bass lmit every day, blame the head boats its the american way
I'm Mikey the Meat Man. I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
I'm an internet hero, the bass I throw back are zero.
I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
I give bass to the poor, cause they live in a sewer.
If they can't have looseys, the stripahs are sweet and juicy.
Change the law dont give me crap
Otherwise shut your stinkin trap.
If I can't put meat in a can I'm not a man.
Dont give me no quarter its an all out slaughter on the water.
I'm Mikey the Meat Man. I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
I'm an internet hero, the bass I throw back are zero.
I'm Mikey the Meat Man. :moon:
05-11-2013, 01:39 AM
:ROFLMAO :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
05-11-2013, 12:30 PM
Something to lighten it up a bit
Mikey the Meat Man - sung to Popeye the sailor man
I'm Mikey the Meat Man. I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
I'm an internet hero, the bass I throw back are zero.
I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
If about saving the bass you squeak, you must be a peta freak
Or like mens derrierres.
I hooks 'em and fillets 'em and always out weighs 'em
And none of 'em gets away nowhere.
If anyone hates my bonus tag, well your nothing but a ***
So keep your bass lmit every day, blame the head boats its the american way
I'm Mikey the Meat Man. I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
I'm an internet hero, the bass I throw back are zero.
I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
I give bass to the poor, cause they live in a sewer.
If they can't have looseys, the stripahs are sweet and juicy.
Change the law dont give me crap
Otherwise shut your stinkin trap.
If I can't put meat in a can I'm not a man.
Dont give me no quarter its an all out slaughter on the water.
I'm Mikey the Meat Man. I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
I'm an internet hero, the bass I throw back are zero.
I'm Mikey the Meat Man. :moon:Cute but you are going to upset JB and his friends who when the bass are gone will blame every one else
05-12-2013, 01:22 AM
Something to lighten it up a bit
Mikey the Meat Man - sung to Popeye the sailor man
I'm Mikey the Meat Man. I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
I'm an internet hero, the bass I throw back are zero.
I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
If about saving the bass you squeak, you must be a peta freak
Or like mens derrierres.
I hooks 'em and fillets 'em and always out weighs 'em
And none of 'em gets away nowhere.
If anyone hates my bonus tag, well your nothing but a ***
So keep your bass lmit every day, blame the head boats its the american way
I'm Mikey the Meat Man. I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
I'm an internet hero, the bass I throw back are zero.
I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
I give bass to the poor, cause they live in a sewer.
If they can't have looseys, the stripahs are sweet and juicy.
Change the law dont give me crap
Otherwise shut your stinkin trap.
If I can't put meat in a can I'm not a man.
Dont give me no quarter its an all out slaughter on the water.
I'm Mikey the Meat Man. I'm Mikey the Meat Man.
I'm an internet hero, the bass I throw back are zero.
I'm Mikey the Meat Man. :moon:
:clapping::clapping: haha love it dogfish you should have called it johnny bucktails the meat man love the humor and so true!
Cute but you are going to upset JB and his friends who when the bass are gone will blame every one else
Blame every one but themselves. arrogance - the choice of the pepsi generation.:2flip:
05-12-2013, 01:35 AM
lol very creative dogfish.
05-12-2013, 01:38 AM
If I can't put meat in a can I'm not a man.
he should come down to Cape May there is one beach where lots of guys are looking to put meat in the can. Hide the salami meat.:laugh:
05-13-2013, 12:31 PM
I don't understand how folks don't get this.
We lost the bass once, it was real bad. The recovery and buildup again is nothing short of a miracle if you remember how thinly dispersed they were back then. Now it is all about ego and who can get the biggest or most bass. Why?
What purpose will it serve if we have stricter controls instituted again? Some folks will never learn.
05-13-2013, 01:37 PM
Then they use bullsh_t like giving to the poor. My family likes fish so I keep them how much can you eat the big fish taste like sh_t fresh from eating bunker can't imagine them after being frozen. If you want to keep and eat fish fine but you don't need to brag on line about it day after day.. It gets down to plain ego look how good I am. A real skill to catch a fish on snot or bunker. Now they are wiping out the last hope the most prolific breeders the 32 to 36 inch fish which were protected last time it crashed and saved the species.
05-13-2013, 06:27 PM
Then they use bullsh_t like giving to the poor. My family likes fish so I keep them how much can you eat the big fish taste like sh_t If you want to keep and eat fish fine but you don't need to brag on line about it day after day.. It gets down to plain ego look how good I am. A real skill to catch a fish on snot or bunker.
Its a very hard thing to catch bass on a boat with snot or bunker finchaser.
You have to maneuver the boat to where they are. You have to look at your fishfinder and see where the bass are stacked up.
you have to know how to use an anchor.This is a skill that takes years to learn.:rolleyes:
You have to reel them in as fast as you can with a mad dog clam bite. Its a tough job so tough a kid can do it.
the latest excuse found this on another site a guy is saying he kills bass because his boat costs too much to run. Cry me a river.
Ever notice it usually the surf guys that through this crap in your face... they have no clue what we spend in slip/launching fees, fuel, insurance, maintenance, ect. And if feeding their family and friends with the fish they catch is a way to somewhat justify that ex pence and its being done within the law then I think people should get a life.
05-13-2013, 06:44 PM
Here's another one a charter capt-
"the fish are here, lets get out there and fill those freezers. "
when you fill a freezer with bass some of it ends up with freezer burn.
05-13-2013, 09:36 PM
Funny how I kept a couple of fish and have been called a meat man. I kept 6 fish in 3 weeks but I am a meat man. Un ****** real.oh a d by the way, I have a family of 6 that love to eat fish and I fed them and me and the wife had a great time looking up different recipes and tried themand they were delicious. Yes I am pist off as I was targeted in this thread by someone that I thought was a dear friend. Also I did not beat on my chest because I caught fish. I posted on a fishing website that I belong to like you're supposed to do when u have a great day fish
Waah waah. I didn't read every post so excuse me if I didn't see it. Do you have to wear a tin foil hat at night so the aliens don't come and take you away? Do you have secret agents following you during the day as well? Would you like some cheese with your whine? who is this guy?:kooky: :waaah:
Rip, you may not be a meat man but you sure are a meat man supporter.
In my book you are just as damaging as the meat man.
And I'll second dogfish on you being a big cry baby, you contribute zero to this site.....except your occasional crying.
And I can back up those facts.
05-13-2013, 10:13 PM
:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:^^^^^^^^we ll said. RIP had one fish and JB had 82 fish averaging 20 pounds on the same day(5/10/13) sounds like a one way street. Most back patters boat or surf think if they become friends they will be called in on bites which seldom happens as they don't share. In the end they usually find out the hard way all it accomplishes is loosing friends they trashed and abandon trying .
05-13-2013, 11:53 PM
That kid under estimates peoples intelligence, the hard guy looks the over extended outward arms, helllllloooo we know you are killing them for pictures...............guys who struggled to catch and tourists rahh rahh it up though thats what keeps them going the back pats.
05-14-2013, 12:08 PM
That kid under estimates peoples intelligence, helllllloooo we know you are killing them for pictures................
There was a punk song back in the 80's called kill for cash.
this kid is killing for the pics. Photo op look at me I am the best bass fisherman around. Catching fish on clams not too hard. The pic makes the man. (or boy in his case)
05-14-2013, 10:19 PM
more meat today bonus limits
may 14 tagged fish bonus limits
05-14-2013, 10:31 PM
:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:^^^^^^^^we ll said. RIP had one fish and JB had 82 fish averaging 20 pounds on the same day(5/10/13) sounds like a one way street. Most back patters boat or surf think if they become friends they will be called in on bites which seldom happens as they don't share. In the end they usually find out the hard way all it accomplishes is loosing friends they trashed and abandon trying .
he got 1 striped and the bucktail kid got 82 fish is that even possible lol. sounds like his bud screwed him over and didnt call him in to the fish. wit friends like that u dont need enemies
05-16-2013, 04:53 AM
Then they use bullsh_t like giving to the poor. My family likes fish so I keep them how much can you eat the big fish taste like sh_t fresh from eating bunker can't imagine them after being frozen. If you want to keep and eat fish fine but you don't need to brag on line about it day after day.. It gets down to plain ego look how good I am. A real skill to catch a fish on snot or bunker. Now they are wiping out the last hope the most prolific breeders the 32 to 36 inch fish which were protected last time it crashed and saved the species.
That kid under estimates peoples intelligence, the hard guy looks the over extended outward arms, helllllloooo we know you are killing them for pictures...............guys who struggled to catch and tourists rahh rahh it up though thats what keeps them going the back pats.
the bluefish limits are higher. how come you never see a dock filled with bluefish with the guy saying "we wanted y'all to know we kept this many because they will be given to St Mary's Opphanage. Father O'Reilly has graciously thanked us for helping alll the poor starving children. Here is a photo as we gave to the poor and Litte Martha and Timmy are hugging us they are so glad to get something other than the gruel they have been eating".
Any intelligent human being who reads the statement we gave the extra to the poor knows that is the big lie. It is all about ego. If it was not they would do the same with bluefish.
Ever hear how a boat guy loves to catch bluefish? You don't. They all complain we got covered up by bluefish couldn't get to the bass. We throw out the bunkah and the livies all got chopped in half by bluefish.
If you really are a true fisherman you appreciate all things God sends you on the end of your line. Although I have to admit I am not fond of too many dogfish.;)
The bulk of the folks who complain the loudest at being labeled meat fishermen are ones who really don't know the striper. They know fluke and sea robins. That is the top of their skill set. To move along the levels of striper fishing you have to know and understand their importance to all fish in the sea and the economic well-being of our future. These guys don't care about any of that, and are about as far advanced on the food chain as the Cro-Mags were in the caveman days. . Oh, and I also eat plenty of stripers but I do not freeze them. And I think the bonus tags you folks in NJ have, have got to go. You don't know how to be honorable with them and there are too many abuses.My 2 cents
05-16-2013, 07:04 AM
And I think the bonus tags you folks in NJ have, have got to go. You don't know how to be honorable with them and there are too many abuses.My 2 cents
Great post Dogfish, every time that bonus tag is used its a complete waste of a bass. I think read if it was abolished the allotment of bass that is designated for the bonus tag would be allotted to another group. What the heck is wrong with people in just saying lets reduce the killing pressure on the Striper before we kill all the breeders? The bonus tag is a blatant waste of fish.
05-16-2013, 02:28 PM
the bluefish limits are higher. how come you never see a dock filled with bluefish with the guy saying "we wanted y'all to know we kept this many because they will be given to St Mary's Opphanage. Father O'Reilly has graciously thanked us for helping alll the poor starving children. Here is a photo as we gave to the poor and Litte Martha and Timmy are hugging us they are so glad to get something other than the gruel they have been eating".
Any intelligent human being who reads the statement we gave the extra to the poor knows that is the big lie. It is all about ego. If it was not they would do the same with bluefish.
Ever hear how a boat guy loves to catch bluefish? You don't. They all complain we got covered up by bluefish couldn't get to the bass. We throw out the bunkah and the livies all got chopped in half by bluefish.
If you really are a true fisherman you appreciate all things God sends you on the end of your line. Although I have to admit I am not fond of too many dogfish.;)
The bulk of the folks who complain the loudest at being labeled meat fishermen are ones who really don't know the striper. They know fluke and sea robins. That is the top of their skill set. To move along the levels of striper fishing you have to know and understand their importance to all fish in the sea and the economic well-being of our future. These guys don't care about any of that, and are about as far advanced on the food chain as the Cro-Mags were in the caveman days. . Oh, and I also eat plenty of stripers but I do not freeze them. And I think the bonus tags you folks in NJ have, have got to go. You don't know how to be honorable with them and there are too many abuses.My 2 centsWell written they are truly FLUKE FISHERMAN GONE WILD
05-16-2013, 02:42 PM
It's amazing now how an another site a member is begging people to tell him where to fish now that the bass have spread out and you need to know how to fish skillfully to put a catch together with out bait .Even the great JB has stop posting but they will all be superstars again on Saturday when they can fluke fish.
05-16-2013, 04:55 PM
05-17-2013, 06:21 PM
the bluefish limits are higher. how come you never see a dock filled with bluefish with the guy saying "we wanted y'all to know we kept this many because they will be given to St Mary's Opphanage. Father O'Reilly has graciously thanked us for helping alll the poor starving children. Here is a photo as we gave to the poor and Litte Martha and Timmy are hugging us they are so glad to get something other than the gruel they have been eating".
Any intelligent human being who reads the statement we gave the extra to the poor knows that is the big lie. It is all about ego. If it was not they would do the same with bluefish.
Ever hear how a boat guy loves to catch bluefish? You don't. They all complain we got covered up by bluefish couldn't get to the bass. We throw out the bunkah and the livies all got chopped in half by bluefish.
If you really are a true fisherman you appreciate all things God sends you on the end of your line. Although I have to admit I am not fond of too many dogfish.;)
Love the orphanage reference! These losers are so full of ****!
05-18-2013, 05:18 PM
the bluefish limits are higher. how come you never see a dock filled with bluefish with the guy saying "we wanted y'all to know we kept this many because they will be given to St Mary's Opphanage. Father O'Reilly has graciously thanked us for helping alll the poor starving children. Here is a photo as we gave to the poor and Litte Martha and Timmy are hugging us they are so glad to get something other than the gruel they have been eating".
Any intelligent human being who reads the statement we gave the extra to the poor knows that is the big lie. It is all about ego. If it was not they would do the same with bluefish.
Ever hear how a boat guy loves to catch bluefish? You don't. They all complain we got covered up by bluefish couldn't get to the bass. We throw out the bunkah and the livies all got chopped in half by bluefish.
