View Full Version : New or favorite artifical for 2013

12-30-2013, 01:01 PM
Did you have a favorite plug or other artificial for 2013?
Something new that caught fish, or something that you used that was reliable this past year or a plug that you enjoyed throwing more.

One of the plugs I got hooked on(not physically) was a Floating Needle.
It caught bigger Blues than other plugs and the explosions on the plug were great fun.
This was the first year I used this type of plug.


J Barbosa
12-30-2013, 04:15 PM
I love fishing with soft plastics! It's practically all I throw when the bluefish aren't around.

4-7" swim shads are my favorite. I use both pre-rigged with the internal weights and the soft bodies on a jig head.

My top producer this fall number wise has to be the 4" Tsunami shad.

Also worth mentioning the 6" slug-go, fin-s, jerk shads, and old fashioned curly tails on a light jig head.

http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3813/10567599353_b423d5d169_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/94721242@N02/10567599353/)
18lb fish this fall with a 6" (maybe 7"?) Tsunami shad.