View Full Version : Bluefish 2014
02-28-2014, 08:52 PM
Any thoughts on when they will show in 2014?
Last year I caught my first blue May 5th, was bayside.
03-01-2014, 01:39 AM
Cold winter, migration coming from the east. No reason to come inshore until the water warms up. They usually show up april 14 or before. This year if the weather stays cold id say they be here full force april 20. just a guess
03-01-2014, 11:18 AM
We get the big skinny racers in the sound around the first of May. They come in following the bunker. Hoping that holds trye for 2014.
03-01-2014, 11:35 AM
love those early racers all head and no body. All good fun
03-01-2014, 01:03 PM
My guess 3rd week of april for the bays first week of may for the ocean. Come on spring!
03-02-2014, 04:01 AM
in my parts they normally show up the week of memorial day,will see if the extra cold water delays them showing their faces.
03-02-2014, 09:34 AM
Bluefish hit Island Beach last year about the third week in april. Hoping for a repeat of that this year with some bigger ones.
04-08-2014, 05:38 PM
Bluefish hit Island Beach last year about the third week in april. Hoping for a repeat of that this year with some bigger ones.
do you think they will be on a similar time frame this year? or will the cold set it back?
04-10-2014, 02:13 PM
I was wondering the same thing does anyone want to guess? Last year I was catching blues in may. I think they have come in a lot sooner than that tho.
04-10-2014, 06:51 PM
They will show up in Keyport on April 19 at exactly 4:20 pm.;)
04-10-2014, 08:18 PM
They will show up in Keyport on April 19 at exactly 4:20 pm.;)
Whats your crystal ball say on when they will hit Long Island Beaches?
04-11-2014, 07:19 AM
If your lucky mid May if they come in this year,very limited and small fish last year.I do have a spot backside further east then you plan to go if it picks up this year I'll bring the camper out there and save the drive home if that works for you.
04-11-2014, 07:51 PM
Whats your crystal ball say on when they will hit Long Island Beaches?
I cant say I don't fish long island. I think when you do you have to start talking like a new yawwwwwker!:HappyWave:
04-17-2014, 02:45 PM
The OGB reported that 3-5# bluefish were caught in the Barnegat Bay. StorminSteve..... ya might be close in your prediction. :HappyWave:
04-19-2014, 07:23 PM
Thanks for the report can't wait till they they hit the RB!
04-20-2014, 02:47 PM
A year ago today, I had my first blue April 20th Im guessing closer to the 29th this year maybe
04-22-2014, 11:13 PM
^^^^^^ Maybe closer than that sharkhart. They were caught in the Barnegat bay already. I'm changing my original prediction. I got $5 that says they show up in the Raritan bay within the next 3 days. Anyone want in on that bet? I can't wait to nail some racers:lookhappy:
J Barbosa
04-23-2014, 12:11 AM
^^^^^^ Maybe closer than that sharkhart. They were caught in the Barnegat bay already. I'm changing my original prediction. I got $5 that says they show up in the Raritan bay within the next 3 days. Anyone want in on that bet? I can't wait to nail some racers:lookhappy:
I'll take that bet...if your right I'll mail you five surf candy teasers.
04-23-2014, 07:07 AM
^^^^^^ Maybe closer than that sharkhart. They were caught in the Barnegat bay already. I'm changing my original prediction. I got $5 that says they show up in the Raritan bay within the next 3 days. Anyone want in on that bet? I can't wait to nail some racers:lookhappy:
That would be great, would really like to see them wreck havoc in the bay.
Things sound like they are heating up, would not bet against you.
05-01-2014, 12:54 PM
Either they get here by this weekend or I am going to go medieval and buy 50 gallons of calf blood from the processors in Newark and dump it into the water off Leonardo state marina!:viking:
05-01-2014, 01:09 PM
here fishy fishy:laugh:
Be careful around Leonardo the Earle police will think you're a terrorist and arrest you.
05-03-2014, 09:46 PM
Either they get here by this weekend or I am going to go medieval and buy 50 gallons of calf blood from the processors in Newark and dump it into the water off Leonardo state marina!:viking:
Should be any day now, with all the bunker in the bay and temps finally warming up.
05-04-2014, 05:46 PM
Betty and nicks reported a small one caught back on the sedges. I was at island beach this morning and the other fishermen I talked to none of them had seen or heard of bluefish yet. Strange year for sure
J Barbosa
05-04-2014, 08:17 PM
I got the blues because their ain't any blues around :wheeeee:
J Barbosa
05-05-2014, 06:47 PM
Another day goes by and still no blues in my RB :(
05-05-2014, 07:48 PM
Should start seeing them this weekend or early next week.Just a prediction.
