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View Full Version : Salmon River Pulaski NY Steelhead Drift Boat Guide Spin Fly Fishing Report Update

Randy Jones
02-02-2014, 04:09 AM
Jan. 25 Salmon River Pulaski NY Steelhead Drift Boat Guide Spin Fly Fishing Report Update:
Fresh steelhead and old'r steelhead abound on the Salmon River NY. Steelhead are top to bottom of the Salmon River. 93% are hold'n in the Winter lyes. The other 7% are in a transitional state.
For your BEST opportunities, fish where most of the fish are compressed and concentrated for this water flow.
I wouldn't leave out hitting some of your favorite and most productive transitional holding spot's either, while we havesome steelhead in a transitional stage that have entered the riverrecently with this higher water flow.
This iswhat has worked the best for my guest's during the Winter time.
Expect the water to drop further with no rain, no above freezing temp's. or run-off forecasted in the near future.)
Pulaski NY 7 Day Weather Forecast
Looks like some snow, wind and cold temp's in the forecast? How unusual - yukyuk
(For all Photo's, Please visit my Profile to Fishing Report link)
(Photo - Hot Chick Fishing!)
Now back to our regularly scheduled programing.............
Last week Mark fished 2 spots for some fresh chromes. He played w/ a couple older steelhead and found 2 bright fresh steelhead that had just recently arrived due to our last high water period. (As predicted and forecast - such a nice guide)
Played w/ 7-8 total for the day with our biggest landed steelhead weighing in @ 10 lb's. bright Silver Freshie! WOW! What a fight! Before you could blink an eye it was 100 feet into our backing off the fly rod.
Didn't think we would be able to pull it back againstthe current in 1,800 cfs, but we did. Congrats Mark! (All fish released)
It's funny how these exciting steelhead can make you do funny things? Mark is hooked up to a reeeeel burner. He was sooooo excited he backed up 20 feet into the woods with his rod bent and his reeeel drag singing the fishermans national anthem. He was surrounded by trees and bush's?
I excitedly "politely" asked him to come back to the bank to help in fighting and landing his steelhead. Which we did!
I chucked to myself and remembered my first fish here on the Slam'n Salmon River. It's funny who these fish will do that to you.
As Usual
Last trip we spent the first hour of the morning learning how to run a proper 100% drift, as usual. No fish were caught during this time period as we had to get thru the ollearning curve first, as usual.
Fish were there, as usual. BUT we wouldn't have a chance in playing with any until we achieved our presentational goals, as usual.
After the first hour, after my last presentationaltip, which they both implemented successfully - ALL HELL Broke Lose w/ one after the other!! We hit 8 steelhead and landed 3, in 1 - 2hr. period! WOW!!
Fished a coupl'a other spots, I accidentally hooked one up ;) while checking the drift out. Nothing after that, looked at my watch, time to hit the ramp. My professional goals were all met, my clients goals were all easily met, jus another day @ the office :) Randy
(P.S. One fish was kept for the dinner table and allothers released)
Unique amazing colorful Steelhead Photo! I've never seen one like that before.
Viewed @ - Im not posting links to my social media pagesas these report's are going all over the net and on some website's (whereIm NOT a paid advertiser) they dont want them, which I tottally understandand can appreciate!
Do salmon find their way back home through scents? There's a way to find out!
Marcus Welker is a 4th year PhD student at DartmouthCollege studying salmon migration in the Northeast United Statesand southern Quebec, Canada.
His hypotheses and methods are both surprising and fascinating ? check out his interview @ - Im not posting links to my social media pages as these report's are goingall over the net and on some website's (where Im NOT a paid advertiser) theydont want them, which I tottally understand and can appreciate!
Todays Dumb Guide Humor:
Today my guest's laughingly suggested that we should call the sweet spot in the run, Randy's G Spot. Today we reached maximum pleasure by fishing some of the finest, most enjoyable, exciting Gspots on the river.
The only trouble we had was finding it. (I know, pretty lame :)
Today's Mail Bag:
Hello, Your site has been just about the onlything keeping me sane over the past 9 months. Missed the salmonand early runs of steelhead, but it looks like I'll be back in thestates around the middle of Feb, providing things don't go too sourdown ---------. My buddy and I, Knowles, are looking to hook upduring the end of Feb. until the end, so what have you got open? If youcould provide me a schedule it would be greatly appreciated. Later. LAV
Turns out there are a few military anglers checking my reports from far away! I'm very flattered and hope what I've written has helped you day dream a lil!
I had a lot of 2's yesterday while fishing on the river, 0 for 2 I was, it was 2 cold, 2 wet (baptized myself in 10 degree weather) and 2 hard to walk cause everything was Ice. Still , Beat the hell out of work. May all your flies get bitten!
Hi John, Thanks for the chuckle, you've made the web site again!! Maybe I should just ask you to write them for me! Congrats! Randy
An old photo from the archives I ran across. Can't remember where, when, but its a big steelhead from this river. You can tell its big by looking at my left hand and the gap between my thumb andfingers on the tail.
Winter Spin Tip for the Day:
When spin fishing in the winter time, being able tosee your line while on your drift and using a mono that is soft becomes critical. Having these two advantages well increase your catch rate.
1. Being able to see you line:
Since overcast, dark days are the norm on the riverduring the Winter time. A clear mono is hard to follow. A brightermono will help you visually detect the pauses and hesitations ofthose light biters or snags.
2. Using a soft mono:
A stiff mono is almost impossible to use during thewinter time because it maintains to much memory. Coils, knots andtangles are the result and when it's cold, it's no fun to be untanglingknots instead of fishing. It's imperative to find a good soft mono forwinter Steelhead fishing with a spin rod.
The mono I use and am very happy with is Ande EnvoyPremium Mono . It is pre tested to assure it won't "over test"its IGFA weight class. It is common knowledge that most folks whoare going for a IGFA record on mono use Ande. It is specifically formulatedto be softer and has super knot strength.
My guest's and I have enjoyed using the "Envy Green"Ande for many years.
My guests can see it easily on the worst days. Goodfor low light. If fishing around other anglers in a popular spot,they can see it too. This cuts down on a lot of tangles created whenthey cast over your line or when you have a fish on, they can easilysee where your fish is at.
This normally happens when they can not see your line or are not paying attention. We were all new once. :)
By using a softer mono in the winter time and taking advantage of the visual aspects of a brighter line in the winter time. It will give you many of the advantages needed to consistently increase your productivity. (jus my opionion)

