View Full Version : Blue fish or Bass ??? and why
04-04-2014, 12:26 PM
Which is better blues fish or Bass ??
Me blue fish ...better fighters ...great leapers water hitters ....chaser .....
04-04-2014, 01:21 PM
While I absolutely love catching big Blue Fish, the main target is the Striped Bass for me (more of a challenge for me to find and catch big bass (I want to catch a big bass)).
So its Striped Bass #1, a close 2nd Gorilla Blues......
But on a quiet night where a Big Blue destroys a Danny swimming on top is very hard to beat as far as the adrenalin rush for me.
This is one of my top 5 adrenalin rushes while out there fishing.
Took the Danny 15 feet away on a calm night around 1:30 bayside and just absolutely destroyed the area.
04-04-2014, 01:24 PM
Gorrilla blues every time! Can't wait till they show up this season!
04-04-2014, 01:31 PM
Stripers taste better hands down. As far as action, love the bluefish better. When you have a giant bluefish jump out of the water to hit your pencil popper there is nothing like it.
04-04-2014, 01:51 PM
I agree stripers taste better. We like to eat what we catch within reason so I feel bluefish are a pain. They do fight better though.
04-04-2014, 02:01 PM
For fishing with kids I prefer blues because they are easier. I like to catch bass when by myself.
04-04-2014, 02:44 PM
I catch and release most of my fish so the keeping part doesn't matter though I agree with ledhead that bass taste better. I think pound for pound not many surf fish come close to the explosiveness and strength of a large bluefish. Nice blue monty it's a little tricky to catch them at night. How big was that one?
04-04-2014, 03:43 PM
I catch and release most of my fish so the keeping part doesn't matter though I agree with ledhead that bass taste better. I think pound for pound not many surf fish come close to the explosiveness and strength of a large bluefish. Nice blue monty it's a little tricky to catch them at night. How big was that one?
Somewhere in the 35 inch range.
It was an extremely quiet calm night and that Blue wrecked the place.
Was shallow water and it went air born,got me wet, drag was ripping off he spool.
04-04-2014, 05:00 PM
I think pound for pound not many surf fish come close to the explosiveness and strength of a large bluefish.
X2you take a 20lb striper and compare to a 20lb bluefish. That striper is done in 3 runs and you're reeling her in. The bluefish will fight for at least twice that time. They don't want to give up until they're almost dead. Monty that's an awesome bluefish you must have been pumped after that!
04-04-2014, 05:17 PM
When they are small I say it is a tie. When they get big the blues turn into drag screaming maniacs much more than the stripers. Thats a nice gorilla monty how much did it weigh?
04-04-2014, 05:30 PM
One thing to think about is bluefish have a maximum size of 25lbs.I think the world record might be like 27lbs. Compare that to the record bass caught by Myerson which weighed 81.8lbs. I don't know about you guys but I would rather catch one close to 81.
04-04-2014, 08:01 PM
X2you take a 20lb striper and compare to a 20lb bluefish. That striper is done in 3 runs and you're reeling her in. The bluefish will fight for at least twice that time. They don't want to give up until they're almost dead. Monty that's an awesome bluefish you must have been pumped after that!
When they are small I say it is a tie. When they get big the blues turn into drag screaming maniacs much more than the stripers. Thats a nice gorilla monty how much did it weigh?
No idea, released it, great fight. I love catching them over 30 inches, they are a ball.
One thing to think about is bluefish have a maximum size of 25lbs.I think the world record might be like 27lbs. Compare that to the record bass caught by Myerson which weighed 81.8lbs. I don't know about you guys but I would rather catch one close to 81.
Would be a dream come true
04-05-2014, 06:40 AM
Blues for the fight.
04-05-2014, 09:32 AM
Blues for the fight but I release both as there are much better fish to eat than bass or blues after all they both eat BUNKKKKKKA
04-05-2014, 01:31 PM
But on a quiet night where a Big Blue destroys a Danny swimming on top is very hard to beat as far as the adrenalin rush for me.
This is one of my top 5 adrenalin rushes while out there fishing.
Took the Danny 15 feet away on a calm night around 1:30 bayside and just absolutely destroyed the area.
What is more intimidating staring at the mouth of a cow bass or staring at the face of a demon like this? Hella nice blue monty.
09-18-2015, 10:03 AM
Which is better blues fish or Bass ??
Me blue fish ...better fighters ...great leapers water hitters ....chaser .....
I have to agree, Mad....:HappyWave:
I posted this earlier....and thought I would post it here as well.......
Why don't big blues get as much respect as big bass?
There's nothing wrong with catching 15# bluefish....
Some of us seem to have lost sight of that....
For some it seems the only true praise worthy fish are big bass...and that's a little sad for me sometimes...that some have lost sight of what it means to be out there fishing.....
Catching big blues....15# and up
Big 80# toothy sharks from the surf at night.
4# knucklehead sea-bass.....
Giant dinner plate porgies...
fluke approaching 10#..
Being lucky enough to land a few albies and experience the drag screaming first run on your reel.....
Or just taking a kid out fishing for the first time, and showing them the thrill of being in the great outdoors and all it has to offer instead of video games....
the above are just some of the things that one can get excited about on a fishing trip besides trophy striped bass......
Sometimes when the attitude is...if it isn't a big bass, it isn't worth complimenting.....I think those that feel that way....are missing out on a lot......
If some of those folks lived through the lean years of the striped bass moratorium.....maybe they wouldn't feel that way....
Even catching small bass can be worthwhile...if that's the only thing in your area.....I wish more people would show appreciation of that...instead of feeling embarassed like those fish are not worthy of catching....I suppose a lot of it's because some don't realize what it was like to go weeks before you caught even one striped bass...back in the 80's....
I'll target those 15# blues anyday.....proudly....:cool: :fishing:
09-18-2015, 11:02 AM
I had a great time this spring catching big blues behind island beach on the docks. It seemed as if it wasa never ending supply. Some of the guys I was fishing with started to complain asking if thats all there is. Then all of a sudden it stopped. You often don't realize what you have till it's gone. I hope they come back for the fall. This was the first time in a long time we had blues in the bay that big. Tons o fun.
09-18-2015, 12:14 PM
I like catching bass or blue fish equally. It's a tug at the end of the line that makes it appealing to me. Dark's right. During the moratorium the catching was grim. Most folks stopped fishing for bass. They became an incidental catch. Without blue fish and weakfish there would not have been much to target from the surf.
09-18-2015, 01:55 PM
I'm on a Striped Bass kick now.
While I'll truly enjoy and respect a Gator, my main target is the striped bass.
I find Stripers much more in the white water, around certain structure and current. They are like fly fishing for trout (my thing before I started fishing the ocean) except with a surf rod.
09-18-2015, 03:49 PM
I can take either. I do love how the giant gorilla blues came in the raritan bay this year and 2 years before that. Some of the best bluefishing I have ever experienced. Where else are you going to have a chance of landing fish that are close to 20 lbs every day? The only time that happened with the stripers is the sandeel bite. That was so long ago my memory has forgotten part of it. Give me gorilla blues or give me stripers but give me that tug!
09-18-2015, 03:50 PM
It's a tug at the end of the line that makes it appealing to me. the tug is the drug!:headbang:
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