So for 2016 did you experience anything good or bad with your fishing stuff?

For me the Bad:
- Used Breakaway clips forever. Had a nice supply for years, purchased new ones this year and they bend to easy and loose their shape. The new ones suck.
- Stormr Fusion top, gets wet and the wetness seeps through. Terrible top, think it was discontinued recently.

The Good:
- Fat Cow strips, like them a lot. They don't dry out and can be cut with scissors. The last bottles of Uncle J they quality was terrible.
- Switched to an ODM Genesis NXG-116 (11' (2-6 oz rating)), more powerful than the rods I have been fishing with, Howard Reed built it. Very happy with it, I fished this year more with larger plugs and generally caught larger fish (than normal for me) with it. No issues with the shoulder, its light (not ultra light) and a rocket launcher.
- LL Bean Waders, the warranty.
- Mitsubishi Outlander (replaced the Honda Pilot this year), drove the beach without a hint of trouble while others were having issue. The secret is to air down properly.