Randy Jones
02-02-2014, 04:10 AM
When your an Author of a popular, unique, content rich website, there is a LOT of white space that needs to be filled
Check out some more fun, entertaining, educational and humorous qaulity content I found for you to enjoy!
Ultimate Fishing Fail Compilation 2014
Warning for the kids, some foul language.Can't say I blam'm for cus'n - yukyuk
The life of Juan. Starring in Taken - Click on the second picture down.
Safety related to Wading Video's:
Please take 5 minutes out of your busy schedule and review these professionally done videos on everything related to fishing - safely wading the Salmon River NY and surrounding water's. Your life, your friends life or even your children's life could depend on a review of this content.
Some anglers may have been able to survive, had theyviewed this. I even learned a few new tricks!
http://dryflyguy.com/wading-safely/ (http://dryflyguy.com/wading-safely/)
Added Safe Wading Tips:
1. Turn Around!!! No fish is worth it!!!!!
2. Know your water and structure better than you know the inside of your pocket. This includes knowing exactly what the water level is, forecasted and any possible run-off that might mean a return trip later in the day may not be possible.
On a lighter note - Pro Tips: How to Become a Fly-Fishing Guide
I laughed my butt off when I read this paragraph.
The one thing that most prospective guides fail to realize is that “guiding” doesn’t mean “fishing.” When you take apaying customer out on the water, you are expected to be an instructor, a cheerleader, and—in some cases—a babysitter. The worst-case scenario requires you to choose the fly, tie all the necessary knots, teach the client how to cast, point to where the fish are, and then stand there while the client proceeds to do everything wrong. In some cases, the clientwill blame you for his ineptitude, and you’ll just have to smile andnod.
How to properly release a salmon or steelhead, here on the Salmon River NY:
Are you guilty of improper fish handling?
Winter’s Pale Face - Nice relaxing Winter fishing video to enjoy while your drinking your morn'ns coffee and waking up.
This video trailer speaks for itself
Salmon River fishing museum hosts first in a series of monthly, open houses
This may have been Walt's first attempt at a steelhead music video back in 09? Walt Foster Guides out West inPark City, UT. This video is from here. Turn the volume up!Loved it! Great job Walt!! (Spot Burner - yukyuk)

