View Full Version : Unusual things, and goog observations while fishing

09-01-2014, 04:59 PM
Some how Dark got side tracked in his "Stripers And Anglers Ball Busting" thread and posted this. :HappyWave:
Sounds like a good topic for a thread of its own.

The latest unuaual things, and goog observations.....will talk about them in detail in the coming months....

1. The friend I was fishing with dropped his good pliers recently one night on the bay flats....I dove into 3 1/2' of water to find them and miraculously did get them back for him....spending the rest of the night with wet ba**s because water got past my wader belt.....Oh what a glorious feeling. :kooky:

2. Last night, the beginning of Sept, a horseshoe crab tried to hump my wading boot. The water was slightly murky. The first time I recognized it and kicked it away with my boot. Within 2 seconds something was back humping my foot again. Since I know they are slow moving, I didn't realize it was the crab being pushed by the current. I almost jumped out of my skin as I got hit the 2nd time in the inky blackness, overcast skies. I probably let out a high pitched scream as well. :scared: A few minutes later I'm berating myself for getting spooked by such a harmless creature. What a freaking goog I am sometimes.

3. More bird stories...ya just can't make this stuff up, it is so bizarre....:kooky:

a. 2 nights ago we find a distressed seagull. We examine it to possibly help cut line that was entangling it. Turns out there was no line at all. It was a one legged seagull, probably losing the other leg to a big bluefish at one time. It's main problem was a broken wing which really cut down on mobility. My friend who was there that night told me we should wring it's neck to put it out of it's misery before an animal got to it and ate it.

I thought about it, but didn't have the heart to do it....thought it might have a chance to recover.
When we got back that night to where we left, it was gone.....we assumed an animal had attacked it and carried it away....

Last night, on the way to the water.....we saw that damn seagull again!!....miraculously it had survived.....:thumbsup:...and it's wing had healed a bit so it could hop and fly short distances again. Amazing....ya just can't make this stuff up.

b. Another wounded bird....on the way from one place to another on the flats....we found a wounded sea-bird...it looked like it had a giant fish, or stick protruding out of it's mouth....held it down for examination, tried to remove the "stick", found out it had broken it's beak, probably on a high speed dive into the water chasing fish, or something like that.....
We checked it over, decided there was nothing else we could do, and let it go.....my friend went to fish in another direction, and this bird tried to land on him twice (he's a very big guy, the bird must have mistaken him for a bulkhead piling).

Did I give my friend any sympathy when this happened????? .....Nope........laughed at him in my loudest laugh......:ROFLMAO gave him a new name...the "Bird whisperer" :laugh:

c. On the way back one night, after traipsing through back bay tick infested and overgrown trails, just so we could fish some isolated places where there might be a few fish....we see a pair of large yellow eyes scouting us from the tree 20 feet above us....as we checked it out more....we discovered we were being spied on by a large owl.....pretty cool, and one of the highlights of a slow trip...:thumbsup:

09-01-2014, 05:05 PM
I'll post it without quotes in case anyone wants to bust my balls some more...feel free....:thumbsup: :HappyWave:

The latest unusual things, and goog observations.....will talk about them in detail in the coming months....

1. The friend I was fishing with dropped his good pliers recently one night on the bay flats....I dove into 3 1/2' of water to find them and miraculously did get them back for him....spending the rest of the night with wet ba**s because water got past my wader belt.....Oh what a glorious feeling. :kooky:

2. Last night, the beginning of Sept, a horseshoe crab tried to hump my wading boot. The water was slightly murky. The first time I recognized it and kicked it away with my boot. Within 2 seconds something was back humping my foot again. Since I know they are slow moving, I didn't realize it was the crab being pushed by the current. I almost jumped out of my skin as I got hit the 2nd time in the inky blackness, overcast skies. I probably let out a high pitched scream as well. :scared: A few minutes later I'm berating myself for getting spooked by such a harmless creature. What a freaking goog I am sometimes.

3. More bird stories...ya just can't make this stuff up, it is so bizarre....:kooky:

a. 2 nights ago we find a distressed seagull. We examine it to possibly help cut line that was entangling it. Turns out there was no line at all. It was a one legged seagull, probably losing the other leg to a big bluefish at one time. It's main problem was a broken wing which really cut down on mobility. My friend who was there that night told me we should wring it's neck to put it out of it's misery before an animal got to it and ate it.

