Time to speak up or shut up on Bass - ASMFC Sept Meetings
This is my last post on Conservation as the owner of this website does not like how or where I post. I don't agree with burying important information in ancient threads
One of these proposals has to be picked at the meeting for our area. The Beach Buggy Assc, Spring Lake and Shark River clubs are in favor of B9 this saves the most prolific breeders and maintains a 2 fish limit and eliminates the killing of 3 big fish. this would apply to beach and all recreational boats including the head and party boats.
The JCAA rejected all, siding in with RI and Maryland charter boat assc, they insist there are plenty of bass which could cause a complete shut down do to non compliance.
Plus keep in mind NJ and NY are the only 2 states where captains and mates can keep fish plus many illegally do it on the second trip of the day
September 15, 2014; 7-9 p.m.
Toms River Town Hall
L. M. Hirshblond Room
33 Washington Street
Toms River, New Jersey
Contact: Russ Allen at 609-748-2020
2014 ASFMC Striped Bass meetings....
2014 ASFMC Striped Bass meetings....
These meetings have generated a lot of internet chatter....but very little actual participation.....
RFA Position statement...
This week, the RFA has released a position statement indicating it supports
1 @ 28"
For the new proposed regulations.......
Many folks feel the RFA is "Pro Boater, Pro Industry, etc"
I ask the doubters out there.....
If the RFA is willing to take such a strong position, and ask for such drastic cuts....
How is it possible the striped bass are healthier than ever?
I think it's more likely the RFA is mirroring the general consensus of what credible, seasoned, anglers are saying throughout the East Coast.....
a. striped bass catches are down overall
b. Previously productive areas hold few bass throughout the season
c. More are noticing and worried about the future
d. We are harvesting more fish than are being reproduced.
e. If cuts this drastic are being talked about, especially by such a pro-fisherman group as the RFA....it must be true that this fishery is in serious trouble......
I agree with the above assessments and statements.
thanks for reading.....:HappyWave: