View Full Version : Hello from Long Island
02-24-2014, 11:35 PM
1@32 Pledge Decals are available. Just shoot me a message with your name and address and I will get a decal out to you. If you support the pledge and use Facebook, please be sure to join the Facebook group page. Over 1,500 anglers strong and growing.
The 1@32 Pledge is an interim step that we are proposing to help reduce striped bass mortality.
While catch and release is always preferred, the pledge is situations when you do not practice catch and release, you pledge to only take one fish per day at no less than 32". The 1@32 Pledge applies to striped bass caught from the surf or shore, on private boats, and party boats.
02-25-2014, 08:29 AM
So you're the one that started that? Awesome! Good job Ross and welcome to stripers and anglers. I will have to check out your fb page. Thanks!
02-25-2014, 08:40 AM
Hey thank you for the idea and welcome. What gave you the inspiration?
02-25-2014, 08:46 AM
Got mine on other site great job much appreciated thanks again
02-25-2014, 09:48 AM
Cool beans thanks for the good work and welcome to s&a.
02-25-2014, 10:41 AM
Yes thank you and good luck.
02-25-2014, 11:12 AM
Thanks for the welcome. The idea for the pledge came out of increasing frustration with the declining numbers of striped bass and the ongoing delays with the ASMFC in getting their act together. The tipping point came when I saw that they put off any action until 2015. Something needed to be done now and the pledge idea which is only an interim step took off from there. Lot's of great ideas from other people, people offering to help, make donations, contribute products...
So we have a nice following but the true test will be when it's time to either write letters, show up at meetings, and make phone calls. The commercial sector is strongly aligned while the recreational sector is splintered. Some promoting a narrow solution, others promoting overall conservation, and then another portion promoting the rights of the party boats and fishing manufacturers.
The next big meeting will be in May with the ASMFC supposedly coming back with their recommendations followed by a period of public comment and hopefully a final decision in October. We shall see...
02-25-2014, 08:16 PM
The next big meeting will be in May with the ASMFC supposedly coming back with their recommendations followed by a period of public comment and hopefully a final decision in October. We shall see...
Wondering what your thoughts were on that meeting Ross. Will they actually listen to any of the public comments when they have not in the past?
02-26-2014, 08:37 AM
Welcome aboard LI Surfcaster. :HappyWave:
I share your same sentiments about the ASMFC and have been watching them give lip service to the striped bass fishery for the last 7 years, saying one thing and doing another.
At one time I believed we as fishermen could change that. Now, after all these years, I am beginning to see a pattern where it seems they pretend to listen to us but already have their own agenda. Sadly, I feel somehow there is corruption among the ranks, and that commercial interests are a strong presence behind the scenes.
The clearest way for us to change that, is to identify the most lax at the ASMFC, the ones that consistently speak how healthy the striped bass fishery is, and apply pressure for their removal, whether they are representatives of our chosen political party or not.
My experience trying to get fishermen involved in these things has shown me that many folks will rant and rave on the internet, but when it comes time for action, they just will not rally in sufficient numbers to scare the politicians into action. And that is the only thing that many politicians understand, swift and severe action of voting for their opponent, and getting the entrenched ones out of office.
I like your idea of the interim measure of one at 32". There are various movements out there.....and I believe that despite the apathy we should not give up.....please let me know if there is anything we can do to give your cause further publicity.....
Welcome aboard.....and thanks for your effort..........:thumbsup:
**Sometimes, in the longest battles.....the tide can turn....with the most determined for thought..... If Bob Pond were alive now, he would not give up either......:learn:
02-26-2014, 01:54 PM
I wish I had a crystal ball to see how all of this will shake out. The fact that the Technical Assessment was accepted by the Striped Bass Management Board (SBMB) is a very good thing as now they cannot ignore the science and the data. The trends seemingly compel them to act. Even with the Technical Assessment having been accepted some Board members are questioning the science and trying to raise questions to water down any action that the Board may take. Listening to the webinars of these meetings it is amazing to see some board members passionately calling for measures to improve the striped bass fishery while others are firm in their opinion that no problem exists.
My real hope is that when the time comes for people to act they will. Something tells me that many of the Pledge people will - it seems to resonate with a lot of people that are concerned and worried about the downward trends. Each legislator on the SBMB needs to hear from their constituents. The facebook pledge page lists all the representatives on the SBMB in the files section of the page. They all strive to remain in power and my sense is that a large outpouring could begin to influence their votes. The governors of each state are players in this too but they may be too big to influence...I just don't know.
My gut tells me that at the next ASMFC meeting there will be recommendation to cut the commercial quota (~30%) and a decision to limit recreational landings to one fish at 28". Not sure what if anything they will do to protect spawning fish?? There are people and organizations out there that probably have a better pulse on how things may shake sure to check out the blob put out by Charlie Witek... and the recommendations contained in the NY Coalition for Recreational Fishing letter is also worth reviewing
Time will tell - stay tuned.
02-27-2014, 08:02 AM
Good job Ross. Noticed on the other site there were like 70 replies. The saddest thing about that is at least half were arguing with you on the size limit. You must have done some research before you came up with the 1 @ 32" concept. There were all these stunods telling you why you should change your notion to fit theirs. Some of the comments were so idiotic that I doubt some of these folks fish they seem like internet fishermen. This is why there is so much trouble getting fishermen to act together. In the society we live in everyone thinks they have a right to have their particular wants or needs followed. What happened to the idea of compromise. You are the one who had the initiative. They should all be patting you on the back instead of trying to fine tune your ideas. Unbelievable the stupidity in some of those comments. Thank you and keep it up. I previously signed on the fb page. let's keep this thing going.
02-28-2014, 11:15 AM
Just to clarify...the 1@32 Pledge has absolutely no connection with PEW. None whatsoever. When you see this type of misinformation being spread it makes you wonder if you are hitting a chord with some people. So be it...I agree with much of what has been written here. It is very difficult to get like-minded people on the same page and that is one of the challenges that we face. Charlie Witek writes and incredibly lucid blog that deals with striped bass issues and fisheries management. It is without question the best writing that I have found out there that explains the challenges and forces at work. If you have a few minutes check out his blog here and see for yourself. His latest post is eye-opening as he describes the forces at work within the recreational sector. You can catch the blog here:
03-01-2014, 10:51 AM
Good job I see the facebook numbers grew from the beginning of the year.
03-02-2014, 09:45 AM
Thank you for all you are doing Ross. I will check out the fb page.
03-03-2014, 12:56 AM
03-05-2014, 08:51 AM
^^^^ cool!
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