Randy Jones
02-02-2014, 04:14 AM
Todays Humorous FISH TAILS
The funniest moment of the day came when Glenn was doing battle with a King. I jumped to my feet, ran down stream and pounced on it with the net. Scooped it up, proud as a peacock andnoticed Glen's rod bent over and he was still tight to his fish. (SoHE said) When I asked repeatedly, if he was sure he still had one on,he responded with an excited YES several times over! So the Salmon Ihad in the net was set free. We walked over to where his line entered thewater (where I had netted his fish) and stared dumb founded into 6 inch'sof water, void of anything alive. Turns out his line had wrapped arounda rock and when I netted his fish the hook pulled loose and imbedded intoa rock. So Glenn was battling a rock. :)
Randy, If it's one thing you should have learnedfrom our day on the river, it's that you should make sure to pointout to your clients that although from a distance a rock and a Salmon may look alike. There are no similarities up close and they should be100% sure before they tell you to release their netted fish! LOL!!!!! Take Care, Glenn
Dave with 1 of many Steelhead. Congrats! (All released)
Congrats go out to Dave who fought and released a magnificent, beautiful sucker of 3 lb.! Dave was very proud, as hecaught it on one of his own flies!
Dave and I had a fabulous day on the river. Sunny, lots of laughs and fish and more fish. We used the drift boat to drift the middle river. We hit fish in 5 out of 7 spots. Dave was nice enough to invite me to fish with him so we were a combined 2 for 10. The higher water made it a little tuff to land them. We watched in amazement as several of the silver fish jumped and gave us a number of reeeeeeeel smok'n run's. Dave hooked into one fish and as it jumped our jawscame close to hitting the bottom of the boat. It was all of 16 lb's,maybe a lil more. We decided to leave the spot we had just anchoredin, to give chase with the boat. I call this a Nantucket Sleigh ride.This would improve the odds of us landing this trophy fish of a lifetime. After a 5 minute tug of war and a boat load of adrenaline running up our spines this honk'a of a fish neared the boat. Dave pulled up onthe rod as I went to net it, but it would have none of that and took offlike a bullet and the line broke. We anchored, caught are breath and laughed so loud you could probably of heard us a mile off. What a fight, what an incredible, incredible, magnificent fish! "The Salmon River, wherememories are made"
More "Fish Tails" coming thru out the season, so please stop back.
Countless people have been guided by me and most have gone on to live normal lives.
Be careful out there or YOU could be the next "Fish Tale". (The above fish tales were written and told with a smile and in fun)
Guide Slush Tip- Planning your fishing dayaround it:
Since it's slushytime again, I'm reposting this from a previousone. If you missed it and are fishing here anytime soon, just might help!
No it's not the stuff you put in a cone and eat but rather a winter occurrence that causes certain area's ofthe river to be unfishable.
Knowing current water -air temp. current water and future water flow level's, tonight's predicted lows with tomorrow's highs will help you decide where to begin your day of fishing.
Water temps. are 34 deg. up top and the flow is 285 cfs. Evening lows are swinging around 5 deg. and daytime highs are around 32 deg. (No heavy snow is forecast) The Key here isthe nighttime low. Normally if the low is below 20 deg. you willhave slush from Pineville down. If the low is only 20 deg. then youmay not have any slush the entire length of the river.
When slush is present at these air temp's then normally by 10-11 A.M. the lower part of the river will clear out and make fishing possible. If you're ever not sure, than do what I sometimes do and go to the short bridge in town and have a look for yourself, before planning your day. If air temp's do not rise above 20 for the daytime high then you may have slush down river all day.
If I'm planning to start my fishing at dawn, then I'll start up top. And then later possibly move down river once the slush has had a chance to clear. If certain areas of the river are slushed up and you are the first to arrive after it has cleared than the chances of hooking-up are good. You will be the first angler fishing to fresh fish that have not been disturbed or pressured.
This same condition occurs on the smaller creeks around the Salmon River in early-late winter. Many an early A.M. trip North has ended with a return trip when slush was not considered. I will always check air temp's the day before I plan fishing thecreeks. Often, I will arrive at 10 A.M. and fish while the last balanceof slush is clearing and getting first shot at the prime spots. Fish-on!
Anywaaaaays, thats my story for todayand Im sticking with it.
No fish were hurt in the writing of this report.
Im a trained professional, so please do not try this at home ;)
Now get back to work before the boss catch's you on here. (Unless of course, you ARE the boss, then stay as long as you want)
Hello to all the armed forces that read my reports from around the world. We will save a few fish for you all appon your safe return. Thanks for your service!
Thats it for this week's Rambling's...... I think I covered all the important stuff.
May all your door knobs smell of "Happy New Year" Steelhead!
Thank you all for your words of encouragement, kind words and continued support. Ill continue to do my best in sharing what I've learned through experience, experimentation, borrowed ideas and taught techniques.
Stay tuned for more entertainingly informative and mildly educational reports and articles on this never-ending virtual fishing trip with your host Randy "The Yankee Angler" and friends.
I sincerely hope that what little I've been able to share with you will help you along the path to more enjoyable, safe and knowledgeable fishing.
Thanks for stopping in and spending your valuable internet fishing time here :)
Hope your all enjoying this great fishing!
The Steelhead fishing of your dreams...... ............ we'll make it reeeeeeeeeeeeeel.
Author Randy Jones
-#guidepulaski #guidepulaskiny #fishingreportny #fishingreportpulaski #fishingreportsalmonriver #salmon #guide #fly #driftboat #fishingguides #fishpulaski #fishsalmonriver#fishny #fishsteelhead #flyfish #fishreport #fishpulaskiny

