View Full Version : Fishermen Apathy All -Time High ? - your Opinion......
03-16-2013, 09:05 PM
03-16-2013, 10:22 PM
In general on items like this?
I would sign the petition if I was in agreement with the cause/effort.
If money was needed and I felt strong enough, I would send some.
I have extremely limited time, so attending any meetings/events is normally not an option.
I am not really associated with any other fisherman other than this site so spreading the word around to my buddies isn't an option.
Anything else I would really need to feel very strongly about to get more involved.
03-17-2013, 01:07 PM
I always felt that writing letters was good. Seems folks have lost the abilty to do that in the times we live in.
03-18-2013, 05:21 PM
Thank you finchaser, hopefully no hard feelings.:HappyWave:
11-21-2014, 02:44 AM
I have been a fishing activist since I was 12....but really ramped up my involvement with fishermens rights, fishing access, and fishing issues in the last 10 years.......all due to some of the old timers I have fished one time being annoyed at their rants......:argue:...and gradually seeing they were right..........
So it changed me a bit.....and caused me to see fishing and fishing access activism as a goal to involve myself with.......
To do this I have traveled up and down the East Coast, and made many financial sacrifices to be able to make meetings and rally others for support.......
Through it all I have seen a great deal of fishermen Apathy.....
On some issues it seemed we would have none or minimal fishermen support....until the last minute........
There were times I became very disillusioned with the Apathy out there.....thinking of giving up on the activism because of it......
11-21-2014, 02:52 AM
I have plenty of examples I could post up....and will when I get a chance......
However, I am continually amazed at the number of people who will get into animated internet discussions over some topic......
And when the time comes to write a letter, make a phone call, protest, or show up at a meeting.....they just don't.....:don't know why:
All that energy to post idle chatter on the internet......
And not much expended to actually jump in and lend a hand, or help raise awareness, when there is a chance to do it.........:huh:
Someone here paid me a nice compliment about my activism Re:Rep Pallone about 2 weeks ago....sorry if I can't recall who.....but thanks for the kind words.....:thumbsup:
My thing is.....
I don't do this for the recognition...or the kind words....
I do it because I am not happy with some things as they are....and have a strong belief in trying to change whatever can be, with fishermen support............
I'll try to come back and post some examples when I can....
So why......
Are so many of us......
1. So Apathetic and
2. Unwilling to get these fishermen issues, ones that could affect the fishing futures of all of us?
Thanks for your opinions.....:HappyWave:
11-21-2014, 08:56 AM
^^^^^^^ Possible answer they don't want to deal with anything unless it's in there own backyard. Otherwise its too much effort. See that all the time. Guys rant on the net, pages long. Then no one shows up. I don't fish the jetties or up north that much any more because of the crowds. Did go to the jetty meeting. It was in asbury park. Less than 200 fishermen showed up. Is that all that care enough? When there are hundreds of posts about saving jetty country. Apathy with a capital A.
01-01-2015, 02:46 PM
See that all the time. Guys rant on the net, pages long. Then no one shows up. I don't fish the jetties or up north that much any more because of the crowds. Did go to the jetty meeting. It was in asbury park. Less than 200 fishermen showed up. Is that all that care enough? When there are hundreds of posts about saving jetty country. Apathy with a capital A.
Thanks for your opinion, FnM.
Someone wanted to get things going to make a difference behind the scenes..:thumbsup:...we e-mailed today....
This is part of the response I sent them. Hope it's helpful to others as well.......
My best advice -
1. Try to build a case by personally speaking with members of a fishermen PAC (political action committee)
2. There are tough, wise, seasoned, and strategic thinkers in these groups. When there are state meetings, they are often there, and this is hardly ever mentioned on the internet. They don't need the internet because they know that a lot of people are all talk and no action.
(Right now we are quietly working behind the scenes to try to improve fishing access in a small S Jersey shore town - you know I am attending those meeting as well)
3.You need to ask their opinion on best strategy. The old timers there, are very seasoned when it comes to fights, knowing where and when to put pressure on, and how to keep pushing without being seen as a zealot.
4. You are dealing with a group of mature old salts who knows what it's like to fight for something, even if it takes years. They do not give up. If there is any possible solution, or even a necessary compromise, they will strategize as to how best to make that happen.
5. Also, they do this every day. Every meeting they have, is a report of how something on their agenda is proceeding, and what they are continuing to do to move forward on it.
6. This is strong contrast to some groups out there who say they "support" the fishermen, and really are only seeking contributions to further their own agendas.
01-01-2015, 02:52 PM
**I don't like to endorse one group over another. As a website owner I try my best to remain impartial. Sometimes I do fail at this.
However, I think the NJBBA is one of the best grassroots fishermen groups in NJ. I have met with and attended meetings with some of their Sr Members.
Also, when the issue gets larger, they can align themselves with other member groups up and down the coast. This is something that I find severely lacking in many internet forums. Lots of idle chatter, but very few willing to do the actual work. This is JMO (and experience), but people chattering about an issue on the internet does nothing, particularly if few of them have a committment to follow through and take action.
If you want to get something done politically, you need to align yourself with the political groups that are most likely to get that moving. :idea:
Food for thought, and Happy New Year!
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