05-05-2014, 10:52 PM
Good call surfstix. Got one tonight in the ocean in moco. 6lbs, hit a SP, along with 2 short bass.
05-06-2014, 05:43 AM
I don't even bother fishing in NY till the 2nd week of May just my opinion.Congrats jigfreak.
05-07-2014, 08:27 AM
Nice job Fin..Fished outfront from 4pm till 9pm last night...9 small bass biggest went 20in..7 came on a yellow teaser(glad I tied it this am )..2 on a BT with a curly tail on it...And for those who have been waiting.......Like jigfreak said...The yella eyed demons have ARRIVED!! Landed 1 that was about 5lbs he hit a mag darter....Ill admit I missed there fight a few other bass 1 was keeper sized caught and 2 or 3 other blues that were choppers!! Had to be 8+lbs!!!End of the outgoing was key and when that NW wind kicked up so did the bite...Fun night!! pic of the blue
05-07-2014, 09:05 AM
There here!!!! :)
05-07-2014, 01:55 PM
There here!!!! :)
Great news, about time, seems lately each year more and more they are appreciated..
05-08-2014, 07:40 AM
:thumbsup::thumbsup: right on time we should have them soon,well actually they are probably here already just not in quantity hopefully the weakfish had a good spawn they should be putting on the feedbag in 2 weeks. Have a good one guys.
05-08-2014, 11:31 AM
got them this AM
05-08-2014, 10:17 PM
A good day then,How are you doing Bob?
J Barbosa
05-09-2014, 02:26 PM
Got a rubber shad's tail bitten off by a bluefish in the Raritan bay yesterday evening. Off the kayak
05-09-2014, 02:46 PM
Awesome news fellas guess its time to stop using rubber and switch to pork rind.
05-09-2014, 03:51 PM
they had racers by me on metal today to 32"
05-09-2014, 06:49 PM
Nice going fellas we have the blues over here, because we have no blues yet. That was funny jbarbosa loved it.
05-10-2014, 06:50 AM
Got some bluefish on bunker chunks at island beach yesterday before dark. One bass almost keeper size as well. Lots of rainfish in the surf.
05-12-2014, 04:28 PM
Nice job gents. Had a good morining in OC. Walkiing the beaches and following the bunker. Picked up double digits of bluefish 6-10 lbs along the beach. They were feeding on bunker as far up and down as you could see. Pencil popper or bucktail worked for most of us. Tried metal they only wanted something big or with hair on it where I was My arms are tired. Some real nice bluefish were caught. All released. Didn't see any bass brought up.
monty glad to hear you healed up and are fishing again. i remember reading about that.
05-13-2014, 05:10 PM
fished rb last night ...income to high...just plugs ... started at my beach ...moved to a spot on my route ....hit the next spot ....bucket of blues on the beach ....had one hit ....missed it ....saw blues caught on bunker ...them died down ...move to the next spot ......managed one chopper ...first for 2014 18284
05-13-2014, 10:52 PM
Nice going on the blue madcaster. I got into them tonight too. Went to fish the ocean after work. Took one look at the surf and winds and said hell no.
Went to the back bay. Lots of ppl out there. The action was slow and steady. They were all over. Blues from 5-12 pounds. Some tail walkers it was pretty cool. Got em on bucktails and metal. Wanted to get one on popper but no dice. Oh welll no matter, Im a happy camper.
05-13-2014, 11:23 PM
Awesome to read about those gators thanks for the report!
05-13-2014, 11:56 PM
5 to 7 pm 1 bass and too many blues to count between 5 and 10 pounds all on metal
05-14-2014, 12:03 AM
Two of us fished OC late afternoon till about 8:30. Caught a lot of bluefish from 3 lbs to 10 lbs. Caught a few on bucktails when we first started, the rest we caught on metals.