02-02-2014, 05:53 PM
Countless people have been guided by me and most have gone on to live normal lives.
Be careful out there or YOU could be the next "Fish Tale". (The above fish tales were written and told with a smile and in fun)

Guide Slush Tip- Planning your fishing dayaround it:
Since it's slushytime again, I'm reposting this from a previousone. If you missed it and are fishing here anytime soon, just might help!
No it's not the stuff you put in a cone and eat but rather a winter occurrence that causes certain area's ofthe river to be unfishable.
Knowing current water -air temp. current water and future water flow level's, tonight's predicted lows with tomorrow's highs will help you decide where to begin your day of fishing.
Water temps. are 34 deg. up top and the flow is 285 cfs. Evening lows are swinging around 5 deg. and daytime highs are around 32 deg. (No heavy snow is forecast) The Key here isthe nighttime low. Normally if the low is below 20 deg. you willhave slush from Pineville down. If the low is only 20 deg. then youmay not have any slush the entire length of the river.
When slush is present at these air temp's then normally by 10-11 A.M. the lower part of the river will clear out and make fishing possible. If you're ever not sure, than do what I sometimes do and go to the short bridge in town and have a look for yourself, before planning your day. If air temp's do not rise above 20 for the daytime high then you may have slush down river all day.
If I'm planning to start my fishing at dawn, then I'll start up top. And then later possibly move down river once the slush has had a chance to clear. If certain areas of the river are slushed up and you are the first to arrive after it has cleared than the chances of hooking-up are good. You will be the first angler fishing to fresh fish that have not been disturbed or pressured.

Countless people have been guided by me and most have gone on to live normal lives

lol! Thanks for the reports enjoy reading them. So according to your expertise its better to sometimes wait till the afternoon till the slush clears out or search further upriver? thanks

Randy Jones
02-03-2014, 03:17 AM
Usually by afternoon the slush will be clear, providing not to cold.
Sometimes anchor and shelf ice then become an issuue.
If slush, anchor ice is present, then keep moving up river until slush free.
Best Fish's,

02-03-2014, 09:20 AM
You are a wealth of information, Randy....Thank you for sharing your years of experience and unique outlook on life with our members here. :thumbsup: :HappyWave:

02-03-2014, 12:13 PM
As Usual -Last trip we spent the first hour of the morning learning how to run a proper 100% drift, as usual. No fish were caught during this time period as we had to get thru the ollearning curve first, as usual.
Fish were there, as usual. BUT we wouldn't have a chance in playing with any until we achieved our presentational goals, as usual.
After the first hour, after my last presentationaltip, which they both implemented successfully - ALL HELL Broke Lose w/ one after the other!! We hit 8 steelhead and landed 3, in 1 - 2hr. period! WOW!!
Fished a coupl'a other spots, I accidentally hooked one up ;) while checking the drift out. Nothing after that, looked at my watch, time to hit the ramp. My professional goals were all met, my clients goals were all easily met, jus another day @ the office :) Randy
(P.S. One fish was kept for the dinner table and allothers released)

Interesting read. I find it cool that even though you are a pro guide you are learning something new every time. Thanks for sharing look forward to your reports.

Randy Jones
02-04-2014, 11:10 AM
Your all very welcome!
Boy, and here I thought you would all yell @ me for my mile looooong reports - yukyuk

02-04-2014, 09:13 PM
Your all very welcome!
Boy, and here I thought you would all yell @ me for my mile looooong reports - yukyuk

Obviously you have never seen any of darkskies fishing reports or rants on fisheries management. Some of them are so long they make war and peace look like a short story lol. Keep em coming randy have not been out much and like to see there are still some fish to be caught. Went to your website and some of those steelhead are huge.

02-04-2014, 10:12 PM
Obviously you have never seen any of darkskies fishing reports or rants on fisheries management. Some of them are so long they make war and peace look like a short story lol.

:clapping: :clapping: True dat! Thanks for the stories and pics may your guiding career go on as long as you are able.

02-05-2014, 07:46 AM
^ I get no respect around here. :moon:
Pay no attention to these wise guys, Randy. I know a lot of us enjoy your reports. I noticed since you started posting you have tried to break some of them down into more than one post. I had to learn the same thing. As mentioned, the length of our posts is sometimes similar. :HappyWave:

02-06-2014, 04:05 AM
Nice pics and report Capt keep em coming.