View Full Version : NJ Fishing Reports for June
05-31-2014, 11:05 AM
NJ Fishing Reports for June (
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Please post fishing reports little or as much detail as you want to give.
Please note: NO SPOT BURNING. Posts burning spots will be Edited or DELETED.
** Since Sandy and the rebuilding/Beach replenishment, a substantial amount of Fishing Access has been lost. The ones who want to fish, are now crowded into less places, particularly the popular ones.
Please use common sense, when describing where you were fishing. :learn:
1. IF you are fishing an area that is NOT residential, being vague is less critical. For example, it's acceptable to say (Any)Park, or (Any)Bay, or mention a specific state park that has loads of parking and can handle the crowds.
2. For some areas, it would be wiser to say:
Out Front (Ocean) OR -- Out Back (Bay) -- if you feel too many people will figure out what you are talking about. "Spot burning" also could involve mentioning something specific only to that area. Remember that thousands of people could potentially read these posts. You don't want to be fishing next to ALL of them at the same time
3. If I name this place on the internet, will it be too crowded for me to enjoy tomorrow when people hear I got 30 fish there today?
If the answer is "Yes", then you should probably not be so specific.
More discussion on this: (
**If you have any additional details you would like to share - weather conditions, tide (incoming, outgoing, ebb, flood) water temps, bait present, or other mention of techniques or plugs used - feel free. :fishing:
Some acronyms -
SH - Sandy Hook
NoMoCo - Northern Monmouth County (below the Hook to Shark River Inlet SRI)
SoMoCo - Southern Monmouth County (below SRI to Manasquan Inlet)
OC - Ocean County
IBSP - Island Beach State Park
LBI - Long Beach Island
AC - Atlantic County
CMC - Cape May County
RB - Raritan Bay
BB - Barnegat Bay
CB - Chesapeake Bay
DB - Delaware Bay
05-31-2014, 11:22 AM
In the beginning of May....some of us were complaining about the lack of bluefish.....
Within a few days of that.....the large ones hit the NY Bight area with a vengeance.....Fishermen from LI and NJ were seeing bluefish larger than 15# in the back bays.....for 10 days straight every night someone was texting me a pic or report of a bluefish 16, 17, 18, 19 #...this was unprecedented for a Spring run of bluefish seen by land fishermen...
The forage was a little unusual this year....
Traditionally it's bunker, and rainfish.....early season....
Some of ya's might be able to remember Spring seasons 8-10 years ago when there was a much richer forage base.....
1. The Winter and Spring spearing....
2. Spring rainfish that came through the channels and points...
3. The ever present grass shrimp......
4. Herring, both freshwater and sea herring....
5. Hickory shad.....
6. Spring sand eel runs.....(yes there were quite a few years they did come in regularly in the late spring)
7. Cinder worms
8. Grass shrimp
This Spring, (Generally Speaking) for the NNJ area, it was all about the
A. Bunker....
B. then some herring came into the back to spawn in the rivers...
C. We also had these "medium" shrimp....I call them this, because some of them were 3-5 times larger than the largest grass shrimp we normally see....another species of shrimp.....Some of the old timers remarked they hadn't seen shrimp that size in years....rin
D. Spearing and rainfish have not shown up in many NNJ areas until recently.....
More about the forage here
The fly fishermen who knew of this, and could take advantage, did pretty well at times.....
For the most part, for those fishing from land...the fish were on the bottom....a few times in the ocean and bays they were caught by topwater presentation...but for the most part, tight to the bottom....a distinctive early cold water pattern for bass, weakfish, and bluefish........
And of course, from boats on live bunker, heads, and chunks....
Hopefully that changes, this month....
I have an addiction to plugging....but could not catch many on plugs in May...some of this was probably due to unseasonally colder water...
The fishermen in South Jersey did much better plugging.....with some high teen and 20-30#s, fish at night, as it seems more varieties of forage fish were available down there.....
Met an old timer the other day who claims every year, he gets his biggest fish of the year (from land) the last 2 weeks of May, and first 2 weeks of June...My logs tend to mirror that as well.
The bigger bluefish have moved out into the bay a bit.....but that can always change when large schools of bunker come in.......
And there are still some bass at night available to the 20# class.....I saw some being caught on one of my trips last week.....although these fish are spread out, scattered (compared to past years) and very tight to the bunker schools........
Fishing anywhere away from those schools or key structural and current flow areas will likely not yield many fish at all......
It's also disturbing to me to see the lack of short fish in the bays.....because IMO they are the key to our future.....
Ya can't catch em from the couch....get out there, put your time in.....
The next 2 weeks could be very exciting, if you do get out.....Best of luck to all.....:fishing: :HappyWave:
06-01-2014, 05:25 PM
One 17 lb bass on an SP fishing all hour before dark and half hour after, missed one other bite, few breaks but not too good, counted 24 guys on way out some nights its been just 4 or 5 of us, word got out but the bass seem to have left the bay mostly
06-01-2014, 05:44 PM
^ nice work, Shark. :HappyWave:
C. We also had these "medium" shrimp....I call them this, because some of them were 3-5 times larger than the largest grass shrimp we normally see....another species of shrimp.....Some of the old timers remarked they hadn't seen shrimp that size in years....
These shrimp have been the buzzword among old timer conversations for a while now.....
The latest crop of bluefish are feeding heavily on them....
Some of the larger bluefish this morning still had that beautiful purple hue to them, indicating they came in fresh from offshore......
Still trying to figure this out....unprecedented year for the larger bluefish....
I do believe, from what I've seen, that these fish are still coming in from waves at a time........
I apologize to the members and readers for my grumping about the bluefish....:waaah:
I had the blues....about the blues.....last 2 times out had only been able to manage a few small cocktails.....
When you have trouble catching simple bluefish on artificials. and you know the early season start to question your ability as a surfcaster......"You're so lame you can't even catch one freaking bluefish on artificials or a bucktail!...Pathetic!" :beatin:
I knew they are still being found regularly in 10-15' of water from reports folks are sending in....
Casting from (generally) ain't reaching water that deep unless fishing an inlet or river.......
So I set out last try all the spots I haven't tried in a while.....
Part of being a good fisherman is being willing to look at your successes, failures, and do critical analysis....
5 hours into last night, with 5 stops under my belt and no action, I really felt like a failure....
The 6th stop, fishing the sedge banks........
dropping tide, I waded about 1/4 mile out into the far out I was almost in the channel.......disappointed in my night...almost ready to give up...
Playing around with presentations....nothing interested in rubber, metal, bucktail, plugs....I decided to toss a popper in the dark. On my first cast I was hooked into an aggressive angry bluefish.....and then every few casts after that had action......either a hit or times in the dark they would hit right at my feet as I was concentrating on the next cast......some great action on would swing and miss 3-4 times until they bashed that plug............
Managed 11 blues, 4-8#...the level of activity, very high,
The area they were in, I think is filled with those little shrimp......not much else for them to feed on.....
JB,, when he wakes up from his beauty sleep....:laugh:...was in a different area, .....and may have some pics of stomach contents for you folks to see...:HappyWave:
All in all....a poor night for me.....but good pre-dawn bite....
Fish bit on both stages of the tide...picked up a few during slack with the bait tail jigs....
The NW wind (which probably spurred the bite in the first place...great white/rough water out there where I was..Monty are you reading this? :HappyWave:) a little worse and I couldn't stay out as far I lost the bite once the sun got bright......
Made a move to another location to see if I could find them again....but by that time everything was dead, in the area...for shore anglers.....
Still over an hour of fun-filled and intense action......:fishing:
06-01-2014, 06:14 PM
4 bass 12 to 16 pounds , my friend had 8 bass to 21# all on swimming plugs plus we had a handful of blues all at first light all blind casting no pain in the a_s bunker around
06-01-2014, 07:03 PM
Nice going gents. Fished the back bay last night with bunker. It was breezy all night and bunker were close. Picked up 3 short bass and a whole mess o blues. Donated some rigs to those blue devils. Some skinny, some fat, but like ds said angry and aggressive.
06-01-2014, 08:02 PM
Nice reports and catching guys....Cant seem to get any bass of any size outfront lately so i switched gears and went for some flatties..My favorite eatin fish...Got out today and hit the sand for some flatties with my bud...Fished 730am till 1pm..Morning started off slow fished the incoming and walked alot finally found 1 fluke about 16in on a SPRO chicken scratch BT that i retied over the winter...As the tide slacked we made our way back towards were we started and as soon as the tide started to go out the fluke started to chew..Managed 7 more shorts and a nice 18.5in for the table most hit the GULP white swim mullet on the teaser but 2 hit the BT (the keeper slammed the teaser in the usual ) My bud had some hits and bit off tails but couldnt hook'em....Beautiful day weather wise and got some dinner to boot...Im liking they way this fluke season is starting off ....
06-02-2014, 01:32 PM
Fished this morning 1:30-7:30/8:30.
Skunkaroo, but had a great time out there.
Ended up in some weird type of Triathlon.
Covered great distances over road, land and water via foot. Each of them was a challenge of endurance, agility and navigational fortitude.
Although I didn't catch anything the satisfaction of getting back to my vehicle was extremely rewarding :wheeeee:....rewarding and relief are the same???
Seriously enjoyed it all, beautiful weather, great looking water (new to me), fished with a good friend, had a great time, learned a lot, lots of laughs and fish talk:thumbsup:.
06-02-2014, 05:14 PM
Skunkaroo, but had a great time out there.
Ended up in some weird type of Triathlon.
Covered great distances over road, land and water via foot. Each of them was a challenge of endurance, agility and navigational fortitude.