I thought about it, but didn't have the heart to do it....thought it might have a chance to recover.
When we got back that night to where we left, it was gone.....we assumed an animal had attacked it and carried it away....

Last night, on the way to the water.....we saw that damn seagull again!!....miraculously it had survived.....:thumbsup:...and it's wing had healed a bit so it could hop and fly short distances again. Amazing....ya just can't make this stuff up.

b. Another wounded bird....on the way from one place to another on the flats....we found a wounded sea-bird...it looked like it had a giant fish, or stick protruding out of it's mouth....held it down for examination, tried to remove the "stick", found out it had broken it's beak, probably on a high speed dive into the water chasing fish, or something like that.....
We checked it over, decided there was nothing else we could do, and let it go.....my friend went to fish in another direction, and this bird tried to land on him twice (he's a very big guy, the bird must have mistaken him for a bulkhead piling).

Did I give my friend any sympathy when this happened????? .....Nope........laughed at him in my loudest laugh......:ROFLMAO gave him a new name...the "Bird whisperer" :laugh:

c. On the way back one night, after traipsing through back bay tick infested and overgrown trails, just so we could fish some isolated places where there might be a few fish....we see a pair of large yellow eyes scouting us from the tree 20 feet above us....as we checked it out more....we discovered we were being spied on by a large owl.....pretty cool, and one of the highlights of a slow trip...:thumbsup:

09-01-2014, 05:10 PM
I remember someone here had a story about voices in the air, one foggy night when they were fishing the Hook? Turned out to be a radio in their backpack...:laugh:
Which one of you mooks was that?

Another story about someone fishing, hearing movement in front of him on an overcast night....thinking he was going to be robbed or attacked........and going in the direction of the unknown movement with a knife.....poised and ready.....
Only to find that the rustling in the wind, and the noise, was created by a stranded balloon that had gotten tangled in driftwood on the beach....

Who will step up and claim ownership of these stories?
Was it Vpass?

09-01-2014, 05:18 PM
I'll take responsibility for the Googan with the backpack.

Was bay side fishing a river one evening with a friend. When we started I heard what sounded like a deep voice behind me saying something I could not understand. I looked behind me and there was nobody. My friend came over, heard it looked around and could not find anything, it would come and go, real deep voice, I could make out a word every once and a while. He went back to fishing, I waded out as far as I could go, the voice followed. I was looking behind me quickly, looking above me, whichever way I turned it was behind me, it was freaking me out big time. Finally thought it was coming from my back pack. Went and took it off and found a tiny tape recorder that I used to use when I tagged fish (had not tagged fish in a year or so). It had turned on some how, but was playing in the slow mode, which explained the real deep voices and time lags between when I heard things.

09-01-2014, 05:32 PM
I'll take responsibility for the Googan with the backpack.

Finally thought it was coming from my back pack. Went and took it off and found a tiny tape recorder that I used to use when I tagged fish (had not tagged fish in a year or so). It had turned on some how, but was playing in the slow mode, which explained the real deep voices and time lags between when I heard things.

Haha that is crazy! I bet you were real scared before you found out what it actually was!
Was it anything like this?


09-01-2014, 07:25 PM
Haha that is crazy! I bet you were real scared before you found out what it actually was!
Was it anything like this?

It certainly freaked me out. Was garbled (like the video), but could make out some words, like striped bass, but in a real slow low voice.
Took at least 15 minutes to figure it out, good thing it was light out, if it was dark I would have left very quickly. And I fish alone most times in some remote areas, not much freaks me out, that would have.

I posted this before, I think someone on this site also saw it. Its not scary in the day light, but when I saw it at 2:00 AM, it was behind me while I was fishing/walking the water, it was a little weird (like is there someone behind me, then seeing that).


09-01-2014, 07:34 PM
could make out some words, like striped bass, but in a real slow low voice.

On the beatles white album if you play it backwards it is supposed to say "I killed Paul" though it is all garbled like you probably heard.
Wouldn't it be ironic if it said
"stripers kill you" "we are coming" in memory of all the fish you caught in the past, even if you released them. Your mind can play a lot of tricks on you when out there at night. The worst is a new moon and a fog bank rolls in.

09-02-2014, 01:28 PM
How about the ghost of Sandy Hook for unusual things. Has anyone seen her at night?

09-24-2015, 12:20 AM
Most unusual thing I have viewed in a long time. Makes me embarassed the guy is from my area.


09-24-2015, 09:59 AM
OMG that guy is the biggest idiot!