View Full Version : Frank Pallone....Examination of his Record and Who he supports.....
04-30-2014, 08:58 AM
I told the folks here that I would eventually be writing an in-depth series of stories documenting Rep Frank Pallone's support or lack of support for fishermen and fishing issues.
My research so far has turned up some pretty appalling behavior.
For the record, I was once a Pallone supporter, and gullibly believed all the things he told us fishermen.
I was at the SSFFF dinner a few years ago when he received applause for telling fishermen he was supporting the Striped Bass Gamefish bill.....the problem has been that there has been no movement on that or any other fishermen issue Pallone has pledged that he was working on.
This thread will go into detail, each and every one of Rep Pallone's failures to support fishermen.
Can anyone detect a tone here?
Let me be completely honest....
1. If you are a homeowner who lives in his district.....many of these folks have had their property values enriched by millions of dollars, due to Rep Pallone aggressively lobbying for federal dollars to make your private property would be a fool not to vote for him in November...
2. But if you're a fisherman/ fisherwoman, or an outdoorsman....there are many areas where Rep Pallone has voted against your interest....I just want that to be clear, for those who will be making choices in November.....and will post all of those examples, in this thread
Thanks for reading....:HappyWave:
Feel free to add to this thread as you wish......
04-30-2014, 11:03 AM
In the 2012 Hatteras Access Bill. proposed by Walter B Jones....
Rep Pallone voted against HR 2578, the Conservation and Economic Growth act.........
AKA the Hatteras Access Bill....
Details to follow....
05-01-2014, 10:46 AM
A little background on the 2012 Hatteras Access Bill...
from (
Thursday, 06 February 2014 12:21
“It is time for the Senate to act.”
Feb 6, 2014 Issues: Budget Spending and Taxes (, Energy Environment and Public Lands (
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House of Representatives voted to approve Congressman Walter B. Jones’ (NC-3) proposal to repeal excessive restrictions on human access to Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area. The provision would repeal regulations implemented by a 2012 National Park Service rule and a 2008 court-approved Consent Decree and instead require that visitor access and species protection be governed by the Park Service’s 2007 Interim Management Strategy. The Interim Management Strategy was supported by a 113-page Biological Opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which found that it would not jeopardize piping plover, sea turtles, or other species of concern.
“The last thing we need in Eastern North Carolina is unnecessary government regulation stifling job creation and economic growth,” said Congressman Jones. “I am grateful to my colleagues in the House for voting to approve this common-sense measure, which strikes the appropriate balance between protecting the species that live in the Cape Hatteras area and protecting the taxpayers’ right to access the recreational areas that they own. Now it is time for the Senate to act.”
The Cape Hatteras provision was included in the Public Access and Lands Improvement Act (H.R. 2954), which passed the House today with a bipartisan vote of 220 to 194 and will now go to the Senate for further consideration. Congressman Jones’ speech on the House floor today in favor of the legislation can be viewed here (
This is the second time that the House has approved Congressman Jones’ Cape Hatteras access proposal. It first passed the House in 2012 as part of H.R. 2578, but the Senate took no action on that bill.
(article originally published on Congressman Walter P. Jones website )
05-01-2014, 11:53 AM
HR 2578 Voting list:
Rep Pallone's vote is visible in the left column. It is 29 up from the bottom.
He voted "Nay" against the bill.
In the interest of fairness, I am reporting these other facts as well:
54% of House Republicans voted for the bill..
44% of House Democrats voted against the bill.
12 members abstained.
1. NJ legislators who voted against the Hatteras Access Bill HR2578:
Conservation and Economic Growth Act
Frank Pallone - (D)- NJ 6th Dist
Bob Andrews (D)-NJ 1st Dist
Bill Pascrell (D)- NJ 8th Dist
Steve Rothman (D)- NJ 9th Dist
Rush Holt (D)- NJ 12th Dist
Albio Sires (D)- NJ 13th Dist
Rodney Frelinghuysen (R)- NJ 1st Dist
2. NJ Legislators who voted for the Hatteras Access Bill HR 2578:
Frank LoBiondo (R)- NJ 2nd Dist
John Runyon (R)- NJ 3rd Dist
Scott Garrett (R)- NJ 5th Dist
Leonard Lance (R)- NJ 7th Dist
Feel free to pass this on to whoever you feel might have an interest.
05-02-2014, 03:05 PM
Thanks for the research Rich. It kind of looks like the Dems are the party of the tree huggers and the Repubs are the party of the rest of us. What a phony Pallone is. I wish I lived in his district I would call his office to blast him. He really is a sleazy ******bag.
05-02-2014, 04:19 PM
So I guess you're trying to make the case that he has a history of not voting for fishermen interests. I will do some research and try to contribute. Thanks for the info.
06-24-2014, 09:27 PM
Folks need to know the truth.
Rep Pallone is not the fishermens' friend.
Commments, positive or negative, most welcome.
If you're gonna say something negative, please support it with some specific example or reason. This will give voters the incentive to choose wisely for the election. Thanks. :HappyWave:
06-26-2014, 10:07 AM
How about he just looks too pretty to represent fishermen? He strikes me as the guy who before a news conference has an assistant make sure every hair on his head is in the right strategic place.
Here's a salute for you, Frank.:2flip:
10-18-2014, 07:37 AM
I posted this yesterday and thought some might not be aware of it.
"I wonder if folks know that Frank Pallone has been "trying" to get the bass gamefish bill passed for years....but this is largely a ploy to continue to get fishermen to vote for him.....when he knows that bill doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting the support it needs.......
In the interim he can still call himself "The fishermens' friend".... shake our hands...and claim he is working for us"....:kooky:
If anyone can help with more info, or wants to use this info to start a thread on another site to raise awareness, you have permission to use the content in this thread. Please help fight against Pallone getting elected if you care about fishing and fishermen.
A lot of folks will say "He has too much support, it's pointless"....but in the end.....if we try and fail, at least we can say we tried to make a difference....while Mr Pallone has not really helped fishermen much lately.
I just want to get this info out there.....and thank any and all who can help with the message. :thumbsup:
10-18-2014, 07:52 AM
Some detailed info about Rep Pallone. Feel free to add to this if you can, thanks.
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