View Full Version : Stop the Ocean Blasting!
05-04-2014, 02:34 PM
Recreational Fishing Alliance Contact: Jim Hutchinson, Jr. / 888-564-6732
For Immediate Release May 4, 2014
Recreational Fishing Alliance Contact: Jim Hutchinson, Jr. / 888-564-6732
For Immediate Release May 4, 2014
Obama Faces Whale Of a Problem Along Jersey Shore
New Jersey recreational and commercial fishermen, along with a coalition of grassroots environmental groups and local activists, are protesting the irresponsible scheduling of a seismic testing program just 15 miles off Barnegat Inlet, a study that very well could last into August.
Scheduled to start on June 3 - which coincides with critical fish and marine mammal migration periods along the Jersey Shore - the seismic testing incorporates high-energy, seismic blasting by way of four- and eight-airgun arrays mounted on a large research vessel that produces sound levels of up to 253 decibels fired in an alternating sequence every 5 seconds.
Approved by the Obama administration as a climate change study designed to access deep sea sediments, the seismic blasting study off the Jersey Coast is being run by Rutgers University and is expected to last 30 days and cover 230 square miles of ocean, though sources believe the effort could continue later into the summer months.
"Our federal government couldn't have picked a worse time to coordinate such an invasive study," said Jim Donofrio, executive director of the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA). "Our fishing community is still reeling from the effects of Hurricane Sandy, and this explosive study will scatter fish and potentially do damage to migratory species like bottlenose dolphins, humpbacks and even right whales along our coast that time of year."
Donofrio said members of the for-hire fleet, as well as well as local commercial fishermen, are fearful of the potential impacts on local marine life posed by the seismic airgun blasts. A recent study in the Journal of Acoustical Society of America has confirmed that seismic airguns used in similar underwater oil exploration efforts have damaged the auditory organs of fish. In announcing the $369,358 grant to Rutgers University to perform this seismic study, the National Science Foundation specifically noted how final results of the study "may be of relevance for hydrocarbon exploration industry."
"Under the guise of a climate change study, the Obama Administration has proposed another job-killer for the coastal fishing industry during the prime summer months," Donofrio said. "They're obviously going forward with this study despite our concerns, but at the very least it could be coordinated at a different time of year when the negative impacts of marine life and local economy are minimized."
RFA and other groups are urging the Obama Administration to step in and reschedule the seismic blasting for the winter months of January through March when the effects would be less damaging to marine life and the coastal resource.
05-04-2014, 05:40 PM
I bet the # of whales that gets stranded in this area doubles during the testing.
05-04-2014, 06:37 PM
I read that too - the waves cause them to get disoriented and thats how they wind up ashore. You would think the obama administration with all the tree huggers would be aware of that.
05-04-2014, 07:14 PM
this will be in the mudhole should send and prevent many species of fish away from our coast they had all winter to do this sh_t. He is clueless
J Barbosa
05-04-2014, 08:10 PM
Can't they test this crap off the coast of Cuba?
05-05-2014, 02:58 PM
I read that too - the waves cause them to get disoriented and thats how they wind up ashore. You would think the obama administration with all the tree huggers would be aware of that.
I don't think this administration knows too much when it comes to fishing. Every decision seems to contradict something else.. my .02
05-06-2014, 09:22 AM
It was probably part of the deal with the so called replenishment. - Here is probably how the discussion went between Christie and Obama
Christie- " Hey Obama hook me up with some of that fed money to pay my buddies to "replenish" the beach and build me a new house...."
Obama- " well, you know I need a cut too, Also I want to do some seismic ocean blasting and the people down in Louisiana wouldn't go for it that's why I did not approve too much funding for them. If you play ball I will give you this erroneous funding for your so called beach replenishment but I want that testing and I don't want a peep out of your state!"
Christie- " You got it homey, These idiots in NJ love me!" Obama- " Oh now we are boys huh?" Christie-" Yeah man, oh and I wont bash you anymore, I will sing your praises from here on out." Obama- " You white people are all the same!"