05-14-2014, 10:40 AM
fished RB ...first stop was a bust .....second spot .....hit the mother load of blues .....hit he beach 2 other guys walked in with me ...had this section to are self .....blues every cast third cast I get the mother Fnnn wind in the spool ??? ....that I lost over 100yards of line ..... have the surf stick there to lean my rod on help a lot while I removed line if I want to make the long cast ....I'm down to the mono backing .....the knot going trough the eyes is freaking me out ....going to snap off any cast now .....I didn't have my waders so I was stuck to the beach was fine for the first 15 fish more people came in to create the picket line ...I was now the odd man out fish keep going into the guy in front of me it wasn't fun any more I packed it in ....I kept 5 for my vegie garden 182971829818299after all that I had to come home and burry them
05-14-2014, 12:04 PM
this morning 5 to 7 am again too many blues to count all 5 to 12 pound
05-15-2014, 02:34 AM
Nice work gents.
Fished moco tonight in the back. Non stop blue action till dark. metal, small rubber, and small plugs killed it. A few on poppers as well. Some bluefish I saw were over 15lbs. I managed about 20, 6-13lbs. Great action seems they have invaded everywhere. Get em while you can theyre lotto fun.
05-21-2014, 09:14 AM
"Out back MoCo Monday night. The blues finally thinned out. Still there but not the overwhelming numbers as before. 32" on bunker chunk."
These are the words of an idiot meat man, accompanied by the congratulatory dead bass pic.
Take his bunker chunks away and this guy would never catch anything but dogs and skates. Why do some people whine about how annoying the blues are but they are the first to whine "theres no fish to catch!" when their gone? btw they have seemed to thin out and been replaced by smaller ones. Still fun to catch till the bass come up the coast.
05-21-2014, 09:19 AM
fished RB ...first stop was a bust .....second spot .....hit the mother load of blues .....hit he beach 2 other guys walked in with me ...had this section to are self .....blues every cast third cast I get the mother Fnnn wind in the spool ??? ....that I lost over 100yards of line ..... have the surf stick there to lean my rod on help a lot while I removed line if I want to make the long cast ....I'm down to the mono backing .....the knot going trough the eyes is freaking me out ....going to snap off any cast now .....I didn't have my waders so I was stuck to the beach was fine for the first 15 fish more people came in to create the picket line ...I was now the odd man out fish keep going into the guy in front of me it wasn't fun any more I packed it in ....I kept 5 for my vegie garden 182971829818299after all that I had to come home and burry them
great report mad caster. Minus the dillys who were crowding in front of you. Some people have no etiquette
05-21-2014, 09:46 AM
"Out back MoCo Monday night. The blues finally thinned out. Still there but not the overwhelming numbers as before. 32" on bunker chunk."
These are the words of an idiot meat man, accompanied by the congratulatory dead bass pic.
Take his bunker chunks away and this guy would never catch anything but dogs and skates. . Still fun to catch till the bass come up the coast.
I think if you banned bunker and clams about 90% of the guys out there would give up fishing, lol.
Especially the charter capts who can't put their clients on the meat without it.
05-21-2014, 10:52 AM
Steve you have to remember that a lot of folks have the comfortability factor of using bait. They know it works. They may try other methods and get discouraged. So they can fall back on bait at any time and catch fish. For some this level is where they are happy to be and don't want the hardship of learning other things. Also for the kids bait is the best type of fishing because it keeps them interested. My .02
05-21-2014, 12:40 PM
I think if you banned bunker and clams about 90% of the guys out there would give up fishing, lol.
Especially the charter capts who can't put their clients on the meat without it.
I nominate you as the new head of NOAA :clapping:
:clapping::clapping:also anyone posting on Facebook pictures of fish imprisoned
05-22-2014, 02:46 PM
^^^ The facebook postings have gotten out of hand. Ridiculous.
Caught some blues this morning to 5 lbs near island beach. Ava 27s with green tail.
05-23-2014, 01:15 PM
was out last night taking long walks all over nj looking. got one about 8 pounds. what happened to the giant ones? gone for good?
06-01-2014, 09:30 PM
^ Steve I believe some in the 8-12# class are starting to filter in seems to me they are hitting our shores in waves..(just my experience)...similar pattern along the beaches of IBSP and Ocean County...a lot of the little ones, migrating up the coast....and the bigger ones, beautiful purple color, still coming in from offshore....
Only had time for a few pics last night....some of the smaller ones....
All hit the Superstrike little neck like it was their last meal.....
06-04-2014, 08:29 AM
Nice night bluefish that came through 2 weeks ago....first one was allegedly high teens.....:thumbsup:
All on bunker chunks....
** All pics courtesy of Chris and crew.......:HappyWave:
06-04-2014, 09:01 AM
Some recent ones....first pic bunker chunks.....2nd pic plug.....