If you really are a true fisherman you appreciate all things God sends you on the end of your line. Although I have to admit I am not fond of too many dogfish.;)
The bulk of the folks who complain the loudest at being labeled meat fishermen are ones who really don't know the striper. They know fluke and sea robins. That is the top of their skill set. To move along the levels of striper fishing you have to know and understand their importance to all fish in the sea and the economic well-being of our future. These guys don't care about any of that, and are about as far advanced on the food chain as the Cro-Mags were in the caveman days. . Oh, and I also eat plenty of stripers but I do not freeze them. And I think the bonus tags you folks in NJ have, have got to go. You don't know how to be honorable with them and there are too many abuses.My 2 cents
Well written they are truly FLUKE FISHERMAN GONE WILD
the latest excuse found this on another site a guy is saying he kills bass because his boat costs too much to run. Cry me a river.
"Not sure why since last week had great results in da bay. Marked a lot of fish. Trolled spoons, live lined , and chunked ...only think I got was skunked. Couldn't figure it out. Headed back..stopped quickly in the bay, and tossed a crippled herring and got a hit right a way. Yes! No... All blues on every single cast. Three would chase the lure in the others mouth, they were so thick.....oh well no stripers for me today. Bummed "
"the blues were a pain today. We had tough fishing also but ended up with two bass on bunker. "
"Happened to most of us yesterday unfortunately. Gotta have the **** days to enjoy the good ones. ""
The quotes above are from the intennet. What I do not understand is if fishing is so much fun and you love to fish why do you complain about bluefish?
finchaser i like what you said about fluke fishermen gone wild.
The comments show that the only goal is to put meat in the box. being out there, enjoying a sunny day, none of that is important. What jumps out at me here is that they are not happy because they could only catch bluefish. The one guy caught blues on every cast and is bummed because none of them were stripers. You say they are fluke fishermen gone wild. I think it's a good idea to have fluke fishing. it seems half the whiners dont know how to catch stripers. Bluefish are a pest, a nuisance to them. If there were no fluke half of the guys who talk like this would have to sell there boats.
dogfish that is so funny what you wrote rofllmao!
05-18-2013, 06:02 PM
Good detective work vs. Some are not that smart at hiding the fact that they are hypocrites.
dogfish your post was absolutely hysterical, should be the post of the week.
05-18-2013, 08:38 PM
Why thank you, fellas.:HappyWave:
05-18-2013, 09:10 PM
Thought folks might find this interesting, from the noaa
The Ethical Angler
• Promotes ethical behavior in the use of aquatic
• Values and respects the aquatic environment
and all living things in it.
• Avoids spilling, and never dumps any pollutants
on land or in the water.
• Disposes of all trash, including worn-out lines,
sites litter-free.
• Takes all precautionary measures necessary to
prevent the spread of exotic plants and animals,
exotic plants and animals, including live baitfish, into non-native habitats.
• Learns and obeys angling and boating
regulations treating other anglers, boaters, and
property owners with courtesy and respect.
• Respects property rights, and never trespasses
on private lands or waters.
-Keeps no more fish than needed for consumption, and never wastefuly discards fish that are retained.
- Carefully handles or releases all fish that are unwanted or prohibited by regulation,
as well as other animals that are accidentally hooked.
• Uses tackle and techniques which minimize harm to fish when engaging
in catch and release angling.
05-19-2013, 10:47 AM
Hey hookset if I might ask what qualifies a catch for inclusion into this thread. There have been lots of reports since this thread was started and it seems you are somewhat selective on which ones you gripe about. No disrespect meant. I was merely curious as to how you apply standards to who is a meatman, and who is not?:)
05-19-2013, 11:36 AM
bababooey if you are implying I am only picking on boat guys you are mistaken. The basic idea I had behind the thread is there are guys who are out there and fishing a lot. Ones who every time they are out they keep not only their fish but their bonus tag fish.there are some abuses here as the bonus tag fish are supposed to be reported every time and it used to be that you needed a new bonus tag for each fish. Maybe that has changed but even if it didn't there are people out there abusing that bonus tag system. Those are the ones I am posting about. The ones who only go fishing a few times a year should keep all the stripers they catch and eat every single one of them. I am dead serious on this. Fishing a few times a year neither you, I, nor anyone else has a right to tell you to keep or not keep your stripers.
The ones that get to me the most are the ones that fish regularly and keep their limits each time. Just because you can doesn't always justify as the reason as to why you should. dogfish made a good point eat fresh bass it is good for you. Loading up the freezer till there are fillets falling out will result in wasted fish down the line. I feel that the ones who fish the most and catch the most should be held to different standards than the ones who fish a few times a year. This is my opinion and you can disagree if you want.
05-19-2013, 11:48 AM
the fabulous LaGrossa brothers:
may 18
LaGrossa, Chris
Lagrossa, Phil
Don't want you to think I am only talking about the boat meatmen bababooey.:moon:
Absent from this list have been the LaGrossa bros, well they are back. They showed up on Grumpy's catches yesterday. I have no problem labeling them as meatmen, and this is why.
During the height of the season they kill every legal bass they catch. It is my opinion they know or care nothing about conservation.
I will start to list their catches. You will see every day they catch a big fish it is weighed in for glory. What do they do with all those big fish if they catch fish over 25lbs? How could they possibly eat all that striper? Catching all them bass and not releasing them and doing it a lot where do those bass go? I don't have the answers or any proof but if you have intelligence higher than a watermelon this might look strange to you too. Where does all that bass go, into a worm hole? If you catch 5 30-40lb bass in a week, where do all the fillets go? That is all I am saying This is my opinion.
05-19-2013, 02:46 PM
I read about them every year hookset. Trophy after trophy. Do not remember them ever weighing in a 29 or 30" bass it seems to be all about the chest pounding. What do they do with all that meat. Grouper on the menu? Thanks for having the balls to say something.
05-19-2013, 03:18 PM
the fabulous LaGrossa brothers:
During the height of the season they kill every legal bass they catch. It is my opinion they know or care nothing about conservation.
I will start to list their catches. You will see every day they catch a big fish it is weighed in for glory. What do they do with all those big fish if they catch fish over 25lbs? How could they possibly eat all that striper? Catching all them bass and not releasing them and doing it a lot where do those bass go? I don't have the answers or any proof but if you have intelligence higher than a watermelon this might look strange to you too. Where does all that bass go, into a worm hole? If you catch 5 30-40lb bass in a week, where do all the fillets go? That is all I am saying This is my opinion.
Thank you for posting this Hookset :thumbsup:
05-19-2013, 04:46 PM
Hookset I believe one of them^^^ got fined last year for that. Many smaller restaurants are famous for fresh grouper specials during the bass runs,some have been fined. Some surf clubs promote killing by awarding a point per pound to determine angler of the year awards for single and team achievement. Most of these are eaten as they are weighed in singly . None of this compares to targeting and killing schools of breeders in Raritan bay. Laws need to be changed ASAP as the end is near for these magnificent fish and trust me I've seen it happen before and it's happening at a much more alarming rate. It's trying to be justified by bullsh_t excuses like posted above by the new generation of ill informed anglers. Many bass end up in dumpsters because they become soft do to the fact most of the assho_es don't have big enough storage or carry ice especially on smaller boats. I see it all the time very common on head boats where no storage is available unless you bring a minimum 128 quart or bigger cooler which most anglers don't own.
05-20-2013, 08:16 AM
Hookset I believe one of them^^^ got fined last year for that. Many smaller restaurants are famous for fresh grouper specials during the bass runs,some have been fined. Some surf clubs promote killing by awarding a point per pound to determine angler of the year awards for single and team achievement. Most of these are eaten as they are weighed in singly . None of this compares to targeting and killing schools of breeders in Raritan bay. Laws need to be changed ASAP as the end is near for these magnificent fish and trust me I've seen it happen before and it's happening at a much more alarming rate. It's trying to be justified by bullsh_t excuses like posted above by the new generation of ill informed anglers. Many bass end up in dumpsters because they become soft do to the fact most of the assho_es don't have big enough storage or carry ice especially on smaller boats. I see it all the time very common on head boats where no storage is available unless you bring a minimum 128 quart or bigger cooler which most anglers don't own.
:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping: Sounds like you have been at it a long time. Thanks for sharing that. Folks can't see the forest from the trees. Where I fish in the Sound it has been hit or miss. A lot of us thought that the bunker had something to do with it. This year the bunker are all over and my catches are the same. If I was in a boat I know I could do better I would follow the bunker schools. The fishing that I do is relaxing and I would rather fish from the shore at night. It seems that there are too many who catching a big bass is the pinnacle of their lives. A great goal but you also have to have a balance. And what is wrong with CPR - catch photograph and release? Catching a big bass and taking a photo you will always have the memory. Putting the bass back in the water lets it be caught more than once. It it the ultimate act of unselfishness.
I dd not read all the posts in the thread but did notice that this young man JB seems to be generating a lot of controversy. I don't know if you can really fault him. His father should have taught him about the striped bass when he was growing up. If he is now unconcerned I would think a lot of the blame lies in the way he was raised. Just like racism if the kid is racist you don't have to look too far and you will find racist parents. There was an old poem many years ago called Children learn what they live. In this case it may be that he learned exactly the way that his father taught him, and not to value the striped bass as a gamefish. My .02
05-20-2013, 10:08 AM
So our favorite meat kid posts a "release" picture and they throw the bass 10 feet in the air and take a picture. Unfortunately there are enough ignorant people out there that is actually a market for such stuff.
05-20-2013, 10:56 AM
So our favorite meat kid posts a "release" picture and they throw the bass 10 feet in the air and take a picture. Unfortunately there are enough ignorant people out there that is actually a market for such stuff.
I saw that. And thought it was a step in the right direction with the release.
Then the pic of the bass in the air.
Complete disrespect.
Albiealert my thoughts on this are while the father may have lead him down the path to being an *sshole, at some point he is what he makes him self to be.
He sees all the comments and then shows how disrespectful he is in that pic of the "release".
What a low life he and his "buddies" are.
Capt Derek Fisher Price 4
05-20-2013, 04:11 PM
Hello. My name is Capt Derek Bielitz. I am the owner and operator of the Fisher Price IV out of the Highlands. This post was brought to my attention by one of my customers who saw it. I would first like to say that i do not personally know who anyone of you on here are or if any of you have ever fished with me before. I saw that some of my posts from other sites were pasted on here. And i will be the first to tell you that what i post is the truth. I have good days and bad days in fishing. I am a full time professional charter boat captain. This is what i do 12 months a year. I do not have any other job than fishing. I am 31 years old and have been working as a mate and captain for the past 16 years. I have seen the fishery when it was tough as well as when it had been great. I will also be the first person to say that there are not as many bass around as in recent years. I will also admit that there are more keepers around and less shorts. As for what i kill on my boat. I follow all laws in both NY and NJ waters. My customers spend their hard earned money to go out on fishing trips with me and when they like to take their limit who am i to tell them they cant. I also let my customers use their bonus cards to a certain point. I do not take my limit or my mates limit on any trip. If the customer wants to use their bonus card in the beginning of the season on a smaller fish than so be it. I do support catch and release and i can tell you i had a trip the other day where we landed 50 or 52 bass all day and only kept one fish for the table cause it was gut hooked and bleeding out. I encourage my guys to release all fish 30 lbs or bigger cause they are your breeding fish and we need to keep the stock up and have fish for our future generations to experience. This is my first and last post on this site. I also find it hard to believe that this post hasnt even been shut down already after reading through it. Every post that was taken from another site and posted no one was breaking the law they did what they were allowed to do.
chad hacker
05-20-2013, 06:54 PM
chad hacker
05-20-2013, 09:51 PM
Hello. My name is Capt Derek Bielitz. I saw that some of my posts from other sites were pasted on here. And i will be the first to tell you that what i post is the truth. I have good days and bad days in fishing. I am a full time professional charter boat captain. This is what i do 12 months a year. I do not have any other job than fishing. I am 31 years old and have been working as a mate and captain for the past 16 years. I have seen the fishery when it was tough as well as when it had been great. I will also be the first person to say that there are not as many bass around as in recent years. I will also admit that there are more keepers around and less shorts. As for what i kill on my boat. I follow all laws in both NY and NJ waters. My customers spend their hard earned money to go out on fishing trips with me and when they like to take their limit who am i to tell them they cant. I also let my customers use their bonus cards to a certain point. I do not take my limit or my mates limit on any trip. If the customer wants to use their bonus card in the beginning of the season on a smaller fish than so be it. I do support catch and release and i can tell you i had a trip the other day where we landed 50 or 52 bass all day and only kept one fish for the table cause it was gut hooked and bleeding out. I encourage my guys to release all fish 30 lbs or bigger cause they are your breeding fish and we need to keep the stock up and have fish for our future generations to experience. This is my first and last post on this site. I also find it hard to believe that this post hasnt even been shut down already after reading through it. Every post that was taken from another site and posted no one was breaking the law they did what they were allowed to do.
My opinion on the above two posts.
They are the reason that threads like this should exist. They at the least get people talking.
For me its good to hear Capt Derek Bielitz thoughts and what his opinions are.
The pics in this thread show lots of bass dead. You point out the lack of bass recently. This thread brings attention to the problem. Calls out some who are killing lots of bass. Its all true (pics to prove it). At some point regulations will have to be changed, threads like this may help gain momentum in that direction. People need to be called out, it would be different if there were lots of lies in these posts. But they are all facts.
Wake up people, to many bass are being killed.
They were slaughtered on their way to spawn and the killing will continue with the snag and drop.
Just because its legal does not remove responsibility.
Thank you Hookset for this thread
** (Edit)
05-21-2013, 09:06 AM
This was in post 30 of this thread. I am asking you folks to adhere to the guidelines I set out.
I am still hoping we can have a respectful, adult, discussion here.
You are all entitled to your opinions.
Threats will not be tolerated no matter which side they came from.