I am speculating, but pretty sure that's how it went.
05-20-2014, 12:17 PM
Tell Federal Fishery Managers: Set a Cap on Commercial River Herring & Shad Catches
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You Can Help Stop Seismic Testing off the New Jersey Coast
Tell New Jersey governor Chris Christie, Rutgers University President Robert Barchi and President Obama to stop seismic testing off the New Jersey coast.
Hello Frank Manzi:
This summer, Rutgers University scientists (backed with funding from the National Science Foundation) are planning to blast the ocean with sound pulses louder than the noise made when a jet engine takes off.
There's no question that these sounds will have a terrible impact on all marine life from dolphins to whales to sea turtles. Plus, tourism at the Jersey Shore and the fishing industry will certainly be adversely affected.
I just signed a Care2 petition telling New Jersey governor Chris Christie, Rutgers University President Robert Barchi and President Obama to stop seismic testing off the New Jersey coast. Will you sign too? Here's a link to the petition: (
Thank you,
Capt. Paul Eidman
J Barbosa
05-20-2014, 06:53 PM
05-20-2014, 07:45 PM
05-22-2014, 12:34 PM
Recreational Fishing Alliance
Contact: Jim Hutchinson, Jr. / 888-564-6732
For Immediate Release
May 22, 2014
RFA Urges Friday Fax Campaign To Help Quiet Explosive Study
Earlier this month, the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) sent a nationwide email alert related to the scheduling of a seismic testing program just 15 miles off the New Jersey coast scheduled to begin on June 3. The seismic testing incorporates high-energy, seismic blasting by way of four- and eight-airgun arrays that will produce sound levels of up to 253 decibels fired in an alternating sequence every 5 seconds.
Approved by the Obama administration as a climate change study designed to access deep sea sediments, the seismic blasting study off the Jersey Coast is being run by Rutgers University and is expected to last 30 days and cover 230 square miles of ocean, and coincides with critical fish and marine mammal migration periods along the Jersey Shore.
Members of the recreational for-hire fleet, as well as local commercial fishermen and a host of environmental organizations including Clean Ocean Action are fearful of the potential impacts on local marine life posed by the seismic airgun blasts. A press conference and rally will be held on Friday, May 23 at 11 a.m. at the Fishermen's Dock Cooperative on Channel Drive in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ.
RFA is also encouraging its members and supporters to participate in a coordinated Friday fax campaign (click here for letter) to encourage the United States Department of Interior to suspend the study until the winter months when the impact on marine life and coastal businesses will be less intrusive.
Go to (
RFA executive director Jim Donofrio has spoken to numerous state and federal officials about the timing of the seismic study, and there's not one elected official from New Jersey who supports the Obama administration's plan to blast away marine life at the kickoff to the summer season.
"The problem here is that the ultimate decision to begin this invasive research has been made in Washington DC in the U.S. Department of the Interior, and only the Secretary of Interior and the President himself can delay this study until another time," Donofrio said.
"New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and the state Department of Environmental Protection have made a great argument to suspend the operation, and we've talked to members of Congress and the U.S. Senate, inboth parties, about getting something done at the top, but it's simply not going to happen unless enough constituents get involved," Donofrio added. "This isn't a partisan issue, it's just a simple fact, only President Obama can decide whether or not this explosive study will take place in June or later in the winter."
In addition to being a seasonal disruption of migration patterns for many marine species, a recent study in the Journal of Acoustical Society of America has confirmed that seismic airguns used in similar underwater oil exploration efforts have also damaged the auditory organs of fish. By simply rescheduling the timing of this study to the winter months of January and February, RFA believes the Obama administration can greatly minimize impacts of the blasting plan.
The Recreational Fishing Alliance is urging all saltwater anglers and concerned citizens to take time from their schedule on Friday, May 23, 2014, to send a fax to Secretary of the Interior, Ms. Sally Jewell, urging her assistance in postponing the study.
