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View Full Version : visiting the canal from jersey

09-13-2013, 09:02 AM
I know you guys don't want no jersey boys up that way, but I was thinking of making a trip to the canal for stripers this fall. Is there any particular time I should aim for? thanks. Rob

09-13-2013, 04:30 PM
rob they are catching bass now but it is typical early season hype. Very crowded and not much real sustained activity. There are a lot of guys up here chasing yesterdays reports and fish. The weekend crowds are already horrendus and not many numbers are being caught by those crowds.

If you want the best experience you should plan around a mon or tues, or thur-fri. Less chance of getting tangled lines because they read a report somewhere that bass are being caught. And learn to jig rubber and bucktails as the biggest bass are taken deep in the night using these rather than plugging. Also live eels are killer. To do that you have to know the tides. The next full moon on the 19th should be ok. If you can't make it up then try the middle of october on that full moon. Hope this helps,

09-13-2013, 05:14 PM
Thanks Charlie Tuna I appreciate it. I am trying to talk my buddy into going. Next month around the 19th would work for me- I will see what happens.

09-14-2013, 07:50 AM
All season the fishing seems to be off by about 1-2 weeks. Do an online search for results of past years, and then add the extra time in. Like Charlie said they are catching but not with regularity yet. My logs for last year say the first week of Sept things started up pretty steadily where I like to fish. Good luck

09-14-2013, 03:21 PM
thanks dogfish- appreciate it!