06-11-2014, 10:16 AM
For those of ya's who are happy to catch bluefish....
The old timers who are catching a lot of the bigger ones said the ones they are keeping are full of roe....bursting.....
According to my logs, it will probably be sometime within the next 2 weeks when the larger ones leave us to spawn offshore....
Blink and you'll miss it.....having a lot of fun right now...:fishing:
06-11-2014, 04:25 PM
For those of ya's who are happy to catch bluefish....
The old timers who are catching a lot of the bigger ones said the ones they are keeping are full of roe....bursting.....
According to my logs, it will probably be sometime within the next 2 weeks when the larger ones leave us to spawn offshore....
Blink and you'll miss it.....having a lot of fun right now...:fishing:
Thanks for the intel. I have been busy tying poppers for the fly rod- I have got to get one of those yellow eye devils on the fly rod!
06-16-2014, 11:21 AM
Member striperbites got this mid-May...probably 23+lb a testament to how bad fishing was, he was out fishing almost every night, and didn't get another bass till almost 3 weeks later.....Still a very nice fish caught from the surf at night, on artificials......:thumbsup:
The bluefish he got, was during an end of day blitz when big blues came in crashing on bunker. Pics courtesy of striperbites. :HappyWave:
06-16-2014, 11:21 AM
Some fish I've been getting at night....mostly blues to 7#,,,and one bass.
The bass hooked in the back wasn't an accident....I also got a bluefish in the back like that....they were feeding on small seemed they kept missing it as the strikes were more reactionary than aggressive...
Most of my rear hooks have been changed to singles for ease of release and minimal injury.....
Unfortunately that one bluefish hit so awkwardly he got stuck in the eye....I took some time to get that hook out, so hopefully he wasnt blinded.
06-16-2014, 03:13 PM
You hit on an old school technique dark skies. When I was younger you could not buy poppers and fancy lures. We used to wade the flats at night and toss out pieces of cork floats with bbs stuck into them to make them heavier. Then we would carve slots and indentations on the front part to make them gurgle. Put a heavy leader through it attached to a hook buried partly in the cork. We would throw them out and try to tease the fish into hitting. You would be surprised at the kinds of fish we caught doing that. We would catch bluefish, small stripers and the occasional weakfish. The key is the presentation as you are finding out. You brought back memories with your report. Keep up the good work. Us older folk who can't get out as much enjoy them.
06-27-2014, 01:56 PM
Check out this 16 pounder! The guy got it yesterday south shore.
06-27-2014, 03:33 PM
Check out this 16 pounder! The guy got it yesterday south shore.
Love catching the gators. Nice Fish.
07-17-2014, 05:10 PM
Smallest bluefish ever?
This is the size they were catching on miss belmar today. Woo hoo just a little bigger than sunnies.
07-17-2014, 06:05 PM
Dude they look like hickory shad or big mullets. Where are the bigger blues?
07-18-2014, 12:48 PM
Dunno but those are not bluefish. They be snappers, son! That's bait for big fluke.
07-20-2014, 05:25 PM
Well fished this morning from 1:00 to 9:00, bay side.
I would sum today's trip up with it was an F and F trip.
Water was murky, lost a fish on a Hogy around 2:00, swirl on a spook around 3:00.
Then at 5:30 landed around a 4 pound blue on a white spook.
Then between then and 8:30 I missed or lost over 10 fish on white Hogys and Spooks.
Hooked a few fish for 10 or so seconds and lost them, missed hits, swirls around plugs, blue chasing the spook for 30 feet and not connecting, blue jumping over the plug like it was a hurdle, you name it, I missed it. Then at 8:30 I finally catch a blue, felt nice, ended up being a double. After failing to seal the deal all those other times I catch 2....silly. Then nothing and left at 9:00.
Futility and Fun...Had a great time out there.
07-20-2014, 10:32 PM
Monty welcome home:fishing::clapping:
Nice doubleheader monty. What kind of teaser is that?
Just a white deceiver.
J Barbosa
07-20-2014, 11:25 PM
The NJ report thread was just not the same without pictures of Monty's doubles.
welcome back!
07-21-2014, 09:00 AM
NIce report Monty! And gotta love double header blues!! I was out in the AM yesterday but that NE wind made it tuff only managed 8 shorts....Took a long walk with nada but some bites...Should have stayed in the first spot ...Also tried the rocks in the early AM but water was dirty and a bit too ruff to fluke..Be back out tomorrow some where!