Click here to download the PDF, and then fill in your name and address, sign the document, and fax to the Secretary's attention at 202-208-5133: (
An online petition has been created by Clean Ocean Action which is almost at 15,000 signatures, but Donofrio said a Friday fax campaign to the U.S. Department of Interior could help spread the word quickly within the administration.
"The Secretary of Interior can help suspend this job-killing survey, but only if the President himself wants that to happen," Donofrio said. "It's a pretty easy rescheduling fix, and if doesn't happen it's only because President Obama didn't want it to happen or refused to listen to coastal stakeholders, it's really that simple."
Click here to download the letter to Secretary Jewell
New Jersey residents are also encouraged to call their U.S. Senators:
For Sen. Robert Mendendez' DC office call 202-224-4744
For Sen. Robert Mendendez' NJ office call 973-645-3030
For Sen. Cory Booker's DC office call 202-224-3224
For Sen. Cory Booker's NJ office, call 973-639-8700
Urge the Senators from New Jersey to talk to the President - ask "please suspend the seismic testing program until January and February when it's less invasive to marine life and coastal economies."
05-22-2014, 01:27 PM
This is an easy slam dunk folks.... it won't take up too much of your time....
And is another issue that will be ignored by big Gov't unless they get harassed by thousands of people....
Won't you please take a moment of your time.....
To register your disapproval of the time frame they chose to do this?
He made it easy....all ya have to C&P....
or fax.....
Thanks to Fin for posting.......:thumbsup: :HappyWave:
05-22-2014, 01:48 PM
Done. Called Booker's office. Certainly a stupid idea for them to try this now Thank you finchaser for all you do.
05-22-2014, 02:15 PM
I called Menendez's NJ office.
NJ office call 973-645-3030
Spoke to a Mrs Cook. She must not have been aware of this issue or they are not getting any phone calls yet. I had to spell seismic testing for her 3 times! It was so easy to do. Just call and leave your name and town where you live and say you oppose it and want it shifted to the Winter.
Thanks finchaser.
05-22-2014, 02:29 PM
I called Bookers nj line. Seems they are not hearing too much of this as the lady I got wasn't aware either. Thank you finchaser sir for making it easy. Let's try to get some more phone calls out or faxes tomorrow.
J Barbosa
05-22-2014, 03:37 PM
Ahh...our companies oversized copy machine will finally get put to good use.
05-22-2014, 07:34 PM
Will be faxing from work tomorrow. Thanks for the effort finchaser.
05-23-2014, 01:39 PM
Thank you finchaser sir. Done
05-23-2014, 02:08 PM
done thanks fc.
05-23-2014, 02:30 PM
Taking my lunch in 1/2 hour. Will do it then, thanks.
05-23-2014, 02:38 PM
I can't fax so I called menendez and told them I was opposed.
07-01-2014, 04:59 PM
Recreational Fishing Alliance Contact: Jim Hutchinson, Jr. / 888-564-6732
For Immediate Release July 1, 2014
Town Hall Meeting At Barnegat Light Firehouse
On Wednesday, July 2 at 5 p.m., join the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA), Clean Ocean Action, United Boatmen, Marine Trades Association, New Jersey Beach Buggy Association, Jersey Coast Anglers Association, and a host of other groups who stand in opposition to ocean blasting off the Jersey Shore.
A special town meeting and rally will be held at the Barnegat Light Fire Company at 10 West 10th Street on the Boulevard in Barnegat Light on Wednesday at 5 p.m. to protest the federal government's approved ocean seismic testing plan being coordinated by Rutgers University.
Scheduled to have started in June but now facing more critical review by NOAA Fisheries, the ocean testing incorporates high-energy, seismic blasting by way of four- and eight-airgun arrays mounted on a large research vessel that produces sound levels of up to 253 decibels fired in an alternating sequence every 5 seconds, 24 hours a day.
Approved by the Obama administration as a climate change study designed to access deep sea sediments, the seismic blasting study off the Jersey Coast is expected to last more 30 days and cover 230 square miles of ocean, though sources believe the effort could continue later into the summer months.
