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View Full Version : Interrupted Service

07-06-2008, 05:33 PM
Just wanted to inform you fine folks that we were down for approximately 3 days. We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience.

As a new site, we have been getting an increasing amount of traffic and interest in our reports and content. We have been told it was an error from the server side. It must have been frustrating for you folks, because it was mind-numbingly frustrating for me. :banghead2:

Enough to want to strangle someone, or at least use them for sharkbait on the high seas. :lynchmob:

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled programming. Feel free to post those reports, even if they are late ones. Thank you for your understanding.

07-07-2008, 07:30 PM
Glad to see you guys back up and running.