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View Full Version : Community water fluoridation in the United States

09-01-2013, 09:49 PM
I think people are loosing their minds. Lots of people.
Getting stupider, illogical.
I found this.
Not that this is THE reason, but WT*?


Israel's Supreme Court has ruled that water fluoridation in the country must end by 2014, according to news reports. This landmark decision goes even further than legislation by the health minister Yael German earlier in the year that would have ended mandatory fluoridation nationwide, reports the Irish publication Hot Press.

Israel is one of the few countries that widely fluoridates, besides the United States, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia. Fluoridation, the addition of fluoride to public drinking water supplies to reduce cavities, is the subject of intense controversy, especially outside of the United States. But opposition to the practice, on the grounds that fluoride has adverse effects on the thyroid, brain and bones, and is an unethical form of mass-medication, appears to be growing.

Israel's decision to ban fluoridation follows a vote to preclude the practice in Portland, Ore., and Wichita, Kan. It was also recently overturned in Hamilton, the fourth most populous city in New Zealand.

09-02-2013, 11:49 AM
, the addition of fluoride to public drinking water supplies to reduce cavities, is the subject of intense controversy, especially outside of the United States. But opposition to the practice, on the grounds that fluoride has adverse effects on the thyroid, brain and bones, and is an unethical form of mass-medication, appears to be growing.

Israel's decision to ban fluoridation follows a vote to preclude the practice in Portland, Ore., and Wichita, Kan. It was also recently overturned in Hamilton, the fourth most populous city in New Zealand.

Not sure how much I know about this monty. Read some of the link and it said flouridation can lead to cracked bones in older people. Maybe we shouldn't have mass flouoridation. Where do you stand on it?

09-02-2013, 02:32 PM
Not sure how much I know about this monty. Read some of the link and it said flouridation can lead to cracked bones in older people. Maybe we shouldn't have mass flouoridation. Where do you stand on it?

There should not be fluoride in our drinking water.
Its irresponsible of our government especially now a days.
I definitely think there are things out there making people stupid and crazy.
Cell phones, this fluoride thing, I don't know what it is but people are stupider and crazier than I ever remember.

09-02-2013, 04:45 PM
We shouln't have half the laws we have here either monty. Red light cameras, 25mph speed traps on semi-highways. all the stuff like that. Designed not for safety but to produce revenue for the town. I agree. Some of the new laws they come out give me the impression our government thinks the bulk of its citizens need babysitters. Whatever happened to talking individual responsibility for our actions.

09-02-2013, 06:36 PM
We shouln't have half the laws we have here either monty. Red light cameras, 25mph speed traps on semi-highways. all the stuff like that. Designed not for safety but to produce revenue for the town. I agree. Some of the new laws they come out give me the impression our government thinks the bulk of its citizens need babysitters. Whatever happened to taking individual responsibility for our actions.
I agree but don't think its the baby sitter thing, more like laws to take the money we earned, create revenue by laws that really are not needed.
Whatever happened to taking individual responsibility for our actions Hell yes, what happened to that?

09-02-2013, 07:10 PM
^^^ I think taking individual responsibility may have ended in the 1950's. Seems to be cemented in the generation around that time. Before I was born though so I can't attest to it either way.