View Full Version : RFA Striper work shop April 23 Manahawkin
04-11-2014, 11:57 AM
Care about stripers come and speak your peace if not when things don't go your way sit back and shut up you had a chance to make a difference
RFA New Jersey Striped Bass Public Forum, April 23 in Manahawkin Recreational Fishing Alliance +
Slot striper? One fish bag limit? Increase the size from 28 to 34 inches? Leave it alone?
When it comes to striped bass, everyone's got a management answer - but what exactly is the question that fisheries managers are asking? Whether you fish by boat or by beach, if you're a New Jersey striped bass angler the time for management discussion has arrived!
On Wednesday, April 23rd from 7 to 9 p.m., join Russ Allen of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) Division of Fish and Wildlife at the Holiday Inn on Route 72 in Manahawkin, just east of Exit 63 off the Garden State Parkway, for a special public forum exclusively on striped bass management.
Hosted by the Recreational Fishing Alliance's New Jersey Chapter (RFA-NJ), this free event features an overview of the latest Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's (ASMFC) striped bass assessment results, current coastwide stock status, New Jersey?s survey results and potential ASMFC management actions.
The forum will offer attendees a unique glimpse at what fisheries managers discussed at the ASMFC Striped Bass Board meeting back in February.
ASMFC will take up the striped bass discussion again at their spring meetings in Alexandria, VA which start on Monday, May 12th.
In response, the public will be asked to comment on a series of management options this summer which are designed to meet conservation goals and targets for Atlantic Coast striped bass stocks; any changes to the recreational or commercial sector are expected to be implemented in time for the 2015 calendar year.
Organizers at the RFA-NJ say the Wednesday, April 23rd event at the Holiday Inn of Manahawkin is designed as an open forum for individual saltwater anglers, for-hire captains and members of the recreational tackle community, those with a direct interest in the future of striped bass management along the coast.
"We held a similar forum in February at the Atlantic City Boat Show which was very well received, but we?re hoping this time to get more folks from the surf community involved in the discussions, especially casters from the Central and North Jersey Coast," said RFA-NJ board member Greg O'Connell, recently tabbed as National Shore Access Representative for RFA.
"The planned forum should not only educate anglers on the state of the fishery but also provide an opportunity to have their thoughts and opinions heard by the folks tasked with making the changes," O'Connell said.
Members of the RFA and the RFA-NJ chapter will be reaching out to various fishing club leaders in the coming days to encourage active participation in this public forum, which is being held to inform interested members of the public about the upcoming management discussions, while providing an unofficial forum for public feedback.
"At the boat show there was plenty of discussion about slot fish, poaching, and even some of the out-of-state efforts by some to open the EEZ to striped bass fishing, which as we learned in Atlantic City has very little support in the community," said RFA executive director Jim Donofrio, a longtime opponent of reopening the EEZ to striper fishing. RFA was originally founded in 1996 in part as a response to NOAA Fisheries? efforts to reopen federal waters to striped bass harvest.
"New Jersey anglers are blessed to have one of the leading striped bass experts along the entire Atlantic Coast working in our own DEP offices, and we?re very thankful that Russ is offering up his time to meet with the public on April 23rd," Donofrio said.
Donofrio also went on to praise state legislators for their ongoing commitment to the recreational fishing community, particularly with regard to striped bass. At a meeting this past weekend of the Strathmere Fishing and Environmental Club attended by Donofrio, Capt. Nowalsky and elected officials from the Cape May District, South Jersey anglers learned first-hand that efforts to open up commercial striped bass processing in the state have officially been stalled by one particular Trenton saltwater angler.
"New Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Bob Andrzejczak of Cape May County made it fairly clear to his fellow anglers in Strathmere that this unwise legislation would not be going anywhere in his committee," Donofrio said. "This is a bad piece of legislation which we?re afraid could create a black market for New Jersey fish to enter restaurants and also pose legal problems with the current gamefish status of striped bass."
"Our thanks to Chairman Andrzejczak for his pledge to defeat those efforts," said Donofrio.
In New Jersey, recreational size limits are set by the New Jersey Legislature; state law also forbids the commercial harvest or sale of striped bass in the state. "Whatever actions the ASMFC decides to take in the coming months, it?s going to be up to the New Jersey Senate and Assembly, along with our Governor, to come together to make it work," Donofrio said.
"If you want to see this done right, it's a good idea to get away from those keyboards for an evening and participate in public dialog with your fellow anglers," he added.
Wednesday night,
April 23
from 7 until 9 p.m.
at the Holiday Inn on
Route 72 in Manahawkin,
approximately 1 mile east of Garden State Parkway Exit 63. It's on the South Side of Route 72, just past Home Depot on the right.
Admission is free.
04-11-2014, 04:58 PM
Ill be there thanks finchaser.