07-21-2014, 01:38 PM
The NJ report thread was just not the same without pictures of Monty's doubles.
welcome back!
IMO Monty's double headers are legendary. :thumbsup:
He was feeliing bad about his hookup's not that easy to catch bluefish on artificials when they're focused on very small bait.....
It puzzles me how some claim all you have to do is put a hook on a spoon and they will commit suicide.....
To those folks who think it's so easy....I challenge them to catch double digits of bluefish at night on artificials...when small bait is the forage.....
It really is difficult and challenging.....
Monty's double header was an example of the insane effort he puts into it on his once a week trips....he casts like a madman in a into it he's been known to trip over his own two feet....:viking:
When Monty's out there....he's really out there.....:HappyWave:
You did well, compared to what some of the rest of us are doing at night..... now that fire in the water is making it tough.....well-done. :thumbsup:
07-27-2014, 05:40 PM
Fished bayside this morning 12:45-8:30.
Weird trip.
Bumped into Dark out there....
Only managed one Blue about 8 pounds. Was around 3:00 or so and it hit a Surf Hog.
Was like the Blue was on steroids, it took line and went air born a number of times, seemed to leap a solid 3-4 feet out of the water. Great fight.
Only had one other hit, Hogy bit in half.
Water looked great, nice weather.
Had a bunch of problems, think I set a record of knots for me on this trip, had a knot stop a cast and an 80 lb leader snap and lost the plug (was after the blue).
Ripped waders in two areas, ended up with 10 pounds of water in each leg.....took 5 steps on land and was like in cement.
Was taking a short break and the surf bag dumped in the sand....tide decided to advance and had to chase a few plugs down.
The other highlight was at one point after the sun came up and we hadn't had any action for hours, Dark said to me "I wish I could manufacture some action for you", within 5 seconds of saying that a decent fish swirled on something 20 feet from us. It was like he was the horse whisperer, but with fish.:thumbsup:
Of course still could not get anything, but Dark's timing on that was spot on.
So lots of laughs, one juiced Blue, lots of casts....mishaps.....bun still a very fun trip.
J Barbosa
07-27-2014, 07:09 PM
Nice job finding any bigger bluefish guys. I haven't seen one in almost a month now.
07-27-2014, 08:51 PM
Funny stuff guys congrats on the catching. I have never seen an 8 pound bluefish in the summer surf you guys are lucky. I fished a cape may area jetty this afternoon around the end of the incoming. There were a lot of fluke there. Got 8 shorts with bucktail and gulp white mullet. I changed it up after remembering what you said about the snappers biting off the tails because they were there in full force. After I went through one pack of the mullet I went back to my truck and started using the shads. They definately last longer thanks for the tips.
07-27-2014, 09:13 PM
Wow an 8lb blue that must of been a real rush! congrats monty.
08-08-2014, 03:07 PM
From the Norma K night fishing it seems the bluefish are getting bigger-
Matt reports All Big Blues in the 8-12lb range. We have been waiting almost the whole summer for this and now there HERE! All Blues were caught on bait and a few on jigs! From the amount of fish I read leaving there tonight, they should stick around for a while and bite better and better every night!'
08-09-2014, 12:20 PM
Can't wait till thos bigger bluefish hit our beaches. Saw lots of snappers this morning but no bigger fish on them.
J Barbosa
08-10-2014, 12:57 PM
Can't wait till thos bigger bluefish hit our beaches. Saw lots of snappers this morning but no bigger fish on them.
Ditto...can't wait for the big ones to move back inshore.
Belmar headboats also reporting large bluefish.
08-10-2014, 04:20 PM
Now getting them at the mud bouy. Yesterday report.
"we went right offshore to the mud buoy since there was no life at the jetty and it was very good fishing everybody caught fish every drift produced big blues all fish ranged from 10lbs to the pool fish that was 19.5 lbs and thanks to the crew for working hard all day gaffing these fish."
08-10-2014, 06:33 PM
A couple blues from this mornings trip ocean side LI.
08-10-2014, 09:42 PM
Nice blues they look pretty darn fat. What were they eating?
08-10-2014, 10:13 PM
No idea.
Didn't spit anything up.
Really only would hit the green ava. Also a silver epoxy jig 2x. No red tube ava, only one on top water popper.
While they would rip through the bait at times they also seemed to rolling or going air born at times.
