View Full Version : the fashion statement fisherman, or the guy that just catches fish Which are you?

03-08-2014, 09:15 AM
I was reading the comments of finchaser and jigfreak. I thought about the times I was out there and saw groups of fishermen all looking the same. The buzz that if you don't have this rod, that reel, or use those hot plugs you won't catch. The same gear the same brands it's like they were posing for some elite fishing catalog. What does the fashion statement fisherman look like and do you buy into that or march to the beat of your own drum?

Guys who grew up throwing tin squids and bucktails from conventional reels, know what using dacron line is like......and caught plenty of fish using these basic methods, long before any of the fancy plugs and gear we have today.....

Your making me teary eyed^^^^^^^wait we still do. Gotta go its my cell phone could be a blitz of epic proportion some where:ROFLMAO

80% of todays fishermen would say you are crazy for saying that but I agree with you. The new breed of fishermen the ones who don't want to work for fish. Only come down to the water when they get a cell phone call "Its on!" or chase internet and facebook reports. They need that 400 rod and 850 reel and costa del mar sunglasses, the 350 breathable waders, and the 500 extra in accessorized gear to catch the big one. Many of them have never guided a fish in by the hand, or lipped a big bass without a boga, let her rest a bit and let her go wiithout the 2 minute sand dragging photo op. The only way to prove their manhood is to weigh that bass in at a tackle shop or B&N video.

I'm not talking about the 28" fish that a first timer is catching and is overcome with joy wanting to share it. I'm talking about the tools who catch big bass when they're here and weigh every one of them. You look at them standing at the jetty blitzes and they all seem to be part of that elite gear fraternity. Goofballs. Half of them couldnn't catch fish on bucktails or rubber if their life depended on it. They buy the newest hyped up plug line that they think will do it for them. In NJ bunker arent always here. Most of the time they are feeding on small forage. Yes elephants do eat peanuts and bass will hit jigs and rubber. Big bass. You don't need a $40 dollar plug to catch a 40 lb bass. Sorry for the rant, just sick and tired of these online internet fishermen who don't have a clue but are full of advice and alll look the same in person. They think the plug that everyone is standing in line is the solution to catching that big bass. I like big plugs and do fall into that hype sometimes but the fish comes from the skill of the fisherman not the plug he throws.

Homer S
03-08-2014, 07:55 PM
Darn, I thought I was the only one who thought that was nuts. I always wore old clothes to go fishing, never thought of it as a fashion show. Yeah, I bought a couple of expensive rods this year but up to then I was using a couple of Fisher graphite rods I bought between 80 and 85. I do have some good plugs but the biggest fish I ever caught was on a $5 Tony Spina popper.

03-08-2014, 08:40 PM
Darn, I thought I was the only one who thought that was nuts. I always wore old clothes to go fishing, never thought of it as a fashion show. Yeah, I bought a couple of expensive rods this year but up to then I was using a couple of Fisher graphite rods I bought between 80 and 85. I do have some good plugs but the biggest fish I ever caught was on a $5 Tony Spina popper.

I agree what happens when you are wearing expensive stuff and fall or a bluefish puts his teeth in it!:scared:
Thats great that you got your PB on a popper how big was it?

03-08-2014, 10:29 PM
end of spring ...I'm in shorts ....couple blue fish lures in my pocket ,walking the RB on the hunt ...find my self standing next to a few guys in waders up to there knee in the water. I once had a nice pole but after breaking it 3 times ....it all epoxy together ....I only have two reels BG40"s ...that's all I need .....

03-09-2014, 07:03 PM
I buy things now by the practicality of there use,I was never an aquaskinz model Keep it simple.

03-10-2014, 07:48 AM
I have to agree all these guys sporting there 1000$ set ups wearing all the fancy unnecessary gear and walking the beach like its some fashion show it just stupid...It drives me crazy that poeple think you need all this expensive stuff to be a good fisherman..Couldnt be more wrong in my book...I do LOVE when the decked out guy throwing his 50$ plugs is getting skunked and im next to him catching on my old beat up bombers or sluggos or any of the less then 10$ lures i throw..Its become so crazy with all this "you have to have this" overpriced gear!! I have my 2 Stratics that have worked with out a hitch for over 6years along with my 2 Mojos that are also over 6 years old and THATS ALL I NEED!! A beat to **** Aquaskin bag that i bought used filled with the tried and true plugs THAT WORK...And guess what I STILL CATCH FISH!! Hahaha..

10-16-2015, 12:25 PM
I have to agree all these guys sporting there 1000$ set ups wearing all the fancy unnecessary gear and walking the beach like its some fashion show it just stupid...It drives me crazy that poeple think you need all this expensive stuff to be a good fisherman..Couldnt be more wrong in my book...I do LOVE when the decked out guy throwing his 50$ plugs is getting skunked and im next to him catching on my old beat up bombers or sluggos or any of the less then 10$ lures i throw..

Totally agree. Was on an UDL beach yesterday and it was like the abercrombie & fitch fashion show for surf dudes. Very ghey imo. Mostly just posing and not fishing.

01-08-2016, 06:43 PM
Totally agree. Was on an UDL beach yesterday and it was like the abercrombie & fitch fashion show for surf dudes. Very ghey imo. Mostly just posing and not fishing.

Do they do this in every state or just new jersey/

02-22-2016, 03:31 PM
I have to agree all these guys sporting there 1000$ set ups wearing all the fancy unnecessary gear and walking the beach like its some fashion show it just stupid...It drives me crazy that poeple think you need all this expensive stuff to be a good fisherman..Couldnt be more wrong in my book...I do LOVE when the decked out guy throwing his 50$ plugs is getting skunked and im next to him catching on my old beat up bombers or sluggos or any of the less then 10$ lures i throw..Its become so crazy with all this "you have to have this" overpriced gear!! I have my 2 Stratics that have worked with out a hitch for over 6years along with my 2 Mojos that are also over 6 years old and THATS ALL I NEED!! A beat to **** Aquaskin bag that i bought used filled with the tried and true plugs THAT WORK...And guess what I STILL CATCH FISH!! Hahaha..


02-23-2016, 12:20 PM
Read this on the net
Mr.ICast- This is the guy who has the latest and greatest gear. This is the guy who has a custom $500 rod,matched with a Van Stall,high end lever drag or a Shimano trinidad. He utilizes all the tricks and techniques he learns around the web,utilizing the latest and greatest lures and other do-dads. And he really doesn't catch sh*t.

06-10-2016, 02:03 PM
That was funny right there.

06-10-2016, 07:23 PM
Read this on the net
Mr.ICast- This is the guy who has the latest and greatest gear. This is the guy who has a custom $500 rod,matched with a Van Stall,high end lever drag or a Shimano trinidad. He utilizes all the tricks and techniques he learns around the web,utilizing the latest and greatest lures and other do-dads. And he really doesn't catch sh*t.

So true some do find a fish on occasion in a cell phone blitz