Although I didn't catch anything the satisfaction of getting back to my vehicle was extremely rewarding :wheeeee:....rewarding and relief are the same???
Seriously enjoyed it all, beautiful weather, great looking water (new to me), fished with a good friend, had a great time, learned a lot, lots of laughs and fish talk:thumbsup:.
Gee, you put it so much nicer than what actually happened to us.......:laugh:
Did anyone ever tell should consider writing for a living? ;) :HappyWave:
Here's my recollection.....
1. Based on the good action Sun pre-dawn to a fool I assumed we could get into some of it same time today, one hour later to account for the tide difference.....
2. I knew you were on vacation and travelled all over to get those fish you caught this week...
3. Every year it's hit or miss for you and I knew how important your vacation is to you and your I wasn't happy with your results for the week.....wanted to see ya get back to work with a few more fish.....
4. So, as usual, I butted in and harassed ya to come out, hoping we could repeat some of the action from 24 hours before........
Now the narrative.....
I had Monty out there, all over God's creation looking for some bluefish, and possible weakfish......Artificial Only Trip.......Conditions seemed simlar and perfect....lots of wind and Monty's addictive white water.....:viking:
There had been some caught hours before...but that was a different tide....and I felt for sure if we waded out into the bay channels again, we could at least connect with a few fish....that bite on poppers yesterday is still playing in my head...they were that aggressive....:bigeyes:
A. When Monty and I had waded out up to our waists, I told him we still needed to wade out 100 yds more...:kooky:
B. I mis-represented and minimized the distances we would have to travel.....I'm known for that..:beatin:....we could have had better results if we walked to Cape Cod or swam to Block Island......:)....and been less tired in the end.......
C. I didn't want to give up....and kept pushing him.....for him, it was probably like being with a drill sergeant.....he's in better shape than me, and halfway through the trip I got severe cramps which I had to walk off.....I know my antics were probably very amusing for him....:rolleyes:
D. Through it all, there were no complaints from him....we didn't talk that much until the ordeal was over....
He's as hardcore and dedicated as they come....and always a pleasure to fish with.....:thumbsup:
We both knew the mission.....try to find the same fish, feeding on the same food....that were so abundant yesterday.....
5 minutes into the fishing, it was apparent we would fail....but neither of us wanted to give up....even formulating a "plan B" to try another area in the ocean... when I could not raise even one fish, complete skunking., and his best efforts produced one missed fish......
The fish just were not there....despite almost identical conditions of the day before......
It was disappointing...and a little embarassing for me....if I didn't take pictures during my prior trip my credibility would have been in question....:rolleyes:because by the end of the trip, it was apparent I took him to a vast wastand..... that 24 hours later held no predators, or those shrimp that had been so abundant....
**Despite this particular area being a key estuary...right now there is not much bait back there.....those medium shrimp were it....and them moving somehow....the fish moved with them......we figured that out when we got back to shallow water and walked the shoreline looking for other bait.....
**Sometimes, in fishin, you find fish, and you're a hero...sometimes you're the fire hydrant and get pi**ed on.....
This morning was just one of those days.....
I can't even claim I missed or raised a fish...(despite tremendous effort on the part of both of us)....:thumbsup:
E. I take comfort in the fact that I probably provided him the best entertainment ;) of his vacation,......with my insane drive and antics....and cramps....etc.....
(At one point we were so close to standing in the channel he asked me if I had boat insurance....:laugh:)
** Sorry pal....we tried...:huh:
(even took a ride to the ocean at the end....there were guys fishing bait, all up and down the beach......
And they were catching......Nothing......:don't know why:
Always a pleasure to fish with someone who's as dedicated as you.....:thumbsup:
And won't give up, no matter what the odds......
Even though the "catching" part sucked....I had a great time too....:fishing:
We'll get em next time.....:HappyWave:
06-02-2014, 06:11 PM
Lots of fishing, not much catching. I see the same thing on my jaunts out there DS. I fished big water in moco today. Bucktail should have produced one or two. Don't feel bad nothing for me either. Crazy year.
06-02-2014, 06:16 PM
I'll add to the skunk patrol. Fished twice this weekend. OC and MC. Nada. finchaser and sharkhart nice fish!
06-02-2014, 06:23 PM
I'll add to the skunk patrol. Fished twice this weekend. OC and MC. Nada. finchaser and sharkhart nice fish!
thanks but I joined you they didn't show today but then again the pesky bunker came through probably causing the vacuum effect
J Barbosa
06-02-2014, 07:26 PM
Fished with Rui and my brother yesterday off the kayaks looking for big bluefish.
We covered a lot of water and kept picking away at the bluefish throughout the day but never really found any concentration of them until we were on our way back home.
Trolling on our way back about 100 yards from where we launched all three of us hook up :D
One of the bluefish we kept had a fluke in his belly. The blue was about 6#s.
J Barbosa
06-02-2014, 07:46 PM
Caught a Diamond Back Terrapin on Saturday while crabbing.
They are always a challenge to catch and make you think the world record crab is tugging at the end of your line.
Released safely of course :HappyWave:
06-03-2014, 10:11 AM
(even took a ride to the ocean at the end....there were guys fishing bait, all up and down the beach......
And they were catching......Nothing......:don't know why:
Hell of an effort gents. Maybe next time you should put wetsuits on or kayak out 2-3 miles. That seems to be where most of the bass and bluefish are lately. Your statement about the beach catches is spot on. I have been out a handful of times in the last 2 weeks. Just didn't feel like reporting because its so lame.
John from Betty and Nicks said this yesterday:
"Gorgeous weather, but 8 ounces to hold bottom and a little grass. If you can deal with it, there is very good action today."
The truth is the action is terrible. Look at Grumpys and B&N weigh ins from Fri till yesterday. On a weekend at least 150 guys are fishing between Point and BI every day. A few bluefish and bass are weighed in. There is a shot of catching fish around sunrise and another shot around sunset. Depends on the high tide as well. High has been best for me. If you live close by like me its a lot easier. I'm catching, but two or three blues at a time, not much else. Occasional fluke. Bunker chunks for the blues, gulp for the fluke. This is a terrible season so far. Just my .02
06-03-2014, 10:16 AM
Fished with Rui and my brother yesterday off the kayaks looking for big bluefish.
We covered a lot of water and kept picking away at the bluefish throughout the day but never really found any concentration of them until we were on our way back home.
Trolling on our way back about 100 yards from where we launched all three of us hook up :D
One of the bluefish we kept had a fluke in his belly. The blue was about 6#s.
Nice report. That kayak seems like the way to go. Too many places now have too few fish. The only other way to get a fair shot at them is to go out on a boat. Even then there are not a lot of fish in the bunker pods. just a pick here and there. sharkhart and finchaser awesome catching you are doing better then 95% of the guys I know.
06-03-2014, 10:31 AM
Fishing mission I certainly agree with that. This spring has been poor and a continuation of a downward decline. Happy to see the bluefish because the bass are just not there. One here one there and that's it. Picked up a 31" bass this morning in moco. released. bucktail and white grub. That was the only action for me.
06-05-2014, 12:06 AM
6 to 8 pm 11 bluefish to 9# all on modified SP minnow all still swimming
06-05-2014, 01:06 AM
Nice going fellas managed 2 bass to 25# and a handful of monster blues to 13#. Mad dog bite that that lasted for 47 mins. Pencil poppers did the trick. All still swimming.
06-05-2014, 01:14 AM
^ Steve I believe some in the 8-12# class are starting to filter in seems to me they are hitting our shores in waves..(just my experience)...similar pattern along the beaches of IBSP and Ocean County...a lot of the little ones, migrating up the coast....and the bigger ones, beautiful purple color, still coming in from offshore....
Awesome reports. DS you were right on with the analysis. Lots of the blues I got tonight had that purple tinge. Just in from offshore. Seems like tonight someone turned the switch on. Too many blues to count. to 8#. They had bunker pinned to the beach and it was bloody. No bass but my arms are sore froim the blues. Good kind of sore. Was tossing the small 5-6" poppers and later on they destroyed the sps and xraps. Will have to hit the tackle shop tomorrow to restock. finchaser what is the modified SP?
06-05-2014, 01:03 PM
Here you go jigfreak
After some serious testing of many hook combinations we found the best hook combination for an SP still retaining its action is. Replace belly hook with a VMC 2/0 (4x strong) crushed barbs on a 5.5hd (80#) SS split ring. For the rear a 4/0 SS Swiash nylon dressed hook. In a side by side test the modified swam as good if not better and caught like the stock on both bass and blues. Single rear made unhooking the yellow eyed demons easier
06-05-2014, 04:36 PM
:clapping:Awesome reports guys keeping me chomping at the bit till I can get out this weekend! Congrats on the catches I am jealous. even better on the relaseing big bass. finchaser thanks for sharing your old school knowledge will have to try that.
06-05-2014, 04:45 PM
Nice work gents. ++ for the C&R. hook you could have placed in the top part of the berkeley c&r leaderboard with your biggest bass. big prizes and glory.
06-05-2014, 05:41 PM
Thanks bucket and everyone else but not into tourneys. This was the only one I have ever had a remote interest in because its cpr. I won a trout fishing contest once when I was in the boy scouts. Kind of felt bad that I had to kill the fish to be the winner. Hopefully the berkeley one will be the wave of the future and other clubs will follow suit. Besides I think you can't enter after you catch a fish you have to enter before. It just wouldn't be honest. A 25 isn't that big anyway. About 20 years ago no one gave em a 2nd look cause there were lots of bigger ones. Oh those were the days.