**I am counting on you all to act like adults and treat each other with the same respect you would want to be treated.
1. There are no time-outs or infractions in this site.
2. We act like adults and most are good with that avoiding profanity and insults.
3. If ANYONE can't follow those guidelines you are not needed or welcome here.
Thank you.
Hookset, I thought about the things you said and your reasons behind them. As you have lived and fished through the moratorium I will try to give you a little leeway, but not much.
Please - do not make any character assumptions of anyone. If they are not here to defend themselves I feel very strongly about enforcing that.
I, or you, would want the same courtesy given to me if that were the case for us.
That being said, you and the members here have a constitutionally protected right to share your opinion about what is being caught and kept, and your opinions on the state of the fishery.
I will try to protect your right to voice your opinion within reason, but will not tolerate personal attacks on someone, whether they are members here or not.
Some changes or deletions may eventually be needed in this thread. I have less time to moderate now. We will see where it leads.
As long as you folks can have adult discussions, and stick to the issues at hand, I'll try to keep this thread open, and try to allow you all to express your opinion, as guaranteed in your first Amendment rights......but please keep in mind that I am expecting you to all act like adults.
Along those lines, anything anyone can post
A. about the fishery now,
B. as compared to the moratorium years,
C. or what it was like then, and why you feel comparisons should be made to now.,
are all part of a constructive discussion, and could help to educate the folks out there who do not know....:learn:
1. Please bear in mind that when someone goes on a charter, as has been mentioned here several times, there is no way to determine if they fish once a year, once a month, or once a week.
2. We should all allow others the same consideration that we would want in return.
3. If you feel these types of action are a problem, please be adult in stating why, or why not.
4. If you can back your opinions with data, that would be very helpful, and in line with promoting an adult discussion.
Thanks, people. :HappyWave:
05-21-2013, 10:59 AM
This was in post 30 of this thread. I am asking you folks to adhere to the guidelines I set out.
I am still hoping we can have respectful, adult, discussion here.
You are all entitled to your opinions.
Threats will not be tolerated no matter which side they came from.
Thank you.
Again I'll thank Hookset for starting this thread, its ruffled a few feathers of the meat men of New jersey and that's a great thing.
Indiscriminately killing Striped Bass has to stopped, as others have said we are on the path to another striped bass moratorium unless something is drastically changed.
Meat Man
05-21-2013, 03:03 PM
I thought other sites were bad but this one has it beat. Bunch of grown man whining and complaining about keeping your "Limit". This will be my only post, you guys need to get out more stop worrying about who is catching what. If you don't like it, do something about it instead hiding behind your computer ranting and posting pics from Charters and Party boats here. Bunch of grown man acting like *******! LOL!!!
MEAT MAN IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05-21-2013, 03:48 PM
I thought other sites were bad but this one has it beat. Bunch of grown man whining and complaining about keeping your "Limit". This will be my only post, you guys need to get out more stop worrying about who is catching what. If you don't like it, do something about it instead hiding behind your computer ranting and posting pics from Charters and Party boats here. Bunch of grown man acting like *******! LOL!!!
MEAT MAN IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly, keep killing them, there is an endless amount of bass. They will never be wiped out. No chance. So why worry? Our kids will have plenty of Striped Bass to fish for.
Bonus tags for everyone, meat for the the whole neighborhood, meat man in the house!!! Keep raising the fishing pressure on the Striped Bass, nothing to worry about.....
One question.
In a few years when there are no bass around how are the Charter boats and Party boat families going to make a living? Not to worry?
You meatball :HappyWave:
Meat Man
05-21-2013, 03:58 PM
Exactly, keep killing them, there is an endless amount of bass. They will never be wiped out. No chance. So why worry? Our kids will have plenty of Striped Bass to fish for.
Bonus tags for everyone, meat for the the whole neighborhood, meat man in the house!!! Keep raising the fishing pressure on the Striped Bass, nothing to worry about.....
One question.
In a few years when there are no bass around how are the Charter boats and Party boat families going to make a living? Not to worry?
You meatball :HappyWave:
Again, take your rant to someone who cares. That is right, I'll go out this weekend and keep my three fish limit. You can't do sh*t about it. I'll show you my meatballs!!! I like your Get bent logo, pretty sure your good at it.
05-21-2013, 04:21 PM
Again, take your rant to someone who cares. That is right, I'll go out this weekend and keep my three fish limit. You can't do sh*t about it. I'll show you my meatballs!!! I like your Get bent logo, pretty sure your good at it.
I thought I could get you to post again. Sure you don't want to be a regular poster? You are funny. And provide a great example of what is wrong with some of the people in this sport.
Meat Man
05-21-2013, 04:36 PM
Trust me, I'll get ban in no time because I just don't give a f*ck! I live for today, not tomorrow. Life is to short. :2flip:
05-21-2013, 05:10 PM
Trust me, I'll get ban in no time because I just don't give a f*ck! I live for today, not tomorrow. Life is to short. :2flip:
I don't know about that banning thing, I think your entertaining. If you need someone to vouch for ya I'm here for ya.You could post about killing bass, I'll call you a meatball, you could flip me off. At least a day or two before that gets old. You have anything intelegent to post on why there is no need to worry about the down turn in the bass population? Why there is a big down turn in small bass being caught?
Disclaimer, if meatman turns out to be 15 years old please delete my posts in this conversation.
Meat Man
05-21-2013, 06:19 PM
I don't know about that banning thing, I think your entertaining. If you need someone to vouch for ya I'm here for ya.You could post about killing bass, I'll call you a meatball, you could flip me off. At least a day or two before that gets old. You have anything intelegent to post on why there is no need to worry about the down turn in the bass population? Why there is a big down turn in small bass being caught?
Disclaimer, if meatman turns out to be 15 years old please delete my posts in this conversation.
I just took a glance at your pics. You should practice what you preach, I saw some big bass you were holding. You hyprocrite. I would love to run into you one day. I'll be down the Highlands Friday. If you want to join me for a brew. I would love to hear your bullsh*t! LMAO!!!
05-21-2013, 07:26 PM
I just took a glance at your pics. You should practice what you preach, I saw some big bass you were holding. You hyprocrite. I would love to run into you one day. I'll be down the Highlands Friday. If you want to join me for a brew. I would love to hear your bullsh*t! LMAO!!!
That pic is from 3 or 4 years ago, kept 3 bass that year and 1 since. But I have never stated there is anything wrong with keeping striped bass. Its the excessive killing by individuals or groups. The bonus tag in my opinion is a waste of a bass. Guys that are killing multiple big bass each week, chest pounders that are wasting striped bass. I also believe that is the predominant thought of the posters in this thread. There is an enourmous amount of pressure put on the striped bass population by the recreational fisherman. Snag and drop is killing to many breeding size bass. Regulations need to be changed to protect the bass from recreational fisherman. My .02
05-22-2013, 12:53 AM
Took me a while to get on here but....
Hookset. I just want to let you know that you are barking up the wrong tree. First off, have you ever fished aboard my vessel??? I know you have not, so you have no right to judge myself or anyone else. Second of all, If you are so tough why haven't you come down to our marina and said something to us rather than running your mouth on the internet.
Here is how it goes on the LONGSHOT. WE DO NOT ALLOW BONUS TAGS, BUT WE DO ALLOW CAPTAIN AND CREW( 2 fish less than 6 bonus tags). WE educate our customers on the history of the striped bass population. For example I explain how when I was a kid my grandfather wouldn't take me bass fishing because it "wasn't worth it" From there WE explain how if they choose to take a big bass they are not only killing one fish but thousands.
The state says my customers are allowed to harvest 2 fish per man at 28" + and a bonus fish if they choose to "PURCHASE" that 3rd fish. What are we supposed to do??? Tell our customers they cant keep what the are allowed by law?? There have been many trips this year where we on the LONGSHOT have come home with LESS THAN A LIMIT because we released big fish early.
Heres a video of LONGSHOT W/ a revival of a nice bass..... THIS IS THE WAY WE OPERATE fast fwd to 3:30 .
05-22-2013, 01:05 AM
"Thank you monty. I mean I don't begrudge a person who comes out a few times a year, to catch and eat their limits, including bonus tags. What if you only fish twice a season. Then you should take every last morsel of bass because it has to last "
So you agree with our customers coming out once in the spring and once in the fall and keeping limits plus???? Im kind of confused here?
05-22-2013, 07:06 AM
"Thank you monty. I mean I don't begrudge a person who comes out a few times a year, to catch and eat their limits, including bonus tags. What if you only fish twice a season. Then you should take every last morsel of bass because it has to last "
So you agree with our customers coming out once in the spring and once in the fall and keeping limits plus???? Im kind of confused here?
That quote was Hookset's not mine.
I think 3 bass per person is to many. The bonus tag should be no more. Actually I believe in a lot stricter regulations but that was not the question.
The person keeping the limit + bonus tag is perfectly legal, well within his/her rights.
But in my opinion on a whole it is very short sighted. It contributes to depleting the striped bass and their ability to sustain a healthy population.
The regulations need and likely will be changed to protect them from over fishing (which I believe is happening).
But I also think this thread is not so much about the person making 1-2 fishing trips per season but the ones (boat and surf) who kill an excessive amount of Striped Bass over the season.
For the captain/boat who understands this and supports this I am thankful and understand that they need to make a living and if it takes keeping the 3 bass at times to get customers so be it. But in the future the limit may not even be two bass if something does not change soon.
To sum up my opinion, I think the major problem is in the regulations, they need to be much stricter to protect the Striped Bass from the recreational fisherman because to many recreational fisherman do not care one bit about the Striped Bass population or lack of it.
That's what I believe.
Meat Man
05-22-2013, 07:16 AM
Hookset and Monty should get job with NMFS. They sound just like those clowns. Chris, I wouldn't waste my time on these two clowns. I know you run a top notch business. Exactly, what I'm saying you want to call out charter boats. Come down in person to Tagged Fish, Fish Stixx and Long Shot and all the other boats you mentioned run your mouth in person instead of hiding behind your computer. Put an end to all this drama.
05-22-2013, 09:57 AM
run your mouth in person instead of hiding behind your computer. Put an end to all this drama.
How about you show us how intelligent you are instead of acting like a 5 year old in a playground? Meat man appropriate name. I thought since you claim you read this thread you might have some valid points about the state of the strioed bass fishery today.
How long have you been fishing?
Did you fish for bass during the moratorium or have you only been fishing for them since you were in junior high last year?
What do your bass logs show during the last 20 years. Can you document that the bass are now healthier than ever?
What about the YOY last year showing bass at the lowest numbers ever?
What about the verfiable stats showing that the aggregate striped bass catches, coastwide, have been decliniing for the last 3 years. (except in your world)
these are all veriafiable facts I stated and can be found here or supported by a simple search on the internet. I guess when you are in high school it is hard to do these searches because they are not available as an app on your iphone.
Just 2 or 3 of the questions I asked above, show us what you know about striped bass.
Other than you telling us you are the biggest stud in the sandbox.
Next you will be on here telling us you are the biggest stud in your high school, Wow junior year must be really awesome. Will be even better when you get to be a high school senior next year
how about an intelligent discussion on any of the points mentioned above?
Freezer Burn
05-22-2013, 10:11 AM
Thank you for posting this up today. To be honest I was looking to go fluke fishing this weekend but just finished booking open boats with two of the captains on here for Saturday and Monday of this weekend. The pics you posted showed me they were on the fish and thus will get my business. To be honest maybe they should thank you too for referring business their way. Just bought my freezer bags so looking to stock up!
05-22-2013, 10:13 AM
Next you will be on here telling us you are the biggest stud in your high school, Wow junior year must be really awesome. Will be even better when you get to be a high school senior next year
how about an intelligent discussion on any of the points mentioned above?
You know what they say about the guys who have to tell everyone about how they are the biggest stud. Light in the pants, small package. The bigger the boat the smaller the pee pee. Remember the guy in high school who had to have the flashiest car? Overcompensating for something that is lacking, jmo.
None of you mentioned any of the points hookset, bucket, clamchucker,monty or finchaser talked about.
How about it? I was fishing during the moratorium and it was barely worth it. In MA I have seen bunker go from schools that you could snag in any feeder creek or river to something that we only see when at the cape or the canal. They aren't all over like they used to be. And I have fished Maine as well. Have any of you smart mouths fished up north or out East. We used to have some of the best fishing for all sizes of stripers. Rats to cows we had it all. Now we are lucky to get 5 good weeks of fishing in the Canal spring and fall. Is there any intelligent life among all these vocal new members or is it all about poking each other and beating chests? Hookset and the others I mentioned have said some key stuff here. Would like to hear what you joisey guys have to say. And welcome aboard btw
05-22-2013, 10:17 AM
Thank you for posting this up today. To be honest I was looking to go fluke fishing this weekend but just finished booking open boats with two of the captains on here for Saturday and Monday of this weekend. The pics you posted showed me they were on the fish and thus will get my business. To be honest maybe they should thank you too for referring business their way. Just bought my freezer bags so looking to stock up!
Class act you are sir.
Response to any of the previous posts on the page before? What can you tell us about the state of the striped bass fishery today. I am on all the sites and never saw a guy named freezer burn before. What is your real handle on the other sites or were you too embarassed to post that here? Your courage is inspiring.
05-22-2013, 10:24 AM
. Is there any intelligent life among all these vocal new members or is it all about poking each other and beating chests? Hookset and the others I mentioned have said some key stuff here. Would like to hear what you joisey guys have to say. And welcome aboard btw
dogfish why waste time on these losers haha im a meat man too! meat man ur a poser! u too freezer burn what a queer name i keep almost all my fish but i dont brag about it dont take pics and post on the internet why post pics the fish is goin in my belly the only reson to post up all those pics of the meat is u want the whole world to kno u are the best fisherman in the planet and only u think that! haha if you like the meat so much u shud go to asbury park theres lots of guys there who will give u the meat lol
05-22-2013, 10:32 AM
Again, take your rant to someone who cares. That is right, I'll go out this weekend and keep my three fish limit. You can't do sh*t about it. I'll show you my meatballs!!! I like your Get bent logo, pretty sure your good at it.
haha i told u this dude is gay monty he wants to show you his meatBALLS!!!!!!haha lol!