04-12-2014, 10:22 AM
**What I have seen among fishermen, is that there will be 50 fishermen standing around, and 25 of them will have opinions that are vastly different from the guy next to them., therefore they will not support what the other guy is trying to do.....and won't consider the long-term benefits.....
Instead, all many know how to do, is criticize...and are not willing to put any work in, to make things better, other than to shout down someone on the internet.
The result is that we as fishermen, are one of the weakest groups out there in terms of unity and political strength....
Try to compare the strength and influence on politicians that the NRA has...there is no comparison because of all the infighting and the fact...that many fishermen will not support any measure that is not tailored specifically to their needs.....unwilling to compromise in any way, shape or form....
Finchaser makes a good point here, people...
too many are williing to criticize...not enough willing to do something, take action...get involved....this meeting is your chance....
The more that show up the better. :thumbsup:
04-12-2014, 01:21 PM
Thank you finchaser and dark for all you do. I won't be there. Don't believe the rfa has done much to help the surf fishermen. Just my opinion please don't flame me for it. Still rooting for you guys that are. Does anyone know if the asmfc will be there or is this the meeting where the info gets gathered and later sent to them. thanks
04-12-2014, 01:36 PM
seamonkey no offence but what you just said is what ds said is wrong with fishermen today. You cant expect one group to do everything you want. The rfa may not be perfect but its an opportunity to speak your mind. Ill be there and hope the turnout will be good.
04-12-2014, 07:11 PM
Why derail a post thats intended to get anglers out to voice their opinions on the striped bass fishery before the regulators force options upon us we may or may not want? Makes no sense.
1- RFA is national org with State chapters in both NJ and NY. Why would they battle themselves in what was clearly an allocation dispute? NJ politicians lost battle as detailed in at two AC Press articles.
2- RFA "won" a free registry for saltwater anglers because thats what the majority of anglers wanted. As evidenced by the fact there was never..... never.... any legislation presented in favor of saltwater fishing license. And we all know some folks tried. But come to shove and phone call to call the free registry won in landslide.
3- RFA supported massive cuts to the weakfish quota in an effort to help recover the stock. I think the % was something like 80-90%. I know.... I know.... you wanted a moratorium and I understand why. But when you consider the science was saying a 10yr rebuilding timeline under a moratorium or 12 yr with the 80-90% cuts it was clear over fishing wasnt the issue. And the regulators stated such. So in applying the RFA mission statement it made sense to support massive cuts but not a full blown moratorium. Its not like RFA was trying to liberalize the quote.... or seeking status quo...... The press release is still on the RFA website if you care to search it out and read it again.
Regulators ended up instituting a quota that was higher than RFA lobbied for!!!! And fact weakfish are seeing a rebound in the stock, now several years later, suggests the change is working. And possibly in a quicker period of time than originally thought.
4- total nonsense. 2 @ 28" worked for a long long time when you look at how other fisheries change almost on an annual basis. Unfortunately a series of poor spawns over an extended period of time is forcing a change. A change that everyone agrees needs to happen. This very post and planned forum is to make it easy for anglers to voice their concerns directly to the regulators so that we get the options we want to reverse changes in the trends.
And BTW - RFA has continued to fight to keep the EEZ closed even though States down south have been pushing to open it. As the biomass has shrunk and the fish stay further offshore anglers want to be able to go out and target those wintering fish and RFA has been steadfast against from as far back as 1996.
04-13-2014, 10:44 AM
Many of us now use the internet as our window to the world. Newspaper deliveries are down, news magazines and newspapers have folded. IMO this is because some of us have become more apathetic and are more willing to let the other guy get involved. Whenever an issue arises in fisheries management, fishermen's easy to criticize if you don't agree with every platform of that group. Such a low % of the general public actually participates in meetings and wants to keep informed. I encourage all who read this to attend the meeting. It's in our best intererests for the future.
As finchaser and fishinmission siad, this is an opportunity to speak your mind, learn about fisheries management, and how decisions are made.
With the shrinking striped bass biomass, we are slated for a catch limit reduction for 2015. The system is not perfect..... but those who do not participate, have no right to grumble when quota is taken away and regs become more restrictive.
Thanks for reading. :HappyWave:
04-13-2014, 01:15 PM
Everyone talks a good game online DS. The gamefish bill here was one example. All the chatter on the internet and maybe 75 recreational fishermen were there. Vs 200 commercial fishermen. Do the math. You folks if you have a chance to go to a meeting and it's close by and at a reasonable time you should go. just my .02
04-22-2014, 09:18 AM
Bump for the workshop...this is your chance to speak up and be a part of the process, people.
Ya can't complain about the regs, if you don't get involved....:learn:
04-22-2014, 11:52 AM
Come on guys what finchaser and dark said. I have to go to a wake or else I would be there. Speak up of forever hold your peace. Please keep us posted as to what happens if you can, thanks.