06-06-2014, 12:36 AM
Took my my old friend Killie fishing tonight and hammered on the bluefish SP and jig with rubbbbbba
06-06-2014, 04:50 PM
Few days off this week, started out great with this true slob on a Sp Minnow blind casting a piece of water that finally connected after 3 earlier attempts in the season, got a few more 20 to 25 lbs over 2 days made a really bad choice to move 50 miles north to stay at the beach house and fish bunker fish and Kayak which was the plan back in jan when i scheduled the off days, got caught a pricey skunk boat trip missed a bite to the south.
The see saw effect with quick waves intervals i finally got this fish on the sand after maybe ten tries and it took off a replacement spilt even
06-07-2014, 09:00 AM
AWESOME report Shark!! Nice job!!...I was out last night and it was all the blues you wanted from 2lbs to 8lbs got most of mine on a BT w/pork...Stayed into the dark hoping the blues would leave and some bass would show but it didnt happen just more blues...Oh and the birds have there nesting spot to themselves now:burn::burn:......Taking my boss and his son out Sunday morn hope to find at least some blues for them..The kid is dieing to get something off the beach...Im sure head be happy with skates and robins but i wanna get him something with some fight so he knows what its all about...
06-07-2014, 06:17 PM
blind casting a piece of water that finally connected after 3 earlier attempts in the season, got a few more 20 to 25 lbs over 2 days made a really bad choice to move 50 miles north
I think you and I must have passed each other on the road in the previous few days....:HappyWave:
Glad to see you able to get some of those fish......very nice....:thumbsup:
Nomad Marathon......
The first 2 weeks in June can offer opportunity for some nicer fish.....
This year it's dwindled to a handful of places throughout the whole state, with no real consistency.....making it that much more harder if you have to travel......I have noticed that participation on even the biggest internet sites is down overall......What's left for striped bass from not easy....and when the fishing ain't easy....most will give up or target other species......
I did a Nomad Marathon for the last 2 days...travelling througout the state.....sleeping in my car..... targeting bigger bass, bluefish, weakfish....didn't do so well...... got some great stories...some opportunities for big still inconsistent.....
*Thurs pre-dawn June 5
Got into a pretty aggressive bluefish bite on top water.....Managed 9 to 8#....missed a lot more....still feeding on those shrimp on the flats....I believe I could have had better numbers on the other side of the tide...but the storm and N wind shift killed the bite on those back bay flats....had to get out of there quick.
*Fri pre dawn June 6
Drove a long distance to find some bigger bass at night.....The water had changed a lot and I was primarily trying to learn it.....fished a few hours into the dawn, nothing for me. Skunk.
*Fri end of day June 6
Ran into the OFFC in my travels..:HappyWave:...they managed to bucktail one stray bluefish where we were....then nothing but dead water for a few hours....we decided to find the highest concentration of bait in the ocean, and then work the water hoping something would shape up by the end of day.....
I have become pretty adept at finding which areas of bunker will develop action....but to me it's frustrating because no matter how much you look at it with reason,. in the end it's all about luck and standing in the right spot when it happens....and the resulting crowds, elbowing for position, and chest pounding adrenalin is just not my kind of fishing......
Highlights of the day....
1. Watching some long fish breach the water like marlin.........First one about 3' long ..25 yards in front of us....the 2nd one I saw out of the corner of my eye and only in a flash....500 yards out.... about 3' long........
Our best assessment was that we saw either skinny long bluefish, or sturgeon breaching, common for this time of year.....
It's the first time I have seen one 25 yards out...usually they're in much deeper water.....Again, not sure exactly what those fish were.. it added some excitement to our tough day..
2. Watching the OFFC glass, observe, and analyze bait mentioned, my skills are not even close to the ability these Old farts have..:HappyWave:..after some driving around, they correctly identified the one area of bait, in 2 counties, that was likely to come ashore yesterday......although the bait and action did come closer to us, it was never closer than 1000 yards out...we gave it our best shot....Skunk except for that one stray bluefish.
Always a pleasure running into ya's....:HappyWave:
More of a bonus that we had the whole beach (mostly) to ourselves....even the bait guys had no action other than skates....
Sat - June 7 -Deep night shift.....till 3am....
Went back to where I was Thu night......hoping for guarantees...but some real nice fish had been in the mix,,,,,,
since it was Fri, I opted to fish away from the crowds......on some rocks that had a tremendous rip 50' out....I was sure they would hold one bigger they were in the area......
My hypothesis failed.....
Highlght of the next to a Dad and his 10 year old son...he had the kid out trying to get him a big bass.....
I was praying to King Neptune that this kid would hook up....but it was not to be......they left and I continued casting 2 hours more until there was no energy left......made it home by sleeping at the different rest stops along the way......
Even though it was a skunk, I was fishing beautiful clean white water.....and felt invigorated with every cast....:thumbsup: :fishing:
06-07-2014, 07:06 PM
Well ds you definitely put your time in. I hope it pays off for you. Thanks for the statewide report. I fished moco this morning, zip for me on the reliable bucktail and grub. Even the small fish did not cooperate today. sharkheart nice effort and fish.
06-07-2014, 08:36 PM
] Even though it was a skunk, I was fishing beautiful clean white water.....and felt invigorated with every cast....:thumbsup: :fishing:
Now that's funny^^^^maybe should drive home with a bottle of white water on your dash to keep you invigorated so you don't have to stop every 15 minutes to sleep.:ROFLMAO
06-08-2014, 09:15 AM
Now that's funny^^^^maybe should drive home with a bottle of white water on your dash to keep you invigorated so you don't have to stop every 15 minutes to sleep.:ROFLMAO
You are able to bottle White Water?
06-08-2014, 10:42 AM
I met my fishing buddy Mikey at the bait store at 6am. High tide was 6:14 so we would catch the outgoing from outback. We bought Killies and squid to go fluking. after a brief stop at wawa we were at the bay to launch the kayaks. Water by the powerplant was 75 degrees. We drifted with the current and I caught a 14-1/2" sea robin. We continued drifting but nada. Chatter on the radio was no one was catching flounder.
I said to Mike we need to be by a drop off if we want a chance, so we moved closer to the flats while we were heading that way we saw a small boat with 2 guys and their rods were bent over. Turns out they were catching small blues in the 3-5 lb range. I had to relive myself anyway, so I anchored in the flats and hoped out and did my thing. The buys in the boat moved on. Maybe I scared them??? anyway, so I moved into their position and anchored up and through a SS popper and about my third cast I was in. I was using a very light action spinning rod and man that little 4lb blue was a ton of fun.
We moved around for awhile on the flats. I would stand up in my yak and can see the blues cruising. felt like I was in florida fishing the mosquito lagoon, lol! I could see channels cut through the flats and was able to guestimate where the fish were on a few occasions. Mike only hooked one blue , I got 4. they were all 3-5 pounds, lots of fun.
While we were on the flat Mike noticed a cloud of birds by the BI. Must have been a bass blitz- we heard a 47# bass and a 40# bass caught out front. Mike wanted to go there but I reminded him that he has a screw loose because there was no way we were ever gonna make it by kayak from where we were and we still would have had to go through the inlet- not a great idea.
I tried to catch blues on the fly rod but it was not gonna happen. I need to make some pencil poopers for the flyrod.
Here is a quick video- not promising it's good- but it is what it is.
06-08-2014, 12:02 PM
Glad to see ya got into some fish, Rob..:thumbsup:....looks like ya's had a blast......:HappyWave:
The blues have been active on the flats up by us as 4' of water at the shallowest......for me, getting them has meant wading out 1/8 mile at the bottom of the would be a lot easier to find them via kayak...but I'm stubborn.....
good call on choosing size of the popper......they can be picky at I casted for 1/2 hour with no action at all until I downsized to one of my smallest poppers....similar to the one you used......
I'm surprised they wouldn't hit a fly for me they are feeding extensively on these shrimp, about 2-3 times larger than grass shrimp.....
I bucktailed a few with a light weight bucktail the other day.....but stopped after they chewed through my leader....and switched to small seems you have to Pi** them off a bit to get them to least where I'm fishing.....
What kind of fly are you casting? White bucktails seemed to work the best, and not with long grubs....the shorter the profile the seems the closer your artificial resembles these shrimp size, the better they will respond....and of course to the poppers as well......
** For Rob and any other fly fishermen out there....
This Fri, June 13, will be the full moon cycle.....the cinder worms should be spawning again......for those who have gotten them using flies to match this can be successful casting those flies......bass and weakfish will respond as well....and if you're out there....while some of the rest of us are getting skunked....matching the hatch could be a blast for those among ya's who love to catch bay and river fish on the fly. :learn:
Report - fished the bay flats this morning, had to wade out pretty far....only had an hour to fish......
No action at all for the first half hour....
When I switched to very small poppers I began to pick at a few.....
I found it tough fishing today, as opposed to the other day when they were extremely aggressive before that storm moved in,. cloudy skies, snotty weather...
Only raised 2 fish, one on metal bait tail,
other on popper....and caught 2 additional bluefish to 7# by pissing them off with the small popper....
06-08-2014, 01:14 PM
Here is the fly I was using
Thanks for posting the info on the cinder worms. Can you fish it during the day?
J Barbosa
06-08-2014, 02:34 PM
Shark nice fish!
I fished off the kayak yesterday targeting bluefish.
We got a bunch of them all in 3-6ft of water.
Seen more bait yesterday than I have seen all season. Adult bunker, shrimp and small rain fish/spearing type bait. The bunker were in deeper water and unmolested.
