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View Full Version : Feedback on Paula Dean

06-29-2013, 08:06 PM
She was a bank teller 30 years ago. Her station got robbed by a black guy. In her statement she used a racist term about the guy. Hell, she was scared and mad, and the robber threatened her life.
Now, 30 years later sponsors are dropping her. She had to apologize. The talking heads on the talk shows are criticizing her saying her apology was not sincere enough. This was for something that happened 30 years ago. And her life was threatened at the time by a gun weilding thug.

What is wrong with this country? Have we gone too far in fear of offending different races?

06-29-2013, 08:59 PM
I think its a huge over reaction. Like you said, she said something she should not have a long time ago when she was very emotional.
As for whats wrong with this country, turn on the news, its all embellished to get viewers, exploitation, I believe a large part of our work force is employed to take advantage, trick, screw fellow Americans to separate them from their money. Lots of people feel good seeing others lives fall apart. And on and on and on...
In Paula's case the vultures jumped on her and won't stop until she they exhaust the story and her career is wrecked.
I am against all forms of racism, extremely against it, but where did common sense go in this country? Its almost non-existent in every facet of life in this country.

06-29-2013, 11:04 PM
total BS

07-01-2013, 01:00 PM
Much ado about nothing. That was 30 years ago and a gun was being stuck to her head at the time. You or I might react the same if we had the same gun to our head threatening our lives. Jmo but our TV talk shows are populated by talking head liberals who wouldn't have a clue to make money in life if their folks did not pay for their Harvard education. Especially Fox news.