08-11-2014, 09:47 AM
Wow blues going airborne haven't seen that since may. That must have been awesome to watch. Also curious that they would only hit the green tails. I was fishing near ocean city one fall and they would only hit yellow tail diamond jigs. That makes you obligated to bring all colors with you. You never know what the color of the day will be. Nice catching!
08-11-2014, 12:33 PM
Cool pics great job monty.
08-11-2014, 12:59 PM
Nice bluefish!
08-29-2014, 11:57 AM
I heard the party boats are now catching big blues to 18 pounds. Here is something to get the juices going until they show up in the surf
08-29-2014, 01:57 PM
Cool video thanks for sharing I can't wait!
09-20-2014, 10:07 PM
this gator gave a very powerful fight and slammed the plug like a MF bomb.
09-21-2014, 02:21 PM
NICE!!!!! Wish we had some of them here right now. Congrats they look well fed and they slammed your lure anyway. Great catch!
09-21-2014, 02:33 PM
Love those action shots you da man. Keep em coming.
09-21-2014, 07:39 PM
1- on a stubby hound dog.
2-on a super sardine.
09-21-2014, 07:44 PM
2-on a Rudolph wedgehead swimmer[8 inch].
09-21-2014, 08:36 PM
2-on a Rudolph wedgehead swimmer[8 inch].They look fat. Nice!!
Here are couple blues from a week or two ago. In the area I have been fishing the blues have down sized.[/QUOTE
09-23-2014, 10:46 PM
pool winner on the brooklyn6 today was 20 1/2 pounds! They were out at the mudbuoy.
09-25-2014, 06:02 PM
^ Roddy's action lately has inspired me to go out and on the search again. :HappyWave:
An early fall season pattern for some NJ and LI areas: big blues come into the back bay areas for a month or so around this time. You can sometimes find them where the highest small bait concentrations are. Roddy has it a little easier because of the unprecedented amount of bunker they have in the LI sound right now...
Still...he's putting in long hours to get some nice fish.....:clapping:
Those bunker that we had in our area, were thickest back in July...Since then, they have moved around the NY Bight area like a game of musical real consistency for the folks targeting (bigger) blues from land......
Friends on the other side of NY Bight started catching bigger ones 4 nights ago....I got a few nicer ones last night.....though not really that big....they were a lot bigger than the ones I was catching 2 weeks ago....and 2x bigger and more ferocious :headbang: than the one small bass I managed to catch last night.....
I will be targeting these bigger bluefish at night from now on.....with artificials.....
Striped bass will become an incidental catch as I would rather have action from a few larger blues....than a a few baby bass....that's just me,,,,and what I need when I'm out there.....
(A friend and I were discussing that bass up to 32# have been caught so far night eeling...but that's in the channels)....
Where I fished last night...the bass should have been all over...they were not......
I will try to give a head's up when I can,,,to those who are interested in the fall bluefish bite.........
So far....lots of results....last night each fish took a minimum of a half hour casting.....but the worth the effort.....:fishing:
Good luck to all......:HappyWave:
10-29-2014, 05:37 AM
Big blues yesterday diamond jigging in the rips at Montauk on the Lazybones, as soon as the tide made up all hell broke loose with big gators NO bass.The day before big gators swimming with 18"bass they are feeding on baby weakfish in the rips right now they all were spitting them up.If it is the same case with the FEW fish that are actually taking the beach route think yellow plugs when fishing for them.I may get out but right now the good bite is out deeper.As a side note I did have some time before the boat left to check out a few spots out there in the surf for nada.
12-14-2014, 11:57 AM
Any opinions on 2014 and the Blue fish catching?
I was happy with my Bluefish catches this year. A few between 30 inches and 35 inches on a few trips.
Never crazy action, but was OK throughout the season for me.
Top water and Ava's mostly.
This Howdy was my most productive plug this year with blues and bass.
Another that was lot of fun. Came up and slammed the metal lip about 20 feet away. Adrenalin rush. Already looking forward to next year and hooking up some Gators.
12-15-2014, 08:56 AM
For me 2014 was a good year with lots around. Mostly in the spring when they invaded the bays and rivers some big *** blues too. Summer waned off but there were consistently blues in the surf at ibsp. so many they were pesky to tell the truth.. The fall the storms killed it. jmho
12-16-2014, 09:38 AM
Nice blue pics monty. I thought the spring in raritan bay and at the hook was fantastic. best spring for blues I have seen in a while. Later in the year it seems there were a few good days but it waned off. jigfreak I agree what you said about the storms. Hoping next spring is a repeat of this spring. If so I will be very happy.
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