Small plugs like a Surfstix egglet swimmer were key to catching these bluefish. I did catch a few on a 2oz pencil but I had way more blowup and miss on it (single rear swish only). (
My buddy Rui got a nice weakfish he released. (
We probably fished closer to shore than Darkskies did. :) (
J Barbosa
06-08-2014, 02:41 PM
One of my bluefish from yesterday...not really sure if this is from disease or a shark/dolphin bite. Marks were on both sides but much worse on this side. ( (
06-08-2014, 02:57 PM
We gave it our best fishing for bass today. Unfortunately the bass did not cooperate. Started just E of the hook where we found and netted bunker. Tossed one out to have it chopped in half by a big bluefish so we decided to move down the beach. We worked bunker pods from the shrewsbury rocks to asbury. No luck. We did see a group of boats clustered off monmouth beach past the shrewsbury rocks. They were way over the line. From the looks of it they were fishing bunker for bass and I did see some busting when I checked with the binocs. We ventured out further and saw they were fishing for bass. Saw some of the big name sponsors and advertisers on some of the fishing websites out there as well as a party boat. The party boat advertises as a bluefish trip but the other private boats and charters were not bluefishing. I put a call in to the CG and hope they did something about it. It is not fair that some of us have to play by the rules and others feel they do not.
06-08-2014, 03:03 PM
Wow great catches on the kayaks rob and john! john that is one scarey looking bluefish! captnemo thanks for taking a stand and calling those scum in! You are right the law should apply to everyone.:2flip: to the idiots that think they are above it.
06-08-2014, 04:32 PM
Skunkaroo for all where I was Either lost the body of fish or the low water all night kept em quiet.
06-08-2014, 04:40 PM
Hey you can't bat 1000 every day shark. rob that is an awesome video like how you show the teeth of the blue before you put it back. Fished island beach all morning. One blue on metal at 6am otherwise no takers. Jbarbosa that is one nasty looking bluefish what do you suppose did that to it?
06-08-2014, 05:09 PM
John B- is that a trolling motor in your buddies hobie?
06-08-2014, 05:49 PM
Fished island beach early today before the flies started their daily feast. 2 hours into the outgoing, got a few very short fluke on gulp and teaser.
06-08-2014, 06:15 PM
Previous page great reports guys :thumbsup:. Pics are great. No Youtube allowed in China, looking forward to seeing the video when I get back Rob.
06-08-2014, 06:16 PM
^^^ X2. Enjoying them cause had to work OT this weekend and couldn't get out.Awesome reports fellas
06-08-2014, 08:05 PM
I met my fishing buddy Mikey at the bait store at 6am. High tide was 6:14 so we would catch the outgoing from outback. We bought Killies and squid to go fluking. after a brief stop at wawa we were at the bay to launch the kayaks. Water by the powerplant was 75 degrees. We drifted with the current and I caught a 14-1/2" sea robin. We continued drifting but nada. Chatter on the radio was no one was catching flounder.
I said to Mike we need to be by a drop off if we want a chance, so we moved closer to the flats while we were heading that way we saw a small boat with 2 guys and their rods were bent over. Turns out they were catching small blues in the 3-5 lb range. I had to relive myself anyway, so I anchored in the flats and hoped out and did my thing. The buys in the boat moved on. Maybe I scared them??? anyway, so I moved into their position and anchored up and through a SS popper and about my third cast I was in. I was using a very light action spinning rod and man that little 4lb blue was a ton of fun.
We moved around for awhile on the flats. I would stand up in my yak and can see the blues cruising. felt like I was in florida fishing the mosquito lagoon, lol! I could see channels cut through the flats and was able to guestimate where the fish were on a few occasions. Mike only hooked one blue , I got 4. they were all 3-5 pounds, lots of fun.
While we were on the flat Mike noticed a cloud of birds by the BI. Must have been a bass blitz- we heard a 47# bass and a 40# bass caught out front. Mike wanted to go there but I reminded him that he has a screw loose because there was no way we were ever gonna make it by kayak from where we were and we still would have had to go through the inlet- not a great idea.
I tried to catch blues on the fly rod but it was not gonna happen. I need to make some pencil poopers for the flyrod.
Here is a quick video- not promising it's good- but it is what it is.
Awesome report looks like you are having the best of times! thanks for sharing
06-08-2014, 08:05 PM
One of my bluefish from yesterday...not really sure if this is from disease or a shark/dolphin bite. Marks were on both sides but much worse on this side. ( (
that is the nastiest bluefish I have ever seen! I'm surprised it was still alive to hit your lure.
J Barbosa
06-09-2014, 09:02 AM
John B- is that a trolling motor in your buddies hobie?
Yes, works really well allows us to cover many more miles of water and fast moving water that would normally tire you out quickly under human power.
that is the nastiest bluefish I have ever seen! I'm surprised it was still alive to hit your lure.
He put up a good fight and swam off quickly. That is one bad *** bluefish.
06-09-2014, 09:25 AM
Got out yesterday w/the boss and his son took them to a popular spot out front and setup with some bunker chunks from 6am-11am...Threw a head out and a chunk out and with in 10 mins the head got slammed and then poof bit off...Then the chunk got hit but they didnt grab the pole fast enuff while i was rebaiting and we missed it...So i decided to throw out my pencil and 3 shakes into the retrive i hooked up..Hand the pole over to Nick(my bosses son) and he reeled it in like a champ!!! Smaller blue maybe about 3lbs!! He didnt care he was happy and so was i that it wasnt a skunk...We manged 3 blues on chunks all about 4-6lbs and Nick caught them all on his own!! He was siked!! As the tide went out the crowd showed up and so did the robins..Must of had about 10 of them but they were having fun reeling them in...By 11 the action was slow and the bait was gone...They had a fiun time and so did I watching Nick reel in those fish,learn how to cast and learn how to release a fish the right way..I think i may have created a monster cause he already wants to no when we are going again ...
They left and i went for a marathon trip got some grub and hit the back to try and find some fluke fished from 2pm till 630 and could only managed 2 small 15in and a few more blues Couldnt find any good fluke bite...Maybe it was the S wind or the lack of good moving water but they just werent hitting for me..Saw tons and tons of bunker all over with a few blow ups in the pods here and there mostly blues inside them...It was a nice day so im glad i made the most of it..Would have liked some more flatties for the table but but ya cant get'em everytime...INstead i got a mean sunburn haha of guys out and didnt see to much catching...Gonna hit the rocks a few times this week to see if they have any flatties hiding in them...
06-09-2014, 10:19 AM
Did the boat thing yesterday for 12 hours . There were bunker from Manasquan inlet to LBI marked very few fish not even a blue fish. Fishing was extremely slow for the 45 boats that fished yesterday in our tourney and 1 bass was weighed in. most charter boat have now moved on to seabass and fluke
Saw a whale sucking in bunker like they were M&M
IMO the bass are in big trouble and everytime a school pops up on a pod more and more are eliminated especially by 2 charter boats up north that find it necessary to post on 4 sights everyday it's sad. Bright side is Raritan bay is empting out and most of the meatmen up there will give up now that they'll have to work hard for them .
06-09-2014, 11:36 AM
IMO the bass are in big trouble and everytime a school pops up on a pod more and more are eliminated especially by 2 charter boats up north that find it necessary to post on 4 sights everyday it's sad. Bright side is Raritan bay is empting out and most of the meatmen up there will give up now that they'll have to work hard for them .
:HappyWave: Not sure if you are referencing this guy
06-09-2014, 01:06 PM
Yes, works really well allows us to cover many more miles of water and fast moving water that would normally tire you out quickly under human power.
Thanks. It looks like a smaller one- 17# thrust? Anyway, yeah I plan on putting a trolling motor on mine too. I have to get my NJ boaters license first.
06-09-2014, 01:33 PM
JB looks like the work of a dolphin not enough bass for them so I guess they are targeting bluefish now
06-09-2014, 01:41 PM
Got out yesterday w/the boss and his son took them to a popular spot out front and setup with some bunker chunks from 6am-11am...Threw a head out and a chunk out and with in 10 mins the head got slammed and then poof bit off...Then the chunk got hit but they didnt grab the pole fast enuff while i was rebaiting and we missed it...So i decided to throw out my pencil and 3 shakes into the retrive i hooked up..Hand the pole over to Nick(my bosses son) and he reeled it in like a champ!!! Smaller blue maybe about 3lbs!! He didnt care he was happy and so was i that it wasnt a skunk...We manged 3 blues on chunks all about 4-6lbs and Nick caught them all on his own!! He was siked!! As the tide went out the crowd showed up and so did the robins..Must of had about 10 of them but they were having fun reeling them in...By 11 the action was slow and the bait was gone...They had a fiun time and so did I watching Nick reel in those fish,learn how to cast and learn how to release a fish the right way..I think i may have created a monster cause he already wants to no when we are going again ...
They left and i went for a marathon trip got some grub and hit the back to try and find some fluke fished from 2pm till 630 and could only managed 2 small 15in and a few more blues Couldnt find any good fluke bite...Maybe it was the S wind or the lack of good moving water but they just werent hitting for me..Saw tons and tons of bunker all over with a few blow ups in the pods here and there mostly blues inside them...It was a nice day so im glad i made the most of it..Would have liked some more flatties for the table but but ya cant get'em everytime...INstead i got a mean sunburn haha of guys out and didnt see to much catching...Gonna hit the rocks a few times this week to see if they have any flatties hiding in them...
Great report blazin thats what its all about.