Freezer Burn
05-22-2013, 10:32 AM
Class act you are sir.
Response to any of the previous posts on the page before? What can you tell us about the state of the striped bass fishery today. I am on all the sites and never saw a guy named freezer burn before. What is your real handle on the other sites or were you too embarassed to post that here? Your courage is inspiring.
State of fishing looks great right now! Bunker are abundant off our coast and we have one study from VA or MD that states YOY numbers are down...that is one study in one relatively small general area. I know you will have a reply to whatever I type here but ultimately both our statements will mean nothing cause its just the internet!
PS...didn't know I had to join other sites to post here. Today happens to be my day off otherwise I don't sit at a computer all day and type about fishing...I'll just go fishing instead.
Freezer Burn
05-22-2013, 10:34 AM
dogfish why waste time on these losers haha im a meat man too! meat man ur a poser! u too freezer burn what a queer name i keep almost all my fish but i dont brag about it dont take pics and post on the internet why post pics the fish is goin in my belly the only reson to post up all those pics of the meat is u want the whole world to kno u are the best fisherman in the planet and only u think that! haha if you like the meat so much u shud go to asbury park theres lots of guys there who will give u the meat lol
Hey now Mr. or Mrs. name calling please!!! And besides only another gay guy would know where gay guys hang out too.
PS..I'll PM you for approval for my next screen name if I ever join another fishing website.
05-22-2013, 10:41 AM
I thought since you claim you read this thread you might have some valid points about the state of the strioed bass fishery today.
How long have you been fishing?
Did you fish for bass during the moratorium or have you only been fishing for them since you were in junior high last year?
What do your bass logs show during the last 20 years. Can you document that the bass are now healthier than ever?
What about the YOY last year showing bass at the lowest numbers ever?
What about the verfiable stats showing that the aggregate striped bass catches, coastwide, have been decliniing for the last 3 years. (except in your world)
these are all veriafiable facts I stated and can be found here or supported by a simple search on the internet. I guess when you are in high school it is hard to do these searches because they are not available as an app on your iphone.
Just 2 or 3 of the questions I asked above, show us what you know about striped bass.
Other than you telling us you are the biggest stud in the sandbox.
Next you will be on here telling us you are the biggest stud in your high school, Wow junior year must be really awesome. Will be even better when you get to be a high school senior next year
how about an intelligent discussion on any of the points mentioned above?
State of fishing looks great right now! Bunker are abundant off our coast and we have one study from VA or MD that states YOY numbers are down...that is one study in one relatively small general area. I know you will have a reply to whatever I type here but ultimately both our statements will mean nothing cause its just the internet!
Freezerburn welcome to the site.
I have been fishing for 50 years. How long have you been in the game?
Your response gave or offered nothing of substance to the questions hookset asked or the issues that have been talked about here.
The one study that you dismiss is the yoy study of the Chesapeake fishery. This Chesapeake biomass is arguably the biggest documented mass of striped bass on the East Coast. If a study indicates the numbers are down there is a great cause for concern.
Would like to hear some statistics to back your statements up. Your statement that this is just the internet is indicative of the dismissiveness of many uninformed fishermen out there. Did you attend the march on washington? Do you go to any fisheries meetings? Do you involve yourself in fisheries management to learn anything or is it just enough to give one-sentence blasts on the internet because it's not serious to you. When will it become serious enough for you to learn about it or want to learn. Would appreciate hearing your detailed thoughts and responses to some of the questions that were mentioned above. Thank you
Freezer Burn
05-22-2013, 11:23 AM
Freezerburn welcome to the site.
I have been fishing for 50 years. How long have you been in the game?
Your response gave or offered nothing of substance to the questions hookset asked or the issues that have been talked about here.
The one study that you dismiss is the yoy study of the Chesapeake fishery. This Chesapeake biomass is arguably the biggest documented mass of striped bass on the East Coast. If a study indicates the numbers are down there is a great cause for concern.
Would like to hear some statistics to back your statements up. Your statement that this is just the internet is indicative of the dismissiveness of many uninformed fishermen out there. Did you attend the march on washington? Do you go to any fisheries meetings? Do you involve yourself in fisheries management to learn anything or is it just enough to give one-sentence blasts on the internet because it's not serious to you. When will it become serious enough for you to learn about it or want to learn. Would appreciate hearing your detailed thoughts and responses to some of the questions that were mentioned above. Thank you
Hey Bucket...
No only been alive for 36 years and fishing for 7 of them for stripers and I also do a lot of ground fishing in NJ and NE so I have not been through the striper downfall nor do I state I did. I think its great you stuck with your hobby/passion this long and is a rave review for the sport in general.
I subscribe to the everything happens in cycles belief. What does up must come down and then eventually will go back up. Hey look at the housing market...same ****.
I did not dismiss the study either...just said it was one study. What other major studies are out there just out of curiosity. Do they have the major ones in New England and North Carolina as well?
Nope did not attend marches...didn't know I needed too in order to post a one liner on the internet
I attend fishing meeting regularly but they happen at my local pub with other guys who fish...not make policy
I don't involve myself in fishery mgmt...again didn't know I needed too in order to post a one liner on the internet
There you go you discredited me...did that feel good? Does it change the fact that I'm going to fish twice this weekend on a boat that I found on here and hopefully take home my two fish limit on both trips? NOPE.
No matter what damage my generation or the ones after me do to the fishing is nothing compared to how your generation raped the ocean of bass and weakfish. Remember that.
PS...40lb bass do taste good when cooked properly.
Meat Man
05-22-2013, 11:52 AM
hey bucket...
No only been alive for 36 years and fishing for 7 of them for stripers and i also do a lot of ground fishing in nj and ne so i have not been through the striper downfall nor do i state i did. I think its great you stuck with your hobby/passion this long and is a rave review for the sport in general.
I subscribe to the everything happens in cycles belief. What does up must come down and then eventually will go back up. Hey look at the housing market...same ****.
I did not dismiss the study either...just said it was one study. What other major studies are out there just out of curiosity. Do they have the major ones in new england and north carolina as well?
Nope did not attend marches...didn't know i needed too in order to post a one liner on the internet
i attend fishing meeting regularly but they happen at my local pub with other guys who fish...not make policy
i don't involve myself in fishery mgmt...again didn't know i needed too in order to post a one liner on the internet
there you go you discredited me...did that feel good? Does it change the fact that i'm going to fish twice this weekend on a boat that i found on here and hopefully take home my two fish limit on both trips? Nope.
No matter what damage my generation or the ones after me do to the fishing is nothing compared to how your generation raped the ocean of bass and weakfish. Remember that.
Ps...40lb bass do taste good when cooked properly.
well said, freezer burn. I'll be out this weekend too. Good luck! Catch em up.
Meat Man
05-22-2013, 04:19 PM
dogfish why waste time on these losers haha im a meat man too! meat man ur a poser! u too freezer burn what a queer name i keep almost all my fish but i dont brag about it dont take pics and post on the internet why post pics the fish is goin in my belly the only reson to post up all those pics of the meat is u want the whole world to kno u are the best fisherman in the planet and only u think that! haha if you like the meat so much u shud go to asbury park theres lots of guys there who will give u the meat lol
I see you've been a member since 2008. Two words for you **
05-22-2013, 09:13 PM
I thought other sites were bad but this one has it beat. Bunch of grown man whining and complaining about keeping your "Limit". This will be my only post, you guys need to get out more stop worrying about who is catching what. If you don't like it, do something about it instead hiding behind your computer ranting and posting pics from Charters and Party boats here.
Hiding behind a computer thats a joke. Both of you jokers are from the njfishing site. It would seem reasonable that you would use the screen names from over there here. You are such chickens that you had to sign here with made up goof names. Who's the man here meat man? Sorry dude you got some issues but courage is not one of them.
Thank you for posting this up today. To be honest I was looking to go fluke fishing this weekend but just finished booking open boats with two of the captains on here for Saturday and Monday of this weekend. The pics you posted showed me they were on the fish and thus will get my business. To be honest maybe they should thank you too for referring business their way. Just bought my freezer bags so looking to stock up!
I recognize your posting style from njfishing. I'll figure it out soon enough it will come to me. Why join here if you can't use the same name you're using there? Another afraid to stand up like a man in real life but 6 feet tall on the internet. i'm real impressed you are way cool dude
05-22-2013, 09:21 PM
You can't do sh*t about it. I'll show you my meatballs!!!
haha i told u this dude is gay monty he wants to show you his meatBALLS!!!!!!haha lol!
And besides only another gay guy would know where gay guys hang out too.
Heres what I think. I think you two are fishing buddies freezer burn and meatman. You two fish together, get drunk together. and joined the site together. Do you go to the bathroom together too? Bend for a friend? It's 2013. Being gay is not for me but if you are its all good we won't judge you.
I think wish4fish called it right. With all this gay talk you guys should come out of the closet already. Your parents will understand.
05-22-2013, 09:30 PM
Hey Bucket...
No only been alive for 36 years and fishing for 7 of them for stripers and I also do a lot of ground fishing in NJ and NE so I have not been through the striper downfall nor do I state I did.I subscribe to the everything happens in cycles belief. What does up must come down and then eventually will go back up.
Oh so now striped bass are part of a cyclical theory? Thanks for explaining that to me I would never have known that. When I can't catch bass one night I'm going to blame it on the cyclical theory, awesome.
You are like totally awesome dude you have been fishing for bass for 7 years? :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping: That is just beyond belief you are on your way to sharpie status.
7 long years. What a lifetime of bass experience you must have. No wonder you could not answer any of the questions hookset or buckethead posted here. You are probably one of the guys who catch 10 bass in a night and call it epic. Post on facebook about how great you are. Do you have a facebook page let us know I want to go there and maybe pick up some tips. I only been fishing for bass for 40 years so maybe a sharpie like you can show me how to do it.
dark these dudes have no business here. They are not part of this discussion or even trying to be. They are trolls hiding behind names they made up just to join this site. Not one ounce of courage all internet muscles. Why do you allow this dark they add nothing to the discussion here. Thats it im done with these jokers.
Freezer Burn
05-22-2013, 09:34 PM
Hiding behind a computer thats a joke. Both of you jokers are from the njfishing site. It would seem reasonable that you would use the screen names from over there here. You are such nancy boys that you had to sign here with made up goof names. Who's the man here meat man? Sorry dude you got some issues but courage is not one of them.
I recognize your posting style from njfishing. I'll figure it out soon enough it will come to me. Why join here if you can't use the same name you're using there? Another little girl afraid afraid to stand up like a man in real life but 6 feet tall on the internet. i'm real impressed you are way cool dude
I found this website via a buddy (not meat man since i got no clue who he is) who was talking about what's going on at a bar...I'm 5'11 and really wasn't here looking for your opinion...rather stating the poster is actually advertising for the same people he is hating on. Nothing more...nothing less. I don't attend meetings and I don't keep stats nor do I post my pics on web forums nor do I care what you think of me because like I's the Internet! Just as an FYI you shouldn't care what I say either!
Go fish. Eat em if its legal and throw em back if it will make u feel better. But for damn sake stop the bitching!!!!
Freezer Burn
05-22-2013, 09:37 PM
Oh so now striped bass are part of a cyclical theory? Thanaks for explaining that to me I would never have known that. When I can't catch bass one night I'm going to blame it on the cyclical theory, awesome.
Wow that is like totally awesome dude you have been fishing for bass for 7 years. That is just beyond belief you are on your way to sharpie status.
7 long years. What a lifetime of bass experience you must have. No wonder you could not answer any of the questions hookset or buckethead posted here. You are probably one of the guys who catch 10 bass in a night and call it epic. Post on facebook about how great you are. Do you have a facebook page let us know I want to go there and maybe pick up some tips. I only been fishing for bass for 40 years so maybe a sharpie like you can show me how to do it.
dark these dudes have no business here. They are not part of this discussion or even trying to be. They are trolls hiding behind names they made up just to join this site. Not one ounce of courage all internet muscles. Why do you allow this dark they add nothing to the discussion here. Thats it im done with these jokers.
Ur funny!!!!! Hell why do U think I got into ground fishing??? I can't catch a striper to save my life!!!
Never ONCE eluded to being a sharpie. I think u got voices in ur head.
05-22-2013, 11:12 PM
This was in post 30 of this thread. I am asking you folks to adhere to the guidelines I set out.
I am still hoping we can have a respectful, adult, discussion here.
You are all entitled to your opinions.
Threats will not be tolerated no matter which side they came from.
**I am counting on you all to act like adults and treat each other with the same respect you would want to be treated.
1. There are no time-outs or infractions on this site.
2. We act like adults and most are good with that avoiding profanity and insults.
3. If anyone can't follow those guidelines you are not needed or welcome here.
Thank you.
Just to re-iterate Our Policy which I posted previously.
ALL are welcome to voice their opinions here under their First Amendment Rights.
Personal attacks, profanity and name calling are not.
I'll try to sort this out and moderate some of the other posts when I get a chance.
Thanks for your understanding and compliance with our Policy. :HappyWave:
05-23-2013, 01:57 PM
:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:^^^^^^^^we ll said. RIP had one fish and JB had 82 fish averaging 20 pounds on the same day(5/10/13) sounds like a one way street. Most back patters boat or surf think if they become friends they will be called in on bites which seldom happens as they don't share. In the end they usually find out the hard way all it accomplishes is loosing friends they trashed and abandon trying .
