View Full Version : What NOT to do before fishing

10-25-2014, 10:21 AM
Last night I was in a hurry so I stopped in one of those greasy spoon places in Toms River before hitting the road to fish. They had a lot of spanish items on menu so I had some spicy spanish tacos or something like that. i didn't bother to ask what it was was in a hurry and they offered take out. There might have been a salsa verde which I thought was a mild green sauce. I didn't eat the red sauce because I don't really dig very hot food. Well the salsa verde was so hot it burned my eye when later I wiped my eye with a finger. Ate it anyway and I was sorry.
I also stopped at Wawa for the mega large cup o joe to keep the edge on when fishing. Big mistake. Within 1 hour when I was out searching for the weakies my stomach started grumbling. I found an abandoned trash filled Sandy house lot (no public toilets for miles where I was - I'll rant on that in another thread). The battle in my stomach got real bad. I had no tp so I had to use a fishing rag and it was not pretty. I barely was able to get my drawers down before Mt Vesuvious erupted. Glad I was close to the water because I needed to make one trip there to wet the rag to clean things up.
Moral of the story - do not eat from an unknown greasy spoon restaurant where you never ate before and top it off with Wawa coffee on a night when you are out fishing in an area that doesn't have too many public toilets.

10-25-2014, 10:41 AM
The battle in my stomach got real bad. I had no tp so I had to use a fishing rag and it was not pretty. I barely was able to get my drawers down before Mt Vesuvious erupted. Glad I was close to the water because I needed to make one trip there to wet the rag to clean things up.
Moral of the story - do not eat from an unknown greasy spoon restaurant where you never ate before and top it off with Wawa coffee on a night when you are out fishing in an area that doesn't have too many public toilets.

Dude I don't mean to laugh at you but I was roflmfao reading this!:ROFLMAO
I have been there before so not trying to judge. I would add to the thread by saying don't drink before you go fishing. Some of the national parks allow it. I think SH does. If you get a big fish and you are buzzed you could lose it or fall in the water.
Don't drink and drive.
Don't drink and fish, at least when it comes to fishing jetties, rips, or rivers with strong current.

10-25-2014, 11:05 AM
X2! Mt Vesuvious! LOL!:clapping:

10-25-2014, 11:06 AM
Don't drink and fish, at least when it comes to fishing jetties, rips, or rivers with strong current.

Very good one too. If you are rock hopping you have no business drinking when your out there. If something happens then all those rescue ppl would be at risk too. Don't drink and rock hop!

10-25-2014, 01:40 PM
Haha thats great....Been there done that jigfreak...I actually now keep a bunch of papertowels in my pocket JIC...I have cut more sleeves off of shirts for that exact reason LOL....

Definitly dont drink and eat 25 hot wings the night before you fish also....Last Sunday i hit the beach in the am reallll early..Well the night before me and the wife had my sis in law and her fiance over we had a bunch of beers and as usual i couldnt resist the plate of wings while i was drinking...So i woke up extra early to vacate my stomach before i hit the sand...Thought i was good cause i stopped at WaWa before the beach for round 2 of the vacating...Well its 5am i get out after a long walk to the waters edge make a few casts and all of a sudden i get this ungoddly feeling in my stomach that felt like a 5 gallon bucket of lava was gonna erupt out of me...Knowing what was coming i started to make my way to the nearest bathroom(that wasnt very close at all)SO i was about to blow and barley got my waders and pants off and made it just in the nick of time:laugh:....Best part was i was so mad that i had walked all the way out and then all the back that i wasnt going to do the walk again so i decided to hit a beach that had a very short walk...Well that duece saved my day cause 1st cast i hooked up and then caught 7 more after that....hahaha it doesnt ever work like that but i guess that poop saved the day for me!!!!Went home happy not smelling like the skunk or a pile of S***!!!

10-25-2014, 04:37 PM
I also stopped at Wawa for the mega large cup o joe to keep the edge on when fishing. Big mistake. Within 1 hour when I was out searching for the weakies my stomach started grumbling. I found an abandoned trash filled Sandy house lot (no public toilets for miles where I was - I'll rant on that in another thread). The battle in my stomach got real bad. I had no tp so I had to use a fishing rag and it was not pretty. I barely was able to get my drawers down before Mt Vesuvious erupted. Glad I was close to the water because I needed to make one trip there to wet the rag to clean things up.
Moral of the story - do not eat from an unknown greasy spoon restaurant where you never ate before and top it off with Wawa coffee on a night when you are out fishing in an area that doesn't have too many public toilets.

.Well its 5am i get out after a long walk to the waters edge make a few casts and all of a sudden i get this ungoddly feeling in my stomach that felt like a 5 gallon bucket of lava was gonna erupt out of me...Knowing what was coming i started to make my way to the nearest bathroom(that wasnt very close at all)SO i was about to blow and barley got my waders and pants off and made it just in the nick of time:laugh:....Best part was i was so mad that i had walked all the way out and then all the back that i wasnt going to do the walk again so i decided to hit a beach that had a very short walk...Well that duece saved my day cause 1st cast i hooked up and then caught 7 more after that....hahaha it doesnt ever work like that but i guess that poop saved the day for me!!!!Went home happy not smelling like the skunk or a pile of S***!!!

This is hilarious!
Mt Vesuvius and Poop saving the day! LOLing at these posts gents they are funny as hell!

10-26-2014, 05:16 AM
You guys are a pissa (well Shitters)I never eat anything other then toast and coffee.I've been in some dire situations over the years so I know where your coming from.I don't walk anymore so I never leave home without the bucket fitted with a toilet seat and heavy bag for old man comfort and always keep a few rolls of TP in the truck.One thing I learned don't eat in NJ greasy spoons.No wonder Dark is sleeping in portable crappers :laugh:

10-26-2014, 11:51 AM
Lol, been there also. I have used my tee shirt one time and news paper another. not funny then, but now its a funny gross story.

10-26-2014, 03:48 PM
haha this is so funny and disturbing at the same time!