06-09-2014, 01:53 PM
Awesome reports gents. I fished moco twice this weekend. Got a few blues on metal sun morning,. skunk-ola the time before that. finchaser if you got skunked it must be real bad out there. dark has said that you could catch fish in a rain puddle. Sorry to hear that. blazin that was awesome good mojo on you for taking them out!
06-10-2014, 08:32 PM
Fished moco this morning on the last of the incoming tide. One rinky dink 18" bass on the bucktail and grub. One 2# bluefish as well.
06-10-2014, 08:55 PM
blazin, rob and shark great reports thats what someone said here i think in a thread called the joy of fishing. shark you look like a ninja warrior great disguise.
06-11-2014, 09:41 AM
Night blues......
15 blues to 8# last night on the stinky sedge bank flats....
Did a lot of wading,.....
First it was bunker who should not have been there at that stage of the tide....incredible levels of activity with fish exploding and chasing pods of bunker all over....mag darter was the best producer.....
Then the lull during slack....eventually the fish came back, and were feeding on the pockets of shrimp....pretty good action, but tougher to catch....the challenge and levels of activity were a lot of fun....anything with a tail at the end got activity....teasers or fly fishing would have been ideal but the building wind made me go with a single style....small heavier swimmers with tails.....I still missed at least 10 fish for every one hooked...they were very picky....
Had to leave when the wind shifted to straight E.....20 killed all the feeding activity and the opportunity.....
06-11-2014, 08:45 PM
wow sounds like you had a blast thanks for the report.
06-12-2014, 01:01 PM
9 AM 2 bass and 4 blues all on new SP Minnow bunker color guess it works
06-12-2014, 04:32 PM
Nice going finchaser I fished moco this morning. There was a lot of white water. Nothing.
06-12-2014, 04:44 PM
^ I thought I was the only fool out there.....way to go, people...:thumbsup:....cause if you're fishing right now from land it can't be about the glory...IMO there are few glorious moments left for NJ striped bass Spring surf fishing....those out there.... are out because of the love of fishing.....:fishing:
Fished 1:30 - 3:30 AM...hoping for a repeat of the prior night's action.....
The E wind was not bad when I got out there...but after the tide change, as has been the pattern, it got progressively worse....scattering any bait that was on the flats.....
Couldn't find any of those larger shrimp while wading...I did see limited numbers of grass shrimp....
And exactly 2 cinder worms in the water as I walked back along the shoreline to see what bait was around....
I'm thinking if that spawn does happen, it will be late, from 1-2 days after tomorrow's full moon.....
No action at all for me.....
I really hate that freaking E wind, for NJ fishing....:burn:
06-12-2014, 06:40 PM
Good to know DS- Sunday looks like better wind for the yak. I am gonna take my 2 cinder worms I tied today just incase.
06-13-2014, 08:57 PM
Well I fished nomoco this morning. Found some of montys white water it looked beautiful. Threw pencil popper bucktail and assorted swimming plugs. No hits runs or errors. Couldn't even get arrested for what I was throwing. What happened to the bluefish?
06-14-2014, 04:03 PM
2 night report...have been putting in a tremendous amount of time fishing since Tuesday night when I lucked into all that night bluefish activity....these last few nights have felt like chasing ghosts of the past, as I am starting to feel there are no discernible patterns anymore. I have gotten pretty depressed about it, and some of the best fishermen I know, tell me they are quitting until fall. :kooky:
(then, 3 nights later, they're back out there again....;) )
Thu night....Failure.....sinking into the abyss of Depression.....:(
I had 2 areas that had produced in the past. Fish almost guaranteed this time of year. Both back bay. First area totally dead, no visible bait anywhere. Still looking for those cinder worms, I was extremely disappointed to only have found (2) of them 2 nights before.
Went to another area, fished I could manage to do was raise and miss one fish at 4am.....popper....I put myself in a bad position just for the opportunity to see if that area had some fish......I'll tell the story in the future when the embarassment has worn skunk for me....
When I was done with that trip, I told myself I would quit....I had just about had it....these sporadic bites.....very scattered amounts of fish from land...and most of our old haunts being destroyed by jetty replenishment......
In another post I mentioned not fishing the jetties too much this season because of the small fish there....the truth is,.....there aren't even a lot of tiny fish to be had from fishing those really is dismal.....
In the past, places like Monmouth Beach, with good jetties and structure, would hold 20-30 lb bass at night, this time of year, for weeks at a that has all evaporated....and I am more depressed about it, than anyone could know......
So I had it in my head, that I was giving up....not going to bang my head against the wall any more, for such scattered success....:embarassed: :don't know why:
(Of course, we probably have all said that, at one time or another.....:rolleyes: )
Fri night..6-14-14....redemption.....:fishing:
I haven't been going into too much detail about it, but in addition to fishing, I have been poking every nook and cranny I know of, to find concentrations of bait....
Other than the bunker, the rainfish in the channels.....and the small flounder and fluke on the bottom of those channels....there is not much bait on the sidelines.....
I have walked miles of shoreline and sedges, late night, and early morning, to find very few species of juvenile baitfish, in our NNJ bay and river areas....this has not given me won't come in and hold, in an area, without food to hold them.
What a lot of people are experiencing is a one day, hour, or segment in time, of success....and without this food in place.....the fish move has become very frustrating for a lot of us....
Last night I played a hunch... fished 12-4AM....decided to concentrate on an estuary I know of, way in the back bay......
It was a good hypothesis....there were a lot of grass shrimp, they were tiny.... 1/4 to 1/2" at the minute grass shrimp...
the fish were feeding on could hear them occasionally break water....was very low key.....not a lot of surface activity....
It took me a long time to figure it out.....
The first hour, I only managed to raise 2 on a popper, the other on a small metal lip....I realized that only the smallest presentation would have a chance, and went through every small profile in my bag...even throwing 3/8 oz jigheads with 3" curly tail (anticipating cinder worm activity)....That small grub and jig usually always catches, when I can't get them to hit anything else....and still, I was failing.....
I was ready to give up, and leave, when I adjusted my retrieve and started catching fish on poppers......
I really had to tease or **** them off.....and the activity ramped up as I dialed in a bit more......I missed a lot of fish.....the adrenalin took some of my depression away and put me on full alert.....:headbang:
Ended up with 11 blues to 7#
1 small legal bass.
All released......
06-14-2014, 08:09 PM
When I was done with that trip, I told myself I would quit....I had just about had it....these sporadic bites.....very scattered amounts of fish from land...and most of our old haunts being destroyed by jetty replenishment......
So I had it in my head, that I was giving up....not going to bang my head against the wall any more, for such scattered success....:embarassed: :don't know why:
(Of course, we probably have all said that, at one time or another.....:rolleyes: )
Yeah I said I was going to quit right after reading your report! You must have tapped intro the finchaser private pond that you always talk about because I fished nomoco this morning, long walk on the beach. I got blanked and so did everyone else there. Oh, there was the clam guy that got a skate and 2 sea robbins but nothing much else going on. Then I read your report and you were catching? I quit!!!!! I'm going to golf from now on it's alot easier and you get to use the golf cart when you have to walk long distance! You know Im just kidding you great report glad to see there are still some fish around. On the way home I went down by the jetties and watched some guys fluke for 10 minutes. They got 3 short fluke. At least it was something. I think before I go fishing for stripers or bluefish next time I will go in the afternoon, try for some fluke, and then shoot for a bass or blue because it is just lame as hell with the stripers lately.
Come on meat men keep some more 3 bonus tag fish. There are hardly any left and you have tools like jonny bucktails and the other charter dudes killing every big fish they can get their hands on!:2flip:
06-14-2014, 08:33 PM
Fri night..6-14-14....redemption.....:fishing:
I haven't been going into too much detail about it, but in addition to fishing, I have been poking every nook and cranny I know of, to find concentrations of bait....
Other than the bunker, the rainfish in the channels.....and the small flounder and fluke on the bottom of those channels....there is not much bait on the sidelines.....
I have walked miles of shoreline and sedges, late night, and early morning, to find very few species of juvenile baitfish, in our NNJ bay and river areas....this has not given me won't come in and hold, in an area, without food to hold them.
Interesting that you would bring that up. We are noticing the same thing here. There was an online board discussion about the fish in MA and why they have not shown up yet in the canal and other places. Some guys blame the lessening mackerel population. Others blame the winter. The other fish are here and being caught but the bigger bass not so much. I agree with what I have read here. We are putting too much pressure on these fish.
06-15-2014, 02:19 PM
Interesting that you would bring that up. We are noticing the same thing here. The other fish are here and being caught but the bigger bass not so much. I agree with what I have read here. We are putting too much pressure on these fish.
Charlie, thanks for sharing your perspective. :HappyWave:
I hope folks Coast-Wide can start to see this as inter-connected. In the next few weeks hundreds of guys from NJ and LI will make the trip to the Canal and Montauk, hoping to catch the larger bass that don't seem available now to land based anglers down here....I think a lot of them are gonna be disappointed this year....friends who fish MA regularly claim the numbers and sizes are way down.....
There are no easy answers other than to recognize there is a problem, and work towards a reasonable solution.....
Yeah I said I was going to quit right after reading your report! You must have tapped intro the finchaser private pond that you always talk is just lame as hell with the stripers lately.
Steve no worries..... I couldn't complete the same level of catching 2 nights in a row. In the other post I talk about lack of pattern. That's what happened as I met up with monty and we spent all night, driving all over, trying to find a few fish. By morning's end, he was high hook with 1 bluefish, 0 for me.....
His energy level is like that of a wind up doll with no off switch. He'e older than me, but his energy drink fueled bursts last night made me feel old...:HappyWave:
It has been very frustrating, to say the least......