I don't understand this. On the water you can't cover all the ground by yourself. That's why you build up a network. Half the time we don't even use the radio we do it via cell phone. You return the favor when someone helps you that's how it works. Why would two friends not help each other. Seems to be something here more than meets the eye. Strange.:huh:
05-23-2013, 02:01 PM
Hello. My name is Capt Derek Bielitz. I am the owner and operator of the Fisher Price IV out of the Highlands. This post was brought to my attention by one of my customers who saw it. I would first like to say that i do not personally know who anyone of you on here are or if any of you have ever fished with me before. I saw that some of my posts from other sites were pasted on here. And i will be the first to tell you that what i post is the truth. I have good days and bad days in fishing. I am a full time professional charter boat captain. This is what i do 12 months a year. I do not have any other job than fishing. I am 31 years old and have been working as a mate and captain for the past 16 years. I have seen the fishery when it was tough as well as when it had been great. I will also be the first person to say that there are not as many bass around as in recent years. I will also admit that there are more keepers around and less shorts. As for what i kill on my boat. I follow all laws in both NY and NJ waters. My customers spend their hard earned money to go out on fishing trips with me and when they like to take their limit who am i to tell them they cant. I also let my customers use their bonus cards to a certain point. I do not take my limit or my mates limit on any trip. If the customer wants to use their bonus card in the beginning of the season on a smaller fish than so be it. I do support catch and release and i can tell you i had a trip the other day where we landed 50 or 52 bass all day and only kept one fish for the table cause it was gut hooked and bleeding out. I encourage my guys to release all fish 30 lbs or bigger cause they are your breeding fish and we need to keep the stock up and have fish for our future generations to experience. This is my first and last post on this site..
You are one of the few who doesn't take a mate and boat limit. Not that it really matters you are still within the law. Well said Cappy! Class act.
05-23-2013, 02:09 PM
^^ X2 for Capt Derek. Never met him but he is one of the ones who stands above the others from dock talk I have heard.
I look at it this way. The more I am on the water the more chances I have to get nice bass. I really like catching them and we always bring one or two back. More than that just gets wasted. It is also a pita when you have to focus each trip on cutting and bleeding the fish and then washdown after. I cut all my fish so the meat tastes better. When the bite is good I would rather be fishing than missing out. I usually fish with one partner. When you have more on board you can delegate different jobs to the crew and it is easier to deal with more in the box. I am just saying for me, we have fun catching or jigging them. The bite is not always hot or consistent and we have to run all over for fish on the slow days. I would rather spend my time fishing. That's just me and by no means a criticism of Capt Derek or the others.
Freezerburn no disrespect meant but I think a 40lb bass has no taste at all. They are terrible eating. The tastiest size for bass is 24-32". I miss the slot limit because the 24" bass was perfect eating size and better tasting. Of course this is just my opinion
05-23-2013, 02:35 PM
well hookset you talked about these guys the lagrossa brothers they weighed in more fish yesterday. Whats up with that is there a tourney or something going on now?
LaGrossa, Chris
Pencil Popper
LaGrossa, Phil
Pencil Popper
05-23-2013, 04:07 PM
^^ Maybe they know a lot of poor people.:don't know why: :laugh:
05-23-2013, 04:10 PM
basshunter tourney is on its all about the points.
05-23-2013, 04:49 PM
Thats a shame why do they have to kill so many big fish? Why can't they take pics and measurements for the biggest fish and use the same brand of tape measure. Wouldn't that work?
05-23-2013, 05:39 PM
17055Awesome day on da meat!!!!
05-23-2013, 06:05 PM
Another troll on board! Wow that is fantastic nutsinmouth i mean scuba nut.:clapping::clapping::clapping:
Did you join just to show us your picts and flex your internet muscles or do you have anything to say about the striped bass. How come you photoshopped your face out of the pic if it was such an awesome day why do you have to hide?
05-23-2013, 06:09 PM
The guy has no boat shoes on, no boots, nothing. Just bare toes. basshunter you have it all wrong. This is not a guy who wants us to look at his bass he wants to show off his pretty toes.:ROFLMAO
05-23-2013, 06:20 PM
Welcome to stripers and anglers johnny bucktails. I would have to very strongly disagree with your statement.
I do not mean to disenfranchise a new member here but thought I would share my perspective.
I have been fishing for over 50 years. I remember when weakfish were so abundant in the Delaware bay you could catch a hundred a day. We used to launch out of fortescue and it was easy to fill a garbage bucket or large tote with weakfish because they were that plentiful.
It is the same thing for the striped bass. I fished before and after the moratorium. I still fish now. At one time because I am retired I could fish 5 or 6 days a week. I fish less now because of health reasons. I can usually catch my limit every time. After 50 years of fishing it becomes quite easy. If I were to keep my limit every time I would not feel right because of all the opportunities I have to go out fishing. Because of how we decimated the weakfish, I am careful to catch and release now. I try to teach my children and grandchildren the principles of conservation.
Don't get me wrong, we still eat fish, but are more thoughtful about when and where. I love eating bass and it is very healthy for you except for the belly part which is laden with PCBs.
As bucket said you as a father are some one who your son looks up to. If you have lived through lean times when there were no bass, surely you would want to pass that knowledge on down to your son and teach him that harvesting just what you can eat today as a family, is a good way to keep the bass around for tomorrow.
I say this not to get into an argument with you but perhaps thinking you have not been fishing for that long and do not realize how bad things were for bass fishermen in the 1980s.
A lot of folks want to blame the commercial fishermen. Those videos are all over the internet and I believe I have seen some of them here, the bass laying all over after being discarded from netters.
What most folks don't realize is that even with the abuses, the recreational sector kille more striped bass than the commercial sector today. This happens all up and down the coast at every stage of the migration.
I am sure that you realze that the reason you folks are doing so well on them up there now in the raritan bay is because they are staging to go up the Hudson. If they were not doing that you would hardly be catching any at all. The southern waters have not had much consistent action for my Capt friends who have been looking for them. The Chesapeake and Delaware migrations are done and the beaches all along the coast should be filled with stripers now but they are not.
The reason for this is many have been over harvested, and many by folks who say "life is too short to worry about what everyone else is doing."
By not teaching your son a little about conservation and a little about the past you are part of the crowd that is condemning us to repeat the sins of the past. I say this not to provoke argument with you but to perhaps hope that you were not aware of how bad things were, and in reality how limited the numbers of stripers are now.
I hope these words have not tuned you off. If you are not aware of what has been going on, I was hoping to enlighten you and the others here by sharing my personal experiences. I look forward to your contributions here.
I am more looking forward to the possibility that you as a father, will teach your son something about conservation before it is too late and we find ourselves in another moratorium.
Best of luck this year on the water, Captain.
scubanut what would you have to say to clamchuckers post?
05-23-2013, 06:31 PM
scubanut what would you have to say to clamchuckers post?
Clamchucker's post is one of the best posts I have ever read in any forum on any fishing site.
05-25-2013, 04:48 PM
The guy has no boat shoes on, no boots, nothing. Just bare toes. basshunter you have it all wrong. This is not a guy who wants us to look at his bass he wants to show off his pretty toes.:ROFLMAO
:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping: haha roflmao! What a chicken little!
Clamchucker's post is one of the best posts I have ever read in any forum on any fishing site.
Yes monty I agree. Thank you for all the help and sage advice clamchucker you really do have a deep understanding of this. I could read your posts all day and have learned so much from them.
05-27-2013, 07:04 PM
:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping: haha roflmao! What a chicken little!
Yes monty I agree. Thank you for all the help and sage advice clamchucker you really do have a deep understanding of this. I could read your posts all day and have learned so much from them.
cowherder BA-Zing! Good one! scubanut we would like to see more of your pretty pics, but next time please paint your toenails pink to match your level of bravery.:ROFLMAO
clamchucker thank you for the informative and knowledgable posts here. You and guys like finchaser have taught me so much thank you gentlemen.
05-29-2013, 12:01 AM
I thought the folks who came here to bash or justify taking every bass they can might have some comments on this. It is from colin the average anglers site .
I think he makes some good points. There is no need to take a bonus tag bass. Take your limit of 2 bass I am fine with that. The bonus tag has got to go there are too many abuses and we are overharvesting because of it.
"I am not getting tree-huggy nor am I comparing fish to people. All I am saying is that I should know better than to think that I would see anything different than what I saw. Several striper trip boats coming in with boatloads of happy anglers carrying heavy, sometimes very heavy, coolers.
Boy do these fish get hammered, and harvested. Just think of the pressure they got down south, then up along New Jersey, staging in the Raritan Bay, the all haven't gone up the Hudson, then they come down, summer near the Cape, then come back through this again?
Moratorium, can you say moratorium boys? This fishery will shut down in a few years. There aren't many small fish. The big ones are still being taken no matter how many messages are sent out regarding protecting the breeding fish. Continue to take your two plus the bonus tags while you can.
This isn't a knock on just the head boats, but includes the small charter boats, the private boats, the kayakers, the surfcasters, the bait fisherman, the fly fisherman, everyone. It's the recreational fishery that's putting the big hurt on the striped bass. We, take three times more than the commercial fishery. That's not saying the infamous videos of dead striped bass last year in North Carolina isn't criminal. We need to just have a look in the mirror to figure out where the problem lies."
05-29-2013, 09:42 AM
Moratorium, can you say moratorium boys? This fishery will shut down in a few years. There aren't many small fish. The big ones are still being taken no matter how many messages are sent out regarding protecting the breeding fish. Continue to take your two plus the bonus tags while you can.
This isn't a knock on just the head boats, but includes the small charter boats, the private boats, the kayakers, the surfcasters, the bait fisherman, the fly fisherman, everyone. It's the recreational fishery that's putting the big hurt on the striped bass. We, take three times more than the commercial fishery.
He speaks the truth but you're preaching to the choir buckethead. The ones that need to hear it most have blinders on. The ones who blame the head boats or use lame excuses like change the law if you don't like it. They don't realize that there is a time lag between what actually happens out there and what noaa will do in terms of taking action. I agree within 2 years there will be some kind of shutdown or restrictions. Hardly any small bass around anymore.
05-31-2013, 12:38 AM
Riddle me this batman - many of the pro capts are still out there banging bass. the meatman bucktails is focusing on fluke. Why would you be fluking when the cows are here?:rolleyes:
05-31-2013, 01:35 PM
It seems when the going gets tough, the fluke fishermen go back to what they do best, fluking.
I hope this doesn't seem insensitive here. After all he is just a kid. The level of arrogance in his posts is a little disconcerting though. He has so much to learn at that young age. I am sincerely hoping that as he matures he will learn to understand the striper better and have a little more respect for the fishery. I think we all go through stages of arrogance and youthful exhuberance. I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt and hope that as he gets older he will want to learn more instead of coming off like a veteran at the ripe old age of 17.
05-31-2013, 01:38 PM
Even though I sense rethorical question - cause the pony played it's one trick, when they aren't schooled up in a designated area it is a different ball game.
I seen this same pattern before with Weakfish where the big fish kept getting bigger, on the surface it seems cool, but its like a bubble growing that eventually bursts.
Bunker fish used to be mostly 18-23 ish when this thing started now they are nearly all over 25lbs, with an avg about 27-30lbs.
Although though i have run into a fair amount of rats last 2 years, fish ranging 27 to 35" are the hardest to come across right now, I have three times the amount over that size then in that size this spring, cool but not cool!
05-31-2013, 01:44 PM
Although though i have run into a fair amount of rats last 2 years, fish ranging 27 to 35" are the hardest to come across right now, I have three times the amount over that size then in that size this spring, cool but not cool!
Agreed. There are huge gaps in numbers of fish that size. We would have more stability across the board if the fishery was not hurting. I have read it here where it is compared to a bowl of m&ms. Those who keep taking from the middle don't realize the bowl is shrinking. The lack of sheer numbers of sizes you quoted should sent out an alarm to fisheries managers. Fish that size are the prime breeders.
05-31-2013, 05:29 PM
Clamchucker's post is one of the best posts I have ever read in any forum on any fishing site.
Yes monty I agree. Thank you for all the help and sage advice clamchucker you really do have a deep understanding of this. I could read your posts all day and have learned so much from them.
clamchucker thank you for the informative and knowledgable posts here. You and guys like finchaser have taught me so much thank you gentlemen.
Thank you all. I have seen the worst of it and don't want to see it repeated. Some have mentioned I was part of the problem. I will have to agree with that. Back in the 70's there was no value on saving fish. We took as many as we could because we did not know better
. Now, folks do know better but some are still behaving the same. I think it is because there are fishermen out there who really do not understand the big picture. You can try to explain and some will get it. Most will not because they cannot conceive of striper limits being changed or the fishery being shut down. They have not lived through it so it is a fantasy world of supposition to them. I cannot help those to understand something they are not willing to accept. The only way they will learn is when (note I said when and not if) the fishery is shut down. Raising awareness is admirable but I do not know if that is enough to save us from repeating the same mistakes.
06-03-2013, 09:59 PM
If you don't like it, do something about it instead hiding behind your computer ranting and posting pics from Charters and Party boats here. Bunch of grown man acting like *******! LOL!!!
MEAT MAN IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You hyprocrite. I would love to run into you one day. LMAO!!!
run your mouth in person instead of hiding behind your computer. Put an end to all this drama.
I knew I had seen this style of posting before. Meatman unmasked, Jay Santiago or Jay from the other site.
Ain't it an ironic thing that someone who is most vocal about hypocrites hiding behind a computer - is the biggest one hiding behind his computer?
06-05-2013, 09:36 AM
** Jigfreak, one of the nicest things about this site, is that most of the members who join, want to be here.
If someone doesn't want to be here or contribute to this community, we don't want to burden them with membership priveleges either.
