View Full Version : Racism and Behavior of different races........Honest Opinions......

10-16-2014, 08:20 AM
I have been reading some subtle racism on some of the internet fishing sites.....and thought some here might like to discuss it as well......

To start, let's be clear, that when some make racist comments.....they are making broad generalizations about an entire race of people......
Which are not only inaccurate but unfair.......

For example......I have been victimized by different types of people and races in my life....does that mean that all folks from that race are bad? Absolutely not......

This can be an uncomfortable discussion to have.....
Because some have polarized views......
I'm asking folks to look beyond that.....and ask themselves why they have these views......and to really ask if they are justified....

For example.....
My brothers and I got jumped and beaten up by some black kids when we were growing up......we fought back, but were still outnumbered.....from then on I harbored a resentment against some black kids who, in my experience, couldn't fight for themselves, but had to gang up on someone......

Was that a function of their race?
Or of their upbringing?
As I got older I began to see that it was part of their upbringing, and who they hung out with..that sometimes shaped their behavior...

I use this as an example to possibly get a dialogue going, as to why we have perceptions about certain races......
And to ask ourselves if these perceptions are valid......

Another example....I live in a mostly black neighborhood...in the time I have lived there I have come to be someone that no one bothers or messes with....we all get along....when I considered moving one of my neighbors asked me to stay.....because he was worried about who the next guy would be.......And some of the old folks in my neighborhood have come to trust me for advice and as someone who will not take advantage of them.

I make this point as a realization that as we all get older....and more mature....we all want the same things for ourselves and our families....

Good Jobs
Family and Personal opportunities for advancement.....
Opportunities for our Children that we didn't have....

When you look at all races of people out there....in my experience, once people become mature adults.....that's what (most) of us want.....:thumbsup:

10-16-2014, 08:25 AM
Of course, there are some who game the system....they spend their lives plotting how to "get over on the man" or "get over on the system".....

You can point to many races who do that....
or practice fraud and crime as a way of life......

My big question to the readers who think it's a racial characteristic....
1. Is it a function of people of that race?
2. Or a function of poor character, which transcends the race and is indicative of low class people in general?

10-16-2014, 08:33 AM
Poaching illegal fish.....One Example......

Do we blame it on the Asians?
Do we blame it on the Spanish people?

If so.....Why?
I've known plenty of Caucasian people, who do bad things....and poach.....
When I look back throughout my life at the folks who screwed me the most financially, they were mostly Caucasian...though I have dealt with all types of nationalities in business........

A. Why do we make these generalizations?
Blackfish poachers? Why are they "all" said to be Asian, when there are quite a few documented cases of Caucasian blackfish poachers decimating that fishery?

B. What's the basis in fact for these generalizations?
Are they fair to the race being generalized about?

Would appreciate any and all opinions...thanks. :HappyWave:

10-16-2014, 09:22 AM
Of course, there are some who game the system....they spend their lives plotting how to "get over on the man" or "get over on the system".....
2. Or a function of poor character, which transcends the race and is indicative of low class people in general?

I think it is a function of poor character. There are a few harbors by me I could fish but do not because of the crowds and trash. By far the most trash comes from the no speaka da englis crowds. Now that may not be fair but I am not identifying any particular race. The biggest affront to me is any race who hides behind the language barrier and says they do not understand the regs. They all understand the regs but pretend to be dumb about it. That is an indicator of low class like you mentioned.

10-16-2014, 12:07 PM
I agree, its respect and about attitude. When I see a young street kid with pants that hang down to his pecker my first thought is "thug who doesn't want to get a real job". When those kids start dressing like they want to be taken seriously then maybe I will give them more respect. As for the poachers as Dark said they come in all colors and sizes. I think the thing about inlets is you do tend to have a lot of Oriental fishermen who fish there.

That's the way it is in Long Island. When you see a lot of one race, and some seem to be hiding fish, you might have some coming to conclusions that they are the biggest poachers.
That is not always true, though. my .02

10-26-2014, 06:43 PM
I like what Charles Barkley said


10-27-2014, 01:37 PM
There is Good and Bad in all.My issues are when you are seeking to be here and have other legal tax paying citizens flipping the bill for you.You come here and be a responsible tax paying slob like the rest of the people who came over here and are working paying their medical,education etc.Learn our language and respect our country.No handouts should be expected hell we can't get them why the hell should anyone else.