As for the Finchaser pond, that must have evaporated as well. :don't know why:
The OGB and the rest of the Old Farts are out there every day, sometimes twice a day, at the times that should yield some fish....More often than not they have been coming up empty-handed, this year.....
06-15-2014, 02:28 PM
In the other post I talk about lack of pattern. That's what happened last night as I met up with monty and we spent all night, driving all over, trying to find a few fish. By morning's end, he was high hook with 1 bluefish, 0 for me..... :clapping:
It has been very frustrating, to say the least......
I fished from 12-8:30am, running into Monty...we teamed up and drove all over looking to find s afew fish on artificials at night....
The N and NW winds made presentation almost impossible.....I failed,, can not even claim to have raised a fish......
Monty landed a bluefish, right before sunup, plus got one of his Hogys chopped before the hook by a crafty bluefish........
Always a pleasure, and entertaining, fishing with Monty.
He must have made hundreds of casts to get those fish...
I gave up far earlier. I was shot from the previous trips, and completely lost all steam, despite monty feeding me energy drinks throughout the night.....:HappyWave:
Once I woke up, tried to fish last part of the flood tide for 45 minutes....nothing at all for me, nor for the dozen or so boats I could see inshore fluking.....You people who don't like the boat guys, should realize that they don't alsways catch tons of fish....:learn:
J Barbosa
06-15-2014, 03:45 PM
Fished with Rui yesterday off the kayaks. We changed it up for once and decided to target fluke instead of bluefish.
I ended up with one keeper and a bunch that would have been keepers based on last years size limits.
Rui caught three nice keeper fluke.
06-15-2014, 04:24 PM
running into Monty...we teamed up and drove all over looking to find s afew fish on artificials at night....
Always a pleasure, and entertaining, fishing with Monty. :HappyWave:
Once I woke up, tried to fish last part of the flood tide for 45 minutes....
Likewise Dark, I always enjoy fishing with you.....First time you fell a sleep while fishing with me..:don't know why:
And lately its been lots and lots of exercise. I am thinking the last two times we met up and fished if you add the miles up we walked its about 10 miles....easily. And we caught 1 fish..... So if you do the math, miles walked per fish, as a team we have 20 miles walked per fish. That I think is a Googan type team record.:viking:
06-15-2014, 04:48 PM
First time you fell a sleep while fishing with me..:don't know why:
Hey Monty you have to take it easy on Dark, he is an old man :ROFLMAO
J Barbosa
06-16-2014, 11:56 AM
The fluke I kept on Saturday had several shrimp in its stomach. I am seeing a lot more spearing the past two weeks.
06-16-2014, 12:15 PM
The fluke I kept on Saturday had several shrimp in its stomach. I am seeing a lot more spearing the past two weeks. John - roughly what size were the shrimp?
J Barbosa
06-16-2014, 01:18 PM
Slightly smaller than a quarter.
06-16-2014, 01:27 PM
ok cool. Thanks. I have been tying up some grass shrimp patterns- was curious what size the natural ones were so I could attempt to "match the hatch"
06-16-2014, 03:00 PM
Nice going on the fluke gents. I have been switching over to them. Mostly small ones on gulp. It does not seem like the big ones are in full force on island beach here yet but still some action. A bud is still getting bluefish. up to 10pounds, all on bunker chunks. Sunrise and the hour after has been the best for him for you guys who want them.
06-16-2014, 05:36 PM
My friend caught a 43 pound cobia yesterday in ocean County off the beach on a bunker head.
06-16-2014, 06:57 PM
My friend caught a 43 pound cobia yesterday in ocean County off the beach on a bunker head.
That's an awesome catch!
06-17-2014, 09:50 AM
^ Outstanding catch by Mike's son Terry. :thumbsup:
Rob, you ain't so far behind me in age....just wait till ya hit 50, we have a special surprise in store for ya. :HappyWave:
06-17-2014, 12:56 PM
fished nomoco 5-6:30 am. Water calm and clean, nada.
06-17-2014, 01:38 PM
Nice effort fellas. OC just may have a few more fish especially the big blues and the cobia. May have to fish a bunker head next time out.
06-17-2014, 10:46 PM
Way to go nice fish!
06-17-2014, 11:31 PM
My friend caught a 43 pound cobia yesterday in ocean County off the beach on a bunker head.
OMG!!! that's awesome. I believe that's good eating. They love crabs
06-18-2014, 02:21 PM
Last night 8 to 11 released 7 blues to 6# and on jig and tail
06-18-2014, 05:10 PM
Those are nicer sizes of blues finchaser nice going. I fished nomoco last nite from 8-10. Slow pick of cocktails on small metal. Seems they are on some small bait the birds were picking at it but it was too small to see. I got attacked on all fronts by the swamp pests - greenheads, no see ums, and mosquitoes that were so big they were round and made a splooshing sound when squashed. That place is getting really bad with the bugs. will prob hit the jetties or inlets instead next time. Not worth it with all the bugs around.
06-18-2014, 11:02 PM
Nice work on the blues I wish we had them that big down here but we get little dribs and drabs at a time. Ever since they did the beach replenshment here fishing sucks.
06-19-2014, 11:46 AM
Fished moco this morning right when the tide turned and started comiing in. Wind shifted to NE and there was a little chop on the water. That was just enough to stimulate activity. Picked up 2 bass, one 29" and the other a short. Both released, bucktail and pork on the bottom.
06-19-2014, 12:01 PM
Well good to hear someone is catching stripers. I fished cape may this morning from 5-7. nothing but doggies.
06-19-2014, 12:49 PM
Last night 8 to 11 released 1 blue fish and 6 small bass in the 20 to 26' range all on lead head and tail
06-19-2014, 01:16 PM
Nice going finchaser you're on a roll! bucket head nice catching and releasing as well!
06-20-2014, 02:42 PM
finchaser the fishing machine. dark was talking about the bluefish leaving with all the warm water and possible spawning. Do you have any thoughts on that as well?
I fished nomoco last night after work from 6-9. There were some bunker and way far off in the distance like 1/2 mile out it looked like some boats might be catching. They never came close enough where I was fishing. Casted pencil poppers for 1 1/2 hours solid my shoulders hurt! Complete skunk. way to go on the fish, bucket.
06-20-2014, 03:06 PM
Thanks for the kind words gents. Today was a bust. Fished 5:30-7 moco. Total lack of bait and life out there.
06-20-2014, 04:02 PM
finchaser the fishing machine. dark was talking about the bluefish leaving with all the warm water and possible spawning. Do you have any thoughts on that as well?
I fished nomoco last night after work from 6-9. There were some bunker and way far off in the distance like 1/2 mile out it looked like some boats might be catching. They never came close enough where I was fishing. Casted pencil poppers for 1 1/2 hours solid my shoulders hurt! Complete skunk. way to go on the fish, bucket.
Yes sir as I told Dark every year towards to end of June first 2 weeks in July they can be found in the deep spawning some times as far out as 60 miles where they can be seen finning while we are shark and tuna fishing .When they do that the eating machines stop eating until they finish spawning,.
Fished last night 8-11 and caught nada
06-20-2014, 09:36 PM
Not much happening down here other than brown sharks finchaser.
Cape may summer vacation fishing plan - fish at night for sharks with bunker. Go home. Drink and party. sleep all day. Do it again.:plastered:
06-21-2014, 09:36 AM
Fished nomoco this morning and did ok with the flatties. Picked up 4 of them to 16" with gulp and gulp mullet teaser. Next time hopefully will be a keeper nice morning out and water was pretty clean.
06-21-2014, 10:03 AM
Sorry for the lack of reports. Bass fishing has dried up in a lot of the back areas. Waters too warm. Since the beginning of June I have gotten 2 bass to 17pounds on bunker and that was good fishing when bunker were around at night. Lots of blues on bunker though they got a lot smaller in the past few days. My friends did about the same as I did, had to work for every striper.
About ready to change it up and start fishing the ocean for sharks at night. There is still some bunker in the back to snag and use for bait. Will let you all know how we do.
06-21-2014, 02:48 PM
Moco for the am shift before the people came out. Probably a bad choice as high tide is now at 3am. This was the outgoing tide halfway through. Nothing for me
06-22-2014, 04:22 AM
About ready to change it up and start fishing the ocean for sharks at night. There is still some bunker in the back to snag and use for bait. Will let you all know how we do.
Thats my plan too. There are croaker and spot here and pretty easy to catch around high tide too. may try using them. Good luck!
06-22-2014, 11:38 PM
Fished the back from 8-10. One weakie on pink zoom.
06-22-2014, 11:53 PM
Nomoco tonight 2 hickory shad tossing plug and teaser. Beautiful sunset and clean water.
06-23-2014, 08:31 AM
Just north of Island Beach State Park calm winds high tide using the fly rod not a bite. I did see some action about 300 yards out lasted 20 seconds and it was over only had one hour before work at nearby town.
J Barbosa
06-23-2014, 10:52 AM
Fished with my buddy Rui on Saturday.
Had to pick through a lot of shorts but we ended up with two keeper fluke each. (
06-23-2014, 11:06 AM
^^^^ Make some nice fluke sandwiches out of that, good job. About how deep water did you find them in?
J Barbosa
06-23-2014, 11:16 AM
^^^^ Make some nice fluke sandwiches out of that, good job. About how deep water did you find them in?
About 10-18ft of water, water temps have warmed up and the fluke are aggressive.
Forgot to mention SHRIMP, SHRIMP, SHRIMP again!!!