Banning someone isn't a decision I take lightly. I'm just helping those who aren't happy here, to find their path to go elsewhere.
However once someone is banned, they can no longer defend themselves. Therefore, I am asking all of you to refrain from bringing banned members back into the conversations, no matter how strong your feelings are about them. I have not had much spare time to devote to administering this site. I ask that you members continue to be on your best behavior.
This is a topic that will generate many strong opinions. I said I would allow it here, but please keep the posts, on topic. There are some valid points made on both sides. That's what you folks should try to continue doing, so I don't have to intervene.
Thank you. :HappyWave:
06-05-2013, 04:09 PM
Frozen fish sucks even when you vac seal it fresh is best .I'm leaving my opinion to myself on this because I take this matter very seriously I've been through one moratorium already and some people need to learn the hard way the negative to that is everyone else has to **** it up for greedy people.
06-06-2013, 08:33 PM
If someone doesn't want to be here or contribute to this community, we don't want to burden them with membership priveleges either.
Thank you. :HappyWave:
I like the way you phrased that. Lurkers go elsewhere too you are nothing but leeches!:moon::clapping:
Frozen fish sucks even when you vac seal it fresh is best .I'm leaving my opinion to myself on this because I take this matter very seriously I've been through one moratorium already and some people need to learn the hard way the negative to that is everyone else has to **** it up for greedy people.
That is really a shame, that a few dundering idiot meatmen have to ruin it for all of us. If they were less greedy we might not have to have to close or restrict it. When they shut it down how loud will their mouths be then? thanks surfstix I agree.
06-10-2013, 06:17 PM
Good read. I think these posts are helping. It seems it is pissing some people off but I think it is working because at least they are thinking about it. As for me, I am a catch and release kind of guy.
06-10-2013, 06:28 PM
Good point robmedina I agree. If you notice the guys who always talked about catching a limit with bonus tags are not putting up the pics any more. Maybe they are catching less or maybe they are thinking about some of the things said in this thread. Thank you hookset and the other guys who stood up to them!!!!:clapping:
this was in Colin the average anglers site today - "Are we killing too many striped bass in New Jersey?" I think that is a good read too.
06.10.13 "Are we killing too many striped bass in New Jersey?"....Let's look at some numbers. ( (
I thoroughly enjoy fishing for striped bass. As you know, I also thoroughly enjoy releasing them as well. I have been drawn to the conservation side of the striped bass and this time of year is always a time of love and hate. I love when the fish arrive and I hate to see so many of them harvested, especially the larger females. Not only do I see it on the beach and boat, I read and see about it on Stripers Online, BassBarn, New Jersey Hunter, and the Hook, Line and Sinker section of the Asbury Park Press.
Over the last two years I was part of the historic reduction in the menhaden fishery catches. When I say I was part, I got involved. I educated myself, wrote letters, went to public meetings, stood up and spoke, and even went down to Washington for the vote. I feel that the striped bass fight is drawing me in.
One thing I hate about all of this stuff is the absolute disrespect that each side has for the other (with any issue) and the politics involved. As far as striped bass catch and release? I am in a growing minority but it's a position being taken up by many anglers. I am a fly fishing guide that runs beach and boat charters for striped bass, bluefish, fluke, and false albacore. When it comes to striped bass- it's purely catch and release. Catch and release just like when I guide for wild trout on the Upper Delaware.
Most of my fellow guides and friends fly or spin fish. Some use plugs, metal, rubber, clams, bunker, sand fleas, eels, whatever. Most will release most and keep a fish every now and then ofr themselves or their clients. Other captains I know seem to put everything legal in the box. I'm not a tree hugger. I still like them and people in general. I still can say "Nice catch"...although seeing the bigger fish caught and kept does bother me. But hey, truth be told. They aren't breaking any laws, they are fishing within the guidelines set by the state of New Jersey, or the ASMFC, or another Federal agency.
Within the last year I have really soured on striped bass fishing tournaments. I believe that bounties for big fish, for cash, angler or club bragging rights, isn't a good idea. Fish get taken so they can weighed for the tournament. That is not to say they are all wasted. Some fish are donated or brought home for the table. But say an angler may take home a 28" fish for his family for dinner. On this day he or she goes out in early June and catches a 40 pounder. If not for the tournament that fish may have been released and a smaller fish harvested for the table. Not if there's an active tournament. It's taken, weighed, and then donated, eaten, or given away.
All of this has brought me to thinking- "Are we harvesting too many fish?" "Am I taking a position I really don't know that much about?" "Are all those anti catch and release anglers correct?" Let's look at some hard numbers. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commision (ASMFC) has managed striped bass since 1981, part of the Striped Bass Interstate Fisheries Management Plan. They do stock assessments and set the allocations of commercial and recreational harvest for each state. In the year 2013 the ASFMC allocated New Jersey with 321,750 pounds of striped bass. Since N.J. doesn't allow commercial fishing, netting or sales of striped bass all of the 321,750 pounds can be harvested by the recreational fisherman. And just an FYI, for all those anglers that cry it's the commercial fisherman killing all the bass, here's some numbers. In 2011 32.2 million pounds of bass were harvested along the Atlantic coast. That's 3.178 million striped bass. The commercial take was 19% or 6.8 million pounds, the recreational take 81% or 26.3 million pounds. So we know. ( ( (
Since New Jersey doesn't have a commercial striped bass fishery they instituted a Striped Bass Bonus Program (SBBP) which allows anglers to apply for a bonus tag to keep a third striped bass over 28. So if you apply for a tag, and then go fishing, you can keep three striped bass over 28". Then you can go home and file a form and then apply for another one and do it again, the next day, and the next day, and so on. The idea was that since there's no commercial take they would allow recreational anglers to harvest more.
So let's take New Jersey's 321,750 pounds of striped bass allocated for the recreational fisherman. Recreational meaning on the beach, jetty, party or charter boat. That means Delaware River and Bay, Cape May, Mullica River, Absecon Inlet, Ocean City, LBI, Island Beach State Park, out front, in the back, Oyster Creek, Jetty Country, Sandy Hook, Raritan Bay, Raritan River, Hackensack River, and any where people fish for and potentially harvest striped bass.
321,750 pounds sounds like a bunch, right? Well, not really. Let's look at some numbers. (
Looking at a size/weight chart for striped bass lets pick an average size fish that New Jersey anglers might keep. With the minimum striped bass at 28", average weight 10 pounds, and the heaviest 50" which is 50 pounds, we'll say that in New Jersey during 2013 the average fish kept was 35" and 18 pounds. Really that means not one fish over 35" was taken.
If we divide 321,750 by the 18 pounds it means that New Jersey anglers in 2013 can harvest 17,875 fish and still be within the ASMFC allocation. Sounds like a lot of stripers, right? Mmmmm....
Let's say in New Jersey in 2013 we only harvest fish in April, May, June and Sept, Oct, Nov- taking Jan, Feb, March, August and December off. So that's just six months of fishing. So 6 divided into our allotted 17,875 fish for 2013 comes out to 2,979 striped bass per month. Wow! That's a lot of stripers. Not really. Just a note, remember in 2012 we fished for 12 months, and remember the stupid fishing in IBSP in the fall of 2011.
Let's now say there are 30 days in each of our fishing months. Now we take our 2,979 striped bass and divide that by the 30 days. That comes out to 99.3 striped bass per day. So, during our make believe six month fishing year of 2013 we can harvest 100 striped bass per day at 18 pounds ( some will be lighter and others heavier but the average 18 pounds) and be within our 321,750 allottment.
100 fish per day. That means on a given day if we logged all of the striped bass harvested from the Delaware River and Bay, Cape May, Mullica River, Absecon Inlet, Ocean City, LBI, Island Beach State Park, out front, in the back, Oyster Creek, Jetty Country, Sandy Hook, Raritan Bay, Raritan River, Hackensack River, and anywhere people fish for and potentially harvest striped bass- it can't average more than 100 fish a day for six months.
Remember- the above is only for the state of New Jersey recreational fishery. Think of all the other places the striped bass get fished heavily- commercial fisheries in North Carolina, Chesapeake Bay, Jamaica Bay, Montauk, Rhode Island, Cape Cod, and the rest.
"Hey all!" The striped bass, and the people who love to fish for them, will all be in trouble soon. There will be a moratorium soon if we don't smarten up. The moratorium will stop the bleeding, is there's any more fish to bleed out.
You can read more on the ASMFC on their site HERE (, go to the striped bass section.
06-10-2013, 06:55 PM
Good read. I think these posts are helping. It seems it is pissing some people off but I think it is working because at least they are thinking about it. As for me, I am a catch and release kind of guy.
Rob I feel the same way too. I think from what I have read that finchaser releases almost all of his fish, and dark releases most of his. I release the bigger ones but like that tasty striper meat of the fish in the 28-32" range. There seems to be a divide about what catch and release fishing is out there. If you do any of it at all some of the meat men think you are a communist. Maybe the fair thing to say is that they think we are judging them or holier than thou. I am far from an expert but there are folks here like finchaser and clamchucker who have been fishing for over half a century. That's a lot of years. I haven't even been on this earth for half a century so I can't even fathom fishiing for that long. It is nice to hear it from the guys that do it every day and would be the first to see if there are parallels between the moratorium and now.
I think the average angler is pretty pro-active and observant too. I don't know how old he is but he fishes a hell of a lot. I have been checking his blog out because of the posts here. The dude fishes every day! Besides being a little jeasous of that, you have to recognize that he might know what he is talking about inasmuch as he is on the water so much.
Some of these other loudmouths (dark should have banned the whole lot of them, my .02) sound like they are 20 years old. They remind me of the drunken frat parties I used to go to in college. Let's use a hypothetical example and say if I saw a guy pawing a drunk girl who was not receptive I was in there in a flash telling the guy to get lost. Some of the jerks who responded here remind me of the drunken frat guys who would say to me "Well did you see how she was dressed, she was asking for it anyway!" :devil:
I realize it isn't the greatest analogy but I am not as good with words as the rest of you here. The point is that just because you can do something, doesn't mean it is acceptable to over-do it.
Great read by the average angler, thanks for posting porgy75
06-10-2013, 09:25 PM
The point is that just because you can do something, doesn't mean it is acceptable to over-do it.
Totally agree and they use it as the reason they kill so many. Its legal and allowed, so they do it. What it is is extremely shortsighted, careless, selfish and extremely irresponsible.
06-19-2013, 07:12 PM
Cheers to hookset.
Since you started this thread there is no one reporting they took the extra bonus bass on the online fishing sites. They may still be klling 3 bass per person but they are not bragging about it anymore. You have single-handedly changed the perception of bonus fish in NJ. The bucktail kid on his last 2 trips only reported usual limits of 2 per person and made careful note of all the fish he threw back. If there was not a problem with keeping3 fish, although legal, this could not have happened. It appears that you reached the folks out there hook. Thank you for your effort sir.
06-19-2013, 11:00 PM
I just read one report and it said that they caught more than their limit but they ONLY kept their limit...of 10 bass, as if that is doing us a favor!
10-23-2013, 09:31 AM
Well they're doing it in NY. Boats full of dead bass. I know they are legally allowed to do it but come on. Seeing so many big dead bass lined up like that is a little much.
10-23-2013, 09:33 AM
Another one out of captree fire island.
The boat is called the captree pride. Yep we are proud. We will kill every bass we can till they are all dead.
10-23-2013, 10:54 PM
the captree pride. Yep we are proud. We will kill every bass we can till they are all dead.
LOL. That attitude is one of the things that brings us closer and closer to the crash. What will they will fish for when the stripers are gone? Despicable. Capt Ken Higgins you ****.
10-24-2013, 12:40 AM
Well they're doing it in NY. Boats full of dead bass. I know they are legally allowed to do it but come on. Seeing so many big dead bass lined up like that is a little much.
It was getting crazy out there the boats are posting every day saying :striped bass MASSACRE!!" Bunch of a-holes. Hookset the pic you posted was from the Laura Lee out of captree. They posted it on facebook. Eating bass is fine. but how many 40 lb bass can you eat isnt one enough?
10-25-2013, 12:46 PM
Thank you for clarifying that rockhopper. Did not realize that was on facebook until I checked.
Another one for today brooklyn VI. It's all about the meat!
"Every day this last week Capt Robert and Capt Mike landed us on the meat all day with giant blues and giant bass."
10-31-2013, 08:04 PM
Lets all run to captree and get some meat.:rolleyes: :plastered:
J Barbosa
11-05-2013, 09:26 PM
I just don't get it anymore to be honest.
I must be ******* retarded.
I see the same group of guys hang around and ***** that there is no fish and the next day when a school of fish arrives they each take two to a shop to be weighed in. Who the **** weighs in fish under 10lbs I would be ******* embarrassed.
11-05-2013, 09:31 PM
I don't get it either john a 28" bass is a good meal but why does it have to be videotaped? Everyone must need their 5 minutes of fame, lol.
J Barbosa
11-06-2013, 06:18 AM
I don't get it either john a 28" bass is a good meal but why does it have to be videotaped? Everyone must need their 5 minutes of fame, lol.
I don't even care if guys weigh in an 8lb fish...good for them.
It's the guys who ***** that there are no fish left and then run to weigh in two bass that **** me off.
also Jihny Bitchtails is back at it again...I'm ashamed to share the same initials as this kid.
11-06-2013, 07:21 AM
I am strongly considering giving up chasing stripers and chase a fish that mostly everyone considers trash but is strong and crafty and is almost always catch and release, yes, the mighty carp!
