Lets see some of your fishing pics new or old.Lets see some smiling kids and family members.
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Lets see some of your fishing pics new or old.Lets see some smiling kids and family members.
I'll start or try to any way.The 1st pic the date is wrong obviously so don't pay attention to that.My wifes 1st.keeper 27Lbs., My little guy w/his first blue on his own,my wifes 2nd. keeper and our beach house.
We are off to a good start.3 generations my grandfather,my self & my son & daughter they took turns.My wife is the official weigh in station.
OK a couple more for now.
Those pics are cool. It's great to look back on the old times and and remember the good ole days.
I'll have to go through my files and put some up.
Victor and his son, I met them 9-25-09
Wow Surfstix, some chunky fish you got there. :clapping::clapping:
To be honest, the ones that caught my eye the most were these, though.
Your wife and son....
Attached Thumbnails
http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/...1&d=1264257232 http://stripersandanglers.com/Forum/...1&d=1264257293
your grandfather...
Your family...
The smiles on their faces, especially the one just above, say it all. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
It looks like for some of these you used a digital camera and just put some of the older ones on a flat surface to take digital pics of the pictures. They came out great. I was kind of procrastinating doing that with some of my pics as many are the old 35mm prints. I was waiting to buy a scanner, who knows when I'll get around to that. :don't know why:
So I was wondering if you did anything special (other than just laying them flat on a table) to take those digital pics of the pics?
Didn't manage to get anything bigger than 20 last year. This was tossing a metal lip swimmer 5-24-09 at 2:30 am off the tip of a rockpile. Tide was almost dead low, blind casting, no bait around. Only fish I got that night.
I'm gonna look for some older pics this weekend and see if I can't post them up the same way you did, Surfstix.
Pebbles and I met the Kang family at SRI at night :HappyWave:
My 11 year old fishin buddy George.
He's come a long way since this pic. Last time out I had him pluggin. He's still working on the casting distance, but at least he didn't get tangled up. I'll post up more when I can find them.
Pebbles and I met these kids at the PP inlet and helped them out for a few hours. We all had a blast!:
Charlie, 7
Chad, 8
Charlie snagged an Abu baitcaster from the bottom of the inlet. :thumbsup:
Charlie, Jeff and Chas. All fish were released.
Jeff with a keeper (released)
Chas with a keeper, released.
I took pics of pics from photos in an album I have the only problems were the damn camera date is wrong tried to crop the date out of the ones I could.The other problem was finding the right spot I kept getting a glare from the lighting.When I got the best shot I adjusted the pic as well as I could w/ the cameras software.Those are the best pics I like it when people catch and they have smiles on their faces.Some are older and didn,t want to tear them so I didn't use my scanner.
Hey DS looks like your buddy George has got some patience.
A couple more.
Some more.My long lost fishing buddy Bob,myself and my wife Honeymoon in Montauk Gotta love her, another buddy (Chuck),Bob & myself,another day in Montauk,my kids w/ a couple of blues and a mahi for good measure.
Amber & Krystal with their day's catch! ;)
Nice pics keep em coming, so I have something to look forward to when I get out of the hospital.
I think you did a decent job with the glare. You can only see it on a few. That's one of the things that kept me putting off doing this. I had it in my head that I needed to scan them. I've taken pics of 35mm prints. The best luck I had was when the camera was angled askew to the pic. If you see a glare spot developing, change the camera angle a bit. Otherwise, great job! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
When I first started taking George and his little cousin fishing, they were only 7. Back then I would hook the fish and let them reel them in. They would get bored quickly. A few hours of fishing with them ended up with them playing in the mud while I hooked the fish for them. They would take the bluefish, dig holes in the sand for them, fill with water, and say the bluefish were "in the hospital". I guess they didn't notice too much that the bluefish we bought home never got "better". ;)
So it's been a transition for them. I got them into bait fishing, they did ok. Last year was the first time I got George to throw plugs. I took him out surfcasting a few times after that, and have tried to giive him an understanding of fishing, conservation, the kind of water that is good for fishing, and all the little baitfish you want to look for.
He is developing patience, which is great because he never was very patient to begin with. (He kinda reminds me of when I was little.) :viking:
On one of our trips in the spring, he was observant enough to notice a worm hatch in the water. Pretty cool. :cool: :thumbsup:
I'm real proud of him, and hope we can get him some nice fish for 2010 as he learns how to throw different plugs.
Where in the world do you find a wife who will agree to honeymoon at Montauk?
^^She's definitely a keeper, Surfstix. Hope Pebbles and I get a chance to meet her someday. :thumbsup:
I don't know how kids could look any happier, great shots. Thanks for sharing. :fishing:
Not the greatest picture. Taken with my cell phone by GunnySniper. It was just before sunrise after spending all night on a large rock. My 1st ever big fatty. 39" and chunky. Between the 2 of us we caught 15 fish that night. All successfully released
This is Gunny about an hour later from the same rock
And this was the sunrise from that day
A couple of my buddies with some nice fish. The dates are wrong...my camera has a mind of it's own.
True to that. Gunny is the best. Funny part is we had a slow spell of a couple hours and then I hooked into one and turn to Gunny and he's sleeping on a rock. To be honest I have done the same thing. On some of those all nighters it's amazing how comfy a rock can be
You lucky dog!
Attachment 12976
Cardoc, you are out so far in the bottom left pic you look like you were swimming. Were you skishing or digging for clams?:ROFLMAO :HappyWave:
Only picture from a night of several fish.
Nice bass yer wifey got there cardoc.
She looks like a natural. Stripercoast, that one's not too shabby either, nice hefty fish.
I swear Cardoc was born in a swimming pool. . I always get nervous when he does that. I always keep an eye on him when we fish because he is always so far into the water.
Nice fish all Sometimes ya need to take a walk to get to a drop off but if the fish are in close you guys are not catching he's scaring them could be a good tactic for him.
I always shoot one rod out far and one in close. I am not into walking that far out into the water becasuse I have a fear of falling into a hole a dying. Especially at night or when I am alone. Safety first.
here are two bass from the hook at nite fishin with ds
Nice fish Yellow plugs at night still work I see.