04-22-2014, 04:00 PM
Recreational Fishing Alliance (NJ) Contact: Jim Hutchinson, Jr. / 888-564-6732
For Immediate Release April 22, 2014
RFA-NJ Hosts Public Discussion in Manahawkin With NJDEP
A reminder from the New Jersey chapter of the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA-NJ)...
On Wednesday, April 23, Russ Allen of the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife will be keynote speaker at a public forum on striped bass management from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Holiday Inn on Route 72 in Manahawkin.
Hosted by RFA-NJ, the evening's discussion will present an overview of the latest Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's (ASMFC) striped bass stock assessments, coastwide stock status and potential management measures.
As noted today in the Asbury Park Press, "the forum promises attendees a unique perspective on what fishery managers discussed at the ASMFC striped bass board meeting in February and what might be on the agenda at the upcoming meetings in May. Based on those meetings, the public is expected to comment this summer on a series of management options designed to meet conservation goals for 2015."
Doors open at 6:30 p.m., where RFA representatives will be on-hand to answer any questions you might have in advance of the actual public forum, which is being designed as an open discussion for individual saltwater anglers, for-hire captains and those with a direct interest in the future of striped bass management along the coast.
There's seating for 200, so RFA-NJ advises attendees to arrive early. Representatives of STORMR jackets will also be with RFA-NJ featuring your chance to win a STORMR jacket, ideal for the upcoming striper season!
Wednesday night, April 23 from 7 until 9 p.m. at the Holiday Inn on Route 72 in Manahawkin, approximately 1 mile east of Garden State Parkway Exit 63. It's on the South Side of Route 72, just past Home Depot on the right. Admission is free.
Click here ( CDXZneBR_8kypvnABKfbXkPjCWEtrptdiDaYQ93bqqGZN0csSn GxDXEF87p03GoJbRK8c49GRZOllNadhufNqaL4l2rtNN6y6_oA N9QWrQ4c7aw8ojl3kUGayEEqWwBb4e8AYQiJ-ytVlmzsl5LYHagNN2BvwsjyP8kZkAxJ-UljzLcmw98s5zrRzqxFOwilOAKw4LK7ylC0nDac7CiAtXQoaqc dpFdtuSRdY=&c=H8k4UU4F9fOVlagpWPuHZN-OJwZS4e-ziiJU1yAjGR5p0MIKvum9WQ==&ch=iF5tI6D8JLozSLAYTc2woiu3kBdiiZhg1dKUp8ew1UO9x3S fcHf4nQ==) for directions.
04-23-2014, 09:42 AM
Bump for the workshop tonight 7-9pm.
J Barbosa
04-23-2014, 10:33 PM
Did anyone from here attend?
04-24-2014, 09:43 AM
So what's the verdict? Finchaser do you have a report for us? Thanks
04-24-2014, 11:12 AM
I would like to hear the summary as well. How about it finchaser did you go?
Here is the info for the next conference call May 1-
ASMFC Atlantic Striped Bass Technical Committee Conference Call:
Everyone will get a good idea and insight to what is going to be on the table for those June/July public comment period and meetings.
May 1st 1PM
Passcode 815277.
04-25-2014, 04:06 PM
Was waiting to see if anyone attended and would give an update.
Since this was a workshop attendance left allot to be desired, no surf clubs attended nor did the JCAA
Possible changes that were submitted by both sides and discussed:
1. Captains and mates on charter and head boat can not catch and give fish to paying customers
2. No more bonus tags to head and charter boats for every carried passenger on board
3. Bonus program will stay in effect so quota will not be divided up to other states commercial fisheries
4. Bonus program would be used instead for surf fisherman in the fall to keep a smaller fish for dinner if they apply for tag
5. Only 1 fish over a certain size could be kept to stop the snag and drop pencil popper crew from killing 2 big fish a day
6. Different size limits were proposed
7. Different bag limits were proposed
Remember these are proposals that may be voted on at latter meetings this year for the 2015 season.
Major emphasis is on saving the 2016/2017/2018 breeding stock as the breeding stock that will be needed to replenish and sustain the fishery. The stock responsible for the come stripers back has been diminished, as indicated in the last few years YOY index.
04-25-2014, 06:08 PM
Thanks for the hard work and keeping us updated finchaser.
04-25-2014, 06:59 PM
finchaser thank you sir!
04-26-2014, 09:46 AM
Since this was a workshop attendance left allot to be desired, no surf clubs attended nor did the JCAA
Possible changes that were submitted by both sides and discussed:
1. Captains and mates on charter and head boat can not catch and give fish to paying customers
2. No more bonus tags to head and charter boats for every carried passenger on board
Why didn't the JCAA attend? They wrote that letter against the jetty stuff and are supposed to be fighting for the fishermen. Where were they?
I like the first 2 provisions. The capts and mates giving extra fish to the charter boat patrons has got to stop. thanks for the update
04-26-2014, 02:31 PM
Back in the day the JCAA did. in this day and age their main concern is fluke and their fluke tournament
04-26-2014, 09:26 PM
just read a post on another forum which shows Russ Allan's data that Striped bass is NOT in danger and the regulations are working!!! YEAH!!! now we can all go out and catch all them bass.....
04-26-2014, 10:23 PM
Rob, I read Russ Allen's presentation. I disagree. They are counting on the 2011 year class to make up for all the gaps in the bass now. Not feasible or do-able. That's one of the reasons they are changing the limit to 1 by 2015. Imo it can't come soon enough. Right now Raritan bay has a lot of bass as they are gearing up to make the run into the Hudson. These bass are all around 15-25 lbs. Further evidence of gaps. I think finchaser or dark has talked about this before and it's something I see every time I fish.
Report, I fished moco before the rain. Managed 5 small bass on bucktail and grub. Outgoing tide. Fish were on the bottom with a few bunker.
04-26-2014, 10:27 PM
5. Only 1 fish over a certain size could be kept to stop the snag and drop pencil popper crew from killing 2 big fish a day
6. Different size limits were proposed
7. Different bag limits were proposed
Remember these are proposals that may be voted on at latter meetings this year for the 2015 season.
Major emphasis is on saving the 2016/2017/2018 breeding stock as the breeding stock that will be needed to replenish and sustain the fishery. The stock responsible for the come stripers back has been diminished, as indicated in the last few years YOY index.
I agree there seem to be less and less bigger fish caught every year. Thank you for the update finchaser.
04-26-2014, 10:45 PM
Rob, I read Russ Allen's presentation. I disagree.
I was being sarcastic, lol! Yeah Russ Allen is full of crap!
04-27-2014, 11:56 AM
Bucket and Rob, I agree with what you said as well.
We have further discussions on that here: (
ASMFC stats
No disrepect to Russ Allen. I wish I could have been there to meet him and see his presentation. I would have had some questions that he would have struggled to answer.
Again, no disrespect meant, and he certainly has impressive credentials. :thumbsup:
Without getting into a full-page answer, what the scientists are claiming, has consistently been around 3 years behind what most fishermen are seeing and reporting.
The ASMFC claim that striped bass are not overfished, is technically accurate, but somewhat misleading for the following reasons:
1. Striped bass biomass, the SSB part of it (Spawing striped bass is a smaller component of the entire biomass), is within 1 million lbs of the point where they are mandated to declare overfishing.
2. This is accurate and provable by reviewing ASMFC stats.
3. They have been counting on the strength of the 2010 and 2011 YOY class to carry the whole fishery. It's becoming more apparent each year, that this is not possible. Hence the claim of mortality reduction as being the new agenda.
4. One of the reasons given for the future reduction in size limits is to "reduce mortality". I don't know how to say this any less diplomatically, other than that is misleading as hell.
5. Would the ASMFC be cutting the bag limit in half, just to reduce mortality?
(If you fish a lot and see the reality out there, you would know this is said for political reasons)
6. The ASMFC has been aware of a decliine for the last 5 years, and has discussed it each time, putting it off. Much of this "putting off till tomorrow" in the decision making process has come from political pressure, charter and party boat factions pressuring politicians behind the scenes that they will suffer if such a drastic reduction is taken.
And make no mistake about it, a reduction to one fish is a drastic reduction...they could have changed size limits, etc...and other options if they were solely concerned about mortality.......
** To understand this better, you have to read between the lines, and have enough sophistication to understand that sometimes these decisions are more driven by politics, than science......
Most folks would not realize the pressuring and lobbying that goes on behind the scenes, even before these meetings take place....
Even a state like PA, (as Finchaser has pointed out many times)...has a big say in the outcome of these meetings. People assuming it's all about the coastal states, are inaccurate in their assumptions.
**In sum, it's the fishermen who fish regularly, who notice the changes in the population, long before the scientists do. Anyone who would dispute that really doesn't fish that much, or doesn't have a clear understanding of the political process that sometimes drives these meetings.
As always, differences of opinion are welcome here, but please back up your statements with some data or your own personal logs if you are going to say the striped bass are not overfished. Thanks. :HappyWave:
04-27-2014, 01:13 PM
PA is connected with the coastal states because of the Delaware river which is said to have a small breeding YOY
04-27-2014, 11:39 PM
Thanks finchaser. dark and finchaser I agree with both of you. Hope this time some real changes are made instead of false promises.
04-28-2014, 11:53 AM
finchaser thanks for the updates
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