11-11-2013, 12:06 AM
Hello. My name is Capt Derek Bielitz. I am the owner and operator of the Fisher Price IV out of the Highlands. This post was brought to my attention by one of my customers who saw it. I would first like to say that i do not personally know who anyone of you on here are or if any of you have ever fished with me before. I saw that some of my posts from other sites were pasted on here. And i will be the first to tell you that what i post is the truth. I have good days and bad days in fishing. I am a full time professional charter boat captain. This is what i do 12 months a year. I do not have any other job than fishing. I am 31 years old and have been working as a mate and captain for the past 16 years. I have seen the fishery when it was tough as well as when it had been great. I will also be the first person to say that there are not as many bass around as in recent years. I will also admit that there are more keepers around and less shorts. As for what i kill on my boat. I follow all laws in both NY and NJ waters. My customers spend their hard earned money to go out on fishing trips with me and when they like to take their limit who am i to tell them they cant. I also let my customers use their bonus cards to a certain point. I do not take my limit or my mates limit on any trip. If the customer wants to use their bonus card in the beginning of the season on a smaller fish than so be it. I do support catch and release and i can tell you i had a trip the other day where we landed 50 or 52 bass all day and only kept one fish for the table cause it was gut hooked and bleeding out. I encourage my guys to release all fish 30 lbs or bigger cause they are your breeding fish and we need to keep the stock up and have fish for our future generations to experience. This is my first and last post on this site. I also find it hard to believe that this post hasnt even been shut down already after reading through it. Every post that was taken from another site and posted no one was breaking the law they did what they were allowed to do.
He had a good day today with three bass killed per customer on the morning trip.
Kill them while you can captain, let's see what you are fishing for in a few years when they are gone or how much people will pay to go fishing with no catching.
11-11-2013, 12:49 AM
^^ Yessir fill them bonus tags. How many 20lb bass can you put in the box. 2 a person isn't enough?
11-11-2013, 10:16 AM
^^^^ Come on monty that's only 18 fish. That's only a drop in the bucket isn't it? there are millions of stripers out there.:rolleyes:
When you take the charter or private catches and figure that the charter goes out twice a day, x 18, x at least 50 charters active along nj any given day, thats a lot of bass. No need for a bonus tag they should do away with it.
11-11-2013, 10:23 AM
That's only a drop in the bucket isn't it? there are millions of stripers out there.:rolleyes:
They said the same thing about the buffalo there were millions and millions of them too. Kill them all then the charters will have to sell their boats. They only want to learn the hard way it will be their own fault when it crashes.
11-11-2013, 12:55 PM
My .02. Some men don't feel like they are true men unless they catch the boat limit of meat. Always has been and always will be that way. Nothing much any of us can do to change it.
J Barbosa
11-11-2013, 05:39 PM
Slaughterhouse charters.
11-11-2013, 05:41 PM
What about the bucktail kid? Has anyone ever seen him throw a keeper back? Do you need to fill the bonus tag every time? Come on dude! doesn't he have anyone in his life to show him a good example?
11-11-2013, 06:08 PM
^^Teaching from the Great Confucious-
Early to bed,
early to rise, keep all the bass, and eat french fries. gents don't hassle the 17 year old kid if you looked like that and couldn't get laid you would fish for bass all the time too. He probably only killed 200 bass this year tops. Thats not a lot.:plastered:
J Barbosa
11-11-2013, 06:17 PM
He has to be selling some of those fish.
There is no way one family could or would want to eat so much fish so often :huh:
He wouldn't be the first fisherman who sold bass to support a hobby or supplement income...certainly wouldn't be the first to get caught doing it.
J Barbosa
11-11-2013, 06:18 PM
A real fisherman reports all his outings or none...the good and the bad.
If I only reported my good outings I'd look like a hero too...
11-11-2013, 06:25 PM
A real fisherman reports all his outings or none...the good and the bad.
If I only reported my good outings I'd look like a hero too...
Amen. I'm very suspicious of any fisherman who catches or limits out on every trip. the best charter capts, best party boat capts, all have days where they ****. It's a part of lifes cycle. I don't get skunked that often and this year most of the times out there I'm coming up empty. When you have the personality that you only report "crushed the fish" "limited again!" it shows its all about your ego and stroking yourself over and over. If it was about the fish you wouldnt see the chest beating.
11-11-2013, 06:32 PM
" it shows its all about your ego and stroking yourself over and over..
My momma always told me if I stroked it too much I would get hairy palms.:ROFLMAO
11-12-2013, 12:15 AM
My momma always told me if I stroked it too much I would get hairy palms.:ROFLMAO
Didn't know harry palm. I was very familiar with rosy palm and her 5 daughters in my early teen years.:lookhappy:
I don't understand how you call yourself a bucktail kid or something like that, make and promote bucktails, and then don't have any bass pics with your homemade bucktails hanging out of there mouths. The best way to promote your product is to have them attached to fish. Whats up with that?
11-12-2013, 01:35 AM
lol used to call her Rosie Palm. Friend to every adolescent teen.
11-12-2013, 02:25 AM
Monday Charter. 6 pack with bonus tags. Maybe I can't count but it looks like 18 bass here. Everyone has to fill a bonus tag every chance they get?
Meat meat meat meat meat meat - will there be anyting left after these charters keep filliing the bonus tags?
11-12-2013, 06:50 AM
Meat meat meat meat meat meat - will there be anyting left after these charters keep filliing the bonus tags
No. What a season for the surf caster, bass getting slaughtered by boats, rips getting dredged, jettys getting covered. One hell of a fall run.
11-14-2013, 01:25 PM
I agree monty. We still have a few fish around. How many guys do you see on the beach filling the bonus tags tho? Hardly any, . There is one capt in highlands who advertises limits with bonus tags every time out. What will that guy do for a living when they close the bass down for a year?
some more meat pics with bonus tags
11-14-2013, 05:50 PM
captree pride today 100 dead stripers
11-14-2013, 06:29 PM
, . There is one capt in highlands who advertises limits with bonus tags every time out. What will that guy do for a living when they close the bass down for a year?
True, every time out he advertises hes filling the bonus tags. Why do your advertising that way? Why not encourage clients to keep 2? Today they got bass to 22 pounds. 2 bass to 22 pounds isn't enough to fill the freezer? come on
11-14-2013, 07:11 PM
2 bass to 22 is plenty. We should really do away with the bonus tag. Guys don't like the thought of gillnetters selling fish. When you take your 3rd fish you become as bad as a commercial fisherman. From what I understand the commercial guys had that quota and are not allowed to fish for stripers in jersey. Get rid of the bonus tags and you will see less dead stripers. my .02
11-14-2013, 07:22 PM
^^ I think your right. Totally onboard with them doing away with the bonus tags.
11-14-2013, 11:04 PM
You guys should remember that the Capt has to do what the fares want or they will not come back.
11-14-2013, 11:13 PM
You guys should remember that the Capt has to do what the fares want or they will not come back.
I dunno dude. Maybe the capt could try to say something at least. Here in LI we are only allowed 2 on the boats, and one at 28" and one over 40" from shore. That should be enough meat. I think its wrong that you guys can keep 3. No other states allow this.
Captree trip today
11-14-2013, 11:38 PM
I dunno dude. Maybe the capt could try to say something at least. Here in LI we are only allowed 2 on the boats, and one at 28" and one over 40" from shore. That should be enough meat. I think its wrong that you guys can keep 3. No other states allow this.
Captree trip today
I think the bonus tag represents what the commercial allotment would be for jersey.
Whatever it represents its a complete waste of the striped bass. Absolutely no good reason for it to exist.
11-18-2013, 05:41 PM
more meat, everyone filled the bonus tag
11-18-2013, 06:33 PM
I read a report saying the bass were so thick of seaside you could snag them with snag hooks! That's what some of these guys should do bring giant snag hooks on umbrella rigs. Snag 6 bass at a time. Make 3 passes and you have your 18 bass. Put the meat in the box and you can go home. What happened to the joy of catching?
11-18-2013, 07:06 PM
Ancient chinese proverb -the joy of filleting is > the joy of catching. lol. Time to change that equation.
11-21-2013, 07:02 PM
So with the decent fishing at IB the last few days, if some guy keeps 2 bass a day,3 straight days, well within the limits allowed, nothing legally wrong, is that to be frowned upon?
11-21-2013, 07:10 PM
I think that's a little overboard?:don't know why:
If hes keeping shorts or has to fill his bonus tag yeah then hes a greedy pig. The bonus tag should be taken off the table too much abuse anyway. Taking 2 bass why not? If I was in the midst of fishing that good I mite take one or two. The hard thing is if you are out on the bar and keep one I have heard that someone will mug you and be in your spot. Because of that I might let them go until I was tired, and then keep one to walk with on the way back to shore
11-21-2013, 08:33 PM
If hes keeping shorts or has to fill his bonus tag yeah then hes a greedy pig. The bonus tag should be taken off the table too much abuse anyway. Taking 2 bass why not?
Im the same way. Keep your two bass all you want. It's the bonus tag I have an issue with. We need to eliminate that damn thing. Here's a capt every time out he advertises limits plus bonus. Big advertising score for him, big loss when there are no stripers left.
11-21-2013, 08:38 PM
Charter boats posting "limits ++++"
Extremely unnecessary.
11-22-2013, 05:09 AM
I personally never take 2 fish but I do keep one for the table(if some say I'm part of the problem that is their opinion)my family eats fish.I can only do what I feel is correct.I will make attempts to talk to others about shorts and kicking fish around taking their sweet a$$ time unhooking fish, will I fight over it hell no as mentioned above you cannot fix stupid.A moratorium is the answer right now so all these little fish that are left can live and breed IMO, fighting politicians is pissing up a rope they will blow smoke up your a$$ and do the exact opposite just to **** you off (after they get your vote)After 30 years of jumping up and down fighting,yelling and screaming,joining this organization joining that one nothing much gets done that will do any good.I'm effing done, time for some young blood to jump in I'm going to fish keep my one and go the eff home.This is why I fish alone away from everyone.Sorry if I offended anyone but life goes on and I plan on enjoying what's left of it with my family not some damn fish & to fight with oblivious people and politicians.
12-13-2013, 08:54 PM
Is there an end of year nomination for biggest meatman? If so I nominate the LaGrossa bros, taking their limit each time. How big is their freezer? Results announced today
By Al Ristori ( Star-Ledger
on December 13, 2013 at 11:29 AM, updated December 13, 2013 at 11:34 AM
Following is Friday's complete column as submitted:
LaGrossa's Were Big Winners in Jersey Shore Beach N Boat Tournament
by Al Ristori
Chris and Phil LaGrossa cleaned up when the 2013 Jersey Shore Beach N Boat Tournament awards were passed out last Friday night at Marine Max in Brick.
Phil LaGrossa weighed in the $3,000 striped bass winner of 46.2 pounds at Grumpy's Tackle in Seaside Park May 18, and also added third place at 43.95 pounds -- while his brother took sixth and seventh with stripers of 40.1 and 39.56 pounds. They added four bluefish awards from 20.25 to 21.19 pounds, and Phil took the second place fluke prize of $1,000 with a 9.75-pounder weighed at Pell's on July 7 -- where he also weighed the $2,000 weakfish winner of 9.75 pounds taken from shore on April 26.
12-14-2013, 08:54 AM
^^^^ They topped out in every category? Bass blues fluke and weakfish. Not like the tourneys here . Very unusual for guys to want to win every category. You are either a bassman or fish for other species. Look at Greg Myerson. Bass is the only thing he fishes for. Congrats to them but it seems like there might be other issues they're compensating for. Small pee pee?
12-14-2013, 09:05 AM
You are either a bassman or fish for other species. Look at Greg Myerson. Bass is the only thing he fishes for. Congrats to them but it seems like there might be other issues they're compensating for. Small pee pee?
Come on now.:kooky: They win a tourney and you're questioning the size of their member? So much jealousy out there its sad.
12-14-2013, 11:18 AM
Dude I suppose you have never seen Grumpys weigh ins for the months of May and June. Almost every day they are on those weigh in sheets. 40lb bass, 25, 27, 32, 21, 15, etc. They weigh in every single keeper they catch. If you catch 5 25lb bass a week how many of them can you eat? Those bass have to be going somewhere if they are not going in a dumpster. I don't know of any regular freezer that would be able to hold the amounts of fish they catch. Open your eyes.
12-14-2013, 04:01 PM
I don't know of any regular freezer that would be able to hold the amounts of fish they catch. Open your eyes.
Maybe they have a mcdonalds super size freezer. Or they could be feeding some poor widows and orphans.:rolleyes:
12-14-2013, 04:32 PM
Is there an end of year nomination for biggest meatman? If so I nominate the LaGrossa bros, taking their limit each time. How big is their freezer?
Phil and Chris sure do catch and kill a lot of bass.
Did a Google search and they place high in many contests and weigh in lots of dead Bass.
Looks like these guys kill lots of bass each year too (not just this one). Sorry Bababooey, I also think these brothers deserve to be recognized as Guys who Kill to many bass (within the law probably), but its in excess and should be called out by other fisherman.
My vote for the The New Jersey Meat Man of 2013 is Captain Derek Bielitz. He actually posted in this thread (that may be cheating :beatin:). But he had a bunch of "Bass Limits ++" this fall. While he is a charter captain and did his thing legally, he sure was not very convincing with his customers regarding C and R. It was K and ++ (Kill and kill more).
Hello. My name is Capt Derek Bielitz. I do support catch and release and i can tell you i had a trip the other day where we landed 50 or 52 bass all day and only kept one fish for the table cause it was gut hooked and bleeding out. I encourage my guys to release all fish 30 lbs or bigger cause they are your breeding fish and we need to keep the stock up and have fish for our future generations to experience. This is my first and last post on this site.
12-14-2013, 05:58 PM
Dude I suppose you have never seen Grumpys weigh ins for the months of May and June. Almost every day they are on those weigh in sheets. 40lb bass, 25, 27, 32, 21, 15, etc. They weigh in every single keeper they catch. If you catch 5 25lb bass a week how many of them can you eat? Those bass have to be going somewhere if they are not going in a dumpster. I don't know of any regular freezer that would be able to hold the amounts of fish they catch. Open your eyes.
