View Full Version : I found it!

07-26-2013, 05:39 AM
I really want to use flies with spinning gear. I have been trying a few different methods. I have been using a Carolina rig with different weights, which with my 9 footer casts a mile in the surf. But for a floating set up I can't get that far even with the weighted popping bobbers. The bulk decreases the distance. Well I came across these today. Going to get the 2oz and see how it goes. http://www.saltwaterplugs.com/casting%20eggs.htm

07-26-2013, 11:10 AM
Do a search here, I did a whole how to use them with pictures

07-26-2013, 12:54 PM
The only thing I could find was your reply to a guy who posted a pic of yellow casting eggs. Dang it!

07-26-2013, 02:15 PM

07-26-2013, 02:58 PM
Thanks to finchaser for that great thread....it really helps to walk you through what to do, how to present, and (hopefully) catch with that method....:thumbsup:

Rob, I also have some rigs that you can drag on the bottom with a fly or red tube attached....I will post pics by 5pm today here....let me know if you like them and I'll send you some to try.....:HappyWave:

Edit....here's the pic, Rob,,,it's a streamlined weight with leader and hardware attached.

An old-achool way of catching fish when they are sluggish or not feeding aggressively...
You cast out, hop or drag the weight on the bottom, and the teaser, red tube, or whatever else swims about 12" off the bottom just like a sandeel or small baitfish...PM me if ya want some and I'll send em to ya! :HappyWave:


07-26-2013, 03:00 PM
Fin- yup that's the one I saw. I apologize. I thought you started a how to thread on it and that was what I was looking for. I found some information (which I am sure is old hat with you guys) about Jerry Sylvester using the eggs in the 50's. I saw some pics of his flaptail plugs. pretty cool stuff.

Thanks for taking the time to search and post it.

07-26-2013, 03:20 PM
Thanks to finchaser for that great thread....it really helps to walk you through what to do, how to present, and (hopefully) catch with that method....:thumbsup:

Rob, I also have some rigs that you can drag on the bottom with a fly or red tube attached....I will post pics by 5pm today here....let me know if you like them and I'll send you some to try.....:HappyWave:

Cool! I appreciate it.

07-28-2013, 11:51 AM
Ask Finchaser- Mr Finchaser- this is more along the lines of what I was thinking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CccR3U06iYw to use something like this plug (as opposed to a casting egg)but instead of a rear hook have my leader tied to it- the side to side motion of the plug would give the fly that is towed behind action. If a fish would hit the plug you got a treble hanging to hook em and if one hits the fly- seems like a win win to me. Do you think the fly would get too fouled up on the cast? I did try this method with a plastic swim bait but it did not have enough weight. A good friend gave me some plugs to use, but since they are his I don't want to take them apart. Thoughts? thanks for your answers.

07-28-2013, 12:33 PM
1)First of all Big Rock is promoting his big wood for when bunker are around 2) A plug that size requires a meat stick to cast 3) A leader off the plug would ruin action of the plug and really cut down on the cast 4) A Casting egg doesn't tumble and is more aero dynamic than a metal lip and would out cast it especially utilizing the nail in it designed to hang offering on the cast 5) You are trying to emulate cinder worms, grass shrimp or small bait with a fly not bunker 6) If plug did swim it would take away from fly and in most cases be too big an offering for what you pursue 6) You will more than likely be in the back not out front 7) If you want to use a monster plug put a teaser in front of it. 8) I have always seen larger bait chase smaller bait never tow it. 9) I have also had great luck with a 1/4,3/8 and 1/2 ounce bucktails behind the egg (which would kill the action of a metal lip swimmer) for weak fish and fluke in the surf. 10) The egg is popped to draw attention to the fly the plug can't do that. So as you can see I would never do it, but different strokes for different folks. Hope this helps you.

07-28-2013, 01:43 PM
Great explanation finchaser thanks for sharing.

07-28-2013, 03:36 PM
Thanks Finchaser- I appreciate your wisdom! I just have never been a color inside the lines kind of person- so my mind is always thinking of different ways to do things. Thanks for saving me the time to cancel out some of them.