In May, RFA began a campaign ( bx5ONYeUh8riRFYHVR63pMMsznj42P8L7pMdz4f1-6n6C1XoputSHOExvwV8jSh-JjNS-LhYGo-2FXUtCpYJgK8UDs0u4P9SAvvQtuj3OrfIWuV9DAhYoklhc2m-ZKz7RPjdJvdthRLKUL9hJ701nAkFymug8ORxyScnPd0xkDX4t-kItdsoK024X3ekvGQ_eEsFuXRuCsh3I7EA==&c=Dk-_gI_1Xt9OXqbBoZxI0VU3iFvfCHYjwqplRwmsbr7Nj5ZzjVAk8 A==&ch=ZQy_wfspUK_iWBcXzwr2IO5CNEdldf-GsbgixPe1FZdtE_Dcs64DDw==) with various commercial and recreational fishing leaders, divers, elected officials, and grassroots environmental groups to attack the poor timing of the invasive study.
"Our federal government couldn't have picked a worse time to coordinate such an invasive study," said RFA executive Jim Donofrio "Our fishing community is still reeling from the effects of Hurricane Sandy, and this explosive study will scatter fish and potentially do damage to migratory species like grey whales, humpbacks and even right whales along our coast that time of year."
Donofrio said members of the for-hire fleet, as well as well as local commercial fishermen, are fearful of the potential impacts on local marine life posed by the seismic airgun blasts, and said the very least that the administration could do would be to reschedule the seismic blasting for the winter months of January through March when the effects would be less damaging to marine life and the coastal resource.
"Our two U.S. Senators have written letters to the White House, now let's see if they can face the folks in Barnegat Light on Wednesday night and provide a first-hand status report on their efforts," Donofrio said. "They have the week off from Capitol Hill, maybe they can find their way below the Driscoll Bridge to join our coastal constituents in appealing for assistance."
Several state, local and federal elected officials are expected to be on-hand on Wednesday night at the Barnegat Light firehouse, and RFA is hoping to see local chapter members in attendance as well.
"New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and the state Department of Environmental Protection have made a great argument to suspend the operation, and we've talked to members of Congress and the U.S. Senate, in both parties, about getting something done at the top, but it's simply not going to happen unless enough constituents get involved," Donofrio said recently.
"This isn't a partisan issue, it's a simple fact that only President Obama can decide whether or not this explosive study takes place now during the height of the summer season or later in the winter," he added.
About Recreational Fishing Alliance
The Recreational Fishing Alliance is a national, grassroots political action organization representing recreational fishermen and the recreational fishing industry on marine fisheries issues. The RFA Mission is to safeguard the rights of saltwater anglers, protect marine, boat and tackle industry jobs, and ensure the long-term sustainability of our Nation's saltwater fisheries. For more information, call 888-JOIN-RFA or visit ( bx5ONYeUh8riRFYDc8ZBoeBRiM8mB0YaUsO8RVBOAn7HkDuCVa 7QF2ZHdcSYDASlvStSHgtaFYnm033MStOROMyuZiOleK8Tda8s FKdaus2r0Mkls7zPY_Rrgou4T5b4tNmM4=&c=Dk-_gI_1Xt9OXqbBoZxI0VU3iFvfCHYjwqplRwmsbr7Nj5ZzjVAk8 A==&ch=ZQy_wfspUK_iWBcXzwr2IO5CNEdldf-GsbgixPe1FZdtE_Dcs64DDw==). ( bx5ONYeUh8riRFYG-Zd3PCabHQF4SvTbhLIqSM7T2XbUrR4VypCgnTgxvOHoHHRFuFO I7hDd2HSr_Pvm2Vq1NRd4VIkJlyHmQrkLtYZieJu-mVsXwc6lNytTKTL3-sL-Por-iQ0v0_JgeXr7JZeoYDBr6MW_0yBaoPFh-_Jdzo3-IwjA==&c=Dk-_gI_1Xt9OXqbBoZxI0VU3iFvfCHYjwqplRwmsbr7Nj5ZzjVAk8 A==&ch=ZQy_wfspUK_iWBcXzwr2IO5CNEdldf-GsbgixPe1FZdtE_Dcs64DDw==) ( bx5ONYeUh8riRFYJW8RMJ0ZDcRy6rdZ5krWgOdxU9qiOq1pX-BDxtpo5L2ZL6447KjWt7_drPMDEPG0Wf6u9pOmx4ZbuqdryZrZ JFmzLqNKENRd8p9zjs0LAFsPcRlrfxntfJAGIvfOcjrKQ==&c=Dk-_gI_1Xt9OXqbBoZxI0VU3iFvfCHYjwqplRwmsbr7Nj5ZzjVAk8 A==&ch=ZQy_wfspUK_iWBcXzwr2IO5CNEdldf-GsbgixPe1FZdtE_Dcs64DDw==)
07-01-2014, 06:54 PM
Thanks for the info finchaser.