Have to agree with this. Have seen those online grumpys weigh in results as well. The 6-8 weeks that the bass hit in close to the surf they kill more bass than anyone else. I don't think I am hating on them bababooey its a fact. For anyone winning tourneys more power to them. I'm not against that. But I think hookset raised a fair question here. What can they possibly do with all those dead bass? If you catch a bunch of fish over 20 or 30 lbs that's a lot of meat. Where does it go?
I would like to see a public explanation somewhere of what they are doing with all the striper fillets. Not saying its wrong but it is more than a freezer full of fish they are catching. You can't just stock fillets in your back pantry like cans of string beans and corn. You have to keep them refrigerated somewhere. my .02
03-25-2014, 10:02 PM
haha i told u this dude is gay monty he wants to show you his meatBALLS!!!!!!haha lol!
Hey now Mr. or Mrs. name calling please!!! And besides only another gay guy would know where gay guys hang out too.
PS..I'll PM you for approval for my next screen name if I ever join another fishing website.
I see you've been a member since 2008. Two words for you **
Was bored. Anyone know when bucktail boy is putting in the water? Will he be bringing the widows and orphans with him this year? Dark you can delete this if you want no worries. I am usually catching lots o bass by now and bored out of my mind. What ever happened to those guys freezer burn and meat man. They were fun. Idiots, but still fun.
03-25-2014, 10:19 PM
That's interesting that someone is using the widows and orphans term. When we are otw during a slow bite we will get the radio calls from the guy who is only trying to get some fish for his kids, can anyone out there help. I call them the widows and orphans calls. You know half of them are bogus. They use the plea of finding fish for the kids as a ploy. One of the oldest tricks in the book.
04-21-2014, 09:56 PM
Well the meat runs have started. I am talking about the guys useing the bonus tags.
Todays catch
04-21-2014, 10:02 PM
bring on the meat
04-25-2014, 04:21 PM
The bunker are in the bay and catching is easy and guess who is back
04-25-2014, 06:07 PM
^^^^^It's a shame that a kid is so stupid when it comes to conservation. This is the future of the stripers finchaser. Might as well get ready for the moratorium with kids like that at the helm of daddys boat. Here is another meat guy. Just posted today. Its interesting that this capt in all his reports he brags about the bonus limits. I think that qualifies him as well as the fares as meat men, don't you agree?
04-25-2014, 06:13 PM
Some guy here posted this this morning in case any one wants to read it
Capt Al Ristori posted this today. I agree 100% -
"As expected, striped bass fishing broke open last weekend in Raritan Bay with clamming, trolling and live bunker fishing all producing lots of legal bass. Yet, as good as that fishing has been, it’s important to keep in mind that most of those large bass are females feeding up before spawning in the Hudson River next month.
It’s almost certain that any striper of 20 pounds or more is a female, and the future of local stocks is dependent on maintaining a strong spawning stock in the Hudson. If you’re going to bring home some fish, it’s better to keep the smaller males rather than round-bellied females so close to spawning."
04-26-2014, 09:59 AM
^^^^^It's a shame that a kid is so stupid when it comes to conservation. This is the future of the stripers finchaser. Might as well get ready for the moratorium with kids like that at the helm of daddys boat
Goes to show you that you can't fix stupid.:bucktooth:
04-26-2014, 02:45 PM
Sad part is many adults on the 3 sites he post the same sh_t look up to him like he's some kind of hero and as his dad says it's all good he's not breaking any laws
04-27-2014, 11:36 PM
meat galore. Capt ____ puts you on the meat! Nice pics of the meat! Its like the Village people came out to fish, unreal. Guess capt roman never heard of throwing a few back so they can spawn.:2flip:
Capt Al Ristori posted this today.
. It’s almost certain that any striper of 20 pounds or more is a female, and the future of local stocks is dependent on maintaining a strong spawning stock in the Hudson. If you’re going to bring home some fish, it’s better to keep the smaller males rather than round-bellied females so close to spawning."
04-28-2014, 08:31 AM
meat galore. Capt ____ puts you on the meat! Nice pics of the meat! Its like the Village people came out to fish, unreal.
Kind of like the players at the games who are always patting each other on the butts. Fanny pat? Why? You pat me on my butt and I'll crack you in your face. Some people are so desperate for attention thats the way they talk. My .02
04-28-2014, 10:00 AM
I don't understand why you can't keep just 2 fish. Is the bonus tag raally necessary to use. All that meat is probably going to go bad in someones freezer. Such a waste.
04-28-2014, 10:23 AM
some more meat guys
"limited out with bonus tags by 11:00. Managed 15 stripers and 1 - 18inch winter flounder. Biggest Striper weighing in at 19 lbs all averaging 34-37 inches."
So each of these dudes took home 3 bass. 34-37 inches are fish 14-19 pounds. That's about 7 pounds of fillets or more from each fish if they were all on the bigger side. Around 21 pounds for each guy to take home.
Way to bring home the meat, dudes. When there is no more meat left will you eat spam in a can?
04-28-2014, 01:09 PM
I heard there is an all out slaughter on stripers in Raritan Bay. I guess not too many of the big girls are getting thrown back. I found this pic on the net.
04-29-2014, 08:08 AM
:don't know why: I read a report on another forum where this kayak fisherman and his dad kept 2 bass each, total of 4, just to give them away at the beach to the surf fisherman who were not catching. I mean come on!!
04-29-2014, 08:11 AM
I heard there is an all out slaughter ......... I guess not too many of the big girls are getting thrown back. There should be a catch and release only regulation pre spawn. Maryland has that reg, why don't we?
04-29-2014, 09:48 AM
I heard there is an all out slaughter on stripers in Raritan Bay. I guess not too many of the big girls are getting thrown back. I found this pic on the net.
:don't know why: I read a report on another forum where this kayak fisherman and his dad kept 2 bass each, total of 4, just to give them away at the beach to the surf fisherman who were not catching. I mean come on!!
There should be a catch and release only regulation pre spawn. Maryland has that reg, why don't we?
rob I have seen a lot of kayakers come back with their limits. I'm not talking about 2 at 28". More like 2 at 42" and above. Especially those guys who launch from Monmouth beach during the bunker blitzes.. If you are keeping 2 fish over 25 lbs each time, that's a lot of meat and it should be questioned too. The kayakers should start getting their acts together. I read about a group called the kayak coastal conservation club, or kcc or something like that. It supposably fights for access. Well if you call yourself a conservation group you should put the word out that it is not cool for members and fellow kayakers to keep 2 20 lb fish each time they are in a blitz. Not cool and I agree with what you said about that guy in the red kayak. That is just stupid.
I agree they should make it c&r during the spawn. So many guys talk about the future of stripers but then keep 3 big ones every time. If we all keep 3 just because we can there will be no future.
04-29-2014, 09:55 AM
Here is another supreme meat man. I think his name is the cathy c out of seawaren. Capt Sal something or other. Can't stand this guy. My opinion he is such a tool. One of those know it alls who has epic fishing every time. Latest report they got fish to 36 lbs and all kept their limits. Fish 20 lbs and up All prime spawning fish that will never spawn again.
How much meat - can you eat?
"today was outstanding in Raritan Bay. Stated out drifting and live lining. Caught some real nice bass in twenty pound range. Lot of run offs and drops so we set the hook. Fish up to 36lbs with Rob Orzak Landing his personal best. Jim Curcio no relation had a 32 and two over 25lbs. The name of the boat is Shananagans out of Morgan "
04-29-2014, 10:03 AM
:don't know why: I read a report on another forum where this kayak fisherman and his dad kept 2 bass each, total of 4, just to give them away at the beach to the surf fisherman who were not catching. I mean come on!!
Lol gotta love it. The same line used by that kid johnny bucktails. "Whatever we can't use goes to the poor in the area" Give me a break. New Obama program coming out, johnny bucktails and the guy in the red hobie are now allowed super limits so they can feed the poor of the world. Unreal.:kooky:
04-29-2014, 11:28 AM
his name is the cathy c out of seawaren. Capt Sal something or other. One of those know it alls who has epic fishing every time. Latest report they got fish to 36 lbs and all kept their limits. Fish 20 lbs and up All prime spawning fish that will never spawn again.
How much meat - can you eat?
I know Capt Sal. He has a reputation for exaggerating. Take his reports with a grain of salt. His job to pack the boat. He has to talk the bite up to do that. You might want to cut him some slack for that part of the promoting. As for the keeping of big fish I don't usually keep fish that big they don't taste that good. He has to follow the wishes of his fares.
04-29-2014, 11:35 AM
Lol gotta love it. The same line used by that kid johnny bucktails. "Whatever we can't use goes to the poor in the area" Give me a break. New Obama program coming out, johnny bucktails and the guy in the red hobie are now allowed super limits so they can feed the poor of the world. Unreal.:kooky: I said something about this on the forum that I saw it on, and my comment was deleted......
04-29-2014, 11:59 AM
Must have been As_ Barn
J Barbosa
04-29-2014, 12:26 PM
Kayakers are no different from boaters or surf fisherman.
I've seen it all out there from guys catching and releasing 10-20+ fish in an outing to guys putting three fish in the box and heading for their car to go back out and get three more...
Unfortunately, post super storm Sandy kayaks have become really popular and some of the shore bound idiots have purchased them.
They also make the perfect fishing/trolling vessels for fishing the flats during the day and the fish tend to go suicidal for a 2-3 week period in the spring.
04-29-2014, 02:48 PM
His job to pack the boat. He has to talk the bite up to do that. You might want to cut him some slack for that part of the promoting. As for the keeping of big fish I don't usually keep fish that big they don't taste that good. He has to follow the wishes of his fares.
Well here is a capt who is not only following the wishes of his fares he is promoting "bonus limits" on every trip. Is it the fares who make him do it or is the capt culpable? After all he is using it as part of his marketing strategy. So he has to take some of the responsibility.
What do you guys think about that? Here is the report:
" Friday was pay back time Troy an his guys had a bonus limit in the box by 8:15. Friday afternoon's open boat crew easily put a bonus limit on ice also. Saturday John an his crew had a great trip by putting another bonus limit on ice .
Saturday afternoon was a tough one . We read lots of fish that would not bite.
We ended up only killing 7. "
04-29-2014, 03:02 PM
Check this out fish to mid 30 lbs lined up like cordwood. Raritan bay
04-29-2014, 03:21 PM
Must have been As_ Barn
No I got off that hack site last year. This was on sol and I like sol too.
04-29-2014, 09:35 PM
Well here is a capt who is not only following the wishes of his fares he is promoting "bonus limits" on every trip. Is it the fares who make him do it or is the capt culpable? After all he is using it as part of his marketing strategy. So he has to take some of the responsibility.
What do you guys think about that? Here is the report:
We ended up only killing 7. "
What do I think? that this guy is a real class act.
Poor baby - ONLY killed 7 fish. What an A**-munch.
05-01-2014, 01:30 PM
Sorry to pee on the cornflakes here. You guys must realize the business is changing. Not much interest in putting together a 6 pack striper charter nowadays with all the busy schedules. Many Capts are running open boats just to make ends meet. Say a Capt has 6 fares that don't know each other and he takes them out. They want full coolers. Who is he to deny them? Just my .02
05-02-2014, 02:13 AM
^^^^ Dude that is such a lame excuse. By that logic I should be able to sell crack to school kids because some of them really want me to sell it to them. Some of these capts need to grow the eff up and realize they are hammering these bass to no end. When there hardly any left and all the restrictions on seabass and fluke what will they fish for, dogfish? Effing tools.
05-02-2014, 11:37 AM
^^^^ Dude that is such a lame excuse. By that logic I should be able to sell crack to school kids because some of them really want me to sell it to them. Some of these capts need to grow the eff up and realize they are hammering these bass to no end. When there hardly any left and all the restrictions on seabass and fluke what will they fish for, dogfish? Effing tools.
what he said^^^ Especially that they are pre spawn fish they do not have to exercise bonus tags for the whole boat sometimes including them
05-03-2014, 08:38 PM
Well here is a capt who is not only following the wishes of his fares he is promoting "bonus limits" on every trip. Is it the fares who make him do it or is the capt culpable? After all he is using it as part of his marketing strategy. So he has to take some of the responsibility.
What do you guys think about that? Here is the report:
" Friday was pay back time Troy an his guys had a bonus limit in the box by 8:15. Friday afternoon's open boat crew easily put a bonus limit on ice also. Saturday John an his crew had a great trip by putting another bonus limit on ice .
Saturday afternoon was a tough one . We read lots of fish that would not bite.
We ended up only killing 7. "
what he said^^^ Especially that they are pre spawn fish they do not have to exercise bonus tags for the whole boat sometimes including them
Exactly. If a captain is advertising "limits +++ with bonus" for each trip that happens, that captain is using the bonus tag as a marketing tool. He may not be saying it specifically but hes implying "Hey come on our boat we will get you more meat than the other boats and we will fill your bonus tags every time". Then the captains when questioned about it say "oh well we are doing what the law allows. If you don't like it change the law."
B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T :2flip:
The latest load of meat from papas angels. If you ask my opinion they are a load of ****. 6 man charter 18 fish to 25 lbs. yep get em now while you can before they are all dead.
05-03-2014, 08:56 PM
It's only a matter of time before the li head boats will be in on the action too. Things have been a little slow in the ocean guess the bass have not turned on yet. If it doesn't happen soon you can expect to see captree pride down there. Only 6 guys and all those bass? 25lbs? What greedy pigs!
05-04-2014, 05:41 PM
I keep and eat a lot of fish. With that being said I don't keep bonus fish. There is no need. If you want another one just go out and get one. Some of these chater capts make me sick. I would never book any of the names mentioned here.
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