07-28-2013, 03:38 PM
Rob, I also have some rigs that you can drag on the bottom with a fly or red tube attached....

Edit....here's the pic, Rob,,,it's a streamlined weight with leader and hardware attached.

An old-achool way of catching fish when they are sluggish or not feeding aggressively...
You cast out, hop or drag the weight on the bottom, and the teaser, red tube, or whatever else swims about 12" off the bottom just like a sandeel or small baitfish...PM me if ya want some and I'll send em to ya! :HappyWave:

17286 Thanks DS- I have some of those. I tried using them but I made my own Carolina type rigs that allow the slinker to slide. The sliding sinker seems to foul a lot less than the fixed trolling sinker. I appreciate the offer though. Thank you!

07-28-2013, 07:08 PM
Thanks DS- I have some of those. I tried using them but I made my own Carolina type rigs that allow the slinker to slide. The sliding sinker seems to foul a lot less than the fixed trolling sinker. I appreciate the offer though. Thank you!They do foul unless you get the good bead chain ones and always remove the cheap clips on the ones pictured above tie on a 3foot leader and a redgill with a 3/0 hook and drag along the bottom in a northeaster using 2 to 3 ounce trolling weight we have been doing that for over 25 years. By the way just a heads up the sand destroys flys and turns white ones brown to almost black.

07-30-2013, 03:01 PM
My wife picked me up a $0.99 wooden egg from the craft store. I made my own casting egg- it can be a spare. 17289 side by side comparison. $8.99 vs $0.99.

07-30-2013, 03:52 PM
side by side comparison. $8.99 vs $0.99.

Nice job rob. Nothing wrong with being thrifty. Looks the same to me. All you have to do is drill and through wire. You can put screw eyes in for smaller fish to start, but if you are going to get into it seriously I would through wire them. Be sure to let us know what it looks like when you're finished. Lots of small bait around now those things should present the flys well.

07-30-2013, 05:40 PM
Thanks BassBuddah- I need to get some tools for through wire- should be the same stuf for plugs. Right now I just put 100# mono through it with beads and swivels. As I get more knowledge I will start learning how to do the through wire. Actually my plan is to build my own and make them more cigar shaped.

07-30-2013, 10:07 PM
What's the weight?
reach out to Speedy he made me a few nice ones. Cigar shaped don't weigh enough or cast as well and can't be seen from a distance tried them years ago when Billy McFadden made some when he turned plugs. They are usually painted yellow, chartreuse or orange like the Styrofoam ones they use down south for redfish and sea trout so you can see it very important when targeting surface feeding fish. If you use screw eyes make sure they are stainless and epoxied in

07-31-2013, 03:42 AM
What's the weight?
reach out to Speedy he made me a few nice ones. Cigar shaped don't weigh enough or cast as well and can't be seen from a distance tried them years ago when Billy McFadden made some when he turned plugs. They are usually painted yellow, chartreuse or orange like the Styrofoam ones they use down south for redfish and sea trout so you can see it very important when targeting surface feeding fish. If you use screw eyes make sure they are stainless and epoxied in

the egg feels about 1-1/2 oz. I though the color was for visibility- I will give the eggs a try this weekend. Thanks for all the feedback!

07-31-2013, 07:58 AM
Color is for visibility

08-24-2013, 12:38 PM
Very informative thread guys. For those of you who have had success do you feel they are better for fishing in calm water or rough water. How about rough surf I would think they would lose some effectiveness any other opinions?

08-24-2013, 12:50 PM
I have had better luck with them fishing near structure in the back when bass are popping on grass shrimp or rainfish. You need a good current flow to keep it moving. I don't have confidence in them for rough surf. Would depend on the bait available though. If its rough and there is a lot of spearing or rainfish making there way along the surf line they could be a good choice. There is a video someone posted here of guys fishing rhody in rough surf with the eggs and nailing small bass. It's definitely do-able. I would rather fish them in the back, though. jmo