Hope to get in a bluefish trip this week before they disappear for the offshore spawn.
Also...BLUE CLAWS are in thick and the waters have warmed so they are coming in close to shore making them easier to catch.
06-23-2014, 02:51 PM
Fished the boat Sunday, great weather day start to finish, Fair Fluke bite 25 to 40 feet of water. Tons of bunker all happy out there was no one Bass fishing at all the way to the Rocks. Some reports popped up from a few Recs who like to be known and a few pay boats but you can see in the pics they seem to be off lower NY waters, so that's about it for NJ.
06-23-2014, 03:58 PM
Nice reports fellas. What happened to ds and his 927 word reports? :HappyWave:Has he gone awol? Quit fishing?
06-23-2014, 05:04 PM
Fished moco this morning, sunrise to 6:30, beginning of outgoing. Bucktail and grub. One short fluke.
06-23-2014, 08:19 PM
^^^^ Quick! Check all the porto johns in monmouth and ocean counties! He may have slept a tad too long.:ROFLMAO
06-23-2014, 08:54 PM
^^^^ Quick! Check all the porto johns in monmouth and ocean counties! He may have slept a tad too long.:ROFLMAO
This is not good.....He could be anywhere....
So I stay on subject, Sunday thought about fishing in Jersey, went to LI and got skunk (report in that forum).
06-23-2014, 09:43 PM
DS he's ok just not catching so he's pouting talked to him Saturday
06-24-2014, 12:06 AM
Nice work on the flatties JB
06-24-2014, 10:20 AM
^^^^^ haha monty so many porto johns so little time! sorry to hear you got skunked in long island. At least you tried.
I fished nomoco from 7-9 last night. Black bomber with white teaser in front. Picked up 5 hickory shad and 3 blue fish. Think they were feeding on some type of small bait possibly rainfish as the birds were diving on it as well.
06-24-2014, 12:26 PM
Thanks for the info about the hickories steve. May have to give them a try this week. They are a lot of fun.
06-24-2014, 08:18 PM
I want to get into the hickories. do they migrate from the north to the south? I remember catching them at IBSP before I was catching them at LBI.
06-24-2014, 09:22 PM
^ Finchaser sees and knows all.....
He's right, people.....I can't catch a fish to save my life....
I've followed surfstix's lead, and packed up all my gear till the fall run......
Still looking for clean Mr Johns to sleep in...if ya find any keep me posted....;)
Catch em up......:HappyWave:
06-25-2014, 12:36 PM
rofl. Dark the day you quit fishing is the day I start voting democrat. Fished moco last night shooting for some shark adventures. No browns, a few doggies. Will keep at it till we get one.
06-25-2014, 09:12 PM
You know I didn't realize how bad it had gotten for you surf folks. Was just looking at the manasquan surf cam. There are 2 groups fishing there, a Dad fishing with his young son and daughter and another group. They are baitfishing. Was watching that cam for 15 minutes and none of them has caught anything. I always used to see bait fishermen fishing outside when coming back to the barn and they were usually catching. When you can bait fish outside an inlet and fish the sunset without catching, things must be pretty bad.
J Barbosa
06-25-2014, 10:05 PM
Rumor is Dark is going to go fluke fishing followed by some good old fashioned summer time crabbing.
06-25-2014, 10:09 PM
Fished southern monmouth county this morning 6-9ish....managed one small bluefish. Felt good to have a little fight. Saw a few fluke caught.
06-25-2014, 11:47 PM
7 to 9 pm 1 small bass on gags whip it eel
06-26-2014, 09:40 AM
I always used to see bait fishermen fishing outside when coming back to the barn and they were usually catching. When you can bait fish outside an inlet and fish the sunset without catching, things must be pretty bad.
I looked at my logs. I have fished outside the inlet 21 times so far this season and caught fish twice. That sand replenishment really changed the way they move through.
Fished southern monmouth county this morning 6-9ish....managed one small bluefish. Felt good to have a little fight. Saw a few fluke caught.
7 to 9 pm 1 small bass on gags whip it eel
Well at least one is better than none. Think how bad things have to be for us to congratulate each other on catching one small fish.
06-26-2014, 09:43 AM
I fished the ocean this morning and finally managed a few small stripers. Loaded redfin was the ticket. moco. Winds shifted to NW already.
06-26-2014, 09:56 AM
Finally a small ray of light, bucket head.
I worked a few areas in monmouth county last night. Front and back structure. Plugs, bucktails and rubber. Could not even get chopped by a blue. Water got a lil colder but it was clean and seemed ok.
Rob, I found this info on hickory shad. Its from maryland but it should apply to us as well- apparently they are catch and release only in maryland. I thought that was the case in NJ also, not sure.
Historically, hickory shad spawned in rivers and tributaries along the Atlantic coast from Florida all the way to the Bay of Fundy, Canada.
Current presence in more northerly waters is uncertain, but recent spawning has been documented as far north as the Connecticut River.
The hickory shad, a member of the Clupeidae family, is a schooling species.
Hickory shad are anadromous fish which spend the majority of their life at sea and only enter freshwater in the spring to spawn.
Adult hickory shad appear to spawn in a diversity of physical habitats ranging from backwaters and sloughs to tidal and non-tidal freshwater areas of large rivers.
Food Preference:
Studies suggest that hickory shad migrate in a pattern similar to the coastal migrations of American shad, feeding on small fish, squid, fish eggs, small crabs, and pelagic crustaceans.
In the Chesapeake Bay, hickory shad spawning runs usually precede American shad runs by beginning in March.
Peak spawning time is mid-April through late May, with temperatures ranging from 54-72?F. Peak spawning temperature is 59-66?F.
"Repeat" spawning (spawning several times in a lifetime) in hickory shad runs appears to be common, but tends to vary among river systems. In Maryland, repeat spawning hickory shad account for 30-60% of the migrating adults.
Spawning hickory shad females (ages 3 to 9) broadcast a large quantity of eggs into the water column which are fertilized by males (ages 2 to 7).
Fertilized eggs are carried by river currents and hatch within a few days.
Larvae drift with the current until they mature into juveniles.
After spawning, adults return to the sea, but their distribution and movements in the ocean are essentially unknown. It is believed that they follow a pattern similar to the coastal migrations of American shad, moving northward after spawning in waters south of and including the mid-Atlantic.
Increasing water temperatures and photoperiod like influence mature hickory shad migration back to freshwater in the late winter.
Fishing Tips:
A statewide moratorium on the harvest of hickory shad in Maryland waters was implemented in 1980 to prevent extinction.
A catch and release recreational fishery is permitted in Maryland.
06-27-2014, 10:06 AM
This morning 5 to 7 AM released 3 bass and 7 blues all on buck tail and chartreuse twister tail
06-27-2014, 09:05 PM
rofl. Dark the day you quit fishing is the day I start voting democrat. Fished moco last night shooting for some shark adventures. No browns, a few doggies. Will keep at it till we get one.
Love ya, pal. :HappyWave:
I think you might get a brown sooner than ya think...not necessary to go too far South...they're all over.....keep at it...with the hours you put in you will get one sooner than later......:thumbsup:
Rumor is Dark is going to go fluke fishing followed by some good old fashioned summer time crabbing.
Yep that's me, Rich the fluke man. :kooky:
You mooks forget how old I am.....
I grew up when they were catching 700# tuna in the mud hole...
When stories about catching striped bass were the ones that really stood out in the fishing magazines.
When I got the Fishermen magazine (I used to have it mailed to me every week)...
The first thing I would turn to, would be the reports page...
Let's see.....which did I turn to first?....:huh:
The bluefin tuna and striped bass and bluefish reports?
Or the fluke reports?
When I read Howard Brant's Column, or Al Riistori's, when he was published regularly in the Ledger....
Was my attention drawn to to the tuna, striped bass, bluefish, etc reports?
I remember reading the stories about catching striped bass at all the exotic places, when I was younger....NJ's Jetty Country, Montauk, Block Is, Watch Hill, Pt Judith, Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Monomoy, Joppa Flats, Orient Point....
Or the fluke reports?
Catching 14" fluke from the beach, averaging 30 before you get one that really puts up a fight....
The closest I come to fluke fishing, is watching my friend " Mikey Fluke " catch fluke up to 5# every freaking day....the guy is amazing...and in about 2 weeks, when the bigger ones come in closer,.....he'll be out every day.. putting the internet fluke "legends" to shame.....he only targets big fluke,.,,and rare is the morning that he doesn't get one or two close to 5#......:thumbsup:....IMO those are fluke worthy of talking about.....:fishing:
You guys are crack detectives here....ya must really know me.....:thumbsup:
that all this time, I have been wishing I could to catch fluke.....Spot on, you geniuses.....:clapping: :rolleyes:
Can ya's tell me what I'll be having for breakfast tomorrow?
I have caught thousands of FW fish in my life...we got spoiled by sneaking in the reservoirs. Some of the best (albeit few) days we could catch 50 fish a person, but that was at least a decade ago.....
So to me, catching small fluke, is like the thousands of small FW fish I caught and released.....a small panfish, JMO.
Of course, to each his folks can catch all the fluke ya's want.......the legal sized ones are great eating,,,,,,
I suppose I would feel the same way if all the striped bass out in front were 14"...those would be times when I would not fish.....but hey, that's just me....
** I think whatever kind of fishing you enjoy,,,and makes you the right kind of fishing....:fishing:
In some cases, a Dad fishing with his son, and catching sandsharks and skates, can be the best fishing ever.......