07-02-2014, 11:13 PM
:clapping:Injunctive relief Gov Christie to the rescue!
Christie Administration prepared to take legal action to stop seismic testing. NJ DEP Commissioner Bob Martin, released a letter today to Clean Ocean Action stating, "I want to reassure you that the issue of seismic testing off the New Jersey coast is of great importance to the Christie Administration and the DEP."
The DEP noted in the letter that it has submitted formal public comments in the Federal Register opposing the timing of the seismic testing program. Seismic testing was approved by the federal government earlier this week.
Commissioner Martin also stated that the DEP "raised the issue in formal letters to NOAA and other federal agencies, and remain disappointed that they have denied the state's request for a Federal Consistency Determination regarding these activities, which will impact New Jersey's marine resources."
He continued, "As a result, the Christie Administration is prepared to take legal action in federal court to seek judicial intervention in this matter. We are now in the process of preparing legal papers to seek injunctive relief in the courts. We intend to file the legal papers tomorrow (Thursday)."
According to Commissioner Martin, the DEP believes the timing of the seismic testing would negatively impact marine fisheries, specie migration patterns, breeding, and commercial fishing. He continued, "We remain hopeful that, at the very least, this initiative will be rescheduled for a less impactful time of year."
07-03-2014, 11:58 AM
Hey Christie listened for once! thanks for pushing this finchaser
07-07-2014, 03:59 PM
July 3, 2014
Contact: Lawrence Ragonese (609) 292-2994
Bob Considine (609) 984-1795
(14/P72) TRENTON - - The Christie Administration is taking legal action to halt a federally approved seismic ocean survey that is scheduled to start this month off the New Jersey coast, and which could adversely impact the state's vital tourism and fishing industries, and marine life, Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Bob Martin announced today.
The state has filed legal papers to seek injunctive relief in federal court to prevent the vessel, R/V Marcus G. Langseth, from conducting seismic research off the coast of New Jersey at this time. Please visit:
The DEP believes this research, which would use loud, powerful sound blasts to map the ocean floor over a 30-day period, will likely have a detrimental effect on New Jersey's fisheries and marine mammals. The study is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and led by Rutgers University.
"We must carefully safeguard those resources, which play such a key role in our state's $40 billion tourism industry, for the benefit of our residents, businesses and the environment,'' Commissioner Martin said. "The Christie Administration continues to focus on clean ocean water quality, protecting our coastline and working to enhance our coastal recreation and fishing industries."
"We have made our concerns clear to the NOAA and remain hopeful that, at the very least, this initiative will be rescheduled for a less impactful time of year," Commissioner Martin added. "The timing of this program will be detrimental to various marine species that migrate and breed off the New Jersey coast and will negatively impact the commercial and recreational fishing industries, and related tourism, that relies heavily on these resources.
DEP contends that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration failed to act properly when NOAA denied the DEP's request to study fisheries impacts. This request was made in addition to comments the DEP provided for a federal permit allowing for incidental harming or killing of marine mammals in the study area.
The NSF's own environmental study concludes that because of limited knowledge of the effects of seismic surveys on marine fish, this "makes drawing conclusions about impacts to fish problematic."
Part of the study area includes areas identified as essential fish habitat (EFH), which are important for fish spawning, breeding, and feeding. In approvals for this study, NOAA concedes that "it appears that some level of adverse effect to EFH may occur."
Rutgers University received funding from the National Science Foundation to conduct seismic ocean blasting tests between 15 and 50 miles east of Barnegat Inlet as part of a climate change study. The process involves the repeated blasts of compressed air by underwater seismic air guns, designed to determine the scientific understanding of changes in sea level rise by examining deep sea sediments. These air-gun blasts can generate up to 250 decibels underwater.
The DEP's Bureau of Marine Fisheries and Office of Environmental Review have both concluded this seismic activity would likely negatively impact New Jersey's fish and marine mammal populations, including several endangered species.
NOAA is in the process of updating its Marine Mammal Acoustic Guidance, which set standards on how man-made sounds like seismic testing, sonar tests and ship noise, can affect marine mammals. Currently, the threshold level where underwater noise is considered to pose dangers to marine wildlife is 160 decibels, which is louder than a jet engine.
DEP contends that this proposed seismic research can either directly harm fish or disrupt migration patterns that will have a detrimental impact on our commercial and recreational fishing industry. The study's one-month time window coincides with the height of fish migrations through the study area. This time window also accounts for nearly 20 percent of the annual catch for many species of fish.
In addition to fisheries impacts, the DEP further contends that the study will have an impact on marine mammals that migrate through the area and into New Jersey's coastal waters. This concern is further reinforced by NOAA's permit authorizing some harm to marine mammals, including threatened and endangered species.
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07-07-2014, 07:34 PM
Wow for once the dep is on our side. Hope they can make some progress on this. Thanks bababooey and finchaser
07-07-2014, 07:47 PM
Tks fellas.
07-08-2014, 06:13 PM
Federal court ruled in favor of blasting it will start any day now
07-08-2014, 08:42 PM
At least we tried. thanks for the updates gents.
07-08-2014, 08:59 PM
Federal court ruled in favor of blasting it will start
We are truly an "I don't care about the environment" nation.
07-08-2014, 09:07 PM
This is an Obama thing with NOAA. His administration pushed hard for this. the boat waits off of LBI for it to be formally announced. Kind of like the dredge at jetty country. It was supposed to be a global warming studying now it's turning to oil he'll probably sell the oil rights to his Muslim buddies the piece of sh_t that he is.
J Barbosa
07-09-2014, 09:57 AM
Does anyone know exactly what they are doing?
Setting off explosive charges?
07-09-2014, 11:57 AM
It's all explained in post #29
seismic blast testing, which will involve air gun blasts 11,500 feet underground that will reach sounds of 250 or more decibels and occur every five seconds, 24 hours a day, for a month. Obama administration is saying its for global warming testing,
True definition:
Seismic airguns are used to find oil and gas deep underneath the ocean floor. Airguns are so loud that they disturb, injure or kill marine life, harm commercial fisheries, and disrupt coastal economies. These dynamite-like blasts—which are repeated every ten seconds, 24 hours a day, for days and weeks at a time—are 100,000 times more intense than a jet engine. Seismic airgun testing currently being proposed in the Atlantic will injure 138,500 whales and dolphins and disturb millions more, according to government estimates.Seismic airguns ( are towed behind ships and shoot loud blasts of compressed air through the water and miles into the seabed, which reflect back information about buried oil and gas deposits. These blasts harm marine mammals, sea turtles, fish and other wildlife.
Impacts include temporary and permanent hearing loss, abandonment of habitat, disruption of mating and feeding, and even beach strandings and death. For whales and dolphins, which rely on their hearing to find food, communicate, and reproduce, being able to hear is a life or death matter.
Airgun blasts kill fish eggs and larvae and scare away fish from important habitats. Following seismic surveys catch rates of cod and haddock declined by 40 to 80 percent for thousands of miles.
In addition to being devastating for marine life, seismic airguns are the first step toward dangerous and dirty offshore drilling ( with associated habitat destruction, oil spills and contribution to climate change ( and ocean acidification (
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