To each his own....that's what makes this world such a great place.....:)
And don't despair, JB, just might go crabbing with ya one day..:HappyWave:....have an awesome crabbing basket from when Pebbles and I went last year.....I think crabbbing is one of the best kinds of fishing to introduce kids to.....lots of good chldhood memories of crabbing the bays.
06-27-2014, 11:36 PM
You guys are crack detectives here....ya must really know me.....:thumbsup:
that all this time, I have been wishing I could to catch fluke.....Spot on, you geniuses.....:clapping: :rolleyes:
Can ya's tell me what I'll be having for breakfast tomorrow?
:HappyWave:Ooh ooh I got this one!!!!! Dark tomorrow you will have a pork roll egg and cheese sandwich from that Indian deli on 36 you guys always used to go to.
For the wishing what you could learn part - here goes - you are wishing you could learn all the locations of the porta potties in NJ and NY so you never have to use a hotel room when on a fishing road trip - bada bing!
Fishing report, I found a spot in nomoco to hide from the wind tonight. Got 8 fluke on gulp and gulp teaser on the incoming tide. Water was nice and the fluke hit hard. One keeper 19" that will be my lunch tomorrow. Poor dark he wont have any lunch because he won't fish for fluke! haha! just kidding please don't ban me.:wheeeee:
06-27-2014, 11:59 PM
The closest I come to fluke fishing, is watching my friend " Mikey Fluke " catch fluke up to 5# every freaking day....the guy is amazing...and in about 2 weeks, when the bigger ones come in closer,.....he'll be out every day.. putting the internet fluke "legends" to shame.....he only targets big fluke,.,,and rare is the morning that he doesn't get one or two close to 5#......:thumbsup:....IMO those are fluke worthy of talking about.....:fishing:
I know him. Weighs all his bigger fish in at Giglios. One year he weighed a 50 bass. Think it was 2012 late spring. Great fisherman.
Fished some structure out front, outgoing. Bucktail and pork, one nasty stargazer, 2 short fluke.
06-28-2014, 12:43 AM
- you are wishing you could learn all the locations of the porta potties in NJ and NY so you never have to use a hotel room when on a fishing road trip - bada bing!
I think if they had running water he would be gone all summer. How are ya rich. Finally some fish here. You should make the trip, check your PMs.
06-28-2014, 08:43 AM
I love fluking the beach..Light tackle fun to BT up... espcially when the snappers show ands the bigger fluke are around...Plus like DS said its GREAT eating..I throw almost 99% of my bass back but the fluke if its a keep ITS GOIN HOME!!
Fished last night from 730-11pm...NoMoCo..Looking for fluke..Had a decent night from 730-930 caught 14 flatties most were in the 14-16in range 1 around 17 and a nice 18.5in keeper for the table...Most came on the white GULP mullet on the teaser but the the 2 bigger fish incluing the keeper slammed the Tinman wobblehead with a mullet in white...Nice night with steady action...LOTS of bunker around..So when the fluke stopped at dark i tossed some plugs..No hits...So with all the bunker i decided to snag and chunk a few up..Wasnt the best idea since i had my fluke setup(8ft MoJo and my 5000 Stratic with crappy 20lb PP)..Chunks got me robins so i tried the head...Well i had 3 good run offs on 3 heads the third 1 took off hard and because the PP on my reel was old and crappy it snapped ...I shouild have known better but i couldnt resist with all the bait around..It was running like a blue but who knows...thats what im telling myself ...Real nice night with a sweet sunset..
06-28-2014, 08:52 AM
Forget to add.. i dunno if any of you guys have a couple beers or not when your fishing...I no i dont its seriuos business when im out there and there is no time for drinkling :D....But coming home last night they had a DWI checkpoint on rt36...Just a heads up fellas be careful if you've had a couple pops!
06-28-2014, 04:38 PM
:HappyWave:Ooh ooh I got this one!!!!! Dark tomorrow you will have a pork roll egg and cheese sandwich from that Indian deli on 36 you guys always used to go to.
For the wishing what you could learn part - here goes - you are wishing you could learn all the locations of the porta potties in NJ and NY so you never have to use a hotel room when on a fishing road trip - bada bing!
Steve, you and others here.....feel free to bust my balls any time.....makes no difference to me whether I sleep in a porta potty or not. :)
You should know, that I've lost 10 lbs in the last 3 weeks, no more donuts, cake, ice cream, pie, potatoes, rice and especially no bread.
In the last 90 days I've stopped at the Desi Deli for PR Egg n Cheese sammiches once...the Desi girls miss me so much they offered me a discount if I would buy more than one sammich, like I used to...
It's hard to take weight off...the crap Monty was giving me got me I'm on a roll....:) (no rolls for me) Spinach salad (at least 8 ounces a day of spinach)....cider vinegar, non fat yogurt and cottage cheese...broiled chicken breasts...those are my staples now..
Speaking of weight loss, just visited with Speedy a few weeks ago. He's dropped 60 lbs of fat in the last 2 years...the guy is healthier than he's ever been...:HappyWave:
As for the rest of ya's...Effumall. :HappyWave:
Thanks for the heads up....dogfish....may take a road trip soon....
Blazin and others, nice work on the fluke.....Catch em up. :fishing:
06-28-2014, 06:09 PM
Fished last night from 730-11pm...NoMoCo..Looking for fluke..Had a decent night from 730-930 caught 14 flatties most were in the 14-16in range 1 around 17 and a nice 18.5in keeper for the table...Most came on the white GULP mullet on the teaser but the the 2 bigger fish incluing the keeper slammed the Tinman wobblehead with a mullet in white...Nice night with steady action...LOTS of bunker around..So when the fluke stopped at dark i tossed some plugs..No hits...
Nice going on the flatties blazin thats a lotto fluke!
I fished lbi last night from 7-10. All incoming tide and it seemed the water was a little cold. Decided to change in up and fished ocean side first and then the back. Was using sandworms. Caught 4 short fluke, one dogfish that bent my rod in half, one sea robin, and one croaker. I don't know if they are thick yet but its nice to see croakers again. Oh the ocean was definitely better for me than the back.
06-28-2014, 08:27 PM
Fished rocks in moco today with gulp and gulp teaser. 7 short fluke. Some were close to keeper size. Another few weeks and they will be fatter and bigger.
06-29-2014, 08:17 AM
The bass and blue action has been pretty quiet.
Got a few doggies in Mo co last nite. still trying for a brown. Fresh bunker chunks.
J Barbosa
06-29-2014, 02:14 PM
Fished the surf last Thursday and came up empty. Definitely on the wrong beach...Fished on Saturday from the kayak and had to pick through a bunch of seaweed and shorts to get some keepers. 10-1 keeper ratio sounds about right. ( this morning was pretty hot. Filled a 5 gallon bucket with big crabs in less than two hours. The guy next to us didn't catch one keeper in over two hours?
06-29-2014, 04:02 PM
now I'm on a roll....:) (no rolls for me) Spinach salad (at least 8 ounces a day of spinach)....cider vinegar, non fat yogurt and cottage cheese...broiled chicken breasts...those are my staples now..
Hoo boy add some broccole and brussels sprouts in there and I bet you get the atomic farts.:scared:
That's rabbit food dude! Give me a greasy steak and cheese and potatoes with butter any day. Rather die with a full fat belly than die hungry eating all that health food. Go for it. nice fluke JB. whats your crabbing secret?
06-29-2014, 06:38 PM
Hoo boy add some broccole and brussels sprouts in there and I bet you get the atomic farts.:scared:
That's rabbit food dude! Give me a greasy steak and cheese and potatoes with butter any day. Rather die with a full fat belly than die hungry eating all that health food. Go for it. nice fluke JB. whats your crabbing secret?
He uses Darks waders for chumming the crabs
06-29-2014, 07:34 PM
Fished the boat yesterday didn't see any bunker or mark any bait from Manasquan inlet to the highlands bridge and back. Fluke I filleted had no bait in them except for small crabs. Not looking good nothing around baitfish wise to support a good inshore fall run.
06-29-2014, 08:02 PM
Hoo boy add some broccole and brussels sprouts in there and I bet you get the atomic farts.:scared:
That's rabbit food dude! Give me a greasy steak and cheese and potatoes with butter any day. Rather die with a full fat belly than die hungry eating all that health food. Go for it. nice fluke JB. whats your crabbing secret?
I don't think ya could last an hour on one of the nightly marathons that Monty or I pull in search of fish....but if ya think ya can, feel free to tag along..anytime....:HappyWave:
When you get that heart attack from all that cholesterol, I'll come visit ya in the hospital....:)
I'm on target to lose another 10 lbs for the month of July, first time in a while I've felt good about myself....
He uses Darks waders for chumming the crabs
Ah, ya know ya miss me! :kiss:
Whenever I come down your way to fish I give you and those other old farts days and days of comic material to talk about......
and take ya's away from talkiing about your prostate and medical what if I only shower every few days and my waders smell like pi**....:upck:
A visit from good the Castor oil your parents used to make you take for no reason when ya's were little.....:laugh: :HappyWave:
06-29-2014, 09:46 PM what if I only shower every few days and my waders smell like pi**....:upck:
A visit from good the Castor oil your parents used to make you take for no reason when ya's were little.....:laugh: :HappyWave:
rofl. If I remember my grandfathers stories, castor oil used to make them vomit! Now I understand how you get to fish alone at night.:HappyWave:
Nice work on the fluke jb and blazin!
06-30-2014, 09:47 PM
Castor oil good for cleaning out the system. Might as well pour drano down your throat. nice catching JB. Fished ocean county bucktail and teaser 7-8:30. Water looked good but tons of weed was my best catch.
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